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F&B and Cosmetics manufacturing

Saving FMCG manufacturers millions from product development


Every time a company develops a new product, or scales up production, they do iterative trials
to find the right inputs to get desired outputs. This costs them millions per year in manpower,
productivity loss, and material loss.
Navarasa uses machine learning to help companies solve this problem, leveraging their
existing data to shortcut the number of trials needed.
How big is this problem?

0.5% production volume loss 40B problem worldwide

This amount seems small, but With 200+ >1B USD revenue
translated to a high volume companies in FMCG
FMCG manufacturing, it can manufacturing (cosmetics &
amount to 200M in annual F&B), the opportunity is huge.
losses per factory.

Our Solution

How it works Web-based SaaS

We will integrate with
We connect to manufacturers’
manufacturers who already
data, we train predictive
capture their data in digital
models, and give them optimal
format, eliminating the need
inputs to get desired outputs,
for huge initial set-up costs.
decreasing the number of trials
needed by 60% or more. Produce 3M in annual savings
Shorten Product Development Time per factory
At just a 60% improvement, we
By decreasing the number of can save companies 3M per
trials, we can help them bring factory, not counting increased
products to market in 4 months efficiencies from better
instead of 12. products..

Pragjyoti Samal - CEO
Pragjyoti, a software engineer armed with an MBA,
brings deep expertise in the F&F, FMCG industry having
handled global clients like P&G, J&J & L’Oreal across
Marketing, R&D, Supply Chain & Logistics funtions in
her journey with Givaudan over the last decade.

Alvin Leong - CTO

Alvin has strong expertise in training & deploying Machine
Learning models. He has trained and deployed the first
internal machine learning project at GIC, (Singapore’s
sovereign wealth fund) which is being used to enable
investment-making decisions in the light of regulatory

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