Observation Task 5: Literacy Software /web Based Programs

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Observation Task 5: Literacy Software /Web based Programs

Focus: Identify types of literacy software / web based programs used in the classroom

Objective: To encourage student teachers to use various literacy software / web based programs
in the classroom which support the development of early childhood literacy skills

Procedure: Familiarize yourself with the Observation Table: Documenting Computer Software /
Web based Programs. Describe how each program / website that was used in the classroom
supports the current unit of study, the ADEC curriculum and multiple intelligences

Table 5: Documenting Computer Software / Web based Programs (Example)

Software Title Age Links to the ADEC Curriculum Links to Multiple Comments
Range Intelligences
3-5 Communication, Language and Verbal-Linguistic This software package is very
years Literacy Intelligence easy to use and clearly
Topics covered include reading Logical-Mathematical supports learning across
and language skills like phonics, Intelligence domains in the preschool.
letter recognition, rhyming, The children also love the
written communication and Interpersonal characters that assist them in
vocabulary. Intelligence navigating through the wide
Millie & Bailey Problem Solving, Reasoning Bodily-Kinesthetic variety of interesting activities
Preschool (2000) and Numeracy Intelligence provided.
Edmark Early maths skills include number Developing hand-eye
recognition, same and different, coordination in using the
quantities, size and shapes. keyboard and mouse.
Personal, Social and Emotional Visual-Spatial
Development intelligence
Children can work in pairs, take Navigating pathways
turns and cooperate with each through a range of
other whilst exploring this computer screens
Knowledge and Understanding
of the World
Use a mouse and keyboard to
interact with age-appropriate
computer software to support
their learning.

Observation Task 5: Literacy Software / Web based Programs

Table 5: Documenting computer software / Web based Programs

Software Title Age Range Links to the Links to Comments
ADEC Multiple
Curriculum Intelligences
story Kit app “create an electronic storybook “ the age KWWP2; share storyKit App is an
opportunity their writing with app for the kids
for this app teachers and peers they can write their
own stories,
is 5 t0 11
Subject : English- download the app
years old, and they can share
writhing phonics
the school their story with their
can use this family and friends,
app grade 1 the parent needs to
to grade 5 know story kit app
because its improve
their children writing
this app aloe the
children to create
and write their own
story and also they
can choose their
characters for the
story and draw it
and put for the
drawing a writing
text and make their
story like eBook
they cab safe it for
long time. If kids
has a vacation the
mother can let her
child to create a
story because they
will have a long free
time, they that’s
why they need to do
something useful,
while the child crate
his own story its will
improve his writing
skill and critical
thinking too because
they will think of
new story events
and the mother will
let the child read
the story for her and
share it to friend in
this way his reading
will improve also
while the child draw
the story characters
they will be creative
and unique.

Prizom Go : instant text capture the age Cruculim KLPA1; This app is helps
opportunity listen to and the kids to read
for this app is generate rhyming for them the
8+ words difficult text they
can highlight the
Subject English- text doesn’t know
reading- speaking- and let the app
vocabulary- phonics read the text for
them. The parent
need to know
Prizmo Go app,
because this app
read for the
children, some
parents give their
kids a story to
read it but not all
the kids has the
same ability to
read new
vocabulary and
each child has
their levels and
different skills
from other child,
so the parent can
give their kids this
app to let them
highlight the
difficult text and
the app will read
it for them its help
the child to listen
to words and
know it they can
repeat the words
in this way their
listening skills will
improve, they will
able to know a
new words and
recognize it by
seeing the words
again they will
know how to
pronounce it by

the age Curruculim: Read 2 me app its

opportunity KLPA1; listen to an app for
read 2 me app for this up is and generate children 3+, the
3 and up “3+” rhyming words parent can give
their children an
Sublect: English- IPad and
reading- listening- download this app
vocabulary- phonics and the children
can listen to a
story telling, the
can highlight
some words,
relaxing and feel
fun while the app
read for them, the
parent should give
their kids this app
and let them listen
to the story
because their
listening will
improve and they
will know some
new words while
the app reads for
them, they will
learn o read fast
because they
listen to new
words telling, see
the letters of
words and listen
to the sounds also
its will helps the
kids develop a
passion for

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