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ATP/18 Register Number 2018 TOWN PLANNING (P.G. Degree Standard) Time Allowed : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 300 Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1. The applicant will be supplied with Question Booklet 15 minutes before commencement of the examination. This Question Booklet contains 200 questions. Prior to attempting to answer, the candidates are requested to check whether all the questions are there in series and ensure there are no blank pages in the question booklet. In case any defect in the Question Paper is noticed, it shall be reported to the Invigilator within first 10 minutes and get it replaced with a complete Question Booklet. If any defect iced in the Question Booklet after the commencement of examination, it will not be replaced. 3. Answer all questions, All questions carry equal marks. 4. You must write your Register Number in the space provided on the top right side of this page. Do not write anything else on the Question Booklet. 5. An answer sheet will be supplied to you, separately by the Room Invigilator to mark the answers. 6. You will also encode your Question Booklet Number with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen in the space provided on the side 2 of the Answer Sheet. If you do not encode properly or fail to encode the above information, action will be taken as per Commission's notification. 7. Bach question comprises four responses (A), (B), (C) and (D). You are to select ONLY ONE correct response and mark in your Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there are more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each question. Your total marks will depend on the number of correct responses marked by you in the Answer Sheet. 8 In the Answer Sheet there are four circles @,@, © and @) against each question. To answer the ‘questions you are to mark with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen ONLY ONE circle of your choice for ‘each question. Select one response for each question in the Question Booklet and mark in the Answer Sheet. If you mark more than one answer for one question, the answer will be treated as wrong. e.g. If for any item, @) is the correct answer, you have to mark as follows : @e@00 9. You should not remove or tear off any sheet from this Question Booklet. You are not allowed to take this Question Booklet and the Answer Sheet out of the Examination Hall during the time of examination. After the examination is concluded, vou must hand over your Answer Sheet to the 10. Do not make any marking in the question booklet except in the sheet before the last page of the question booklet, which can be used for rough work. This should be strictly adhered. 11. Applicants have to write and shade the total number of answer fields left blank on the boxes provided ‘at side 2 of OMR Answer Sheet. An extra time of 5 minutes will be given to specify the number of answer fields left blank. 12, Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will render you liable to such action or penalty as the Commission may decide at their discretion. , SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK ATP/18 ' 2 ‘The planning approach based on incorporation of social and economic. planning within physical framework is called (A) Blue print planning ee planning (©) Normative planning @) Advocacy planning Blue print planning acts through the medium of (A) Structure plan AM Master plan (©) Area development plan (D) Detailed development plan Delphi Technique involves (A) Individual expert opinion ot Expert group opinion (©) Private organisation opinion (D) Public opinion PPBS (Planning — Programming — Budgeting System) is a model for executing (A) National policy (B) State policy yw" Public policy (D) Regional policy In remote sensing, SMA denotes (A) Sensor Mixture Analysis (B) Stratified Mixture Analysis (©) Spatial Mixture Analysis D7 Spectral Mixture Analysis Multiple regression, statistical technique is used in population analysis for (A) Forecasting birth rates Pr Migration studies (© _ Predicting changes (D) Transportation studies The concept of “Disjointed Incrementalism” was discussed in planning by (A) Catanese WT Lindbolm (©) Faludi (D) Ratcliffe ‘The relationship between planning practice informed by theory is called (A) Systemics OP Praxis (C) Pragmatics (D) Cybernetics 3 ATP/I8 [Turn over 9. Ineconomie analysis; the technique for projecting the future of exporting activity uses (A) Shift/share analysis a Econometric methods (©) Ratio method ©) Multiplier method 10. ‘The model simulating flow of elements; through central location in response to laws of demand and supply is called (A) Demand model (B) Queuing model SY Inventory model (@) Normative model 11. The application of the linear city concept to the redevelopment of London in 1937 was by (A) Soria Y mata @) Le Corbusier G7 MARS group (D) Frank Llyod Wright 12, A-value system that ascribes a relative value to each one of the events is called (A) Choice theory PT Utility theory (©) _ Decision theory (D) Fiscal theory 13. The method of economic analysis to compare long run economic effects of a number of projects is called (A) Cost effectiveness analysis PH Cost-benefit analysis (© Fiscal impact analysis (D) _ PPBS (Planning Programming Budgeting System) 14, Cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis are 2 analytical tools in SM eps eystom (Planning Programming Budgeting System) (B) _ Fiscal impact analysis system (C) Simulation system (D) Resource allocation system ATP/18 4 ¢ 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Von Thunen’s Land use Location theory/model was mainly based on (A) Urban use WF Asricultural use (C) Commercial use (D) Industrial use ‘The planned community of Radburn was designed by (A) Clarence Perry and Clarence Stein we Henry Wright and Clarence Stein (© _ Patrick Geddes (D) Fd. Osborn Hippodamian plan referred to AF Grid Iron pattern (B) Radial pattern (©) Radio-centric pattern (D) Linear pattern ‘The concept of Town Planning in Manasara and Mayamata was called (A) Bhupariksha (B) Padavinyasa a Nagaravinyasa (D) Bhumisamgraha PPBS (Planning-Programming Budgeting System) includes programs designed around (A) Short term goals (B) Medium range goals (© Intermediary goals DT Long range goals ‘Systematic analysis of the Environmental effects of development policies, plans, programmes and proposed strategic actions is known as (@) EIA (®) EMP WM SEA @) Eis Under which Act EIA is made mandatory (A) Indian Forest Act (B) Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act (©) Wildlife Protection Act vr Environment (Protection) Act 5 ATP/18 [Turn over The process of calculating projected effects that a proposed action or construction project will have on environmental quality is called as f Environmental Assessment (B) Ecology Assessment (©) Environmental Report (D) Environmental Survey 23. Which one is not the benefit of environmental assessment? (A) Reduced cost and time of project implementation (B) Cost-saving modifications in project design (C) Increase project acceptance YP Increase cost of treatment and clean up 24. The Indian ministry requires for giving environmental clearance (A) _ Project assessment report (B) Ecology assessment statement GX Environmental impact assessment (D) Environmental clearance statement 25. The distinct dimensions of environmental resources are @ ecological Gi) economic ii) ethnological @ @ wt @, Gi) and Gi) © w ©) ii) 26. 2010 World Environment Day themes are (A) Green cities — plan for the planet ! OF Many species. One planet. One fixture (© Your Planet Needs You — Unite to combat climate change (D) Melting Ice ~ a Hot Topic? 27. World Environment Day, commemorated each year on (A) dune 2» (B) June ar (©) dune 4 PT dune 5% ATP/18 6 ¢ 28. Biological Magnification is (A) Decrease in concentration with trophic level eer Increase in concentration with trophic level (© — Equilibrium in concentration () Magnification with time 29, ‘Regional Survey’ Technique is the concept by (A) Doxiadis a Patrick Geedes (© Lewis Mamford Ebenazer Howard 30. Functional Regions are classified based on its WYP Basic Economic Activity (B) Services offered (©) Major industrial activities (D) Distance Factor and Time scale parameters 31. Regional plan takes into Account of (A) Economy Spatial aspects (©) Environmental aspects we All the above 32, Which one of the following is the Excellent Example of primate city WT Paris (B) Bombay (©) New York (D) Log Angeles 33. ‘The main advantage of Multi level planning is we Bottom up Approach Public participation is more (©) Effective and Efficient implementation (D) All the above c 7 ATP/18. {Turn over 34. The Zonal Development Plan shall show the broad outliner of the following (@) Boundaries of the neighbourhoods with gross residential density (b) Major internal road and services (©) Community Centre (@) Neighbourhood parks (©) Location of high schools and primary schools (@), ©), ©, @), (@) ®B) @), ©), @, ©) © @,0,0 ©) @), @, &) 35. The idea of structure plan was developed in ————— in the year 1971. we Britain (B) France (©) New York (D) Delhi 36. Following facilities cannot be provided and regulated by an individual community for contiguous area sharing Common Interest ~ results in the formation of Regional Planning Authority (a) air pollution (b) unifies correlation system (©) water distribution (a) _ solid waste disposal (e) sewage treatment LT, 0,0, 0, ® @,0,© © ©, ©, @, © ©) ), @, ©) 37. In Chandigarh Master Plan the Dimension of each sector is 1.2. km in length and 0.8 km in width (B) 1.5 km in length and 1 km in width (©) 2km in length and 1.5 km in width (@) 1.2 km in length and 1 km in width ATP/18 8 ¢ 38. Meso regions are the Sub-divisions of Macro-regions (B) Micro-regions (©) Metropolitan region (D) Functional region 39. The pressure behind regionalism comes from the following groups (a) Those seeking Administrative devolution from Central Government (b) Those seeking Local Government reorganisation (©) _ Those seeking a more efficient Land-use Planning System 0,0, ® 0 © %© ©) ©), 0) 40. For Indian conditions, the hierarchy of Regional Planning can be classified in the following fourfold manner (a) Metropolitan on city regions (b) River Valley regions (© Axial Development regions (@ Transitional or depressed regions Wo, (b), ©), (@) (B) (a), ©), (@), (b) (©) (b), ©), (d), (a) @) (a), ©, @), b) The National Development Council (NDC) consist of (a) Prime Minister (b) Chief Minister's of State (c) Member's of Planning Commission (d) Member of