(Feature) Selfie Craze

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Selfie Craze

Why is it that today’s generation has changed. What used to be a newsfeed full of Farmville and Pet
Society statuses has now turned into an infinite number of the so-called ‘SELFIE’ photos?

Selfie is considered as the International Word of the Year by Oxford Dictionaries and was appearing
frequently enough in print and electronic media. This was form and occurred in 2002, with its
suggestions of self-centeredness and self-involvement.

Some associate taking a photo of them with narcissism. We live in a world where numbers of likes
defines how we see ourselves and how others treat us. Through the capabilities of what the Internet can
do, people can already capture a moment with a single click and people can say what they want to say
with just a single tap on their smartphones.

Portraits of themselves or selfie circulate all throughout social medias like facebook, twitter, instagram –
one of the most amazing things the Internet can do. On purpose or not, these portraits practically
became the judge of how people view themselves.

But in an honest opinion, selfies are more than just being narcissistic and definitely more than just a
sheer number of likes and reactions. It gives us an access to confidence which is a luxury some of us
failed to exhibit within us.

‘Facebook’, the most popular website and almost the second nature to many teens nowadays. They can
post anything to their ‘timeline’, a snapshot of what is happening in their social circle at any given time,
and can also enter private chat with other friends who are online.

Some teens feel they can express themselves easier online when compared to the real world because
perhaps they feel the virtual world is more secure.

Even email, another relatively new technology, is of secondary importance to teens that uses Facebook
to do the majority of their communicating.

‘Twitter’, it is about discovering interesting people around the world. Even a Celebrity uses Twitter to
build a personal connection with their fans like Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber,
Zayn Malik and also President Trump.

Their daily updates foster a sense of connectedness with their followers, which is powerful for
advertising purposes and also compelling and motivating for the people who follows the celeb.

If you fancy yourself a bit of a writer with something to say, then Twitter is a channel worth exploring. If
you don’t like to write but are curious about many things including the celebrity, or a particular topic,
then Twitter is one way to connect with that person or topic.

‘Instagram’, is all about visual sharing, so everybody’s main intention is to share and find only the best
photos and videos. Every user profile has a “Followers” and “Following” count, which represents how
many people they follow and how many people they follow and how many other users are following

Interacting on posts is fun and easy. Today, Instagram is the hub of knowledge and entertainment,
awareness and advertising, branding and blogging, products and photographs, name it and it has it.

Instagram isn’t about reality -- a highlights reel of your life that shows off the versions of yourself that
you want to remember and put on display in a glass case for other people to admire and browse
It is why most of the photographs uploaded on Instagram are beautiful and entertaining slices of life and
not the tedious time in-between of those moments.

Whether we are against it or not, we cannot deny the fact that selfies have become a huge part in the
development of today’s generation. Sure they have bad effects but the fact that they serve as
representations and for the most part, they are simply reflections of their self-exploration and nothing

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