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Learning activity 3

Evidence: The story of bottled water

Fuente: ​SENA

Bottled water is one of the most dramatic problems in our consumerist society.
Every day millions of people around the world drink bottled water and then
throw away the empty bottle to the garbage. Consequently, the world is
becoming full of empty plastic bottles.

Watch the following video ​

called “The story of bottled water”.

If necessary, click for subtitles.

You can also download and read the transcription of the video in PDF format
from this link:
After you watch the video answer the following questions. Use any voice
​ nd ​first and second
recording software to record your answers. Use ​will a
conditional​ i​ n the answers.

● What are the problems derived from drinking bottled water? Mention two
problems at least.
● What is the difference between bottled water and drinking water?
● Describe the process involved in manufacturing a plastic bottle.
● What happens with the plastic bottles after we throw them away?
● What solutions can be implemented to solve this problem?
● Is this problem common in your community? What does the community do to
deal with it?
● Will you drink bottled water again? Why, why not?
● What will you do in the future to reduce the number of plastic bottles used in
the world?

What are the problems derived from drinking bottled water? Mention two
problems at least.
The first problem is that it is less treated than tap water.
The second problem is that we are polluting the world because of the empty
bottles we leave behind when we consume them.

What is the difference between bottled water and drinking water?

The difference that many do not see is that the bottle of water is much more
expensive than tap water.

Describe the process involved in making a plastic bottle.

First it starts with the extraction and production of oil, then it will send the bottles
to the entire planet.

What happens to the plastic bottles after I throw them away?

80% ends up in landfills where they will remain for thousands of years or where
they are burned, releasing toxic contamination into the environment and, in the
second instance, the rest is collected for recycling.
others go to india

What solutions can be implemented to solve this problem?

stop drinking bottled water and encourage others to do the same, as we believe
that we help the environment when in fact we are slowly killing it with each bottle.

Is this a common problem in your community? What does the community do to

Deal with it?
Yes, this problem exists, but it must be taken into account that most of the time
people do not recycle plastics but simply throw them away without separating
them from other waste, arguing that there are people who do this work.
others determined to recover them very little reach a good destination

Are you going to drink bottled water again? Why? Why not?

No, firstly because our city is increasingly responsible for making our waters more
consumable for people, and secondly because we already pay for water, because
we pay more if there is already an expense for it.

What will you do in the future to reduce the number of plastic bottles used in
the world?
Encourage all people who mistakenly believe that they are consuming bottled
water for their health and for society, that what we are doing is killing our
ecosystem without realizing it and we must act before it is too late.
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click E​ xaminar mi equipo a ​ nd look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click ​Enviar.​

Note: ​This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
● Utiliza ​will ​para hablar de futuro teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y el
contexto requerido.

● Utiliza las cláusulas ​if ​y ​when ​teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical,

vocabulario y contexto requerido.

● Intercambia información relacionada con hechos de la naturaleza, teniendo

en cuenta la estructura gramatical, el vocabulario y el contexto requerido.

● Usa vocabulario relacionado con hechos de la naturaleza, teniendo en

cuenta el contexto requerido.

● Expresa el resultado de acciones en presente, utilizando oraciones



The story of stuff project. (2010). ​The story of bottled water. ​Consultado el 14
de noviembre de 2014, en ​

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