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A) Reanna Gray

B) Title of the video you chose to watch: 60-Second Strategy: Teacher Queue

C) URL of the video you chose to watch:

D) The video I watched explained how the teacher uses a “Queue”. With this queue It is
listed on the whiteboard in the classroom and there are numbers listed in sequence.
When a student needs help the student can place their name in the numbered
sequence of the next available number. This makes it easier for the teacher to help the
students in a timely and orderly manner. It also creates a fair system that is in place, so
the students do not feel like they are competing or forgotten and allows the teacher to
manage the needs of the classroom. I personally agree and like this strategy. I believe
not only does it allow the students free time to continue working on their work, but it also
gives the teacher a way to better help the students one by one.
1. With the queue can you predict that all students would get help in a timely manner?
2. Will the students be able to easily access an outline and identify how the queue
3. Will the queue work if students frequent the same question? Would you then discuss
the same question and answer with the class as a whole?

A) Reanna Gray

B) Title of the video you chose to watch: Learning to Measure the Size of a Problem

C) URL of the video you chose to watch:

D) The video I watched explained how students can differentiate the size of a problem.
There are many problems that can be faced daily in classes. With this system the
students are taught what is a small problem vs what are bigger problems. To ensure the
students can identify the size of a problem they can navigate through different situations
and can identify if the situation is a large problem or a small problem. By the students
determining the size of the problem it can help the student recognize the type of
reaction they need for that certain problem. I feel this strategy can work because there
are multiple problems that happen throughout the day in school. Whether there is a
problem in the classroom or on the playground the student will be able to solve the
problem or determine their reaction.
1. Will the students be able to identify when a small problem has turned into a larger
2. Can the students recognize and describe what size of a problem they are dealing
3. Can this strategy be used for the students in younger grades? If so, would they be
able to differentiate the size of the problems?

A) Reanna Gray

B) Title of the video you chose to watch: The Importance of Recess

C) URL of the video you chose to watch:

D) How important is recess? Some people may think recess is unnecessary. Studies
show that recess is important. It is important because it stimulates the blood flow in the
brain stimulating nerve cell growth in the hippocampus which is the center of learning
and memory. It alters the brain which improves attention, memory, and coping abilities.
It helps student’s emotional health by teaching them to take turns, resolve conflicts, and
work together. Lastly, pretending play at recess lays the foundation for creative inquiry,
helping the student produce and test multiple solutions to problems. Therefore, they are
more likely to stay on task. I agree that recess is important. Not only does it allow the
student time to learn life lessons it also allows the teacher to decompress or take a
break if they need it. I also feel recess allows the student time to give their brain a break
and refocus when they return from recess.
1. What problems can we describe that happen when students go to recess?
2. If schools take recess away what problems can we predict?
3. If recess were taken away what obstacles would they face and what would it be
replaced with?

A) Reanna Gray

B) Title of the video you chose to watch: A Daily Support System for Students

C) URL of the video you chose to watch:

D) In this video the students are given a different teacher other then their homeroom
teacher to check in with. The students chosen to benefit from this system are students
who are emotionally and socially disengaged. They make their own three goals to
achieve while graded on their daily work as well. I believe the students can benefit from
this program because sometimes classroom sizes are too big. Which can sometimes
affect the student if they feel they are not getting enough “attention”. I believe this is a
great system. There is always going to be students who do not benefit from certain
programs in which you may have to find an alternative. I also like that the students do
not check in to their regular teacher. They can check in with someone else other than
their home room teacher and create another “safe nest” with educators in the building.
1. How can students apply the daily check ins/outs when they are not in school?
2. If a student is socially and emotionally engaged but struggling academically, would
they be recognized for the check in/out program?
3. If a student does not meet their daily goals can they discuss or re-evaluate why they
were not able to meet them?

A) Reanna Gray

B) Title of the video you chose to watch: 60-Second Strategy: Snowball Toss

C) URL of the video you chose to watch:

D) In this video the students get to write down the stresses they have. After they are
done writing them down, they get to crumple up their paper and throw it around the
room to release the pent-up energy. They then pick up a snowball other than their own
and read it out loud. Not only do they get to read the stresses other people are having
but they can recognize their own problems or what they are going through and discuss it
with the class. The snowball strategy I feel can be very useful in all grades. I feel this
strategy is good for middle school students as they do not like to voice their opinions
often or how they feel. This can be a good way for them to let their stress out and have
a better day. I feel this strategy is beneficial and can help students move on from having
a bad day or bad morning.
1. How can you recognize students are fully engaged?
2. Can students explain their snowball, or do they interpret the current snowball they
picked up?
3. Is this activity done daily or once a week? If only once a week how can a student
release their stress on a day to day basis?

A) Reanna Gray

B) Title of the video you chose to watch: Getting Started with Trauma-Informed

C) URL of the video you chose to watch:
D) In this video it tells us to not only watch certain behaviors from students but to learn
to know why the student is acting a certain way. If children are exposed to an adverse
childhood they are more at risk to an uneven development of self-regulation,
relationship, and executive function. There is a powerful antidote to stress and that is
the effect of the human relationship and the presence of trust. It is essential to give
students tools to help them recover from the experience. It is useful to teach students
how to perceive emotions, talk about emotions, and take breaks when you need too. I
feel these teaching strategies are very important as these are lessons that can be used
every day, not only in the classroom. If we as educators can teach our students how to
deal with these challenges now at a younger age it can help them grow to be better
human beings and help others out who may not have had that chance.
1. How can we distinguish if a student has experienced trauma without getting too
2. How can educators identify what trauma-informed practices should be used?
3. If an educator cannot distinguish what trauma a student has faced, should you ask
questions about what the student has gone through?

