FCR y Aporte de Proteina y Calorias

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Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024017 https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aaa273


Feed conversion efficiency in aquaculture: do we

measure it correctly?
9 August 2017
Jillian P Fry1,2,3,6 , Nicholas A Mailloux1 , David C Love1,2 , Michael C Milli1 and Ling Cao4,5
REVISED 1 Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future, Johns Hopkins University, 615 N Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD, United States of America
13 December 2017 2 Department of Environmental Health and Engineering, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, 615 N Wolfe
Street, Baltimore, MD, United States of America
18 December 2017 3 Department of Health, Behavior and Society, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, 624 N Broadway,
PUBLISHED Baltimore, MD, United States of America
6 February 2018 4 Center on Food Security and the Environment, Stanford University, 616 Serra St, Stanford, CA, United States of America
5 Institute of Oceanography, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
6 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
Original content from
this work may be used
under the terms of the E-mail: jfry3@jhu.edu
Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 licence. Keywords: aquaculture, agriculture, food security, animal production efficiency
Any further distribution
of this work must
Supplementary material for this article is available online
maintain attribution to
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Globally, demand for food animal products is rising. At the same time, we face mounting, related
pressures including limited natural resources, negative environmental externalities, climate
disruption, and population growth. Governments and other stakeholders are seeking strategies to
boost food production efficiency and food system resiliency, and aquaculture (farmed seafood) is
commonly viewed as having a major role in improving global food security based on longstanding
measures of animal production efficiency. The most widely used measurement is called the ‘feed
conversion ratio’ (FCR), which is the weight of feed administered over the lifetime of an animal
divided by weight gained. By this measure, fed aquaculture and chickens are similarly efficient at
converting feed into animal biomass, and both are more efficient compared to pigs and cattle. FCR
does not account for differences in feed content, edible portion of an animal, or nutritional quality of
the final product. Given these limitations, we searched the literature for alternative efficiency
measures and identified ‘nutrient retention’, which can be used to compare protein and calories in
feed (inputs) and edible portions of animals (outputs). Protein and calorie retention have not been
calculated for most aquaculture species. Focusing on commercial production, we collected data on
feed composition, feed conversion ratios, edible portions (i.e. yield), and nutritional content of edible
flesh for nine aquatic and three terrestrial farmed animal species. We estimate that 19% of protein and
10% of calories in feed for aquatic species are ultimately made available in the human food supply,
with significant variation between species. Comparing all terrestrial and aquatic animals in the study,
chickens are most efficient using these measures, followed by Atlantic salmon. Despite lower FCRs in
aquaculture, protein and calorie retention for aquaculture production is comparable to livestock
production. This is, in part, due to farmed fish and shrimp requiring higher levels of protein and
calories in feed compared to chickens, pigs, and cattle. Strategies to address global food security
should consider these alternative efficiency measures.

1. Introduction [1, 2]. This is, in part, because an increasingly affluent

and growing global human population is consuming
The global food system is a major force driving human- more meat and dairy products [3–6]. Food animal
ity towards bypassing multiple planetary boundaries, products provide a concentrated source of calories,
including freshwater use, land use change, biodiver- protein, and some micronutrients. There are, however,
sity loss, climate change, and water quality degradation well-documented inefficiencies in terrestrial livestock

© 2018 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd

Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024017

Giant tiger prawn

Common carp

Pangas catfish
Grass carp
Channel catfish
Whiteleg shrimp
Rainbow trout

Atlantic salmon
Aquaculture weighted avg.
Beef cattle

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Feed conversion ratio (kg of feed/kg weight gain)

Figure 1. Feed conversion ratios for selected aquatic and terrestrial farmed animal species. Dots represent means and bars indicate
range. Lower values signify higher efficiency. Sources: Tacon and Metian (2008) [12], Smil (2013) [13], Shike (2013) [14], Zuidhof et
al (2014) [15], and Rabobank Research (2015) [16].

