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Emission monitoring
in nitric acid plants
Dr. Michael Kamphus, Application Engineer for Process Gas Analysers at Emerson Process
Management, Rosemount Analytical, takes an in-depth look at techniques for emission
monitoring in nitric acid plants to support emission reduction and gain carbon trading credits.

itric acid is one of the world’s 15 From the bottom of the absorption col- catalyst behaviour, and as a consequence
largest commodity chemicals, with umn, liquid nitric acid with concentration of some of the catalysts used in power plants
an annual production of about 55 50-68% is withdrawn. cannot be used in nitric acid plants. With
million t/a. Approximately 80% is used as SCR, NOx conversions of 80-97% can be
intermediate in the production of nitrog- Gaseous emissions from nitric achieved, resulting in emission levels of
enous fertilizers, primarily ammonium 74 - 100 ppm NOx. N2O emissions are not
nitrate, and the remaining 20% is used
acid plants reduced significantly by applying SCR.
in the production of various chemicals In a typical nitric acid plant, continuous tail
such as explosives or as intermediates gas emissions at the absorber outlet may Measurement of NOx
for polymers like caprolactam, adipic acid vary between the following limits, at a flow NOx is typically measured with continuous
or dinitrotoluene. Emission regulations on of 3,100-3,400 Nm3 t-1 100% HNO3; measurements. There are two common
nitrogen oxide and nitrous oxide from nitric NOx: 100 to 3,500 ppmv technologies available: chemilumines-
acid plants are being implemented in more N2O: 300 to 3,500 ppmv cence detectors (CLD) and photometry
and more areas around the world, and in O2: 1 to 4% by volume in the IR and UV. In the chemilumines-
other areas, emission level requirements H2O: 0.3 to 2% by volume cence detector NO is reacting with ozone
are being tightened. These emission lev- N2: balance (O3) which is generated from oxygen (O2)
els can only be achieved with additional with a UV lamp or by electrical discharge
measures, like abatement technologies, During start-up and shut-down of the pro- to form NO2 in an excited state. The NO2
which have to be added to existing plants cess, the NOx concentrations will normally molecule in the excited state relaxes into
or considered for new plants. This paper go up for several hours until the process the ground state by emitting a photon. The
details the various abatement technolo- is stabilised. photons are detected with a photomulti-
gies and the analytical measurements to plier or a photodiode and the intensity of
control the abatement process and moni- Part I: NOx the detected light is proportional to the NO
tor the remaining emissions. NOx emissions can be reduced by selec- concentration (Fig. 1). NO2 is not reacting
Nitric acid (HNO3) is produced by oxidiz- tive catalytic reduction (SCR). Ammonia with ozone; it needs to be converted to
ing ammonia (NH3) with air over a catalyst or (evaporated) ammonia solutions are NO. Here, typically vitreous carbon convert-
(platinum alloyed with rhodium) to nitrogen injected into the waste gas stream utilizing ers at temperatures of 400°C are used,
oxide (NO); a catalyst to initiate the reaction. Depend- which besides NO2, do not convert other
ing on the catalyst, the tail gas needs to nitrogen species e.g. NH3. In the NO mode
4 NH3 + 5 O2 → 4 NO + 6 H2O
be heated to temperatures between 120 the sample gas is by-passing the converter
As side products nitrogen (N2) and nitrous and 400°C. NOx and ammonia produce and only NO is measured. In the NOx mode
oxide (N2O) are formed: nitrogen and water vapour according to the the sample is flowing over the converter
following equations: and the sum of NO and NO2 is measured.
4 NH3 + 3 O2 → N2 + 6 H2O
NO measurements with a photometer
6 NO + 4 NH3 → 5 N2 + 6 H2O
4 NH3 + 4 O2 → 2 N2O + 6 H2O can be done in the ultraviolet or the infra-
6 NO2 + 8 NH3 → 7 N2 + 12 H2O red. In the UV, 225 nm light sources are
In a second step nitrogen oxide is oxidised used. With this wavelength very low ranges
NO + NO2 + 2 NH3 → 2 N2 + 3 H2O
to nitrogen dioxide (NO2); down to 0-10 ppm NO can be achieved, but
4 NO + O2 + 4 NH3 → 4 N2 + 6 H2O the light source is very expensive. There-
2 NO + O2 → 2 NO2
fore most of the NO measurements are
Then NO2 is absorbed in water to form The SCR process in nitric acid plants is done in the infrared using the NO absorp-
nitric acid; quite different from power plants because tion band at 5.3 µm. Sensitivities at this
the NO2 ratio to NOx of 50-75% is substan- wavelength are good enough to measure
3 NO2 + H2O → 2 HNO3 + NO
tially higher. This significantly affects the in the tail gas of nitric acid plants behind

