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Eur. J. Soil Biol.

37 (2001) 103−111
© 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved

Burial of bovine dung by coprophagous beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

from horse and cow grazing sites in El Salvador

Finbarr Gabriel Horgan*§

Escuela de Biología, Universidad de El Salvador, Final 25 Avenida Norte, San Salvador, El Salvador
Received 22 November 2000; accepted 30 March 2001

Abstract − Dung beetles that colonise horse and cow dung were collected using baited pitfall traps at three contrasting Salvadoran
sites subject to varying degrees of livestock grazing. The sites included a lowland coastal farm, a mid-altitude farm and a high
altitude pine-grass site. The quantities of cow dung buried by each of ten tunnelling species from the sites (five Coprini and five
Onthophagini) were evaluated through laboratory experiments. The quantities of dung buried in the absence of competition and the
amount of dung provided for each egg were related to female beetle body size across species. The quantities of dung buried by pairs
of each species and the low number of beetles colonising dung at the mid-altitude site suggest that much of the dung is not buried
at the site. However, sufficient colonisation occurred at the coastal farm and at the pine-grass site for dung pads at these sites to be
completely buried, indicating that competition is normally intense. In the face of such competition, the opportunistic Onthophagini
quickly provision and lay eggs as long as favourable conditions persist while the Coprini, which are rapid dung pre-emptors, can
rarely bury sufficient dung to attain full brood production. The importance and conservation of the small number of native dung
beetles adapted to Central American pastures is discussed. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS
competition / dung beetles / dung burial / El Salvador / paracoprids / tropical pastures

1. INTRODUCTION large areas of rangeland. The large-scale introduction

of mainly African dung beetles notably reduced pas-
The importance of dung beetles in the efficient ture fouling [1, 4].
functioning of pasture ecosystems is widely acknowl- Central America has no large native herbivorous
edged. Dung beetles, through their feeding and repro- mammals. Cattle and horses were first introduced over
ductive activities, improve soil quality by working 500 years ago at the time of early European colonisa-
dung into the soil [1, 6]. The tunnels that some species tion. However, a recent and growing demand for beef
construct improve water and air circulation, reducing has led to increased cattle production and the conver-
the effects of soil compaction [6]. Dung beetles have sion of large areas of native forests to pastures [21].
also been noted as competitors of nuisance dung The increase in size and number of cattle ranches is
breeding flies [24, 27] and in tropical forests may currently one of the principal causes of tropical defor-
reduce the impact of seed predators by burying the estation in Latin America [25]. This conversion of
seeds present in animal dung [7]. The importance of a native tropical habitat to pastureland can lead to severe
specific dung beetle fauna that is adapted to pasture losses in the diversity of coprophagous beetles at local
landscapes and the dung of domestic herbivores has scales [8, 16, 19]. A reduced species richness and
been exemplified through the success of the Australian biomass of coprophagous beetles could cause the same
dung beetle project. Many native Australian dung problems in cattle ranches in some regions of tropical
beetles were unable to utilise the dung of introduced America as occurred in Australia. Pasture productivity
cattle, which remained on the soil surface and fouled could decrease and soil compaction increase where the
burial of dung and the construction of tunnels by dung
*Correspondence and reprints. beetles are reduced. Furthermore, populations of dung
E-mail address: (F.G. Horgan). breeding nuisance flies might increase in the absence
Present address: Department of Biology, University of New of certain dung beetles that are successful fly competi-
Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, E3B 6C2, Canada tors.
104 F.G. Horgan / Eur. J. Soil Biol. 37 (2001) 103–111