production. Approximately 36% of global crop-based measure of this efficiency is the feed conversion ratio
calories (3.41 × 1015 kcal) are fed to livestock, and of (FCR), calculated as the ratio of feed intake to weight
those, just 12% enter the human food supply [7]. gain. Typical FCRs for animals raised using commer-
Aquaculture, or farmed seafood, is the fastest grow- cial feeds and intensive production methods (i.e. not
ing food animal sector and now contributes more extensive production like grazing) are as follows: beef
to the human food supply (by weight) than wild- cattle: 6.0–10.0, pigs: 2.7–5.0, chickens: 1.7–2.0, and
caught seafood (adjusting for wild-caught fish not farmed fish and shrimp: 1.0–2.4 (figure 1) [12–16].
eaten by people) or beef [8, 9]. (We use the term, Aquatic animals have lower (more efficient) FCRs than
seafood, to refer to aquatic animals caught or farmed large terrestrial animals in part because they expend
for human consumption in marine and freshwater set- less energy to move, stay upright, and regulate their
tings.) Seafood, from farmed and wild sources, provides body temperatures due to buoyancy and because most
17% of global animal protein, and accounts for over are ectothermic [17, 18]. Expanding aquaculture is thus
half of animal protein supplies in some developing widely viewed as an opportunity to meet rising demand
countries [8]. Aquaculture is heterogeneous in terms for animal products using less feed, especially compared
of farmed species and production methods. Fed aqua- to pigs and cattle [19, 20]. FCR is a limited measure of
culture, including both intensive and semi-intensive efficiency, however, because it only accounts for the
systems, involves relatively high stocking densities and weight of feed inputs and not the nutritional content of
either farm-made feeds or commercial compound feeds the feed, the portion of the animal that is inedible, or
formulated to meet nutritional requirements. Unfed the nutritional quality of the final product. Using FCRs
aquaculture includes filter-feeding molluscan shellfish relies on an implicit assumption that various species
(e.g. oysters, clams, mussels) and aquatic plants (e.g. are similar across these areas, making FCR a potentially
microalgae, seaweed). Globally, aquaculture produc- flawed tool for cross-species comparisons.
tion continues to expand and intensify. About 70% of We reviewed the literature and identified 13 differ-
global aquaculture (excluding aquatic plants) relies on ent approaches to measure aquatic animal production
commercial compound feed, and demand for commer- efficiency beyond FCR (supplementary table S1 avail-
cial feed is growing faster than the industry as a whole. able at stacks.iop.org/ERL/13/024017/mmedia). Based
A significant proportion of aquaculture feed con- on our review, a more precise measure than FCR is
tains ingredients made from wild-caught fish [10]. To the efficiency with which an animal converts nutri-
reduce pressure on depleted wild fisheries, the industry ents in feed into nutrients for the human food supply,
is increasingly relying on alternative feed ingredients specific examples of ‘nutrient retention’ measures are
including crop-based ingredients (e.g. soy, rapeseed, sometimes called a ‘protein/calorie efficiency ratio’ or
wheat, groundnuts, and corn) and terrestrial animal ‘protein/calorie retention’. These have been calculated
byproducts as substitutes for fishmeal and fish oil [11]. for major livestock products [7, 21] and for two aqua-
The efficiency with which animals turn feed into culture species (for example, see [22, 23]), but more
meat and other food products, such as eggs or milk, work is needed. Ytrestøyl et al calculated protein and
varies by species and production method. A common calorie efficiency for farmed salmon in Norway [22].

Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024017

Table 1. Data used to calculate protein and calorie retention for selected aquatic and terrestrial farmed animal species.

Species FCRa Edible portion Feed contentc Human nutritiond

of animalb (g or kcal per 100 g of feed) (g or kcal per 100 g serving)
Protein Calories Protein Calories
Carps 1.5–2.0
Common carp – 0.36–0.54 17–45 175.8–554.2 18 109–127
Grass carp – 0.36–0.54 25 326.0–345.5 17–18 112–127
Catfishes 1.2–2.2
Channel catfish – 0.35–0.63 28–32 345–390 15–17 117–119
Pangas catfish – 0.35–0.63 26–32 339–388 15 97
Salmonids –
Atlantic salmon 1.2–1.5 0.58–0.88 35.5–44 372–554.5 20 208
Rainbow trout 1.0–2.0 0.40–0.82 40–47 383–454 20 141
Shrimps 1.2–2.4
Giant tiger prawn – 0.40 25–45 225–433 20 85
Whiteleg shrimp – 0.62–0.65 25–45 277–417 20 85
Tilapias 1.4–2.4 0.37–0.45 20–32 216–404.4 20 96
Cattle 6.0–10 0.52–0.64 7–15.4 188–339 15–20 214–276
Chicken 1.7–2.0 0.70–0.78 18–23 320 18.6 215
Pigs 2.7–5.0 0.68–0.76 13.2–20.9 326.5–335.1 15–18.2 211–304
a Data sources: Tacon and Metian (2008) (aquatic species) [12]; Smil (2013) (livestock species) [13]; Shike (2013) (cattle) [14]; Zuidhof et al

(2014) (chicken) [15]; Rabobank Research (2015) (pigs) [16].

b Data sources: see table S4.
c Data sources: see table S5.
d Data sources: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference [27]; Shauhua Zahn, Nanyang Technical University (personal

communication); Seafood Health Facts [28]; USDA National Nutrient Database terms used for beef: ‘composite of trimmed retail cuts,
separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8′′ fat, all grades, raw’ and ‘variety meats and by-products, mechanically separated beef, raw’; USDA
National Nutrient Database term used for chicken: ‘meat and skin, raw’; USDA National Nutrient Database terms used for pork: ‘composite of
trimmed leg, loin, shoulder, and spareribs, separable lean and fat, raw’ and ‘fresh, variety meats and by-products, mechanically separated, raw’.