48 Nitrogen+Syngas 328 | March - April 2014


Fig 1: CLD reaction chamber showing the reaction of NO and O3 to form NO2 sample gas cooler at temperature around
in an excited state 5°C. Ammonia which might still be present
in the sample gas (NH3 slip from SCR) is
strongly soluble in water and therefore is
NO molecule O2 molecule vent removed with the condensing moisture.
Thus a NOx analyser can work at stand-
ard temperatures and there is no danger
of forming ammonium nitrates in the core
parts of the analyser.

Legislation on NOx emissions from nitric
acid plants
In January 2011, the Industrial Emissions
Directive 2010/75/EU of the European
Commission set NOx emissions levels in
Europe based on Best Available Technolo-
ozone molecule NO2 molecule NO2 molecule gies (BAT) as 5-75 ppmv NOx as NO2 in
(excited state) (emitting red light) new plants, and in existing installations
5-90 ppmv are allowed (up to 150 ppmv
where safety aspects due to deposits of
AN restrict the effect of SCR or with the
Fig 2: Compact photometer for NOx addition of H2O2 instead of applying SCR).
In the US, NOx emissions from nitric acid
plants built before October 2011 are lim-
ited to 1.5 kg nitrogen oxides, expressed
as NO2 per metric ton of acid produced
(3.0 lb/t), the production being expressed
as 100% nitric acid. For plants built after
October 2011 the NOx limit expressed as
NO2 is 0.50 lb/t of nitric acid produced.

Part II: N2O

Nitrous oxide is produced as a side prod-
uct during the oxidation of ammonia. Typi-
cal N2O concentrations at the absorber
outlet are between 300-3,500 ppm. In a
study from 1998 it was found that a typi-
cal European nitric acid plant emits 6 kg
of N2O per tonne of HNO3. N2O is a green-
house gas with a global warming potential
(GWP) of 298 on a 100-year time horizon,
which means that N2O is 298 times more
SCR installations at levels of 10-50 ppm. Similar to the CLD, a converter is used to impactful than CO2. The Intergovernmen-
NO2 is typically measured in the UV around convert NO2 to NO. The analyser is measur- tal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its
360 nm with low ppm ranges. In principle, ing NO and NO2 as a sum when the sample recent report from 2013 states that N2O
NO2 detection in the IR would be possible, gas is flowing over the converter. Although is now likely to be the third largest well
but cross interferences from other gases this is the cheapest option to measure mixed greenhouse gas contributor to rela-
complicate the measurement in the IR. To NOx, it has some minor drawbacks which tive forcing.
measure NOx, typically an NO measure- have to be taken into consideration. The In the US, chemical production contrib-
ment in the IR is combined with an NO2 analyser is measuring NOx only. If NO2 or utes to 9% of N2O emissions. Other sources
measurement in the UV. With a calcula- NO concentrations need to be determined, are agricultural soil management, manure
tor functionality the sum of NO and NO2 the converter has to be bypassed and cal- management, transportation and stationary
can be calculated as NOx. For optimised culations have to be performed for NO2. combustion. The two industrial processes
packaging and serviceability, both meas- Also the converter efficiency has to be contributing most to N2O emissions are
urements should be built into one single checked regularly. Finally, the NO2 detec- nitric acid and adipic acid production.
analyser housing, preferentially on one tion over a converter with an NO IR pho-
chopper. With this setup, complexity and tometer is not as sensitive as an NO2 UV Emission trading under the UNFCCC
number of spare parts are reduced (Fig. 2). photometer channel or a CLD. The United Nations Framework Convention
The NOx measurement can also be NOx is typically measured on a dry on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an inter-
done with an NO photometer channel only. basis. The sample gas is going over a national environmental treaty negotiated

