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Tim Wilson

Associate Publisher
Creative COW Magazine

Finding the Way

to Real Money,
Full Time.
Industry pros reveal
how they got ahead —
and ways to stay there.

fervency of the question, I THE PLAYERS:

may be making the answer An Introduction Before We Dig In
more complicated than it The single unifying trait in the
needs to be by assuming backgrounds of the people I spoke
that people would like to to is that all of them cast their
get paid for full time AE- educational nets much, much wider
ing. than computer graphics. Many of
In any case, that’s them also came into the game late,
what I assumed. To find as second or third careers.
the real world, real money “I have, perhaps, one of the
answer, I asked some most useless degrees one can
of the industry’s most get,” Lars Bunch told me, “a BA in
talented and respected Theater.”
artists how they got their Actually, the most common
first jobs and how they college major among the people I

O ne of the most frequently asked

questions I hear is, “How can
I work with tools like After Effects
built their careers.
From there, we covered every
aspect of the business you can
spoke to: theater. Not computers.
Not graphics, although graphics was
number two. Not TV. Theater. You
(insert your favorite tool name here) imagine: education, experience, know, with people and everything.
full time?” sharpening your reel, favorite At least theater is one of The
You might expect me to get the features of working pros, and much, Arts. Several studied
question from students, or others much more. something not even
just starting to make their way into Get out your pencils and start remotely related.
professional production. Actually, taking notes. Even if you’ve never
I hear it at least as much from used After Effects, you’ll find tips GERMANY
seasoned geezers. here that you can start using today Although Mylenium (at
Judging by the frequency and to have your best year ever. right) enjoyed animating

12 December 2006 / February 2007 — Creative Cow Magazine

for fun as a youngster, he studied than computer graphics alone. “I’ve for one of his videos. “I said ‘Sure,
dentistry. In addition to his full-time always felt really glad I took the no problem,’ despite the fact that
After Effects job today, Mylenium ‘teacher training in Arts Education’ I hadn’t a shred of an idea of what
has composed just over two dozen detour,” says Barend. “It gave me After Effects was.
tutorials for The Creative COW. It such a thorough understanding “Leaving work in a panic, I ran
all started with an internship at of human visual perception, color to a bookstore and picked up the
an industrial design company. “All theory, composition, perspective ‘Adobe Classroom in a Book for After
my compositing knowledge is and a good basis in art history.” Effects,’ and spent the next 24 hours
self-taught,” he says. “Beyond my So don’t hold yourself back soaking in the basics of AE. That
internship I had no education in the because you think you’re getting gave me enough to get started.”
field. I learned it all as I went along.” started with the wrong education, There were some steps for Bob
or starting too late. Or too early. after that, of course. User groups,
NEW YORK CITY Several folks I spoke to went forums, more training, and lots of
The highest-rated After Effects pro straight out of high school, experience led to him becoming his
podcast at the iTunes Store is including Sean and Scott. Another company’s art director. From there,
Creative COW’s AE podcast, hosted was Andrew Kramer. Bob started his own production
by Aharon Rabinowitz, company. Today, Bob is Adobe’s
(at left) the Creative SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Senior Marketing Manager for
Director of All Bets Are Andrew Kramer (below, left) is Digital Video & Audio.
Off Productions. The the author of one of the industry’s
company’s client list all-time best-selling After Effects UNITED KINGDOM
includes Nickelodeon, tutorial DVDs, a series of DVDs with Antony Buonomo (here, right)
HBO, Showtime, MTV AE projects for design elements worked for The BBC as a researcher,
and many more. such as loopable producer and director. An early
Aharon had a double major backgrounds, dozens design job was on
with theater (see?) and psychology. of video tutorials and the Royal Television
He interned at Kohler Memorial the Serious FX podcast Society (UK) and
Hospital, which inadvertently for The Creative COW. Emmy® winning
provided the first step in his After Before starting his documentary, “The
Effects career. Barely into the own production Plot to Kill Hitler.”
internship, Aharon said “No way I’m company, he worked “At some point
going to do this.” as a compositor for several major the producers said they also needed
Hollywood movie studios. some animated maps, and asked
THE NETHERLANDS To prepare for all that without could I handle that?” says Antony.
Barend Onneweer (below, left) is college, he surely went to one of “As we all do, I said ‘Yes’ - knowing
an animator and filmmaker in the those arts high schools, right? “I that After Effects would do the job
Netherlands who uses After Effects had a video class in high school,” but having never touched it.
for his work, while also Andrew says, “but the teacher didn’t “This was Tuesday. I took a gulp,
teaching After Effects know what a computer was.” bought AE 6.5 Pro on Wednesday,
at the Art Academy in The moral of the story: start and had a mock-up animating by
Rotterdam. He came where you are. Just start. Saturday morning. It was a very
closest to having an simple and badly put together
education in the kind of Call it bluffing. Though you know animation — lots of redundant
work that we generally what your mother would call it. layers and keyframes, etc. — but it
associate with After But your mother isn’t paying you. looked good. I was amazed.”
Effects – his second time Want more? Here are three stories.... As Bob did, Antony put in plenty
around. of work to get to the next level. He
After his first four years in FROM WALL STREET TO ADOBE recently did the title design and
college, he earned a second degree “In the mid ‘90’s I was working in the graphics, as well as exercising his
in Audiovisual Design, but even Art Department of a big Wall Street refined map animation skills, for the
there, he received only the briefest firm in New York City, BBC series “Terry Jones’ Barbarians,”
introduction to After Effects. “It was creating interactive with another series on its way.
a fairly broad program,” he says, CD-ROMs,” says Bob
“ranging from dynamic typography Donlon (left). “One OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA
— which we started doing as cut- day, the head of the Sean Cusson played an even bigger
out stop-motion — to documentary video department opening bluff because the job he
and drama fiction.” came into my office landed was more than just a one-
His first degree was in Art wanting to know if time gig – it was on a national
Education, and offers an insight into I knew After Effects, and asked if animated TV series!
the advantages of a broader focus I could create some animations “I had some idea what After

