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Interfaces for Real Time Situation Monitoring System

Human Computer Interaction

[Project Proposal]

Group Member:
Syed Ali Aziz (07-0242)
Muzammil Peer (07-0057)
Sadaf Masroor (07-0235)

Submission Date: 22nd September, 2010

 Abstract
The purpose of this document is to delineate the features (interfaces) of Real Time Situation
Monitoring System (our FYP). RTSMS provides the customized news to the smart phone users
based on their present location.

As we are facing lots of problems here in Pakistan regarding bomb blast, target killing and clashes
which disturbs the law and order situation of the country and also the consequences of natural
calamities, which makes us feel insecure. In such a situation, we need a system which can provide
us the real time information (news) and circumstances of the country at the level of city, district or
area. Our intension to make this project is to update the local bodies with the latest scene going
around or nearby them at present. And this will defiantly help our country people when they plan to
move from one place to another.

 Description of the Project

RTSMS takes the real time information from media resources (RSS) and users (from their authentic
tweets). Users will get this information on the Google Map (the graphical representation) for their

This Real time location based event tracking system will make the life of mobile users much easier
and safer. The system will provide the present-day situation of current location of the user and also
the past events history with the feature of zonal categorization in case of any danger.

As an HCI course project we intended to develop RTSMS for the top three smart phone platforms:
 iPhone (Assigned to: Syed Ali Aziz)
 Black Berry (Assigned to: Sadaf Masroor)
 Android (Assigned to: Muzammil Peer)

Modules to be developed:
 Location Identification
 Event Identification

We will be following the Human Computer Interaction standards to make the application more
adoptable and easy to use.

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