Smil [23] (also cited in [20, 24]) provided protein and We collected data from numerous sources on FCRs,
calorie efficiency for farmed carp, however, Smil does feed composition, yield/edible portion, and nutritional
not provide methods or reference source data, making it profiles of edible flesh (table 1), and using these data we
impossible to independenly reproduce the calculations calculated protein and calorie retention using equations
or update estimates as newer data becomes available. 1 and 2. (See the supplementary material for additional
Given the pressing challenges of limited resources and details regarding species selection, data extraction, and
rising global demand for animal products, it is criti- development of the retention equations.) The equa-
cal to know which aquaculture species most efficiently tions we developed are comparable to the ‘Nutrient
retain protein and calories in feed, and how aquatic retention’ measure in table S1, but no specific equation
species compare to livestock. Our study fills this critical was supplied in the paper that described the measure
research gap. [22] or other studies that calculated protein and calo-
rie retention for livestock. We focused on collecting
data that reflects intensive/commercial production, and
2. Methods focused on top-producing countries where possible.
For example, we searched for feed content information
For this study, we calculated the protein and calo- for complete, commercially available feeds and not sup-
rie retention typical of commercial production for plementary feeds used in extensive or semi-intensive
several farmed aquatic and terrestrial animals by production settings. Mean retention values and stan-
developing equations and collecting data necessary dard deviations were calculated using Excel (Microsoft
for filling in each variable. We included nine major Corp., Redmond, WA) and Crystal Ball (Oracle Corp.,
aquaculture species: common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Redwood Shores, CA). For each species, two types of
grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), channel catfish simulations were run: protein retention and calorie
(Ictalurus punctatus), pangas catfish (Pangasius pan- retention. The retention equation and values col-
gasius), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), rainbow trout lected for each variable were entered into the software.
(Oncorhynchus mykiss), giant tiger prawn (Penaeus A Monte Carlo simulation was run for each reten-
monodon), whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei), tion/species combination using custom fit distribution
tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus and other cichlids); and settings, meaning the values were not expected to fit
three livestock groups (cattle raised for beef, pigs, and a specific probability distribution. Each Monte Carlo
chickens raised for meat). The aquaculture species simulation ran 5000 trials; each trial randomly sampled
included in the study comprised over half (57%) of the values entered. Calculating the retention means and
global production of fed aquaculture in 2012 [10, 25], standard deviations in this way allowed for inclusion of
and the livestock are the top land animals produced for multiple values and provided a range of likely retention
meat in the US and globally [9, 26]. values based on all of the data we collected.

Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024017

Giant tiger prawn

Common carp
Pangas catfish

Grass carp
Channel catfish
Whiteleg shrimp

Rainbow trout

Atlantic salmon
Aquaculture weighted avg.
Beef cattle


0 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Calorie Retention Protein Retention

Figure 2. Protein and calorie retention for selected aquatic and terrestrial farmed animal species. Dots represent sample means and
bars represent standard deviations. Higher values indicate more efficient retention.

