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Name: BRIONES, Ira William T.

Subject: Science Technology and Society

Section: BSA402 Professor: Mrs. Lourdes Abdallah

Final Examination: If you are the 6th speaker what is your optimism about the video.

Fourth industrial revolution took the greatest turn in our lifestyles. As this era started to exist, the lives
of each one of us becomes simpler and much easier. Technologies that evolved in this day and age started to
cover up difficulties and struggles the people are facing in their day to day lives. Moreover, these mechanized
objects also helped us in our medical aspects that sought to prolong one’s life. We all have known that today’s
modern life people seeking for new, convenience and accessibility. Modern life with modern people who has a
lot of needs and wants, innovation is very evident and the one existed. A technology also helps humanity in
terms of different aspect of life such as: education, communication or connectivity, business, health, social and
maybe transportation and environment. Let me elaborate all that have I stated above, first, technology helps
students to fulfill their requirements in academics by searching all the data too internet or by using a gadget that
made by technology, in communication, technology helps people to stay connected with one another and
technology create an electronic devices like smart phones that serves as a weapon to stay connected, in
business, modern equipment helps entrepreneurs to create a new innovation that sustain the needs and wants of
the people in by that the growth of the business will be more faster, in health, technologies helps to create a
medicine to eliminate the risk of viruses and illness also helps for surgeries and transplant, in social, it may be
helpful because like I have said it can be useful for connectivity but somehow technology helps people in terms
of transportation because technology can give directions, ways that can be beneficial to the people, and lastly, it
may be helpful to environment in a way that technology create equipment to lessen pollution, and some
fertilizer to become the plants grow fast.

For me, it is clearly evident that technology helps people to make their lives easier and simple. If you
see the general picture of this technology is beneficial to people but it has a negative effect also. Technology as
I stated above it helps in the medical level, enhanced communication, give a broader idea for business, and also
make the life of people be in a simplest way it increases the productivity of the people and improves the daily
life. But it has a negative effect like people too much dependent in technology, Humans no longer needs to
think because all that the world offers today is instant, and some people use technology in a negative way like
crime and it can be cause of some diseases. But for me technology is a weapon that peoples need now a day.

In conclusion, technology is beneficial and helpful to the people; people can use a technology as a
weapon to improve life not a necessity for daily lives because I strongly believe that you as a human can live
without technology, you can survive but with technology people make their lives easier and simple. Using
technology is not bad but you can use it in moderation and in a good way. Like a knife, it can be use by two
different ways it can use as a protection or use it to hurt people or yourself. I must say that technology has the
ability to improved productivity, flexibility, and efficiency. Use technology as a weapon to make your task
easily not just the one to do your task or work alone. Today, we need technology to sustain life and to do task
easier, because I believe that through technology it can help the economy to be successful and also it can help
people to be knowledgeable and innovative. Innovation with the help of technology leads to a better life and a
better nation. Always remember that technology is beneficial to the people if we (as human) use technology in a
good ways and in moderation. Technology must serve all humanity to its fullest potential. But in the end of the
day you as human or individual you are the one make a judgement whether technology is bad or good.`

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