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01. Course name : ENTOMOLOGY

Course code : Bio 4563
Credit : 2 SKS
Lecturer name : Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si

02. Course description

This course studies natural history of insect, namely its morphology, anatomy, physiology, ecology, identification, classification, life
cycle, its role for human, its control and its collection methods.

03. Objective Course

This course aims to provide students knowledge, principles and basic concepts of entomology, process skills and critical thinking in
entomology, the use of entomology as a way for knowing something and give experience the relationship between entomology,
technology and society. 

04. Standard Competencies

Standards competencies of course are student understands morphology, anatomy, physiology, ecology of insect and can to identify ,
to classify of insect. Student can also explain the life cycle, the role of insect for human being. Student can explain insect collection,
and its control methods in the field.


05. Soft Skill Attributes

Soft skill competencies this course are students have a high fighting spirit, capable in hard working, discipline, responsibility, can
cooperation in groups, can communicate in verbally and in writing, creative, self confidence, critical thinking and able to organize
lectures tasks .

06. Learning resources

a. Text books
1. Capinera, J.L. 2010. Insects and Wildlife. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

2. Chapman, R.F. 1998. The Insects: Structure and Function, Cambridge University Press.

3. Gullan, P.J. & P.S. Cranston. 2010. The Insects: An Outline of Entomology, Wiley-Blackwell

4. Ross, H.H., Ross, C.A. & JRP. Rosss. 1982. A Textbook of Entomology, John Wiley & Sons Inc.

5. Manurung, B. 2015. Entomologi. Medan: FMIPA Unimed Press.

b. Article Review (Critical Journal Review, CJR)

1. Manurung et al. (2004). The epidemiology of wheat dwarf virus in relation to occurrence of the leafhoffer Psammotetttix alienus in
Middle Germany. Virus Research 100 (1): 109-113.
2. Manurung et. al. (2005). Studies on biology and population dynamics of the leafhopper Psammotettix alienus Dahlb. As vector of
wheat dwarf virus (WDV) in Saxony Anhalt, Germany. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 112
3. Manurung et. al. (2012). Pola aktivitas harian dan dinamika populasi lalat buah Bactrocera dorsalis complex pada pertanaman
jeruk di dataran tinggi Kabupaten Karo Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Daily activity pattern and population
dynamic of fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis complex on citrus plantation at Highland Karo district-North
Sumatera Province). J.HPT Tropika 12 (2): 103-110


07. Organization of Course Topics

Course materials are organized at least six topics. Course Content delivery is packaged according to scientific logic so that the
First topic is a prerequisite to next topic. Topic will be started from insect introduction until to the role of insect for human being.

08. Learning Models and Methods

The learning model this course are direct learning, small group discussion, discovery learning, cooperative learning, contextual
instruction, problem based learning", and its methods includes lectures, question and answer, group discussion, and assignment.  

09. Student’s Obligations

Students must attend lecture minimum of 75%. Also must follow formative test four times, completing daily tasks and prepare
presentation in power point format. The delay in doing and in giving the tasks will implicate on reduction of score. 

10. Assessment Criteria (Grading System):

The assessment for this course will be based on as follows: 
1. Scientific paper (Rekayasa Ide) 2 X = 20%
2. Mini research (MR) & Presentation 1 X = 15%
3. Critical Journal Review (CJR) 2 X = 10%
5. Insectarium and Presentation 1 X = 10%
6. Mid test 1 X = 20 %


7. Final test 1 X = 25%

Total = 100%

Topic for mini research

Topic for mini research is „ Insect biodiversity at Paddy Field“

11. Course Schedule

Meet Standard Topics Learning Learning Activity Output Outcome Learning Soft skills
ing and Basic Models. resources Assesment atribut
(SC & BC) Lecturer Student
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 SC Orientation Direct Lectures Asking Answer sheet Have a good Gullan & Essay test Responsibility
Know main and learning & , and preparation for Cranston and activity cooperative
topic in introduction Small Group Motivato Answer next meeting (2010) during
entomology to Discussion r & ing, teaching
entomology Fasilitat Discuss Chapman process
BC: or ion (1998)
main topic Ross et al.
in (1982)

2 SC: Morphology Discovery Motivato Informa Power point Increasing in Gullan & Essay test, Communicatio
Knowing of insect learning & r and tion media about learning media Cranston Presentation n, critical
insect (integument, Small Group Fasilitat search, insect production (2010) and thinking,


morphology head, eye, Discussion or present morphology scientific inovatif

mouth, ation Chapman paper
BC: thorax, leg and (1998)
Describes and wings discuss
integumen, on Manurung
head, eye, (2013)
antenne, Ross et al.
mouth, (1982)
thorax, legs
and wing of Capinera
insect (2010)

3 SC: Abdomen Discovery Motivato Informa Power Point Increasing in Essay test, Communicatio
Knowing and sex learning & r and tion an scientific learning media Gullan & presentation n, critical
insect organ (male Small Group Fasilitat searchi paper about production Cranston and paper thinking,
morphology and female) Discussion or ng, insect (2010) creatifities,
present morphology self
BC ation, Chapman confidence
Describes discuss (1998)
insect en, Manurung
abdomen questio (2013)
and n-
reproductive answer Ross et al.
organs (1982)


