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1. Abstract
This article wants to explain the various problems of the Colombian labor market that distinguish
us from the efficiency of the Swiss labor market, such as the segmentation of the labor market, the
dynamics between supply and demand, the link between education and work, the main obstacles in
the professional consolidation, university drop-out in the last years of the career, the labor
insertion of graduates and the informality of the Colombian market.
For the development of this article we will use the 3 registered indicators for measuring the
efficiency of the labor market, wages and productivity, labor policies for hiring and firing,
percentage of working women.

2. Problem
The problem to investigate is why Colombia does not have the best position in the labor market
efficiency indicator, globally, verifying the afore mentioned indicators generating a direct
comparison with a country specifically developed as Switzerland in 2018, To reach key points
of improvements in each sector to deal with

3. General objetive

Identify the main reasons and the widest points of difference for which Colombia does not
reach high positions in indicator 8 of the Global Competitiveness Report, through the
comparison of three indicators (costs and productivity, labor policies to hire and fire,
percentage of working women) of 2018 between Colombia and Switzerland for propose
possible new solutions that are viable to improve the Colombian labor market model. This
document allows us to obtain knowledge and thus develop the ability to argue in English and
Spanish through research and analysis of the information found in the required sources.

4. Epecifics objetives

4.1. Conduct an investigation that deepens the indicators with which the efficiency in the
countries is measured, to verify the gap that exists between Colombia and Switzerland.
4.2. Perform the result of the first investigation and identify the items of the labor market
efficiency index that need more attention in Colombia.
4.3. Compare Switzerland with Colombia and establish the conditions under which Colombia
can improve, compared to Switzerland's score.

5. Key words
5.1. Labor Market
5.2. Develop country
5.3. Indicator
5.4. Unemployment
6. Introduction

To begin to have a clearer and more concise knowledge, we will work in 3 aspects (costs
and productivity, labor policies to hire and fire, percentage of working women), this study
will be based on a gap located between the first quarter of 2019 and the last quarter. quarter,
evaluated in the two countries.
In the first quarter of the year 2020, DANE publishes on March 11 a technical bulletin on
the registered unemployment rate 2019-2020 between men and women.

Table 1. Gap in the unemployment rate by geographic domain (2019 – 2020)

Note. recovered from GEIH technical bulletin - Labor market by sex (November 2019 -
January 2020) DANE Colombia.

The main Integrated Household Survey (GEIH) has as its main objective to provide basic
information on the size and structure of the country's workforce (employment,
unemployment and inactivity), Likewise, through the survey people are classified according
to their workforce in busy, unoccupied or inactive.

In this way it is possible to estimate the main indicators of the Colombian labor market,
such as: the Global Participation Rate (TGP), the Occupation Rate (TO) and the
Unemployment Rate (TD). In this technical bulletin these indicators are presented
according to sex.
Table 2. Labor market indicators by sex National total (2019 – 2020)

Nota. recovered from GEIH technical bulletin - Labor market by sex (November 2019 -
January 2020) DANE Colombia.

2019 - January 2020 the unemployment rate for women it was 13.9% and for men 8.1%.

Table 3 . Unemployed population by sex National total.

Gran Encuesta Integrada de Hogares
Note. recovered from GEIH technical bulletin - Labor market by sex (November 2019 -
January 2020) DANE Colombia.

With these data we can verify that not even 60% of the population of women are
unemployed, worse in order to give a more accurate figure with our indicator, we will
evaluate women by categories in employed women and unemployed women.
In order to verify the sustainability of the economy, it is necessary to verify the active
population of women and in the sectors they work in, demonstrating the low percentage of
employed women, being totally direct to the development of a country, in the following
graph we will see a specification for sectors and how the women employed in the
Colombian territory are divided

Table 6 . Distribution of employed men and women by branch of activity (thousands)

National total
Note. recovered from GEIH technical bulletin - Labor market by sex (November 2019 -
January 2020) DANE Colombia.
Unemployed young women between the ages of 14 and 28 correspond to 47.0% of the
unemployed; while young men represent 46.5% of the unemployed.

The Dane revealed that the unemployment rate for January 2019 was 12.8%, reflecting an
increase of one percentage point compared to the same period of the previous year. The
gender gap also increased to 7.1 percentage points, that is to say that while unemployed
men reach 9.8%, women at 16.9%, a worrying figure, considering that the female
population in Colombia is majority.

7. Previous

Ilustración 1; Colombia vs Switzerland Recuperado de


DANE .( 2020).Gap in the unemployment rate by geographic domain (2019 – 2020).(Table 1).

Recuperado de


DANE .( 2020). Labor market indicators by sex National total (2019 – 2020).(Table 2).Recuperado


JOVER, Carolina Blasco.(2019) La nueva configuración del permiso por lactancia y del derecho

a la adaptación de jornada tras el Real Decreto-Ley 6/2019, de 1 de marzo, de medidas

urgentes para la igualdad de mujeres y hombres en el empleo y la o

cupación.  Relaciones Laborales y Derecho del Empleo, 2019, vol. 7, no 2.


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