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Homeopathic medicines that may help you to treat insomnia, are-
1. Arsenicum Album (Ars): The anxious lot who suffer from sleeplessness will
benefit from this one. Those with disturbed, restless sleep will get relief from their tossing
and turning.
2. Coffea Cruda (Coff): Coffee is also used to treat insomnia when given in the crude
form. It relieves symptoms produced by coffee, like sleeplessness due to rapid thoughts
and an active mind
3. Gelsemium Sempervirens (Gels): Sleeplessness from anxiety is treated with this
one. It also treats insomnia due to exhaustion.
4. Ignatia Amara (Ign): Sleeplessness from a recent disappointment or grief is
treated using this medicine.
5. Lycopodium clavatum (Lyc): Are you feeling sleepy all day and sleepless at night
from an active mind? Then this is the one for you!
6. Nux Vomica (Nux-v): Irritability from loss of sleep is treated using this medicine
and so is restlessness from the excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol, or drugs.
7. Passiflora Incarnata (Pass): Restlessness, exhaustion, and sleeplessness, all
three are treated. It’s especially useful for aged and infants. Also Baryta Carb (aged
8. Phosphorus (Phos): Short naps with frequent waking are a symptom treated with
this one. It’s very effective for sleeplessness in old people.
9. Sulphur (Sulph): Disturbed sleep and inability to fall asleep after waking up
between 2 – 5 am and unable to go back to sleep- If this describes you, then try Sulph.
10. Natrum Mur: for insomnia due to chronic depression.
11. Arum Met: do.
12. Pulsatilla:
13. Rhus Tox: Insomnia due to restlessness and due to body pains.
14. Borax, Chamomilla and Cina are for children.

Common Causes of Sleep Problems in Elderly People

Here are some sleep-related problems that occur as part of the ageing process:

 Underlying Health Issues

Older people are at an increased risk for arthritis, chronic pain, periodic limb movements, acid reflux, obstructive
sleep apnea, and other ailments, all of which can alter sleep patterns which can cause havoc on their sleep

 Changes in your Schedule

Life after retirement can sometimes be relaxing, this can put you at risk of insomnia. You may sleep during the
daytime. Sleeping at daytime can be very bad for your health and thereby disrupt your natural sleeping cycle.
My natural sleep remedies for elderly people article suggest you not to sleep during daytime.

 Less exercise
People naturally tend to become less active as they age, hence regular exercise is very important for proper sleep.

 Stress and worry

Stress and worry is a major factor that affects sleep. Always remember” worry doesn’t do you any good but only
make the situation seem worse”. Stay positive and try these natural sleep remedies for elderly people to resolve all
your sleeping issues.

10 Best Natural Sleep Remedies for Elderly People

I have listed out 10 Best Natural Sleep remedies for elderly people. Here I have included various natural ways to
improve sleep including supplements, remedies, and food habits. Here are some Natural tips for better sleep;

 Limit caffeine and alcohol.

 Set a sleep schedule.
 Skip daytime naps.
 Keep a journal, this allows you to track your sleep cycle.  
 Exercise at least four hours before bedtime.
 Try relaxation exercises
 Remove your clock, keeping a clock in the room adds pressure and anxiety says sleep expert Gehram.
 Use your bed only for sleep and sex.
 Don’t lie awake in bed.

Foods to Prevent Sleep Problems in Elderly People

Taking care of your food menu can help you get a night of better sleep. Here are some natural sleep remedies for
elderly people by changing the food habit.

 Have Nutrient-Rich Fruits:

Fruits such as Bananas, Cherries, apples, apricots, peaches etc are excellent promoters of sleep as they contain,
melatonin and magnesium.

 Lean Proteins and complex carbs:

These are excellent carriers of tryptophan a promoter of sleep, don’t have too much protein but include foods that
contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, and potassium, all of which are good sleep promoters.

 Good Fats: 

Unsaturated fats are great for your overall health, include walnuts, almonds, cashews,  avocados, peanut butter,
pistachios etc in your diet. They promote muscle relaxation and hence better sleep at night.

Avoid too much liquid food before bed, as this can cause you to wake up and they find difficulty to fall back asleep. Also, avoid
greasy or spicy foods, excessive sweets,  alcohol etc.
Here are other natural sleep remedies for seniors that you can try without worrying about side effects:

 Melatonin supplements

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced naturally in our body by the pineal gland. It plays a vital role in regulating
circadian rhythms, which includes our sleep and wake cycle.  When melatonin is high in the blood you fall asleep.
Melatonin has been used as a natural sleep supplement healthy individuals as well as in though that have a
problem falling asleep. The is the closest one can get to a natural remedy.  

Any supplement is not safe for long-term use,  according to studies melatonin must be taken moderately, about 0.1 to .3 milligrams would
do the job.
You can get various melatonin supplements in the market but do ask the help of your doctor in choosing the right on for you.

 Valerian

Valerian is a herbal extract which is used widely for insomnia and anxiety. Though there is no 100% guarantee,
studies do suggest that valerian may reduce the time needed to fall asleep and improve the quality of sleep. There
has been no report of addiction or side effects to this natural sleep supplement but here to get the advice of a
doctor for known the right dosage for you.  

 Chamomile

You must have definitely come across chamomile, chamomile is a natural supplement that is famously used as a
tea. This remedy has been used for centuries. Apart from just a sleep inducer this natural sleep remedy also has
various inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. There are various chamomile teas out there- German, Roman
etc. Roman chamomile has a bitter taste and is taken in the form of tincture while German chamomile is best taken
as a tea. I personally love the tea version.

You should also check our MelaLuna Review!

 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP)

A derivative from amino acid tryptophan, 5-HTP  is used to boost serotonin and melatonin in the body, both of
which are associated with sleep cycles. The remedy has also been proved to reduce symptoms of depression and
anxiety. Though it’s a natural remedy, do consult a doctor before picking a supplement of your own.

Final Thought

If you can control your sleeplessness with natural remedies, that’s the best you can do for yourself. Over the
counter sleeping pills contains various addictive elements that can lead to severe sleep issue when stooped.

Try these natural sleep remedies for elderly people to getter better sleep. Better sleep leads to better health.  Let
us know how these remedies helped you. Stay healthy, stay happy!
Valerian Valerian is a herbal extract which is used widely for insomnia and anxiety. Though there is no 100% guarantee,
studies do suggest that valerian may reduce the time needed to fall asleep and improve the quality of sleep.

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