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Carmen Tatiana Castiblanco Gordillo

Adriana Julieth Arias Lopez

Yohan Estiven Avendaño Granada

Karol Andrea Clavijo Cabezas




One of the alternatives used to reduce work absenteeism due to factors such as stress,
physical ailments, emotional disorders and in general occupational risks associated with daily
activity, are the exercises performed in active breaks; The alternatives to improve or modify
the situations that occur in the different functions performed by employees are the reason for
multiple studies, situations and moments that are experienced in the offices of the companies,
are just a sample of the importance of this factor to improve the quality of life and therefore
the work performance. Implementing and developing a program of active breaks in each
company is as important as the fact of seeking to improve and increase production regardless
of the objective of each company. Active pauses are short moments at the beginning of each
workday or in the middle of the day, they perform various exercises focused especially on
relaxing those parts of the body in which more stress is concentrated by daily activities, the
exercise plan It has an initial heating part, the central part and the final stretching part.
This idea also emerged as a law is found that obliges companies to establish a system of
occupational hazards called occupational health and safety.
Law 1562 of 2012 que establece:
“Salud Ocupacional: Se entenderá en adelante como Segundad y Salud en el Trabajo,
definida como aquella disciplina que trata de la prevención de las lesiones y enfermedades
causadas por las condiciones de trabajo, y de la protección y promoción de la salud de los
trabajadores. Tiene por objeto mejorar las condiciones y el medio ambiente de trabajo, así
como la salud en el trabajo, que conlleva la promoción y el mantenimiento del bienestar
físico, mental y social de los trabajadores en todas las ocupaciones.”

Organization of ACTIVATE pauses for labor welfare in companies.

We want to somehow facilitate the stability of those around us, not only in our family circle
but also for society. By knowing a little about the subject we realized that we could integrate
two themes into one, the profitability and self-sufficiency of a company, and the possibility of
making our true social sense, not only is it a business with high profitability and controlling
its long-term management In time, if it does not help generate jobs and improve our quality
of life and society in the future.
The service offered by other entities is very unique and most offer the same service. Activate
offers a more complete and dynamic work health and safety system.
As an initial strategy, the dissemination of advertising on social networks would be used,
using the corporate image. A profile is created on Facebook for customer loyalty, in the same
way it will be done on Twitter and Instagram, taking advantage of people who use this type
of applications to search for product references or comments about their consumption
experiences. In this way, we have constant feedback with customers and the market in
general. Strategic alliances will be made with organized companies of events (concerts or
thematic parties), it would be used to use an ACTIVAR as a point of sale of its ticket office
and in the events advertising for the company would be used, through banners.

In Colombia, active breaks are made in different companies, both in the private and public
sectors, an example of this is the IDRD in which a series of methods that motivate servers to
perform sports and physical activity are implemented, for this reason it is intended carry out
this initiative to different companies. In the same way in the companies that provide the
recreation service they are doing recreation in companies, the University of the Andean Area
promotes the realization of active breaks in the workplace, taking into account that the latter a
huge growth in the city, according to the DANE (2007) (Administrative Department ...) it is
reported that the average age of "enemy" of the exercise is between 25 and 44 years, with
women being the least athletes. According to the study of the causes, it is due to the lack of
time and long working hours. [1]
Our product will be offered nationwide as our focus is to reach those companies where
workers have the possibility to improve their quality of life and feel motivated by their
companies with this type of activities and improve production.
Our marketing strategy is by all means, social networks, voice to voice between companies
and to be able to guarantee the whole country and to be able to provide a quality service and
with all the established norms.
ACTIVATE LTDA would use a direct distribution channel, where the customer made a call.
Therefore, it is established that the company must be at a strategically located point. The
observation indicates that the most representative sectors of services have their points in the
main ones are companies of the city, but as our objective service is the workers working our
service point will be in the vicinity of the industrial zone.
The price that the service will have will be set based on the costs incurred to obtain the
finished service, taking into account that a high quality service will be designed and
delivered, both in dynamics and knowledge. In this way, the prices of the competition are
observed, which are mostly higher and their services do not have an innovative and unique
detail, such as those of ACTIVATE.
A price is set that is in the average price range of the competition, as it must be taken into
account that a new service is going to be introduced and it is important to be competitive.


The ACTIVATE company will have an initial budget of 40,000,000.

