Anatomy Brain Part 1

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BRAIN Average weight of adult brain in air is 1500 grams. Since brain floats in CSF, it weights only 50 grams, Brain is protected by the following coverings == i) Bony covering of cranial cavity. ii) Meninges : i) Dura mater (outer) (il) Arachnoid mater (middle), and (ii) Pia mater (inner). | iil) The CSF fills the subarachnoid space (space between arachnoid and pia maters) and acts as a cushion Brain is divided into three parts: (i) Forebrain (prosencephaton), (i) Midbrain (mesencephalon), and (ii) Hindbrain (rhombencephalon). MENINGES ‘9 Meninges covering the brain include three layers from outside in: () dura mater (pachymeninx), (i) arachnoid ‘mater, and (ii) pia mater, Axachnoid and pia maters together are known as leptomeninges. Du neninx ‘9 Dura mater is the eoughtest and thickest membrane covering the brain, Iti divisible into outer endasteal layer or ‘endocranium (covering inner surface of skull bones) and inner meningeal layer. Inner meningeal layer is folded on itself at places dividing the cranial cavity into intercommunicating compartments which lodge different parts of brain ')Falx corebri:: Itis a large sickle shaped fold projecting into median longitudinal fissure between two cerebral hemisphere. It contains superior saggital sinus (along lower concave free margin), and straight sinus” (along line of attachment of falx cerebri to tentorium cerebeli). ii) ‘Tentorium cerebelli: It roof the posterior cranial fossa separating cerebellum from occipital lobes of cerebrum. It divides the eranial cavity into supratentorial and infratentorial spaces. Trigeminal (Meeckel’s) cave isa recess ‘of dura mater Which is formed by evagination of inferior layer of tentorium over trigeminal impression on the petrous temporal bone. It contains trigeminal ganglion", Tentorium cerebelli encloses transverse sinus ‘and superior petrosal sinuses. ii) Falx cerebelli: It is a small siekle shaped fold projecting forwards in between two cerebellar hemispheres. It ‘encloses oceipital sinus. iv) Diaphragma sellae: It roof the sella turcica which lodges the pituitary gland. Itencloses anterior and posterior intercarermons in. oer, ee raconat Sie tort vires rancx onic | ‘sagitis sinus io Oworere sect ses Trt Piet Torn we coon wear ee rien ome Sonne Tar Cate anu Fatccoretet orbs snus tome eae |