Apart from some work in Costa Rica [18], very little 2.2. Study sites
has been published on the dung beetles of Central
American cattle pastures from Chiapas (Mexico) to Dung beetles were collected at three sites including
Panama. The ecological and economic importance of a lowland coastal farm, a mid-altitude farm and a
the small group of beetles adapted to open pastures in higher altitude mixed pine-grass site. The latter two
the region has been largely overlooked and, although a sites were located in the Department of Morazán and
number of studies describe the nesting behaviour of were separated by a distance of approximately 15 km.
some common species from tropical pastures [13, 14, The lowland coastal farm was located in the Depart-
22], few studies have quantified dung burial by these ment of La Paz approximately 120 km from the
species. It is useful to quantify dung burial by indi- mid-altitude site and 110 km from the pine-grass site.
vidual species since this is one of the first steps in dung The lowland coastal farm was located at the Uni-
decomposition, soil improvement and competition versity of El Salvador Experimental Field Station near
with nuisance flies. Furthermore, such data are useful Comalapa, La Paz, (13°20’ N, 87°05’ W) at about
in helping to understand resource partitioning among 15 km from the Pacific coast and at an altitude of
dung beetles and could aid in determining conserva- 50 m. Cattle ranches are common throughout the zone
tion strategies for certain species. [21]. The station had 5.9 ha of pasture where about one
hundred Creole cattle and seven horses grazed. Five
The present study compares dung beetle assem- moderately grazed pastures were chosen for study.
blages in horse and cow dung in three habitats that Pastures at the station were mainly of exotic pangola-
represent contrasting conditions of cattle production in grass Digitaria decumbens Stent, with about 10 %
El Salvador (see [21]). The sites include two predomi- stargrass Cynodon plectostachyus (K. Schum) Pilger.
nantly agro-pastoral landscapes with small to medium Fields were separated by field boundaries of Ficus
herds of cattle but at different altitudes, and a mixed glabrata H.B.K., Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacquin)
pine-grass site with a small number of cattle and Grisebach Schultes, Bursera simoruba (L.) Sargent
horses. Through laboratory observations, I quantified and Cordia alba (Jacquin) Roem and Schultes. The
dung burial by the most common species encountered climate of La Paz is typical of the hot tropical plateau
at the field sites. These data are used to determine dung of the Central American Pacific coast with an average
requirements for the laying of eggs for each species annual temperature of 26 °C and an average annual
and to examine utilisation of cow dung pads by precipitation of 1 720 mm.
coprine and onthophagine beetles. As such, this study
helps determine the potential for competition among Three higher altitude pastures were located at a
the small group of native dung beetles that can tolerate small farm in El Rodeo at an altitude of 700 m, about
cattle pastures in Central America. 1.5 km from Jocoaitique, Morazán (13°54’ N,
88°08’ W). Cattle farms in much of the Morazán
region are mainly small family enterprises [21] so that
open pastures at mid-altitudes are rare. The pastures
covered an area of about 1.5 ha and consisted mainly
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS of stargrass. Barbed wire fencing separated fields.
Occasional shade trees, including Ficus spp., Lysiloma
divaricatum (Jacquin) MacBride and chaparro, Curi-
2.1. Study species tella americana L., occurred throughout the site.
Twenty cows and a single horse grazed at the farm.
The most common dung beetles in Central Ameri- The lands surrounding this site are dedicated mainly to
can pastures are included in the tribes Coprini and vegetable and grain production, including cassava
Onthophagini [15, 18]. Central American coprine spe- Manihot esculenta Crantz and maize Zea mays L.,
cies are generally medium to large-sized beetles with with abundant guava Psidium guajava L., red mombin,
heavy armament. Many species exhibit obvious sexual Spondias purpurea L. and common bamboo Bambusa
dimorphism [5, 22]. Fecundity is typically low and vulgaris Schrad. The average annual temperature is
females of most species lay up to eight eggs during 23 °C and the average annual precipitation is
their lifetime [13, 20]. In contrast, onthophagine spe- 2 044 mm.
cies are generally small-sized beetles and, though The mixed pine-grass site was located on Cerro
many species exhibit marked sexual dimorphism, male Perquín immediately outside the town of Perquín,
dimorphism is common with major males developing Morazán (13°57’ N, 88°09’ W) at an altitude of
enlarged horns and prominences while minor males 1 300 m. It has an average annual temperature of
may lack obvious secondary sexual characteristics 20.6 °C and an average annual precipitation of
[17]. Fecundity is high and female onthophagine 2 540 mm. The site consists of small open patches of
beetles may lay hundreds of eggs during their lifetime grasses and ferns but is predominantly covered by pine
[28]. Both tribes consist predominantly of paracoprid Pinus oocarpa Schiede with small numbers of cypress
beetles, that is, beetles that construct tunnels under the Cupressus lusitanica Mill. and with little undergrowth
dung pad where they bury the dung and produce their vegetation. This site was used as a small family plot
brood. for the grazing of four horses and two cows and is
F.G. Horgan / Eur. J. Soil Biol. 37 (2001) 103–111 105