Nitrogen+Syngas 328 | March - April 2014 49


at the United Nations Conference on Envi- Table 1: Approved methodologies for N2O emission reduction.
ronment and Development (UNCED), held
in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The objective N2O
of the treaty, which does not set binding
AM0021 Decomposition of N2O from existing adipic acid production plants.
limits of greenhouse gas emissions, is to
AM0028 Catalytic N2O destruction in the tail gas of nitric acid or caprolactam
“stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations
production plants.
in the atmosphere at a level that would
AM0034 Catalytic reduction of N2O inside the ammonia burner of nitric acid plants.
prevent dangerous anthropogenic interfer-
AM0051 Secondary catalytic N2O destruction in nitric acid plants.
ence with the climate system.” It provides
ACM0019 N2O abatement from nitric acid production.
a framework for negotiating specific inter-
national treaties called protocols that may
set binding limits on greenhouse gases.
The Kyoto Protocol sets emissions cheaper. Emission reduction projects are and maintained throughout the credit-
targets for developed countries which are awarded credits called Emission Reduction ing period based on the European Norm
binding under international law. The first Units (ERUs), which represent an emis- 14181 (2004), or any more recent update
commitment period applies to emissions sion reduction equivalent to one tonne of of that standard.
between 2008 and 2012, and the second CO2. As of December 2013 there are 55
commitment period applies to emissions projects on N2O emission reduction from European Norm 14181
between 2013 and 2020. The 37 parties a total of 760 Joint Implementation pro- This standard specifies procedures that
with binding targets (Annex I parties) in the jects. From these projects 53 million ERUs shall be carried out to cover quality assur-
second commitment period are Australia, from a total of 829 million ERUs have been ance of automated measuring systems
the European Union, Belarus, Iceland, issued between 2008 and 2012. (AMS) installed on industrial plants for the
Kazakhstan, Liechtenstein, Norway, Swit- The Clean Development Mechanism determination of the flue gas components
zerland, and Ukraine. Belarus, Kazakhstan (CDM) allows Annex I countries to meet and other flue gas parameters. The AMS
and Ukraine have stated that they may part of their emission reduction com- consists of a complete system from sam-
withdraw from the Protocol or not put into mitments by buying Certified Emission ple probe through sample conditioning to
legal force the amendment with second Reduction units (CER) from CDM emission the analyser. Within the EN 14181 quality
round targets. Japan, New Zealand, and reduction projects in developing countries assurance levels (QAL) are defined. QAL 1
Russia have participated in Kyoto’s first- (non-Annex I parties). Between 2001 and describes a suitable AMS and refers to EN
round but have not taken on new targets 2012, the CDM issued 1 billion CER units. 15267-3 (Air quality - Certification of auto-
in the second commitment period. Other As of June 2013, 19% of all CERs had mated measuring systems - Part 3: Per-
developed countries without second-round been issued for projects based on destroy- formance criteria and test procedures for
targets are Canada (which withdrew from ing N2O. Any proposed CDM project has to automated measuring systems for monitor-
the Kyoto Protocol in 2012) and the United use an approved baseline and monitoring ing emissions from stationary sources; EN
States (which has not ratified the Protocol). methodology to be validated, approved 15267-3:2007) for the test procedures.
International emission trading allows and registered. Baseline methodology will Notified bodies carry out the certification
developed countries to trade their com- set steps to determine the baseline within with two identical AMS in the laboratory
mitments under the Kyoto Protocol. They certain applicability conditions. Monitor- and in the field. During the certification,
can trade emissions quotas among them- ing methodology will set specific steps to the AMS are tested with respect to several
selves, and can also receive credit for determine monitoring parameters, quality performance criteria:
financing emissions reductions in devel- assurance, and equipment to be used, in l Lack of fit
oping countries. There are three flexibility order to obtain data to calculate the emis- l Biggest interference (15% CO2, 3% O2,
mechanisms set out in the Kyoto Protocol sion reductions. For N2O, there are five 20 mg/m3 CO, etc …)
to help countries with binding greenhouse approved methodologies (see Table 1) with l Span shift in field test
gas emissions targets to meet their obli- 108 projects, of which 101 are for nitric l Zero shift in field test
gations: Emissions Trading, Joint Imple- acid plants. l Sensitivity to sample volume flow
mentation and the Clean Development In AM0021 and AM0028 the CDM l Sensitivity to sample pressure
Mechanism. Emissions trading allows states that accuracy of the N2O emissions l Sensitivity to sample temperature
Annex I parties to buy emission permits monitoring is to be ensured by installing l Sensitivity to ambient temperature
for greenhouse gas from other countries to a monitoring system that has been certi- l Dependence on supply voltage
help meet their domestic emission reduc- fied to meet (or exceed) the requirements l Repeatability at span
tion targets. Joint Implementation (JI) is of the prevailing best industry practice or l Field reproducibility
a mechanism which allows any Annex I monitoring standards in terms of opera- l Uncertainty of test gas at reference
country to invest in an emission reduction tion, maintenance and calibration. The point
project in any other Annex I country as an latest applicable European standards
alternative to reducing emissions domesti- and norms (EN 14181) could be used as A total expanded uncertainty is calculated
cally. Most projects are expected to take the basis for selecting and operating the from the performance criteria, which has
place in so-called “economies in transi- monitoring system. According to AMC0019 to be below 15% of the certified measur-
tion,” noted in Annex B of the Kyoto Pro- (which replaced AM0034 and AM0051) ing range. Then the AMS is type approved
tocol, where reducing emission might be the monitoring system is to be installed and every AMS built in the same way is