Equation (1). Protein retention of selected aquatic relatively high mean protein retention for Atlantic
and terrestrial animals. salmon (28%) is due to a low FCR (1.2–1.5) and
Protein retention =
(g protein in edible portion) high edible portion (0.58–0.88); these factors offset the
(g protein in feed) high levels of protein in Atlantic salmon feed (35.5%–
(edible portion) (g protein per 100 g of edible portion)
44%). Chicken has the highest mean protein retention
= (FCR) (g protein per 100 g feed) (37%), due to a low FCR (1.9), low feed protein
level (18%–23%), and high edible portion (0.70–.78)
Equation (2). Calorie retention of selected aquatic (table 1).
and terrestrial animals. For calorie retention, there is more variation in
(calories in edible portion) calories in edible flesh (compared to the above-
Calorie retention = (calories in feed) described variation in protein in flesh) and less variation
in feed calories by species compared to feed protein lev-
(edible portion) (calories per 100g edible portion)
= els. Similar to above, chicken and Atlantic salmon have
(FCR) (calories per 100 g feed)
the highest mean calorie retention: 27 and 25%, respec-
tively. Pigs have an FCR (3.9) that is less efficient than
3. Results chicken and aquatic species, but high calories in edible
flesh (211–304 kcal per 100 g) and the high edible por-
Based on global production levels for each aquatic tion (0.68–0.76) improves pig calorie retention (16%).
species (i.e. a weighted average), we estimate that for Giant tiger prawn and tilapia have the lowest mean
every 100 g of protein in aquaculture feed for these nine calorie retention for aquaculture, 6% and 7%, respec-
species/species groups, 19 g are available in the human tively. These values are driven by low calorie content in
food supply (19% retention), and for every 100 kcal edible flesh and low edible portions.
in aquaculture feed, 10 kcal enter the human food
supply (10% retention) (figure 2). Protein and calorie
retention values for aquatic and terrestrial species were 4. Discussion and conclusions
similar. Protein retention means ranged from 14%–
28% for the nine aquatic species, and 13%–37% for A limitation of relying solely on FCRs to assess effi-
livestock. Calorie retention means ranged from 6%– ciency becomes apparent when comparing FCRs and
25% for the aquatic species, and 7%–27% for livestock. retention values (figures 1 and 2). If FCRs are a good
Chickens performed best for both protein and calorie predictor of nutrients retained in outputs, calorie and
retention, followed by Atlantic salmon. protein retention for aquatic species would be similar
The factors that drive protein retention are the to, or higher than, chicken. Instead, when using the pro-
FCR, concentration of protein in feed, and edible por- tein and calorie retention measures as derived above,
tion. There is little variation in protein levels in edible the values for aquatic species are, with the exception
flesh among aquatic and terrestrial species. Aquatic of Atlantic salmon, more similar to retention values
species have FCRs similar to chickens and lower than for pigs and cattle. Therefore, aquatic species, taken
pigs and cattle, but require higher levels of protein in together, have little or no efficiency benefit over live-
their feed compared to livestock. For example, the stock when assessed on the basis of these alternative

Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024017
Table 2. Mean FCR and retention values in the current study and past research.a

Current study Cassidy et al (2013) Shepon et al (2016)

FCRb Feed/edible Protein Calorie FCR Feed/edible Protein Calorie FCR Feed/edible Protein Calorie
weight retention retention weight retention retention weight retention retention

Common carp 1.7 3.78 0.15 0.09

Grass carp 1.7 3.78 0.18 0.09

Channel catfish 1.4 2.87 0.18 0.11

Pangas catfish 1.4 3.02 0.17 0.09
Atlantic salmon 1.3 1.77 0.28 0.25
Rainbow trout 1.3 2.14 0.22 0.16
Giant tiger prawn 1.7 4.25 0.14 0.06
Whiteleg shrimp 1.7 2.68 0.22 0.09
Tilapia 1.7 4.17 0.18 0.07
Aquatic weighted average 1.6 3.08 0.19 0.10
Beef cattle 8.0 14.0 0.13 0.07 12.7 21.2 0.05 0.03 14 36 0.03 0.03
Pigs 3.9 5.34 0.21 0.16 6.5 9.3 0.10 0.10 3.1 6.0 0.09 0.09
Chicken 1.9 2.57 0.37 0.27 2.5 3.3 0.40 0.12 1.9 4.2 0.21 0.13
Eggs 0.35 0.22 0.31 0.17
Dairy 0.43 0.40 0.14 0.17
a Sources: Cassidy et al (2013) [7] and Shepon et al (2016) [21].
b FCRs are average values based on Tacon and Metian (2008) (aquatic species) [12]; Smil (2013) (livestock species) [13]; Shike (2013) (cattle) [14]; Zuidhof et al (2014) (chicken) [15]; and Rabobank Research (2015) (pigs) [16].
Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024017