typical of smallholdings at higher altitudes throughout dung in forested coastal areas (pers. obs.). Beetles
El Salvador. were taken from the pitfall traps and held until
required in large holding bins with compacted soil and
2.3. Dung beetle assemblages supplied daily with ample fresh dung.
To compare beetle assemblages in horse and cow Experiments were carried out in an open shed
dung at the three sites, ten permanent pitfall traps were between July and October 1997. The shed was well
set out at each site between May and August 1997 with aired, having one complete wire-mesh wall. Condi-
about 0.7 kg fresh horse dung (five traps) and fresh tions were monitored and air-circulation improved
cow dung (five traps) as baits. Traps were set out in using a large electric fan. Normal ambient temperature
two transects at each of the two Morazán sites, (22–25 °C) and light regimes were maintained
alternating cow and horse dung baits. Transects were throughout the study. During the experiments, pairs of
separated by about 50 m with individual traps sepa- beetles were randomly taken from the holding bins and
rated by about 20 m. At La Paz, pairs of traps (one transferred to prepared arenas. Arenas consisted of
baited with horse dung and one with cow dung) were rectangular plastic containers (35 cm deep × 22 cm
located in five separate pastures. Traps were separated long × 18 cm wide) with 30 cm depth of a compacted
by a distance of about 20 m in each pasture with moist sand-soil mix (1:3) and covered with plastic
varying distances between traps in the different pas- insect screening secured by strong elastic. Each con-
tures (minimum 100 m). Baits were set out at each site tainer was supplied with fresh homogenised cow dung
before 1 100 h on the same day usually every 2 weeks. (about 1.5 kg for coprine species and 0.5 kg for the
The dung used as bait at all three sites was collected onthophagine species). The moisture content of the
fresh from the same source and was homogenised and dung was estimated before each trial by drying 50-g
frozen the day before sampling. samples in a forced draught oven at 60 °C during
Beetles were collected and identified 24 h after 1 week and then reweighing the samples. Dung mois-
setting out the baits. Some females (usually n > 30) of ture levels varied between 80 and 84 % throughout the
each species at each site were collected and dried at experiments. Analysis of variance indicated that this
60 °C in a forced draught oven. The colonisation of variation in dung moisture did not affect beetle activity
horse and cow dung by individual species was com- or dung burial by any of the species at any interval.
pared using independent t-tests (Morazán sites) or Experiments were run for 1, 2, 4, 7 and 14 d, and
paired t-tests (La Paz site) on log (x + 0.01)- were destructively sampled at the end of each time
transformed data. The residuals of the data were period. Experiments were replicated depending on the
plotted following analyses to check for normality and availability of beetles and fresh dung. There were
homogeneity. Further occasional trapping was carried fewer replicates for experiments with the onthoph-
out at each Morazán site in September and October agine species because of the difficulty in finding full
1997. Weekly monitoring of dung colonisation had males among field populations (sub-males were not
been carried out from August 1995 until January 1998 used in any trial). Experiments with diurnal species
at the Comalapa site [15]. were initiated and terminated during the mornings
whereas experiments with nocturnal species were
2.4. Dung burial initiated and terminated in the late evenings.
Observations of species’ burial behaviour were After the experimental period, the soil in the arenas
made using an adaptation of the method that Doube et was manually sieved to find the beetles and the buried
al. [3] used for South African coprine and onitine dung. Soil and sand was removed from the buried
species. Experiments were carried out on the five most dung with a light, soft paintbrush and the collected
abundant coprine species (Copris lugubris Boheman, dung was dried at 60 °C until a constant weight was
Dichotomius carolinus (L.) and Dichotomius centralis attained. Following drying, the original amount of
(Harold), which are nocturnal, and Phanaeus demon dung buried was estimated from the dry dung weight
Laport-Castelnau and Phanaeus eximius Bates, which and corresponding moisture estimates for the particu-
are diurnal) and four onthophagine species (Onthopha- lar batch of dung that was used in the experiment. For
gus batesi Howden & Carthwright and Onthophagus each species, the total quantity of dung buried and the
incensus (Say), which are nocturnal, and Onthophagus amount of dung provided for the brood by beetle pairs
höpfneri Harold and Onthophagus marginicollis at successive time intervals was analysed using
Harold, which are diurnal). However, few individuals ANOVA on log-transformed data. Following each
of O. höpfneri were captured at the field sites and analysis, the data residuals were plotted to check for
survival and burial activity of this species were low in normality and homogeneity. Linear regression was
the laboratory. The species was therefore excluded performed to determine the influence of average fe-
from much of the analyses. One additional species, male dry weight for each species on the average
Onthophagus championi Bates (nocturnal) was in- quantity of dung buried by the species after 1 week
cluded in the experiments. This species occurred at a and the quantity of dung provided for each egg in the
forest stand in Comalapa and frequently co-occurs brood cells. Following experiments, beetles were re-
with some of the aforementioned species in herbivore leased to their original sites of capture.
106 F.G. Horgan / Eur. J. Soil Biol. 37 (2001) 103–111

