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Chapter I



Sex is defined as the biological differences between men and women whereas gender is

the fashion in which society highlights the sexual differences among both species. Basically, sex

refers to the identicalness of a person since his or her birth. With regards to this, the perception

of an individual about his or her social role will be change as the time goes by. Specifically, how

race may shape or perpetuate inequalities in the LGB community through same-sex marriage

largely has been absent from the discussion.

Same-sex marriages were often believed to be more pure than a heterosexual marriage.

Marriage was believed to be the union of two people based on love. A marriage consisting of two

males or two females, if women had the right to get married, was not frowned upon. Due to the

belief that homosexual behavior was wrong, the belief that heterosexual relationships were

normal became popular among the majority of countries.

According to the Florida’s Domestic Partnership (2010), currently, there are only two

states that recognize same-sex marriages, New York and California. In California, the marriage

is only recognized if it was before proposition 8. Ballot Pedias 2008 research explains how

proposition 8 is a statewide ballot proposition in California. The people of California voted for

the illegalization of same-sex marriage. Though some people are against same-sex marriages for

religious reasons, not allowing same-sex marriages is discrimination. Same-sex marriages should

be legalized because the discrimination same-sex couples receive is emotionally traumatic, and
unfair. The most influential reason against same-sex marriage is based on religion. Many people

believe that procreation is the ideal reason for marriage. Their belief is that same-sex couples do

not have the capability to produce children which is the basis for marriage. However, when two

of the most influential religious icons discussed marriage, child bearing was not a reason for two

people to get married. “It is highly significant that Jesus and Paul, while both referring to the

creation story, never once mention procreation or physical sexual difference in their teaching

about marriage” (Sullivan, 1997). Both men stressed how the quality of a relationship was the

most important aspect for marriage. If marriage is reserved for having a child, then same-sex

marriages are not an issue.  Supporters of same-sex marriage believe the bill to allow same-sex

marriage should be crafted in a specific way that will help win votes from people of faith. “The

measure would not force religious organizations to grant marriages to same-sex couples, a move

that would make the government benefits of marriage equal for gay and straight couples but still

allow the sacrament of marriage to be defined by churches” (Groeninger, 2012). If the bill was

written and carried out in a certain way, the church would not have any association with same-

sex couples getting married because the process would be carried out in a courtroom.   

The legalization of same sex marriage has been an issue for decades. Politicians all over

the country spend hours debating on the pros and cons of this issue. Along with political

disagreements, there are religious and social ones as well. It is obvious that the Catholic Church

is against same sex marriages. This study aims to gauge the acceptance of same sex marriage

among Filipinos starting from the perception of our fellow Batanguenos. Furthermore, this study

may be considered as a basis on determining the possibility of same sex marriage in our country.


1. Profile of the respondents

in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Civil Status Knowledge about same

sex marriage are inclined
1.4 Educational Attainment to be distributed.
1.5 District Survey

2. Perception on same sex


2.1 Morality

2.2 Acceptability

2.3 Expectations

Figure 1. Batanguenos Pereption on Same Sex Marriage

Figure 1 shows the focus of the study which is the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, civil

status, educational attainment, district and perception on same sex marriage. Aside from that, it includes the

respondents’ perception on same sex marriage according to morality, acceptability and expectations. Furthermore,

to process the study, the researchers conducted a survey to the citizens of Batangas. As an output, based from the

researchers' study, they witnessed the different sides and opinions of Batanguenos about same sex marriage.

The researchers will conduct this study among selected respondents of Batangas City. One purpose of this

study is to assess the association between. Batanguenos Perception on Same Sex Marriage and Social Cognitive

Theory of Gender Development and Differentiation. Relevance of behavioral and cognitive factors is considered

in this theory; however, primary emphasis is placed upon the environment and social practices in producing and
perpetuating gender differentiation, particularly through modeling (Bussy & Bandura, 1999). Specifically, social

cognitive theorist argues that the development and differentiation of gender transpires through the reciprocal and

bidirectional influences occurring three factors; personal, behavioral and environmental. Personal factors refer to

gender-related cognitions, judgemental standards, and self regulatory influences such as thoughts, evaluations and

decision-making. Behavioral factors account for overt actions linked to gender, and environmental factors are the

numerous social influences experienced in everyday interactions.

The researchers believe that Social Cognitive Theory of Gender Development and Differentiation best

explain this study as it exhibits the factors of influences such as personal, behavioral and environmental. This study

will consider these factors in gathering relevant data from respondents to further determine the Batangueno’s

Perception on Same Sex Marriage.


The objective of the study is to know the perception of Batanguenos to Same Sex

Marriage. Particularly, this study desired answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents according to

1.1 age

1.2 gender

1.3 civil status

1.4 educational attainment

1.5 district
2. What are the perceptions of the respondents towards same sex marriage in terms of:

2.1 Morality

2.2 Acceptability

2.3 Expectations

3. Are there significant differences on the respondent’s perception on same sex marriage when

grouped according to their profile variables?

4. What action plan may be suggested to establish awareness among Batanguenos on the

possibility of same sex marriage in the Philippines?


1. There is significant relationship between the respondent’s perception on same sex

marriage and morality, acceptability and expectations.

2. There is a significant difference between the perception on same sex marriage among

respondents who are male, married and secondary level.


This study will enlighten Batanguenos to what they can perceive with regards to same

sex marriage. And for the members of LGBT Community, they will be raised from the depth of

being discriminated and being treated unequally, they will have a voice to say their rights. This

research is also significant to the Church Community, for this will help them know whether the

people are ready for the law or not. Along with this, the study will be conducive for the legal

sector to comprehend if the people are now ready to make same sex marriage be legalized.
Furthermore, this analysis can be a guideline for those future researchers, if the topic that they

pick will conform their interest.


The study is concerned with Batanguenos opinion about same sex marriage– if such is a

legal right that LGBT community deserve to have. It also touches on the importance of marriage,

its benefits and definition in terms used by the Philippine Laws, the advantage it can make in the

country and its significance to the rights of LGBTs. The study mainly spotlights the

constitutionality of legalizing same sex marriage in the Philippines comprising LGBT rights

against inequality and discrimination. Facts contained herein are limited to secondary data such

as news articles, books, international and local literatures and internet web sources released by

educational institutions, academes and authors of law. The data collected from the secondary

data serves only as representative and not to generalize as whole, to provide insights for future

policy making and research directions. Nevertheless, the study may still be a turning point for the

general public.


To have a broader understanding of the study, the following terms are operationally and

lexically defined:

Discrimination - the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things,

especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

Gender - the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural

differences rather than biological ones).

Heterosexual - A heterosexual person is attracted to people of the opposite sex. Boys who like

girls and women who like men are heterosexual.

Marriage - the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal

relationship (historically and in some jurisdictions specifically a union between a man and a


Religion - may be defined as a cultural system of designated behaviors and practices,

worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that relates humanity to

supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements.

Same Sex Marriage - is the legal union between two people of the same gender.

Sex - either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other

living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.

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