55 Nitrogen+Syngas  328 | March - April 2014


Fig 3: N2O IR photometer bench with negative filtering critical during start-up and shut-down. The
build-up of ammonium nitrates could also
plug the sample gas lines to the analyser
if they are not heated; 130°C is sufficient
if the lines are cleaned every year during
annual maintenance. With a special vortex
cooler and additional particulate filter, sam-
ple gas temperature can be reduced before
the analyser so that a standard analyser
can be applied without any danger of foul-
ing the photometer parts of the analyser due
to salt formation. The configuration of the
sample handling system to avoid build-up
of ammonium salts in the analyser without
changing the N2O concentration is crucial for
a properly working AMS. Problems with the
N2O measurement often originate from the
sample handling system and not from the
analyser itself.

allowed to be installed in Continuous Emis- culating the number of carbon credits from N2O abatement technologies
sion Monitoring applications in the Euro- the amount of destroyed N2O. Therefore Depending on the location of the N2O abate-
pean Union. QAL 2 describes the correct a low total expanded uncertainty helps in ment, there are three main techniques: pri-
installation and calibration of an AMS at earning carbon credits. mary controls reduce the amount of N2O
site and also lists the standard reference In an N2O analyser, low cross inter- formed in the ammonia oxidation step; sec-
methods to be used for validation. These ferences from CO2 and CO are typically ondary controls reduce N2O directly after it
reference methods need to be applied to achieved with optical filters, but for an opti- is produced in the oxidation reactor; and
check if the AMS is installed properly. QAL mized performance, additional measures tertiary controls reduce N2O by installing a
3 ensures continuous functionality of the have to be taken (e.g. by implementing catalytic reactor either upstream or down-
AMS by defining an annual surveillance negative filtering). In this case, a special stream of the tail gas expansion unit follow-
test (AST) and other measures. QAL 1 is N2O gas filter is placed into the setup of ing ammonia oxidation.
the responsibility of the AMS manufacturer the photometer, so that the N2O absorp-
whereas QAL 2 and QAL 3 are the opera- tion lines become smaller (wings of the Primary controls
tor’s responsibility. In addition to the N2O absorption lines are faded out) and cross a) Oxidation catalyst and campaign length
concentration measurement in the tail gas interferences are decreased. As always, Although often platinum recovery systems
flow, the total gas volume flow also has to when selectivity is increased the sensitiv- are applied, catalysts (platinum with 5-10%
be measured to calculate the carbon credit ity goes down, but is still good enough for rhodium and up to 5% palladium) in the oxi-
amount. This flow measurement needs to a 0-100 ppm range (Fig. 3). dation stage need to be exchanged about
be certified according to EN14181. one to four times a year. N2O emissions