Table I. The number of dung beetles trapped in pitfalls at three Salvadoran sites where active cattle and horse grazing occurs. Five traps were baited
with cow dung and five with horse dung for six 24-h sampling periods each 2 weeks between May and August 1997. t-Tests failed to detect differences
in the attractiveness of horse and cow dung for each species at each site. Species recorded only during the extended trapping periods are indicated
by ‘pp’.

Habitat type Pasture Pine

Site (altitude) Comalapa (50 m) El Rodeo (700 m) Perquín (1 300 m)
Dung bait Cow Horse Cow Horse Cow Horse
Aphodius sp. 1 2 2 0 0 0 0
Aphodius sp. 2 pp 0 1 0 6 0
Aphodius sp. 3 0 0 6 4 0 0
Canthon cyanellus sallei Harold 0 0 1 0 0 0
C. indigaceus Harold pp 0 0 0 0 0
Copris laeviceps Harold 0 0 2 0 0 0
C. lugubris Boheman 99 124 195 182 6 7
Coprophanaeus telemon (Harold) 0 0 1 0 2 0
Dichotomius carolinus (Linnaeus) 3 8 39 23 186 208
D. centralis (Harold) pp 1 3 4 9 4
Phanaeus demon Laport-Castelnau 234 131 0 0 0 0
P. endymion Harold 0 0 1 0 1 0
P. eximius Bates 0 0 104 146 pp 0
P. amethystinus guatemalensis Harold 0 0 0 0 pp 0
Phanaeus sp. 0 0 1 0 0 0
Eurysternus mexicanus Harold 0 0 0 0 pp 0
Onthophagus batesi Howden & Cartwright 6 6 139 127 0 0
O. höpfneri Harold 5 8 0 0 0 0
O. incensus (Say) 0 0 0 0 690 339
O. marginicollis Harold 74 84 1 2 0 0
Total species (extended sampling) 7 (10) 8 (8) 13 (13) 7 (7) 7 (10) 4 (4)
Total species recorded for each site 10 13 10