Creative Cow Magazine — December 2006 / February 2007 13

Emmy®is a registered trademark of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
Effects was from a friend who saying “I made two calls to say ‘I’m open AE opportunities).
showed it to me.” on my own,’ and haven’t made a call Mark Allen (right) agrees that
What?! since. It’s all word of mouth.” editing is the shortest path to a
“Yeah, a friend of a friend Scott Rocha (here, left) is part job using After Effects.
pointed me to the job. They asked of the progressive design company “Editors sit with clients
me if I knew AE, and I said yes.” Project Rooster. “A friend called for weeks or months, and
Sean, too, did what it took to and said I don’t have time do this, eventually have a great
actually deliver on his bluff, and can you do it? I got deal of weight in the post
has become one of Canada’s most my second job from production process.”
respected motion graphic artists. another friend who Scott is also one of
As you contemplate this path, didn’t have time to those who came into compositing
remember that this kind of bluff do it himself. through editing. His first foray
always, always gets called. If you “That’s how it into After Effects wasn’t exactly
choose this strategy, prepare to started with me. You meet people, promising. “I was 17 and doing grunt
deliver. Fast. and all of a sudden they know you work at a post house. I got on AE the
and start throwing work at you.” first time and took three hours to
THE MATRIX Wait a minute! I have friends! I make a title move from right to left.”
You probably already know the go to parties! How did he get from there to
person who’s going to help you land Lars Bunch (below) says it’s not the job a friend handed him for the
your first full-time After Effects gig. just knowing people. It’s knowing Robert Mondavi Vineyard based in
They’re not just business contacts, people who know you’re a reliable the Napa Valley? From internships
either. They’re often part of your professional, who across LA, he’d built a reputation for
network of family and friends. know that you do high- reliability. “My friend would never
Barend was primarily an editor quality work. Even if it’s have handed it to me if he didn’t
until a friend on one of his projects another kind of work. think I’d handle it like a professional,”
introduced him to the producer, He saw his motion says Scott. “If I messed up, he’d be
who wanted a cinematic feel for the stand animation the one that would look bad.
finished project. Barend achieved it business slipping away as former “There are so many people who
with a combination of Premiere and clients did more of their own stills are awesome at motion graphics, but
After Effects, and has spent virtually animation in After Effects. Rather don’t understand the professional
all of his time since then in After than lament being passed by, he side of it – it’s a business. You have
Effects. His expertise with both film saw an opportunity to make a new to be good at what you do, but you
look and greenscreen techniques future by learning After Effects have to be the kind of person that
have brought him as a speaker at himself. He knew that his experience other people want to work with.”
conferences around the world. in art photography and even theater Sean observes another
“Actually, one of the camera- gave him tools for success that advantage of a referral that covers
operators was my girlfriend’s friend’s others lacked. both technical skills and personal
sister,” recalls Barend. Just as he felt ready to make professionalism. “If I come to a client
“It turns out that all my work the leap to full-time After Effects having already been recommended,
has come to me through friends animation, “an old client walked I’m already qualified. By the time
of friends, or people I’ve met into my shop just to say hello after we’re ready to get started, the deal
personally,” he says. “For a long picking up some photographs at a is done.”
time I felt my work should speak nearby lab. I asked him if he needed It also puts Sean in a stronger
for itself, so I didn’t put any effort any computer graphics.” The client position. “I’m not asking for work. I’m
into networking. Although I did did, and soon, says Lars, “I was taking work that’s offered to me.”
get some work that way, it wasn’t a getting as much work as I could
reliable source of income. handle.” DREAMS SO REEL
“The reality is that people hire You may recall that two of the Although they all had very different
me after they’ve bumped into me three people who bluffed their way takes on the specifics, nearly
at parties, or talked to a friend of a into After Effects animation were everyone agrees that a reel is
friend,” says Barend. As technical as editors first. You’ll see this pattern important.
the business can get, in the end it’s continue in the rest of the article, At the same time, nobody I
really about people working with too: about 2/3 of the group I spoke spoke to, or heard about from them,
people.” to started as editors. got even a single job from sending
More examples: Aharon’s For those keeping score, an unsolicited reel.
brother-in-law connected him to his Premiere is the most commonly Aharon tells a great story why:
first job in television production. used NLE in the stories I heard. Its “I was a producer at Noggin on the
Sean’s cousin-by-marriage ran interface and integration make night shift. It wasn’t a paid gig as an
a production company that brought Premiere an obvious choice for AE AE artist per se, but I did interstitials
him in. He eventually left to go solo, artists who want to use editing to continued on page 53

14 December 2006 / February 2007 — Creative Cow Magazine

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