4 Sc: Anatomy Cooperative Motivato Present Power point Increasing Gullan & Essay test, Team work,
Knowing and learning r and ation media and ability in Cranston presentation leadership,co
anatomy and physiology: fasilitato and paper about learning media (2010) and paper mmunication
physiology I: Digestive r discussi insect anatomy production
of insect system, on and Chapman
excretion physiology (1998)
BC: and
Describes 3 transportatio Manurung
anatomy and n system (2013)
physiology Ross et al.
of insect (1982)


excretion Capinera
and (2010)
n system)
5 SC: Anatomy Cooperative Motivato Present Power point Increasing in Gullan & Team work,
Knowing and learning r and ation, media and production of Cranston self
anatomy and Physiology fasilitato questio learning media learning media (2010) confidence
physiology II:Locomoti r n- production
of insect on, answer Chapman
respiration and (1998)
BC: and discussi
Describes reeproductio on Manurung
muscular, n systems. (2013)
respiration Ross et al.
and (1982)
systems of Capinera
insect (2010)
6 SC: Nerve Cooperative Motivato Present Power point Gullan & Essay test, p Team work,
Knowing system and learning r and ation media and Cranston leadership,
insect endocrine fasilitato and paper (2010) communicatio
anatomy and system r discussi n
physiology on Chapman
Describes Manurung
anatomy and (2013)
physiology Ross et al.
of insect (1982)

7 SC: Life cycle of Direct Motivaa Discuss Result of Knowing Result of Responsibility
Knowing insect (pre Instruction tor and ion article review some insect articel revies and critical
life cycle of embryonic and Small Fasilitat abotu pre journal Gullan & thinking
insect and post Group or embryonic and Cranston
embryonic) Discussion post (2010)
embryonic of


BC: insect Chapman

Describes (1998)
c and post Manurung
embryonic et al.
of insect (2005)


Ross et al.

8 Mid test Mid test
9 SC: Insect life Contextual Motivat Presenta Power point Incresing Gullan & Essay test, Analytical
Knowing cycle instruction or and tion and and paper knowledge in Cranston prresentation thinking, self
insect life (Metamorph Fasilitat discussi learning media (2010) and paper confidence
cycle osis) or on production
BC: (1998)
Differences Manurung
holometabol (2013)
a from
hemimetabo Ross et al.
la (1982)

life cycle of Manurung
some insect et al.
pest (2005)


10 Sc: Insect Direct Motivat Presenta Presentation Increasing Gullan & Mini Team working


Knowing identificatio Instruction or and tion and and mini knowled in Cranston research and decision
methods for n and Problem Fasilitat mini research research and (2010) report making
insect based or research scientific
identificatio learning attitudes Chapman
n (1998)
BC: (2013)
Knowing to
use of insect Ross et al.
book (1982)
Able to (2010)
make insect
list in rice
11 SC: Insect Cooperative Motivat Presenta Power point Be care on Gullan & Essay test, Team work,
Knowing classificatio learning or and sion, media and insect Cranston presentation leadership,co
insect n fasilitato paper presentation diversity (2010) and paper mmunication
classificatio r
n Chapman
BC: Manurung
Describes at (2013)
least 10
insect ordo Ross et al.


12 SC: Insect Project Based Motivat To Insectarium Be care on Gullan & Insectarium Responsibility
Knowing to collection Learning or or collect insect Cranston and creativity
make insect Fasilitat insect at diversity (2010)
collection or Unimed
field Chapman
BC: (1998)


method Manurung
insect (2013)
collection Ross et al.
method for Capinera
insectariums (2010)
13 SC Insect Cooperative Motivat Presenta Presentation, Increasing Gullan & Essay test, Team work,
Knowing ecology: learning or and tion, article review knowledge in Cranston presentation leadership,
insect Phenology, fasilitato Discuss article (2010) and article communicatio
ecology population r on and reviewing review n
dynamics,re article Chapman
BC: production review (1998)
Describes 3 time and
main topics geneeration
of insect number Ross et al.
ecology (1982)


14 SC: Insect role Small Group Motivat Presenta Power point Be care on Gullan & Essay test, Critical
Knowing on human Discussion or and tion, media, insect Cranston presentation thinkingk team
insect role welfare Fasilitat discussi scientific (2010) and paper working
on human or on paper
welfare Chapman
the Ross et al.
advantage (1982)
insect on
welfare Capinera


the Manurung
disadvantag (2013)
e of insect
on human
15 SC: Insect Contextual Motivat Presenta Power Be care on Gullan & Essay test, Team
Knowing control learning or and tion and Point,media insect control Cranston presentation working,
insect fasilitato discussi and scientific (2010) and communicatio
control r on paper scientific n
Chapman paper
BC: (1998)
methods for Ross et al.
insect (1982)
(physic, Manurung
chemistry, (2013)
biology and
integrated) Capinera
16 Final test Final test

Medan, 06 February 2017

Course Lecturer Student I Student II

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si ( ) ( )

NIP. 196404041989031006


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