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After lunch, Ben and I walked into the main building so I could get my class schedule.

He explained to me
all of my classes and what they were about. However, I noticed I had a class called Remedial Goodness
101 on there. It’s already my least favourite class and I haven’t even taken it yet. That’s how gross it
sounds. I am definitely not about to jump right into that class and into being a hero kid. Ew.

Imagine me- a hero.

I would defeat myself if I ever became a hero. No thanks.

“And those are the basics of your classes. If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask okay?” Ben
says. We fall into another moment, him looking into my eyes expressing genuine caring, and me oddly
enough looking back. Then I realize that I was caring and stopped.

“Yeah, sure. Thanks,” I say, taking my schedule and walking away. I walked out into the courtyard to see
Doug and Evie together, with Doug on his laptop and Evie trying to be flirty but getting nowhere.

I smirk as I walk over to the two of them.

“Hi Gwen,” Doug greets with a happy, dopey smile.

“Hi. Evie, Mal wants to see you. Some Fearsome Foursome emergency,” I say trying to get her out of

“Oh! Then I better go. Bye Doug,” She says hurriedly. She waves to me and runs into the building.

I wave back and once I see she’s gone I turn to Doug, with a deadly look on my face. “Look,” I begin,
“you’re going to hack into the system and change me out of Remedial Goodness 101. Got it?” I ask.

“And if I don’t?” He replies.

I smirk. He’s playing games. I love games.

“If you don’t, not only will I tell Evie of your massive crush on her, but I will hex you so that you can
never speak to defend my statement. Got it?” I smile sweetly with a hint of evil.

He gulps, “Got it.” Then he goes typing away on his laptop. Something I will never begin to figure out.
Technology is strange. Magic is cooler.

I sit down next to him to try and see what he’s doing. “So?”

“Okay, so you are officially out of Remedial Goodness 101. But you can’t have a blank spot on your
schedule,” Doug explains.

“Okay so what can I fill it with?” I ask.

“Basic Chivalry, Tourney, Chemistry, History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Dragon Anatomy-”

“-Stop! That’s it. Dragon Anatomy,” I say. That would be a cool class.

Doug presses a few buttons and then finishes, “Done. You are now officially in Dragon Anatomy.”

For the rest of the day, my mind wandered around two things. The first thing being Ben and how he’s
the only person that makes me not feel like a Villain, and the second thing was Dragon Anatomy. I’m
never excited for courses, but since I basically know everything there is to know about Dragons, this
class will be a piece of cake.
The next morning I wake up in an interesting mood. Maybe it’s all the baby pink on the wall that made
me want to throw up, or maybe it was the feeling of me starting my classes today that got me anxious
and nervous.

“Same,” Mal says, waking up. Mal, thank god, is my roommate. We have these twinstinct moments
where we feel the same as the other person. It’s creepy, but it oddly brings us closer together.

“You stuck in remedial goodness?” I ask. And she groans, throwing a pillow at my face. I block it though.

“Yes. How did you change out of it?” She asks, quite annoyed.

“Easy. Threatening and magic,” I smirk. She smirks too and then we both laugh. I don’t even have to say
much with Mal and we will laugh as if we know what the other is thinking.

We get up and get dressed, making out way to our first class. History of Auradon. It starts at 8am and
goes until 9:45am, meaning it is a long and boring class. Mal and I are in it together so we sat in the back
throwing paper balls at the teacher the entire time.

Willow (@mikaelsonlegacy) kept looking back at us with a weird mixture of “That is so wrong” and “That
looks like fun!” I toss her a paper ball and she throws it towards the teacher, and misses, hitting John
Porter (@anabelle-95), the loser sitting in the front of the room explaining the ‘history’ of his family, in
the back of the head. He yelps and me and Mal chuckle quietly to ourselves. He looks back at us and we
pretend to look down, doing out work, but we’re crying laughing and we can’t help it.

The bell thankfully rings and we make it out of class. Mal and I are bursting out laughing because Willow
was so cute. She tried to be evil and flopped which was kind of funny but also really awesome. We’re
spreading evil little bits at a time.

We go to our lockers and grab our books for our next classes.I slam my locker shut and everyone around
me blocks their ears. I keep forgetting I hexed my locker. I also see Scarlet (@i-love-stan-the-man)
clutching her ears again.

I say goodbye to Mal and I make my way to Dragon Anatomy. I walk into class and sit back row dead
center, right next to Ben and right behind this tall kid with long hair. Kind of reminded me of Jay, but he
looked like a hero, so it wasn’t him.

“First day?” He turns around and asks me.

“Yep,” I say, putting my feet up. “What’s your name?”

“Eli. (@silentrose) And yours?”


“One of the daughters of Maleficent. Nice.”

“How would you know that?” I ask.

“I’m the editor of the school newspaper; it’s my job to know,” Eli smirks and turns around.

Ahh. A newspaper dweeb.

As the teacher begins to talk, Ben turns to me. He whispers, “I thought you were supposed to be in-”

“-Shh…” I cut him off, smirking to him. “I switched classes. You’re welcome.”
“-this period to grab a partner, grab a dragon and research,” The teacher explains. “You will present
your chosen research tomorrow. This will see just how much I actually have to teach you.” The teacher
finishes and sits. I thought people on Auradon weren’t supposed to be sour.

Our teacher is awesome!

I turn to Ben, “Hey Ben, want to be-”

Just then his wench of a girlfriend, Audrey, swoops in and says, “Sorry Mal, Ben is my partner. Bye!” and
takes him away.

“My name is Gwen…” I call out after her. I feel an odd pang in my chest, but I soon brush it off. I look
around to see basically everyone is partnered up. Marina (@reya-selene) has a partner, but it’s not like I
would voluntarily go with her anyways. We were basically enemies on the island.

I look around the room and stop, looking straight at Eli. I smirk.

“Hey newspaper dweeb!” I say getting his attention. He turns round and raises his eyebrows. “You’re
going to be my partner.”

“And why would I want to do that?” He asks.

“Well for one, I’ll stop calling you ‘newspaper dweeb,’” I say.

“Well, this is my one and only class I actually feel like being in, so you have me for effort. My mom’s a
dragon, so I know all there is to them. And if you want, you can do an article on me for the paper.” I say,
trying to get him to lighten up, and see the ‘good’ in me.

“I’ll have to think about that last one, but sure. Let’s get to work,” Eli agrees. Awesome, he bought it.

Man, who knew I was such a great actor.

Ugh, I should’ve taken Drama Class instead.

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