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Adrian Mikko R.



The genre that I choose for my video game is Role Playing Game (RPG). Because first

of all I am a big fan of an MMORPG or RPG video game so I pick this genre and my

game is all about money, drugs and political and the main character here is just a

simple man who lived in a farm but when their farm was going to buy the government

his parent’s don’t like to sell it to the government. Then after a week the someone in the

government talk to a hitman and order it to kill the family who live in that farm and that is

the family of the main character so when the night come in exactly 11pm the hitman go

to their farm but the main character is sleeping his room then he hear some shooting

and when he check it his mother and father are both dead and he saw the hitman and

the hitman are searching to their house looking for the lot of their house and farm so he

suddenly run and this game that I created is all about revenge for his parents and he

want’s to help other people that are being target by the government too.

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