Verification of name or business name and registration
The selection of the name is a fundamental step at the beginning of a company, therefore the
existence of the name you want for the organization, which is not registered by another
company or business name, must be verified in advance.
Once this is done, the corresponding document or form must be filled out.
Company location query
This procedure is carried out in district planning to which a letter must be delivered
informing you of the location, type of business, activity or activities to be developed, name
and contact numbers of the interested party and a local service account. Planning prepares an
authorization statement or failing that rejection of said request.
Public deed of incorporation
It is a written document that contains declarations in legal acts, issued before the notary with
the requirements of law and that is incorporated into the protocol, this public elaboration is
carried out through several consecutive stages that at the moment of not being fully complied
with make the non-existent same. Every commercial company must be constituted by means
of a public deed before a notary, its contents, as well as the bylaws must be strictly subject to
the legally required provisions. It must contain, among other aspects, the name, nationality,
identity document and domicile of the persons involved as the grantor, the class or type of
company to be constituted, as well as the name or company name thereof, the domicile of the
company, the corporate purpose, the share capital (the contribution of each associate in the
act of incorporation), the duration of the company, dissolution causes distribution of the
powers and powers of the administrator.
Commercial register
The Commercial Registration is a means of identification of the merchant and his
establishment of commerce, as well as means of proof of existence of one and the other.
By legal provision, merchants, whether natural or legal persons, are required to enroll in the
Mercantile Registry that is held by the Chamber of Commerce and register their company or
business there. The registration must be renewed annually, within the first three months of the
year. In case of not exercising any commercial activity, you must cancel your Commercial
They are also required to record in their own interest and that of third parties, minutes, books
and documents that the law states such as: constitution, reform, dissolution and liquidation of
companies, opening of agencies and branches, alienation and cancellation of trade
establishment ; pledge contracts, reservation of ownership, commercial agency, concordats,
powers, operating permits to commercial companies, trade books, seizures, kidnappings,
successions, among others.
range of assets in minimum wages
range of assets in pesos
rate 376,000
Registration before the DIAN
To endorse and exercise the economic activity before third parties with whom it maintains a
commercial, labor or economic relationship in general and before the different supervisory
and control entities, in turn, this document indicates its obligations towards the Colombian
In turn, it allows DIAN to have truthful, up-to-date, classified and reliable information on all
the subjects required to enroll in it, to develop effective management in the area of collection,
control and service that in turn facilitates compliance of tax, customs and exchange
obligations as well as the simplification of procedures and cost reduction.
The tax identification number (NIT) is the numerical tax or fiscal expression that identifies
taxpayers and taxpayers before other public and private entities.
Industry and Commerce
Any natural or legal person that in the jurisdiction of a given municipality exercises an
industrial, commercial or service activity, with or without establishment, must register in
Industry and Commerce and pay the tax corresponding to its Activity.
The Industry and Commerce tax corresponding to each taxable period is settled based on the
taxpayer's net income obtained during this period.
Registration of accounting books
The process of registering the books of the chamber of commerce can be carried out when the
company has registered the owner or the legal representative must present and request the
registration of the accounting books with a letter addressed to the chamber of commerce and
fill out the respective application form.
Security license
The secretary of health and the fire department are in charge of issuing these licenses, to
obtain said certificate it is necessary to request in writing the visit of both organizations
where the address, telephone and name of the legal representative of the organization that
wants to be visited is indicated. , if the established norms have been established, the
certificate will be issued.

- ¿Dónde obtendrá el dinero para cubrir sus costos iniciales?

- The 3 partners will contribute with a total capital of 40 million pesos
- ¿Cuál es el costo de hacer cada producto o proporcionar cada hora de servicio?

- Enumere cada gasto y divida sus gastos totales entre la cantidad de productos que
fabricará o la cantidad
- de horas que trabajará, de la siguiente manera:
- Producto: Costo por producto = gastos totales / # de productos que se pueden
- Servicio: costo por hora de servicio = gastos totales / número de horas de trabajo
- ¿Cuánto cobrarás?
- ¿Cómo se compara su precio con sus competidores? Asegúrese de establecer su
precio por encima del costo
- por unidad
- ¿Cuál será tu prot?
- ¿Cuánto ganará en cada venta después de restar sus gastos?
- Prot = Ingresos - Gastos
- ¿Qué harás con el dinero que ganes?
- ¿Comprarás más suministros? ¿Ahorrar para la universidad? ¿Donar a la caridad?
- Haga un plan para gastar, ahorrar y compartir. ¿Cuáles son tus objetivos
financieros? No te olvides de
- reservar dinero para reinvertir en el negocio.

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