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Haramaya University

Information Technology Program

Program Information Technology

Course Code ITec4121
Course Title: Integrative Programming and Technologies
Degree Program Information Technology
Instructor address
Target Group: 4thyear Information Technology Students
Year /Semester Year: IV, Semester: I
Pre-requisites Fundamentals of Programming I (ITec1041),
Event-Driven Programming
(ITec 3053)
Course This course looks at systems integration with
Description focus on communication
mechanisms and data standardization.
Students learn how to choose their
communication approach by considering
platform, data structure
Similarity/dissimilarity as well as client
requirements. They will learn how to
Represent structure and how to transport data
using XML and XML related technologies
and protocols. Standardization of XML
documents for the Purpose of data exchange
is stressed.

Course Objective At the end of this course students will be able

--Describe and contrast the different types of
architectures for integrating
--Define the role of DCOM, CORBA, and
RMI in distributed processing.
--Describe how web services are used to
integrate disparate applications in
An organization.
--Create valid WSDL, SOAP and UDDI
XML documents to define a web
Service. Write, debug, and test a web service.
Deploy the web service to
middleware and invoke the web service from
an application across the
--Design, develop and test a socket program
that communicates between
Two different services using both TCP/IP
sockets and Datagram sockets.
--Describe the role of the WSDL, SOAP, and
UDDI architectures in
Creating and using web services.
--Describe the role of socket programming in
communicating between
Course Outline

Chapter One
Data Mapping and Exchange:
 Metadata
 Data representation and encoding
 XML, DTD, XML schemas; Parsing
XML documents
 XSL, XSLT and X Path

Chapter Two
2.Intersystem Communication
2.1.Architectures for integrating systems
 what is aris
 aris techniques
 organizational view
 data view
 functional view
 aris applications
2.2 DCOM
 what is DCOM
 Why DCOM
 DCOM Architecture
2.3 corba
 what is corba
 why corba
 corba architecture
2.4 RMI
 what is rmi
 steps to build and rmi applications
 running and compiling an RMI
 Enterprise RMI configuration
 RMI Applets
2.5 web services
2.5.1 soup web services
 introduction to soup web services
 web services jargon
 writing a web services client: stub
 writing a web services client: calling
the service
 setting up java EESDK
 writing a web service
 adding input argument
 service first and contract first web
 understanding the wsdl
 customizing the wsdl
 schema types and binding styles
 service interface and custom types
 using jaxb annotations
 handling faults
 using soap ui
 using web service explorer
 using endpoint

2.5.2 rest web services

 introduction to rest web service
 Resource URIS
 collection URIS
 HTTP methods
 Method idempotence
 REST Response
 The Richardson maturity Model
 what is JAX RS
 Setting up
 Understanding the Application
 creating a Resource
 Returning XML Response
 installing a REST API client
 building service stubs
 Accessing path params
 Returning JSON Response
 Implementing POST Method
 implementing update and Delete
 implementing profile Resource
 pagination and filtering
 The Param Annotations
 Using Context and Bean Param
 Implementing Sub Resources
 Sending Status codes and location
 handling Exceptions
 using web application Exception

2.6 Middle ware

 Types of middleware
 Transaction Processing(TP)
 Transaction Processing Architecture
 Remote Procedure call(RPC)
 Message Oriented
 MOM Architecture
 Object Request Broker(ORB)
 ORB Architecture

2.7 Network Programming

2.8 Message and queuing services
 understanding MSMQ
 Advantage of MSMQ
 MSMQ Components
 The queue
 MSMQ Object Model
 MSMQ Setup
 MSMQ Basics
 Message Transmittal
 Message Receipt
 MSMQ Events
 MSMQ Transactions
 low Level Data communications

Chapter three
Integrative Coding
3.1.Design Pattern
3.2What is a Design Pattern
3.3 Design Patterns in small talk MVC
3.4 Describing Design Patterns
3.5 The Catalog of Design Patterns
3.6 Organizing the catalog
3.7 How Design patterns solve Design
3.8 How to select a design pattern
3.9 How to user a design pattern
3.10Creational patterns
3.11 Structural patterns
3.12 Behavioral patterns
3.13 Interface
3.14 Inheritance
Chapter four
Miscellaneous Issues
4.1 Adopt and Adapt vs. make
4.2 Versioning and version control

Assessment Final= 30%

Lab= 40%
Project= 20%

Software Net beans or eclipse IDL with a glassfish

Postman for rest web service client

References: Sathish Kumar Konga. Basic integration

programming technology: data
integration technology/ architecture

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