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Anisah Rachmawati/XIA1/07

How to prevent Covid-19 effectively.

Already many countries are affected by the corona virus ranging from children to adults.
Virus corona is a collection of viruses which are capable of carrying out infections of the entire
respiratory system. Then the virus will cause a mild respiratory infection such as flu. However,
this virus can also cause severe respiratory infections, such as pneumonia. Corona virus can be
caused by several factors such as environmental factors and human behavior. And also this virus
still has no vaccine that can control it. Therefore, there must be a way to prevent the spread of
the virus.

In my opinion, this virus cannot be underestimated where if someone has been infected
then through small drops from the nose or mouth when coughing and sneezing will spread. When
the drops land on an object or surface then touched by a healthy person then the person will be
infected if where people it touches the eyes, nose of the mouth. So it is important to keep a
distance of 1 meter more than the sick.

Many Indonesian people affected by the Corona virus made the government implement
several ways to break the corona virus chain. The application of social distancing can break the
virus chain. I think that in addition to social distancing, washing hands, using masks when sick,
getting enough rest, having a healthy lifestyle can prevent corona virus infection.

Therefore, the ways how to prevent and break the chain of the corona virus. In my
opinion, this method can be effective if everyone does, besides making the self-sufficient virus
quite effective in reducing the rate of spread of the virus. The best efforts and prayers will be
able to eliminate the corona virus from the face of the earth.

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