A) Reanna Gray

B) Title of the video you chose to watch: 5 Tips for Decorating Your Classroom
C) URL of the video you chose to watch:
D) I personally chose this video because working at a school I have seen many different
classrooms. From nothing on the walls to everything on the walls. I had a dream that
when I became an educator, I wanted my classroom to be cute and welcoming with all
the décor. Well turns out I was wrong. I want just enough for my students to feel
welcomed but keep their brains easily at work without distractions. Watching this video,
I can agree with the 5 tips they give about decorating your classroom. Showcasing your
students work keeps them accountable for what they are doing. Keeping 20-50% of
your walls clear helps them from getting distracted. Having visual aides such as maps,
diagrams, and anchor charts help them learn but do not discourage them opposed to
having student scores shown to demoralize the student. No matter what you want to
have inclusive role models and quotes around your classroom to represent and inspire
your students. What I have gained from this video is keep things positive. You can
decorate your classroom as cute as you want just don’t overdo it and keep your kiddos
learning top priority!
1. Although you should not post student scores, should you illustrate their writings on
the wall?
2. As an educator should you differentiate your classroom style from other educators?
3. What do you do if you examine your students getting bored with the style of the

A) Reanna Gray

B) Title of the video you chose to watch: Justice Committee: Using Restorative

Practices to Resolve Conflicts

C) URL of the video you chose to watch:
D) In this video it shows there is two mediators over seen by two educators. Students
sometimes react and solve problems better talking between themselves. As shown in
the video students can perceive and understand things differently then what someone
was trying to say them. With the restorative practices the students can talk about what
they were feeling or how they felt instead of holding a grudge or acting out against the
person they have the problem with. This is deterring the student from getting in trouble
but allowing them to think on their own about what actions or what they have done
wrong. I personally feel restorative practices can work well if the offenders are not
repeated offenders. It can also work when you have two students who do not speak
about their feelings or emotions well. By having student peers lead the group there is a
more likely chance of getting the students to talk rather then just sending them to the
office. Personally, I feel students are more open to their peers rather than adults that
are staring at them and not wanting to hear both sides of the story. They feel attacked
and have some doubt that they are in trouble so why even bother. Restorative practices
give them the opportunity to openly hear what the problem was and be able to fix it
within themselves.
1. Can we predict from the video evidence how effective restorative practices can be
beneficial in a student leadership role?
2. How can you prepare teachers to be mindful of the students overseeing the program?
3. Would the teacher and students connect on a 1 to 1 basis after resolving the conflict?

A) Reanna Gray

B) Title of the video you chose to watch: Learning Walks: Structured Observation for

C) URL of the video you chose to watch:
D) Having teachers visit different classrooms is not only beneficial to the students but
the teacher themselves. A lot of school’s grade levels meet and work together. So, the
grade levels usually are on the same page of what they are teaching. I feel it is a smart
opportunity and an important learning structure. Not only can they observe how other
teachers are teaching, but it helps them get new ideas for their own classrooms. They
can see how differently the students are working together and interacting and apply
those different strategies to their teaching strategies. They also observe different
subjects in different classrooms which allows them to see different strategies. I really
enjoy the idea of the learning walk. Not only is being an educator stressful but it is
amazing to see other educators teaching styles. Teachers go through tuns of training
and although they also do student teaching, they are with the same teacher for that
year, so they usually only get to see that teachers’ strategies. Having this opportunity
opens doors for not only other teachers but allows for great teamwork.
1. Since you are only in one classroom for a short period of time, are you able to go
back and ask the educator to explain what you didn’t fully understand?
2. Does the Learning Walk team discuss what they feel could have been different in the
teacher’s classroom?
3. Since there is a group of different people entering the classroom, are the students
prepared for the walk?

A) Reanna Gray

B) Title of the video you chose to watch: 60-Second Strategy: Interview Assessments
C) URL of the video you chose to watch:
D) Interview assessments is a smart opportunity that helps students who struggle to
show what they know on tests. It gives them a way to explain how they got something in
a more relaxed setting. Some students struggle taking test, but they understand the
knowledge that the teacher is teaching. With interview assessments it also gives the
teacher an opportunity to inform their teaching and find out what the student already
knows. It should not be a long assessment but just enough time for the teacher to get a
good feel of how well the student knows the material. It is another alternative to show
teachers that they are efficient. I personally would not mind trying this in my own
classroom setting because I personally struggle with testing. Not only do I second guess
myself on majority of the questions, but I always feel stressed and like I am not going to
have time to finish. With a second assessment it gives the student a positive feeling and
can also assure the teacher that the student is learning just on a different strategy.
1. When teaching if a student understands a strategy differently should you also explain
both strategies to the class?
2. How would you modify the second assessment if the student is still struggling?
3. How do you analyze the differences between subject assessments? Could this
strategy be used for multiple subjects?

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