Measurement of N2O Certification of an AMS for N2O are increasing with the campaign length.
A sudden increase of N2O levels can indi-
N2O is typically measured with a photom-
emissions cate that damage to the catalyst gauze
eter in the IR either at 4.5 µm or at 7.8 In nitric acid plants, N2O emissions are has occurred, thus allowing ammonia to
µm. Higher sensitivities are achieved when measured in the tail gas behind the absorp- bypass the gauzes.
measuring at 4.5 µm, where cross inter- tion tower either before or behind the tail
ferences from CO2 and CO complicate the gas turbine. Therefore, the sample handling b) Optimisation of oxidation step
analysis. At 7.8 µm cross interferences system of the AMS should be configurable The NO yield in the oxidation step is the
come from CH4 and SO2. As in emission with a pump for ambient pressure conditions highest at an NH3/air ratio of 9.5 to 10.5%
monitoring, low concentrations need to be behind the tail gas turbine or with a pressure ammonia (from stoichiometry 14.38%
detected, and the setup at 4.5 µm is more reduction if the sample is withdrawn prior to would be optimal), at low pressures of 1
common. In tail gas from nitric acid plants, this. Both variations should be mentioned bar and temperatures of 750 to 900°C.
CO2 and CO concentrations are very low in the description of the AMS on the QAL 1 Nitrous oxide (N2O) is unstable at tempera-
compared to flue gas applications. Nev- certificate. The gas temperature at the sam- tures of 850-950°C and is partly reduced
ertheless, an N2O analyser for nitric acid pling point is still high, as (N)SCR reactions to N2 and O2. A long residence time and
plant emissions should have low cross are performed at temperatures up to 400°C. a high temperature in the catalytic reactor
interferences from CO2 and CO because Temperatures below 180°C need to be promote this reduction.
interferences are tested during the QAL 1 avoided at the (N)SCR stage because nitro-
certification, and are used for calculating gen oxides and ammonia could form ammo- c) Alternative oxidation catalysts
the total expanded uncertainty of the AMS. nium nitrate particulates which could plug Modification in the composition and geom-
This value is taken into account when cal- and damage equipment. This is especially etry of platinum-based oxidation catalysts

