20 Ramadhan Weight Loss Tips PDF

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20 Ramadhan Weight Loss Tips 2


Kevin Zahri is a Malaysian health & fitness celebrity and is affectionately known as Cikgu Fitness. He has
over 10 years experience as fitness writer, TV host, wellness speaker and trainer.

Kevin published his first best-selling title “Fitness 24/7” in 2008. His online
eBook series have sold over 60,000 copies, including the popular title “How to
Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks. Full list of eBooks here.

Personal Trainer & Nutrition Advisor

A qualified American Fitness Training of Athletics (A.F.T.A) personal trainer and
nutrition advisor since 2004.

Kevin is one of most sought after wellness speakers in Malaysia. He is known
for fun and interactive workshops that focus on education and engaging the
audience. Some of his clients include: Petronas, MAS, Shell, Nestle, Yakult, American Express, Malaysian
government offices and many more. More info here.

Hos TV
He is a regular TV guest on various talk shows discussing health, diet, nutrition and other wellness topics.

JK1M Program Founder

Kevin is the founder of a huge successful nationwide weight loss program called JK1M. It has attracted
over 10,000 participants since its first season with many inspiring weight loss success story.

Follow Kevin Zahri di mana-mana
laman social berikut:






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20 Ramadhan Weight Loss Tips 3


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20 Ramadhan Weight Loss Tips 4

Assalamualaikum my muslim
brothers and sisters.

This FREE guide will provide you with

simple and practical tips to help you
lose weight but can also be used
as a general guideline for sahoor,
breaking fast and exercise during
the holy month of Ramadhan.

Happy fasting to all of you.

Kevin Zahri

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20 Ramadhan Weight Loss Tips 5


Although the pre-dawn meal (sahoot) is not obligatory, its a blessed
part of ramadhan & helps to prepare you for the deed of fasting.

1 2
Complex Carbohydrates Reduce Salts
Try and stick to complex carbohydrates or The more salt your consume during
low GI foods during sahoor. sahoor, the more water your body will
want to absorb. Sounds good? Well not really.
1. Complex carbohydrates digest slower, provid-
During fasting, the additional salt will increase
ing you with longer lasting
the bodies need for more
energy during fasting. water and expedite dehydra-
2. Good sources: Brown tion.
breads, brown rice, sweet
Where is salt? In chips,
potatoes, whole grain cere-
cookies, crackers, sauces,
als and other low GI foods.
soups, fried food etc.

3 4
Target Calorie intake: approx 500kcal Avoid Caffeine
For the average person, I would recommend an estimate Caffein found on bever-
sahoor calorie intake of 500kcal. Be sure your meal is ages like coffee or tea
relatively balanced and contains a healthy source of has two qualtities that make
carbohydrates and proteins. Examples: them not ideal for sahoor.

• Example 1: A fistful of rice, chicken or beef (protein), • Diuretic: Caffeine is a

vegetable and 1-2 dates. quality that makes the
body flush water. Not
• Example 2: 2x slices of bread, a little spread if you like, tuna,
great for ramadhan
salmon or sardine for protein. Plus 1-2 dates.
where avoiding dehydra-
tion is preferred.
• Stimulant: Caffeine is a

Water: How much to drink? stimulant that can make
Whatever you do, don’t drink too much. The more you sleeping after sahoor
drink the faster your body will try to flush the excess water! difficult.
Here are some guidelines:
• How much?: 2-3 glasses of water will suffice.
• Temperature: Room temperature is best. It does not shock
your system during the early morning hours of sahoor.
• Type? Normal water is best but if you must drink some
juices, keep it to 1 small glass.

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20 Ramadhan Weight Loss Tips 6


Iftar is indeed a joyous time with friends and family. Following are
some quick tips to help you avoid overloading on calories.

6 7
Start your meal with dates but ... The 20 minit Rule
Dates are excellent to break your fast. They con- To help you avoid overindulding
tain both simple and complex sugar to give a quick during iftar, remember this:
boost but sustainable energy for
From your first bite (dates for example)
your maghrib prayer (prior to your
it takes about 20 minutes for your body
actual meal)
to start feeling full and satiated. If you
Dates are also rich with potassium eat during the entire 20 minutes, you
which help restore the balance of will most likely overeat.
bodily fluids.
Note: One of sunnah
Rasulullah (Peace and

Blessings be upon him)
Iftar target Calorie Intake? was to stop eating be-
Around 700kcal fore satiety
Your estimated calorie intake for iftar should be
around 700kcal. Whatever you do, don’t start with large
amount of cakes and desserts. Start with 1-2 dates, fol-

lowed by these steps: What to
Step 1: Choose your carbohydrate. Rice, breads or pota- During iftar, con-
ties but stick to a fistful. Again complex carbs are better. sider 3 types of drinks:
Step 2: Choose your proteins. Chicken, fish, beef etc. Opt 1. Hot Drinks: I personally like to
for leaner cuts that are grilled or steamed if possible. break fast with a warm (not too hot)
Step 3: Additional fiber (helps with cravings) from veg- cup of tea. It helps to awaken by
etables and fruits digestive system without shocking it
with cold water.
Step 4: Desserts. Keep this last and don’t go overboard.
2. Water: Trust me, you are not as
thirsty as you think you are. 1 glass
of water will be just fine as you

What if you want to exercise im- break fast. Than have more along
mediately after iftar? your meal.
Stick to easy-to-digest foods or fluid. Than 3. Sweet Drinks or Juices: Sugar
give it 10-20minits before you start your routine. based drinks or juices are obviously
delicious but loaded with calories.
Example: 1-2 dates, water, isotonic drink, a banana and Keep these at the end.
whey protein (it digests very quickly)

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20 Ramadhan Weight Loss Tips 7


Exercise during the holy month of ramadhan is still possible but
you need to which exercise, when and how. Be sure to stay safe.

