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01 Module 1 | Week 2


Fly on the wall allows the researcher to OBSERVING THE JOURNEY OF A VENDOR AT A VEGETABLE
observe the interactions of users with their
environment. As there is no direct As a classroom project, I spent the entire day at a vegetable market
interactions involved between the consisting of approximately 30 vendors. I fixed my spot and reached
researcher and the users, the formation of there before the market opened and left the market after it was shut.
biases are on the lower end. I started observing the environment of the market before the
vendors entered. During my observation I kept noting down the
interaction between vendor to vendor, vendor to customer, vendor to
This method might intimidate the users
dealer and how did they use the space around them. I also noted
initially but gradually the researcher down the process they followed to set up their stalls and the people
becomes the part of the environment. coming in other than vendors and customers.

I further noted down the artifacts used by them and the audible
interactions to have a better understanding.

Reshmi Mahesh Kumar | 1

02 Module 1 | Week 2


Designers or researchers try to understand DESIGNING CHILD FRIENDLY SPACES

how the user interacts with the
product/service/environment by To design child friendly spaces, it is important for the designers to
keep in mind the anthropometry of the child so that the child can
pretending to be the user. Body storming
relate with the environment she is in.
helps in defining the problems by
understanding a user’s journey in the initial For instance, if we take a normal room, the windows are usually
phase. placed as per an adult. However, if the same room is a pre-school, it
would be better to have the windows placed as per children’s
As this method is quite iterative in nature, measurements so that they feel a sense of belongingness with the
it requires the designers and researchers place.
to design solutions within the environment
These windows need not necessarily be only child friendly but can
of the user. also be designed in a way that is child and adult friendly.

Reshmi Mahesh Kumar | 2

03 Module 1 | Week 2


Role reversal is a situation in which two HOUSE CHORES IN THE TIME OF COVID-19
people have chosen or been forced to
exchange their duties and responsibilities, Due to COVID-19 situation, the home maids are told not to serve
in order to understand each role. their clients. This puts the house owners in the shoes of maids and
helps them understand the activities and probable difficulties faced
This helps in understanding the by the maids to use a particular cleaning tool. This could possibly
perspective of the different stakeholders put the house owner in a position to be more empathetic and
and further helps in mitigating the conflict, identify the difficulties in certain activities and resolve them.
if any.

In order to win a game against the toughest opponent the team

together watches the old tapes of the opponents’ game to
understand their strategies, moves and mechanism. The team
studies these patterns and tries to play the game by dividing
themselves into two teams, where one team plays the role of the
opponent and practices their moves and how to break the same.

Reshmi Mahesh Kumar | 3

04 Module 1 | Week 2


Shadowing is performed in order to UNDERSTANDING HOW TO OPERATE AN ATM MACHINE

understand the actions of a person in a
given context. It reveals how a person We all at some point in life have performed shadowing in some
behaves in a particular context and how context.
does she experiences the situation. Taking for instance, a teenager who is told to accompany her parent
or older sibling to the bank in order to understand how the money is
There is less to no intervention while withdrawn or deposited to the bank is technically performing the
performing this method method shadowing.

This will help the teenager to understand each action and perform
the actions at a bank independently.

Reshmi Mahesh Kumar | 4

05 Module 1 | Week 2


Word concept association helps the WHAT WORDS DO YOU ASSOCIATE WITH - ONLINE CLASSES
designers and researchers to understand
how a user perceives and values a given
issue. In order to understand the perception of the students regarding
Online Classes, the students can be asked 3 words that they could
It helps to unveil the mental model of the associate with ‘Online Classes’.
users with respect to a particular issue
This can help us understand the advantages and disadvantages of
Online Classes and how to make the experience better.

Reshmi Mahesh Kumar | 5

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