Transfer Plate Structure

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txyfjrifhtaqmufttHkwnfaqmufa&;pDrHudef;rsm;BuD;Muyfppfaq;a&;ynm&Sift zGJU
trSwf228-234 AdkvfcsKyfatmifqef;vrf;
Ph /Fax : 01-245670 / 09-731-89038

pmtrSwf O - 154 ^ CQHP ^ 2014

&ufpGJ? 2014 ckESpf? rwfv (31)&uf
taMumif;t&m / Transfer Plate Structure Design aqmif&Guf&mwGif vkdufem&rnfh
txuftaMumif;t&mygudpöESifhywfoufí (22.3.2014)&ufaeUwGif txyfjrifh
taqmufttHkwnfaqmufa&;pDrHudef;rsm; BuD;Muyfppfaq;a&;ynm&SiftzGJYü usif;yjyKvkyfaom
Members of CQHP ESifh Technical Consultative Group wkdU\ tpnf;ta0;qHk;jzwfcsuft&
CQHP odkUwifjyvmaom Transfer Plate Structure Design rsm;wGif atmufygtcsufrsm;twkdif;
'DZkdif;jyKvkyfa&;qGJyg&ef owfrSwfvkdufygonf-

1. R≤ 4
2. Structural Period (T) = 0.025 Hb
Hb = Building Height (meter)
3. Over-strength Factor (Ω0) to use in transfer beam/plate and supporting column design and
two storey above the transfer plate.
4. Weak Story Check.
5. Soft Story Check.
6. Storey Stiffness ratio
(∆1/H1)/ (∆2/H2) ≤ 1.3
H1 = Height of the substructure below the transfer plate
H2 = Height of the substructure above the transfer plate similar to but not taller than H1 for
stiffness ratio calculation.
∆1 = Lateral deformation of substructure below the transfer plate
∆2 = Lateral deformation of substructure above the transfer plate
gure. Numeriical models for
f calculatin
ng the equivvalent stiffneess below annd above the
nsfer structurre

7. Beaams, column
ns and walls shall be designed as perr special mom
ment resistinng frame
8. Traansfer level should
s not bee more than one.
9. To analysis and
d design of trransfer platee by considerring local deeformation oof transfer plate.
10. To perform dyn
namic analyssis.
11. To perform con
nstruction seequence analysis.
12. Traansfer plate location must be under 1/3
1 height off the buildinng.
13. Lo
ong term craccked deflectiion of the traansfer plate shall not be more than 220 mm.
14. o provide meethod statemeent for transfer plate connstruction.

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