3. RESULTS buried dung in the experimental containers at the

earlier time intervals (i.e. 0–1 and 0–2 d) (figure 1). At
each time interval, only a few pairs of D. centralis
3.1. Dung beetle assemblages were active (< 30 %). All five species buried large
quantities of dung. Dichotomius carolinus, the largest
Only twenty species, including ten coprine and four species, buried from 250 to 350 g when active (figure
onthophagine species were recorded from the field 1a). This was substantially more dung than that buried
study (table I). Each pasture site had one abundant by any of the other species and three times the amount
diurnal (P. demon or P. eximius) and one abundant buried by the next most successful pre-empter, C.
nocturnal (C. lugubris) coprine species and an abun- lugubris (ANOVA (dung buried after 14 d):
dant onthophagine species (O. marginicollis or O. F4,127 = 32.386, P < 0.001; Tukey P-values < 0.001
batesi). At the pine site, only the two nocturnal species for all comparisons with D. carolinus). Most species
D. carolinus (Coprini) and O. incensus (Onthophagini) buried dung only on the first day of colonisation with
were common. Small numbers of Aphodius spp. were no significant changes in the amount of dung buried
present at each site. t-Tests failed to indicate prefer- over the 2-week period (figure 1a, b, d, e) (ANOVAs:
ences among the species for either cow or horse dung D. carolinus, F4,139 = 0.39, P > 0.05; D. centralis,
during the study period. F4,56 = 0.60, P > 0.05; P. demon, F4,143 = 0.83,
P > 0.05; P. eximius, F4,44 = 2.01, P > 0.05). Copris
3.2. Dung burial lugubris was slower than the other species at burying
dung, reaching a constant weight of buried dung on the
A high percentage of coprine beetle pairs buried second day after colonisation (ANOVA: F4,186 = 3.00,
dung in the experiments. In general, fewer beetles P < 0.05) (figure 1c).
F.G. Horgan / Eur. J. Soil Biol. 37 (2001) 103–111 107

Figure 1. Dung burial and egg provisioning by five species of coprine beetles from Salvadoran pastures. Burial of fresh cow dung during 2 weeks
was monitored in the laboratory by periodic destructive sampling for pairs of (a) D. carolinus, (b) D. centralis, (c) C. lugubris, (d) P. demon and (e)
P. eximius. Solid points indicate the average total amount of dung buried after each time interval. Open points indicate the average amount of brood
containing dung after each time interval. The number of pairs that actively buried dung is indicated above each solid point and the number of pairs
that produced eggs from among all active pairs is indicated adjacent to each open point. The numbers in parentheses indicate the total number of
containers that were destructively sampled at each time period. Bars indicate standard errors. Note differences in scales.

Only one pair of D. carolinus produced an egg. (x ± SE) dung. Pairs of both Phanaeus species laid a
This single egg, found after 14 d, was provided maximum of three eggs throughout the experiments
with 236 g buried dung. Pairs of D. centralis but pairs of P. eximius tended to have larger
did not produce eggs on any occasion in the experi- broods (figure 2a). Preparation of brood balls by
ments. Some pairs of P. demon (15 %) began to form C. lugubris began after the second day (10 %) and
brood balls after the second day and the amount of increased over the following days (figure 1c)
dung converted to brood increased over the (ANOVA: F2,50 = 8.19, P < 0.001). Pairs of C. lugu-
following days (figure 1d) (ANOVA: F2,37 = 5.83, bris laid a maximum of eight eggs throughout the
P < 0.01). Brood balls of P. demon contained experiments, these were located individually in brood
68.31 ± 3.33 g (x ± SE) dung. Pairs of P. eximius balls containing 19.83 ± 0.53 g dung (x ± SE) that
formed brood balls only after the first week (figure 1e). were continually prepared throughout the 2-week pe-
Brood balls of P. eximius contained 10.42 ± 0.7 g riod (figure 2a).
108 F.G. Horgan / Eur. J. Soil Biol. 37 (2001) 103–111

Figure 2. The average number of

eggs laid by pairs of (a) three
species of coprine beetle and (b)
four species of onthophagine
beetle during 2 weeks in laboratory
trials. Bars indicate standard er-
rors. Note differences in scales.