Nitrogen+Syngas  328 | March - April 2014  55


can lead to higher NO yields and/or lower platinum, vanadium pentoxide, iron oxide at low pressures. In dual pressure plants
N2O emissions (30 - 50% reduction). Addi- or titanium). The fuel first reacts with the absorption stage can be operated at
tionally, an extension of campaign length excess oxygen, but then reduces N2O and a higher pressure of 6.5 to 13 bar, while
is possible. Alternative oxidation catalysts NOx to N2. With the oxidation of the fuel the oxidation section is operated at low
like Co3O4 or two-step catalysts can also (especially at conditions with 3% excess pressures. With high feedstock and energy
reduce N2O emission, but generally have a O2), the gas temperature can go above prices and for large capacities, dual pres-
lower NO yield, and thus increase the NH3 800°C. Then a dual stage approach with sure plants are favourable. As the reac-
consumption. intermediate cooling is necessary. When tions are exothermic, low temperatures
fossil fuels are used, CO and CO2 as reac- also increase the nitric acid yield while
d) N2O decomposition by extension of tion products are introduced into the tail decreasing NOx emissions. Optimisation
reaction chamber gas. Hydrocarbons can also be present. of the contact between NOx, O2 and H2O
With the extension of the reaction cham- The CO2, which is built in the NSCR reac- by design changes in the absorption tower
ber behind the catalyst, the gases have tion, has to be taken into account when will also improve nitric acid yields.
a longer residence time (1-3 seconds) at carbon credits are calculated from the
elevated temperatures and N2O (which is amount of abated N2O. Emission levels of i) Addition of H2O2 to the absorber stage
metastable at a temperature of 850 to 50 ppm N2O and 100-150 ppm NOx can be Introducing H2O2 in the absorber stage
950°C) can be reduced to 70 to 85%. achieved with this technology. increases the absorption efficiency thus
For tertiary controls, additional meas- lowering NOx emissions. This solution was
Secondary controls urements are often necessary to opti- tested at a plant where the tail gas could
e) Catalytic N2O decomposition in the mise the abatement reaction. Reactor cool down below 85°C in the expander
­oxidation reactor inlet measurements of NOx are typically and the NH3 slip from the SCR process
With a selective De-N2O catalyst right performed with an NO IR and NO2 UV could react with the remaining NOx to form
behind the oxidation catalyst, reduction of photometer (as described in Part I: NOx ammonium salts in the expander. Due to
emission levels to 130-325 ppm can be measurement). For N2O inlet measure- this safety concern, an installation of an
achieved. With the additional catalyst vol- ments, an IR photometer is used. In the SCR was turned down and a H2O2 injection
ume, a pressure drop is introduced which new ACM0019, the initial N2O concen- system was applied instead. With this tech-
might decrease NO yields, however. tration for calculation of carbon credits nology, NOx emission levels of 150 ppm
does not need to be measured anymore. were achieved. In a study from 2001, the
Tertiary controls Instead a baseline emission factor is different N2O reduction strategies didn’t
f) Combined NOx and N2O abatement in applied which represents current Best show a difference in investment cost which
tail gases Available Technology (BAT) for N2O emis- were EUR 0.71-0.87/ t CO2-eq. reduced
With a special dual stage catalyst in front sions from nitric acid production without and EUR 0.98-1.20/t HNO3 produced.
of the tail gas turbine, NOx and N2O can be any N2O abatement technology. Never-
reduced simultaneously. In the first stage theless, the N2O concentration in the tail Legislation on N2O emissions from
at temperatures of 420-480°C, N2O is gas upstream of the abatement reactor is
decomposed to N2 and O2 over an Fe zeo- a powerful indicator for the catalyst effi-
nitric acid plants
lite at full NOx load, as NOx promotes the ciency in the ammonia oxidation reaction. In January 2011, the Industrial Emissions
reaction. Then ammonia is injected before Beside NOx and N2O measurements in the Directive 2010/75/EU of the European
the second catalyst which reduces the NOx outlet of the abatement reactor, oxygen Commission went into force and had to
but also further decomposes the N2O. With and fuel (H2 or CH4/natural gas) analysis be transposed into national legislation by
this approach, plants can achieve N2O and is important. The fuel measurement helps member states by January 2013. Within
NOx removals close to 99%. to avoid slips when injecting fuel into the this directive the European Commission
In a variant of this technology, NH3 is abatement reactor, while the O2 measure- defined best available technologies for
injected into the tail gas before the com- ment is a safety measure to avoid explo- different industry sectors. Within the best
bined reactor to remove NOx (similar to sive conditions by injecting fuel into the available technology reference document
an SCR). Then hydrocarbons are injected reactor when too much oxygen is present. (BREF) on Large Volume Inorganic Chemi-
in between the first and the second cata- For space and maintenance reasons the cals - Ammonia, Acids and Fertiliser Indus-
lytic stage to remove N2O. This variant is controlling and safety measurements tries, emission levels for N2O from nitric
favoured at lower tail gas temperatures and should be combined in one analyser with acid plants are given in Table 2.
shows lower NOx emissions close to 0 ppm the emission measurements instead of In existing plants, N2O emission levels
at N2O decomposition efficiencies of 99%. installing single channel units. are allowed to be 20 - 300 ppm, whereas
new plants are only allowed to emit 20-100
g) Non-selective catalytic reduction Other controls ppm. In December 2009, US EPA stated
(NSCR) of NOx and N2O in tail gases h) Optimisation of absorption stage under section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act
In an NSCR reaction, fuel, either natural NO oxidation to NO2 and NO2 absorption (CAA) that six greenhouse gases in the
gas or methane (CH4), hydrogen (H2) or in H2O is favoured by pressures above atmosphere – CO2, CH4, N2O, hydrofluoro-
ammonia plant purge gas (mainly H2), is atmospheric. In mono-pressure plants, carbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulphur
added to the tail gas at temperatures of operating pressures are medium between hexafluoride – may reasonably be antici-
200-300°C for H2 and 450-575°C for natu- 1.7 and 6.5 bar, as a compromise with the pated to endanger both public health and
ral gas over a catalyst (typically based on oxidation stage which shows high yields public welfare. The Climate Action Reserve,

55 Nitrogen+Syngas  328 | March - April 2014


Table 2: N2O emission levels from EU nitric acid plants.