11 12
Best time to burn fat? Must you exercise
An hour before iftar is the best time to burn during ramadhan?
fat. By the time you approach iftar, your body No you don’t have to
has used up most of the body’s glycogen exercise during ramadhan to lose
(sugar) and now turns to fat. weight. The calorie intake reduc-
tion from food alone with create
What to do? Keep you training intensity
a calorie deficit (to help you lose
low with a heart rate around 65% max.
For most readers this would be brisk
walking uphill, slow jog, housekeeping etc. Note: When ramadhan comes
along, I personally really cut down
Note: If you are running out of breath,
or stop training for the entire
your intensity is too high.
month. This helps my body recover
from the year long wear and tear.
Think off ramadhan like the off-

What about high season for a professional athlete.
intensity training? The body needs a time out too.
If you want to include high
intensity training like competitive sports, Tabata or circuit

training routines in Ramadhan, do it after you break fast. So when can I do
Important! It is not the lack of food but its the lack of HIIT or weight
water thats to “blame”. High intensity training in the state training?
of dehydration is extremelty dangerous and can lead to After your break fast.
nausea, vomitting, injuries, stroke or even death.
Be safe my brothers and sisters. Refer to tip #10 if you want to kick-
start your routine im-
mediately after iftar.

If you break fast with

a relatively heavy
meal, wait around 60-
90min for digestion
to settle.

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20 Ramadhan Weight Loss Tips 8

Is Tarawih prayer an
Well like any other activity,
tarawih prayer burns plenty of calories.
A 1-2 hour solaat can burn around 300-
400kcal or more depending on climate
and environment BUT as I am sure my
brothers and sisters, we all know that the
main objective of tarawih prayers is NOT
about the calories.

Remember the holy month of Ramadhan

comes with many blessings from Allah
SWT. Lets use this opportunity to shift our
focus from dunya to akhirah ... if only for
one month.


My own “Supper” Survival Guide
“Moreh” is a phrase we use in Malaysia to describe the late evening
meal between iftar and sahoor. I would highly recommend that you
make it part of you ramadhan, especially to even out your daily Ramadhan calo-
rie distribution but don’t go crazy. Here is own personal style:

Step 1: I always start with something balanced and relatively health like whole
grain cereal with low fat milk.

Step 2: 1x whole carrot. Its low calorie and rich in fibers. Plus the “crunching
sound” helps to satify your phychological cravings.

Step 3: 2-3 dates.

Step 4: Last I will opt for some “not-so-

healthy” choices like biscuits, cakes or
even ice cream.

Target calorie intake: 400kcal

So with sahoor (500kcal) and iftar
(700kcal), your total daily ramadhan
calorie intake is just around 1600kcal.
This will help most people lose 3-4kg.

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20 Ramadhan Weight Loss Tips 9


Is Eid Al-Fitr just around the corner but you only have a few days to
squeeze into your new dress?

17 18
How to lose Sweat Sweat Sweat before Eid!
3kg in 3 days? Here are some cool things you are use to your ad-
To help you lose vantage to sweat more before Eid:
3kg in 3 days, you need to un-
• House chores (decor etc) without
derstand water retention which
cooling fan or AC
I explain in detail in my eBook
Panduan Kurangkan 4kg dalam 1 • Help prepare meals
Minggu. But in summary, do this: • Kampung HIIT Workout
(refer next page)
• avoid carbohydrates
• drink more water

• less salt Fashion & Photo Quick Guide
• more potassium
to look “slimmer”:
If all is too late, you can use these “optical illusions”
• detox with juices and fiber to make the most of what you have.
• hot creams or bath
• sauna
1. Black! Stick to darker cloths. They don’t reflect
• caffeine here helps
light, removes lines - making you look slimmer.
• exercise
2. Go vertical. Vertical patterns or lines make you
look taller.
3. Heels: For ladies, high heeled shoes make you
appear taller and not as wide.

Photos & Selfies:

1. Never from below (leads to double chin). Even for selfies,
make sure you keep the camera angled above you.
2. Chin up, forward and don’t look straight into the lens. Turn
your face slight away from the camera.
3. Pose with one leg forward and again, angle
your body away from the camera.
4. Group shot: Avoid the ends. Stay in the
middle but slightly behind the people next to

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20 Ramadhan Weight Loss Tips 10

Its Eid and you are visiting relatives in their old hometowns? Try this
Eid circuit routine. (taken from my 30 Home Circuit Training Routine ebook)

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20 Tip Kurus Ramadhan 11

Dear brothers and sisters,

I hope this eBook has been useful in helping

you stay healthy and fit during holy month
of Ramadhan.

As this is a FREE guide, please share it with

your family and friends.

Kevin Zahri

FREE Bonus:
Video Ramadhan
The following videos are free
ramadhan guides.

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Bersahur Puasa Ramadhan

Kelebihan buah kurma untuk Tip Elak Gemuk

berbuka puasa di Hari Raya

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