All five onthophagine species buried dung in the thermore, the amount of dung buried with each egg
experiments. However, only two pairs of O. höpfneri was related to the mean body size of adult females
buried dung and survival of individuals in the experi- across species (log dung = –0.85 + 1.11(log dry female
ments was low. Among the remaining four species, body weight), R2 = 0.96, P < 0.001) (figure 4b).
pairs generally had buried only a small amount of
dung by the earliest time intervals, increasing the
quantity of dung buried over time (figure 3) (ANO- 4. DISCUSSION
VAs: O. batesi, F3,39 = 1.82, P < 0.05; O. championi,
F3,17 = 10.27, P < 0.001; O. incensus, F4,37 = 3.08, Pastures throughout tropical America maintain only
P < 0.05) (t-test: O. marginicollis, t = –3.26, df = 10, a small portion of the species found in native habitats
P < 0.01). However, the rate of dung burial declined [8, 16, 19]. In this study, a few native species were
after the first week (figure 3). All active pairs of extremely abundant in the dung of domestic herbi-
O. championi, O. incensus, O. marginicollis and vores at three contrasting habitats. Cow dung tended to
O. höpfneri laid eggs. However, pairs of O. batesi did attract a greater diversity of species. However, there
not lay eggs during the first day and the proportion of was no obvious preference for either cow or horse
actively burying pairs that had laid eggs gradually dung among the species in this study (but see [15]). A
increased from 83 % after 2 d to 100 % after 2 weeks. number of typical forest species [5, 22] were recorded
Egg-laying and provisioning was continuous through- at both the Morazán sites. These included C. telemon,
out the trials (ANOVAs: O. batesi, F3,39 = 4.02, P. endymion, D. centralis, E. mexicanus and P. am-
P < 0.01; O. championi, F3,17 = 10.55, P < 0.001; ethystinus guatemalensis among others.
O. incensus, F3.37 = 3.08, P < 0.05;) (t-test: O. mar- At El Rodeo, pitfall captures were generally low
ginicollis, t10 = –3.50, P < 0.01;). However, O. batesi throughout the sampling period. On 7 June alone,
and O. incensus did not lay eggs after the first week pitfalls captured over 60 % of the total number of
(figure 2b). Eggs of O. championi and O. incensus coprine beetles recorded at the site. Captures on this
were provided with about twice the amount of dung date were probably influenced by noticeably cloudy
(2.65 ± 0.16 g and 2.40 ± 0.19 g, respectively) as those conditions, which probably slowed the rate of dung
of the remaining species (O. batesi, 1.50 ± 0.06 g; desiccation. The only open-field specialist at the site,
O. höpfneri, 0.98 ± 0.52 g; O. marginicollis, 1.01 ± O. marginicollis, occurred in small numbers. The
0.17 g (x ± SE)). isolated nature of the farm and the low incidence of
The average amount of dung buried by each species pastures in the zone may have influenced the occur-
during the 0–7-d interval, when burial was most rence of open-field specialists at the site.
efficient, was related to the mean female body size Many of the pastureland Coprini buried large quan-
across species (log dung = 0.58 + 0.60(log dry female tities of dung in 1 or 2 d. Pairs of D. carolinus buried
body weight), R2 = 0.749, P = 0.003) (figure 4a). Fur- over 300 g dung in a single day. Pairs of P. demon and
F.G. Horgan / Eur. J. Soil Biol. 37 (2001) 103–111 109

