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> 2020
for Enzemble Onsonbel by Sean X. Quinn
honouring Pauline Oliveros’s Full Pink Moon

an open improvisation for at least 5 performers and tape through digital means

Designed as an open plan work, utilising a variety of notations and concepts, the work
<parameters?> enforces a sense of invitational, polymorphic and somewhat tumultuous
outcomes. Using the form of digital-media performance, via a program such as Zoom, the
ensemble suggested takes a line from the score, and performs it to a decided time code –
hopefully around 10-20 minutes – which allows for interactions to be had in the Main meeting
space, and then separate interacts to occur in ‘break-out’ rooms or even separate calls.
Audience members are invited to listen and survey this collection of sounds being emitted, as
though attending a gallery.

The ensemble members are encouraged to perform using instruments, objects, voices and other
artforms such as reading, writing, painting, speaking… - all in response to the boxes on the score
that they choose to read. This is not a work of traditional form, however a timecode may be
established for interaction between main meeting room and the break-out rooms. The
improvisatory quality of the piece means that

The tape is designed to be looped, and is made up of field recordings from the estate in which I
live, and the sounds from my backyard and studio. This tape is the constant force amid the
isolation, that connects the performers to a sense of technological interconnection on a more
consistent level.

Any and/or all errors that occur from bad internet connection are encouraged, the more
disturbance and realisation of the vulnerability of certain parameters we have are key to the
performance’s success.

This work was devised for the Sydney Based “un-googleable” ensemble, Enszszszsenbl Onsomble,
as part of their call for scores. It is also a reminder of the importance of interconnection, and how
the arts continues to provide this.

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