N2O emission level*

kg/tonne 100% HNO3 ppmv
New plants 0.12-0.6 20-100
M/M, M/H and H/H
Existing plants 0.12-1.85 20-300
L/M plants No conclusion drawn
*the levels relate to the average emission levels achieved in a campaign of the oxidation catalyst

founded as the California Climate Action ● Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) of Best Available Control Technology (BACT)
Registry by state legislation in 2001, is ● Bias test for GHGs will be required as part of the PSD
a private 501c(3) non-profit organization ● Cycle time test permitting process.
and encourages voluntary reporting and ● Automated data acquisition and han-
reductions of GHG emissions and devel- dling system (DAHS) verification Conclusion
ops protocols to track GHG emissions and Prices for CERs and ERUs with an all-time
reductions. In its nitric acid production All RATA of CEMS must be conducted by low of less than e1/tCO2e make projects
project protocol, guidance to account for, a testing body conforming to the require- for the installation of N2O abatement
report and verify GHG emission reduction ments of ASTM D7036-04. Differing from technology unattractive compared to the
by N2O abatement from nitric acid plants is Europe, in the US there is no type approval years before where prices have been much
given. The protocol does not apply to new for CEMS. After initial certification of the higher, so that the return on investment was
plants constructed after December 2009 CEMS, daily, quarterly and (semi-) annual achieved within a short period. The main
or plants restarted after December 2007 assessments have to be performed. reason for the low prices is the economic
after being out of operation for a period of The N2O abatement from Climate Action crises, and politicians are discussing cut-
24 months or longer. If there have already Reserves is traded as CRT (Climate Reserve ting down CO2 emission allowances. Never-
been emission reduction measures in Ton), which represents one metric tonne of theless, emission regulations on NOx and
place when registering for a project, special carbon dioxide equivalent emissions reduc- N2O from nitric acid plants are implemented
rules apply. Secondary or tertiary catalyst tion. The Climate Action Reserve currently in more and more world areas, or emission
projects are treated under Climate Action has five nitric acid production projects, levels are tightened. These emission levels
Reserve projects. Reduction calculations including four secondary catalysts and one can only be achieved with additional meas-
were derived from internationally accepted tertiary catalyst. Some 5,116,007 CRTs ures (abatement technologies) which have
methodologies (AM0028, AM0034 and (tCO2e) have been issued to four of these to be added to existing plants or need to
ACM0019). The US Code of Federal Regu- projects so far. The fifth project has not yet be considered for new plants. Beside the
lations Title 40 (40 CFR), Part 60 and Part gone through verification. N2O and NOx emission measurements, for
75 outline the minimum requirements for Since January 2011, the EPA has phased some of the abatement technologies, con-
the installation, evaluation, monitoring and in regulations for GHG emissions from major trol measurements are needed to optimize
record keeping for NOx CEMS and are also sources (emitting more than 100,000t CO2e the abatement reactor and avoid explosive
applicable to N2O emission testing at nitric per year) under the Clean Air Act. New plants conditions. In European legislation and for
acid plants. Initial certification require- or major capacity extensions have to apply CDM and JI type approved analysers need
ments of the 40 CFR Part 75 include: for a Title V permit. Title V generally does not to be installed, whereas in the U.S. the
● 7-day calibration error test add new pollution control requirements, but suitability of a CEMS is proven after instal-
● Linearity check sources will need to address GHG-related lation. Besides suitable analysers, some
information in their Title V permit applica- of which need type approval, the sample
tions. This Title V, known as the “Tailoring handling systems are also an integral part
Rule,” also requires Prevention of Significant of the analytical system required to obtain
Deterioration (PSD) permits. An assessment reliable emission data. ■

Rosemount Analytical MLT family of N2O analysers from Emerson Process Management.

Nitrogen+Syngas 328 | March - April 2014 53

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