Figure 3. Dung burial by four species of onthophagine beetle from

Salvadoran pastures. Burial of fresh cow dung during 2 weeks was
monitored in the laboratory by periodic destructive sampling for pairs
of (a) O. championi (open circles) and O. incensus (solid circles) and
Figure 4. Relationship between (a) the log dry weight of adult female
for (b) O. batesi (open triangles) and O. marginicollis (solid triangles).
dung beetles and the quantities of dung buried 1 week after colonisa-
The number of pairs that actively buried dung after each time interval
tion, and (b) log dry weight of females and the amount of dung
is indicated at each point with the total number of containers that were
provided for each egg. Cl, C. lugubris; Dc, D. carolinus; Dct, D.
destructively sampled indicated in parentheses. Arrows indicate the
centralis; Ob, O. batesi; Oc, O. championi; Oh, O. höpfneri; Oi, O.
number of active pairs and total number of containers sampled for O.
incensus; Om, O. marginicollis; Pd, P. demon and Pe, P. eximius.
marginicollis. Bars indicate standard errors.

possible that adults will feed from cow dung but that
C. lugubris, two very common species in coastal El the dung is not a suitable substrate for egg production.
Salvador, buried about 100 g dung in one (P. demon) The smaller onthophagine beetles generally buried
or two (C. lugubris) days, but some pairs of both dung at a slower rate than the coprine beetles. How-
species had buried over 500 g on the first day after ever, dung burial by O. incensus after 1 week and O.
colonisation. The low incidence of egg-laying among championi after 2 weeks was comparable to that bur-
the Dichotomius species in this study is notable. It is ied by the much larger P. eximius and D. centralis.
possible that the reduced space of the experimental Therefore, even though the rate of dung burial is
containers inhibited egg-laying by D. carolinus or that slower, at a single colonisation event, pairs of these
the reproductive activity of this species was reduced onthophagine beetles may bury as much as some of the
during the period of study. Dichotomius carolinus is coprine species. It is important to note in this study
most active during April and May [15, 23]. Burial that emigration from the experimental dung pads was
activity by D. centralis was very low at each time restricted and this may have resulted in some ontho-
interval (< 30 %) and no eggs were laid on any phagine pairs burying more dung in the arenas than
occasion. Dichotomius centralis is most active in they would have if emigration were permitted. Still,
September [15], at the time of study the beetles were the rate of dung burial after the first week declined by
reproductively active as indicated by ovarian condition at least 30 % in all three species where full data sets
(pers. obs.). Dichotomius centralis is a common spe- were available. Furthermore, there was no increase in
cies in forested areas where it colonises horse dung in the number of eggs laid by O. batesi and O. incensus
higher numbers than cow dung (unpubl. data). It is after the first week. Under natural conditions the burial
110 F.G. Horgan / Eur. J. Soil Biol. 37 (2001) 103–111

