CAE Writing Reference

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a Mn chaaasin ra S . | | Model answers with hints and useful phrases | I.1 Essay (Part 1) For work on essays, see pages 14 44,66, 138 and 148 | TASK Useful language Your class has attended a panel discussion on what nePcisicheaet methods the government should use to encourage people to buy products preduced in your region or country. You have made the notes below, + Itis often claimed that people today read less than they did in the past. + Many people contend that climate change s the most serious problem we face. + We often hear that a greater effort should be made to create obs for young people. Linking ideas + While itis true that young people make extensive use of ‘mobile phone technology, itis not the case that this has ‘made them less iterate than their parents. + Not only do people eat far more than they need to but they also throw away a homifying amount of perfectly good food every day. + That may well be so but, surely, people throw anay faod because they are simply unaware of the dreadful ‘moraland economic cost of such a practice, both for themseivesand forothers. + Infact, thereisagront t Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the methods Flee reeaccgry oma Cuca ele food advertising ‘nour notes. You should explain which method you aah think s more important fr governments to conser, Giving opinions : | giving reasons to support you opinion. + Ian honestly say that ! would wholeheartedly support } ‘You may, you wish, make use ofthe opinions expressed | sucha plan. 4 in the discussion but you should use your own words as far + Inmy view, the first of these approaches is likely to prove | as possible the more successful | \Wite your essay in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. + Asi see it, noone solution can be opplied to such a ‘complex ssue, Concluding + Onbalance,|believe that the best solution isto reduce spending on new building projects + Taking everything into consideration, there are many good arguments for providing young wornen with grants to continue their education. 186 Writing reference Paper 2) Model answer fromoting locally produced! goods Members of the loca) Wsiness Conmunity often Conplain about the Jack of support for locally procliced! qooo's The public's indifference to loca! products i both the result of a lack of awareness and the kige variety of imported goods available, There 19 Clearly scope for the government to do something about this situation. In thio essay | will discus two possible approaches that could be taken The frat of these i9 a publo service aclvertising campaign This would alert people to the many benekis of buying loca) goods The campaign CovId be supported by labelling prodlucts a2 locally macle. While tho would almost Certainly lead to & greater level of awareness of the acvamtages of boying locally, more coulel still be Clone to make Jaca) gooc's more | conpetitie in of pric A second factic could be to offer subsidies 50 that goods can be sold more cheaply. There are sone draubacks Yo this approach, however. Where, For extnple, 19 the guarantee that the praclucers would use this Funding appropriately? This isle Can be addressed by introducing & system of gUality Control. The public Could this reat assured that the local products offer good! value for money, 9 In my view, achertiong and subsidising local prodluct> mist go har in hand. Once auareness ha> beer raised, Community spit maht well leacl people choose local procluets He, into the bargain, they that they are superior in terms of quality aro! price, there will be far less temptation to by proccts Fron abroad. \greference Pape’ 2) 187 WRITING REFERENCE 1.2 Formal letter For work on formal letters, see pages 106 and 118. | Task learning. You have been asked by the president of the local council to writ a letter to the person in charge of the database, explaining why your town or region should be included. You should explain: * what languages are spoken in your town or region and why they are important, + what facilities there are for learning these languages. * what opportunities there are for leisure and cultural activities to help students practise these languages. ‘Write your letter in 220-260 words in an appropriate style _} Useful language Beginning the letter iF we know the persons ttle and name + Dear Dr Smallwood, + Dear Professor Carmichael, + Dear Ms Wilkinson, (fe know the person s a wornan) + Dear Mr Johnson, iF we know the person isa men) !f we are writing too specific person (eg. the dector of @ college) but we do not know ‘the persons name title or gender: + DearSir or Madam, Ife do not know who will ead ourleter or when in the future ourletter will be read (¢9.2 leter of reference fora colleague) + Towhom it may concern, ‘Opening phrases + Lam writing with regard to + Lam writing in reply to + Thave been asked to write to you concerning + Inresponse to your letter of 15 January, lam writing to Ending the letter é + Ivery much hope you will consider + Lam sure you will see + look forward to receiving your response to + Took forward to hearing your views on + Yours sincerely, (when we have begun the letter with the person's tite and name) + Yours faithfully, (when we have begun the letter with Dear Sir or Madam or To whom it may concern) 188 Writing reference (Paper 2) Model answer SOL yet Dear Sir_or Malm, epeingyour eet inte seciad Thanks very much for inviting me to your facewell dinner hear from you. ‘can hardly wait. + Im really sorry not to have written/been in touch for __- Iwas absolutely thrilled to get your invitation but solong/such along time/lately I've been up tomy eyes Lunforiunaielyt doesn’t look as i'l be able to make it in work/preparing for my exams/out ofemail contact fora ‘schance would haveit. im going away that weekend «couple of weeks. Making request + thought Id better send you a message/write/drop youa + Iwas wondering if you happened to have time tomect ¢ fine 10 et you knows: ‘friend of mine who is planning to come to study in Ending the letter/erail yourcountry. + I think that brings you up to date on what 've been up to. «If you've gota spare moment, do you think you could Downite soon and let me know what you've been doing, emailme theinformation about the scholarship? + Once again, thanks so much forallyourheloandadvice Referring toa previous letter/email £ = tmaveally looking lonwund toeeiigelon the + Remember that course you said you had envolled for? ‘eighteenthvin two weeks’ time in Barcelona + You told me in your letter/email that you were thinking of + Please say'hi'to... fromme. taking up yoga, + Give my oveto + Last time you wrote, you wanted to know where we were ‘aii planning to goon holiday. + Imrealy/terribly/awfully sorry that mised yourbirthday. * You know that fieniof mine told you about? We, + Sorry we didn’t manage to get fogether when you werein Inviting + Doyou fancy getting together fora meal some time? + Why don't we try meetup in the next couple of weeks? + Iwas wondering if you'd be into coming along to. class reunion at theend of next month? 190 Writing reference (a92/ 2) Model answer Dear Samet, aah 7 —— _ I trowht Td better reply as quckly as possible since I see you're actually leaving next Monday Tim <0 exctted. T can’t wait to see yoo You‘e night that in sich a shoct tie it won't be. possible to see everthing. Youd need at least six montis for that! Wat T wasa do ts to explore are area in deptn. T have to 2aiy that Victor, where I ive, wodd be an excelent choce. a You cold start by spending a comple cf days in Mefooune and ‘then rerrt a car and head for the Great Ocean Road. Tt's a realy

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