measures, which is the opposite of the result when compared to terrestrial animals (including humans)
comparing FCRs. and relatively low retention of protein and calories
Animal production involves complex biological, must be considered. Fed aquaculture requires more
social, and economic systems that vary by producer, highly nutrient-dense feed than livestock production
region, and within particular breeds or sub-species of (i.e. higher in protein and calories), and results in a
animals. Identifying differences by geography or cli- loss of most protein (81%) and calories (90%) during
mate was not possible in the current study. A strength production. Animal products’ contribution to calories
of this study is identifying the range of likely pro- in the human food supply is less critical compared to
tein and calorie efficiencies using existing commercial protein and some micronutrients, but understanding
farming practices. Large standard deviations for some retention of calories in animal feed is important due to
species may reflect higher uncertainty due to data vari- the massive reduction during animal production and
ance and/or more data availability for certain species. the resulting impact on the overall supply of calories.
Our aquaculture results are consistent with a previous In addition, relationships between feed requirements
Atlantic salmon estimate (27% protein and 24% calorie and affordability of final products should be explored.
retention in Ytresoyl et al [22]) and lower than a protein Feed costs make up more than 50% of production
retention estimate for carps (30% in Smil [23]; we cal- costs in aquaculture [29], and requirements for highly
culated 15% for common carp and 18% for grass carp). nutrient-dense feeds likely influence prices of some
Importantly, we found that Atlantic salmon performs farmed seafood even though FCRs are low. Unfed
much better than, and is therefore not representative aquaculture, including aquatic plants and certain
of, other aquatic species. shellfish, represents a critical opportunity to expand
We calculated retention values for livestock instead production of highly nutritious human food with no
of using values from existing sources to ensure feed inputs.
standardized methods were used across aquatic and Animal agriculture, including fed aquaculture,
terrestrial species. The work of Cassidy et al and She- relies on increasing amounts of grains, cereals, oilcakes,
pon et al use overall feed use and production data, and other staple crops for feed inputs as production
therefore taking breeding animals and early mortalities expands [11, 30]. Arable land used to grow feed crops
into account [7, 21]. These data were not consistently can compete with alternative land uses such as growing
available for aquaculture, so our results are based on crops directly for human consumption, which pro-
estimated inputs fed directly to meat-producing ani- vides a more efficient transfer of calories and protein
mals to produce a unit of edible flesh, and does not [2, 31, 32]. While food security advocates may wish
account for breeding animals, wasted feed, or mortali- for a shift in land use towards edible crops, the finan-
ties. Therefore, our results may overestimate retention. cial calculus for farmers’ crop planting decisions are
Not surprisingly, given the data used, our livestock tied to complex social, political, and economic forces
retention results are generally higher than previous that may be difficult to change. It is important to
studies (table 2). The data used in this study for note that animals’ diets can include human-indigestible
meat-producing animals was more robust compared forages or by-products not considered to be human-
to previous studies due to inclusion of multiple sources edible (e.g. distillers grains, bloodmeal), depending on
of data for many variables and use of Monte Carlo the species and production method, which reduces
simulations for each retention/species combination to competition for food between animal agriculture and
provide likely values based on all data collected. humans. Efforts are underway to develop and scale-up
Another reason our protein and calorie retention production of insects as animal feed (and for human
results may overestimate retention for aquaculture and consumption), but insects are not presently a major
livestock is due to our exclusion of feed and nutrient component of feed.
composition data for the earliest life stages. Detailed Future research should explore potential impli-
information on feed content across lifestage was not cations and tradeoffs of increasing demand for
available for all species in the study. The final lifestage aquaculture feed that is higher in protein and calories,
(i.e. growout) involves the majority of feed consump- as compared to livestock feed that is higher in starches.
tion and weight gain. Feed used in the earliest lifestages For example, crops that are high in starch have higher
are higher in protein (this is true for aquatic and ter- yields per hectare than crops high in protein due, in
restrial animals), but smaller amounts of feed are used. part, to the energy cost of nitrogen fixing for legumes
Future research could refine retention calculations by [33]; average yields in tonnes per hectare for 2010–2014
using feed information across multiple lifestages. were: maize 5.27, wheat 3.15, soy 2.50, and ground-
Adequate protein and calories, as well as micronu- nuts 1.66 [34]. Soy and groundnuts are a significant
trient intake, are critical for avoiding malnutrition in source of protein in aquaculture feeds and demand for
humans. Aquaculture expansion has been promoted these ingredients is growing [11]. Therefore, global land
as part of a solution to provide animal protein more requirements for feed production could expand more
efficiently, but in the case of fed aquaculture, the rapidly than current trends indicate and demand for
implications of consuming farmed aquatic animals nitrogen fertilizer could grow more slowly. Other topics
that have higher requirements for protein in their diet for additional investigation include protein and calorie

Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 024017

retention in non-intensive production settings, strate- ORCID iDs

gies aquaculture producers can employ to improve
protein and calorie retention, and retention of marine Jillian P Fry https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5836-9076
omega-3 fatty acids and micronutrients (e.g. iron) in Nicholas A Mailloux https://orcid.org/0000-0002-
farmed seafood. Current efforts to reduce FCRs in 4041-3665
aquaculture and livestock production focus on genetic David C Love https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2606-
improvements through breeding and genetic engi- 8623
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