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The RIGHT to Bear Arms

One of the most intense and controversial amendment is the Second Amendment.
Throughout history it has made a huge impact on America and rest of the world. The
Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms. Gun ownership in America is
strong but there has been mass shooting that have influenced people to steer away
from the idea of common people owning guns.

What are Americans using their guns for?

56% 48% 50%

Hunting Protection Against Target Practice

Gun control refers to any legal measure intended to prevent or restrict the
possession or use of guns (Duignan). Over recent years, more Americans
want stricter laws on firearms. Making it harder for the common people to
buy firearms.
Mass Shooting 2016-2019

Works Cited

“Amendment II. BEARING ARMS.” Legal Information Institute, Legal Information Institute, Accessed 01

April 2020.

Berkowitz, Bonnie, et al. “More and Deadlier: Mass Shooting Trends in America.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 5 Aug. 2019, Accessed 01 April 2020.

Duignan, Brian. “Gun Control in the U.S.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2014,

Accessed 01 April 2020.

Gallup. “Guns.”, Gallup, 31 Mar. 2020, Accessed 01 April 2020.

“Guns in America: Facts and Statistics about Firearms in the USA.” Guns in America | Facts and Statistics about Firearms in the USA, 2017, Accessed 01 April 2020.

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