of dung by onthophagine beetles in pads of older than assuming that the beetles trapped in the field are a
1 week is probably limited [26]. Even in the case random sample of the active population, then most
where dung was kept in the shade of a shed, older dung females do not have the opportunity to lay all their
was utilised less. Therefore, in open fields where dung eggs at once. On many occasions, the colonisation of
desiccation is greater the period during which pairs dung may be unsuccessful and no egg is laid. This will
bury dung and lay eggs is probably even shorter. occur in heavily colonised pads, particularly among
This study evaluates dung burial by the dominant large species such as P. demon, which requires over
tunnelling dung beetles from Central American pas- 50 g fresh dung for each brood ball, or D. carolinus,
tures. All seven tunnelling species from Comalapa as which buried over 200 g with a single egg. Successful
well as the most common species from El Rodeo and resource pre-emption is determined by the species’
Perquín have been evaluated. The results for both ability to quickly locate fresh dung, its ability and
coprine and onthophagine beetles indicate that under efficiency in dung burial and its body size.
favourable conditions many of the species will bury The Onthophagini, because of their smaller body
substantial quantities of cow dung. However, quanti- size, provide considerably less dung for each egg when
ties of dung buried by beetles in the field will depend compared to the coprine species. Egg-laying probably
on habitat conditions and in particular on the hardness continues in each pad until fresh dung is no longer
of the soil. According to this study, during the wet available for the beetles or the energetic costs of
season and under optimal conditions for dung burial, a procuring sufficient dung for a single egg become too
fresh dung pad weighing about 0.7 kg might support great. In the presence of large numbers of competitors,
seven to eight pairs of C. lugubris and/or P. demon, or female onthophagine beetles may lay only a small
two to four pairs of D. carolinus. At the coastal and number of eggs before the resource is depleted. How-
pine-grass sites, pitfall trapping indicated that during ever, at pads with little colonisation by potential
much of the year the number of beetles attracted to competitors, females can produce a large number of
0.7 kg cow dung on the first days of dropping exceeds eggs in a short time. This is similar to the mechanism
this amount, so that most of the dung could be buried. proposed to explain the presence of onitine beetles in
Dung pads at the pine-grass site were often com- dung with competitively superior coprine beetles in
pletely buried while much of the dung in the pastures South Africa (see [3, 11, 12]).
was left on the surface, even despite the high levels of There is a growing interest in the conservation of
colonisation at Comalapa. Rapid drying of dung in the tropical dung beetles many of which are now restricted
pastures and in particular the formation of a hard crust to small fragments of the original tropical forest
(pers. obs.) may deter beetle colonisation [2]. It also vegetation [8, 19]. However, conservation in tropical
reduces the effective pad volume, which may further farming landscapes has received little attention. The
increase the likelihood of competition [10]. Still, the role of coprophagous beetles in dung decomposition
rapid pre-emption of dung by coprine beetles suggests needs to be emphasised to encourage conservation
that even if dung dries rapidly in the open, early efforts in modern Latin American farms and especially
colonisers may still bury large amounts. in pastureland, which is often the dominant habitat
Dung beetles are not active during the dry season. matrix between isolated forest patches. The efficiency
The heavy tropical rains at the start of the wet season in dung burial by the few synanthropogenic species
wash away dung that accumulates during these dry studied here highlights their importance to agro-
months [18]. Therefore, the long-term accumulation of pastoral ecosystems. An understanding of the require-
dung in pastures even along the coast is unlikely. ments and activities of these dung beetles can help
However, other beneficial dung beetle functions may improve management strategies for livestock grazing
be affected where dung is colonised during only a in the pasture landscapes that dominate much of the
short period. A lower activity of dung beetles in Pacific coast of Central America.
heavily grazed open fields may lead to less tunnelling
activity so that the effects of soil compaction are not
countered. Currently soil compaction is a problem in Acknowledgements. I wish to thank the landowners
many cattle producing areas in El Salvador [9]. and the staff at the Agronomy Faculty of the Univer-
At each site there was an obvious diurnal and/or sity of El Salvador for access to field sites. Thanks to
nocturnal coprine-onthophagine species pair colonis- L. Serrano Cervantes who helped in a number of
ing domestic herbivore dung. This suggests that post- logistic aspects of this work, to A. Solís (Instituto de
colonisation behavioural mechanisms permit an over- Biodiversidad [InBio], Costa Rica) and E. Cano (Uni-
lap in dung colonisation by coprine and onthophagine versidad del Valle, Guatemala) for help in identifying
species under specific habitat conditions. It is likely beetles, and V. Valencia Durán and R. Fuentes Morón
that species-specific dung burial strategies are in- for help with field-work. Dan Quiring and two anony-
cluded among these mechanisms. mous reviewers made many helpful comments on
In the laboratory, some female C. lugubris laid up to earlier drafts of this manuscript. The General Author-
eight eggs in a single nest. Large broods only occurred ity on Renewable Natural Resources of the Ministry of
in experiments conducted in October, when young Livestock and Agriculture (El Salvador) gave permis-
recently emerged females were abundant. Therefore, sion to collect dung beetles during this study.
F.G. Horgan / Eur. J. Soil Biol. 37 (2001) 103–111 111

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