Parliament WF O&O B @),), © &(@), © (a). ©, (@) (D) (a) & (b) 42, What type of Regional Plan was prepared for Aransol-Durgapur Complex (A) Metropolitan Region J” Industrial complex (©) Backward region ©) River barin ic 9 ATP/I8 [Turn over ‘The Desirable standard of water supply for a medium Town with a population of > 50,000 should be 135 - 150 LPCD (B) 150-200 LPCcD (©) 120-135 LPCD (D) 110-120 LPCD How the employer holds the contractor? @ Security bond Gi) Withholding around 10% on all on account bills Gii) Withholding the materials dumped at site (A) @) and (ii) (B) @) and (iii) (©) Gi) and Gi) PM 6, Gi) and Gi) If t, and ¢, are the persimistic and optimistic time of an activity, the variance of the activity will be (A) _ Bill of quantities Bill of schedule (©) Tender bond (@) Schedules for completion 46. Which one specify the unit rates required to e) labour and materials One of the following method falls under non-deterministic approach or the probabilistic (B) CPM (D) Bar chart GANTT chart Bar chart was introduced by (A) Catanese A Henery Gantt . (©) Lowry (D) Melville Branch 49. In resource allocation, plotting the resources usage profile is called (A) Bar diagram Histogram (© Slack diagram (D) Milestone chart ATP/18. 10 ¢ 50. If ©,,C,,t, and t, are the crash cosh, normal cost, normal time and crash time respectively, the cost slope is given by cnc, 51. The following is an indication of ahead of schedule condition (excess resources) (A) Zero slack WM Positive slack (©) Negative slack ) Slack 52. If Ty, T;, and o are the scheduled time of completion, expected time of completion and standard deviation respectively, the probability factor (Z) will be of TS- TE @ T=S o o @) © 53, When probability factor (Z) is positive, the chances of completing the project in time is we More than 50% (B) Less than 50% (© Fifty— Fifty (D) Less than 30% 54. To accept a project, its Net present value should be (A) Negative @®) Zero 7 Positive ©) Minimum 55. Which of the following is categorised under deterministic approach (a) PERT wom (©) Bar Chart () Gantt Chart 56. The tific instant of time at which the part of the plan is achieved is called et Event (B) Activity - (©) Design (D) Fram In which of the following process of numbering, when an event is added later, it can be assigned a number between the number of immediate predecessor event and immediate successor event is QA Skip numbering (B) Regular numbering (© Dual numbering (D) Single numbering Which of the following focus on certain episodic events like formation, issuance of capital, major expansion, merger, reorganisation and liquidation in the life cycle of the firm (A) Capital budgeting @®) Capital structure Financial management (@) Working capital management Eminant domain DOES NOT Provide the right to Government GH Acquire the land without compensation (B) Acquisition of land for public use (©) Power to take property from the individual ©) None of the above 73" and 74" constitutional amendments related to (A) Abolishing the urban land ceiling Act (B) Providing restricted role to Judiciary to settle rural disputes NYT Providing more responsibility to municipal and local bodies for planning and development (@) _ Providing right to information to the public ATP/18 12 ce 61 62. 63. 64. 65. ‘The golden quadrilateral, as part of the National Highway Development Project (NHDP) connects (A) Delhi ~ Mumbai - Chennai — Delhi A _ Delhi — Mumbai ~ Kolkata ~ Delhi (©) Delhi~ Mumbai ~ Bangalore — Delhi (D) Delhi ~ Mumbai — Hyderabad — Delhi In transport economics; VOC stands for (A) Vehicle Operating Condition eA yhicle Operating Cost (C) Variable Operating Cost () Variable Operating Condition In Indian Conditions, the highway systems for urban roads are generally classified in the following hierarchical order, namely 1. Express way 2. Collector street 3. Arterial road 4, Sub arterial road Local street WH 1-3-4-2-5 @) 1-4-3-2-5 ( 1-2-3-4-5 @) 3-4-2-5-1 If a bus is travelling at 80 kilo meter per hour, the minimum intermediate right distance for over taking should be? 240m (B) 360m (©) 180m @) 160m What should be the minimum slope of a camber as per Indian Road Congress for thin biluminous surface? WO? 2.0 2.5% ~ @) 15-19% © 26-30% (D) 3.0-4.0% If a bus is travelling at 100 KmpH along a major roads at priority intersection on rural roads, the minimum visibility distance should be ON 270m ®) 250m © 190m @) 290m 13 ATP/IS [Turn over 67, _ In the inventory of public transport buses, the following datas-are present 1. Total number of buses 2. Fare structure 3. Routes and schedule 4. Operating speed A 1,23, © 1,24 68. — Mons rail system is another variety of (A) Light rail transit (B) _ Sub urban train GP” Rapid rail wansit @) Bus road transit system 69. The coefficient of rolling resistance for a vehicle on cement concrete and asphalt surfacing should be between WT 0.01 100.02 (B) 0.02 to 0.025 (© 0.015 t0.0.3 @) 0.04 to 0.05 ‘The main features of express way are as follows 1, Complete seperation of opposing traffic Parking-loading and unloading of goods is permitted 2. 3. Elimination of all crossing at the road level 4. Police and Traffic aid ports at convenient intervals @ 124 ® 1234 GH 1, 3,4 @ 12,3 ATP/18 71. The statement ‘urban traffic was a function of land use’ was made in 1954 by (A) Lowry and garin Tt Mitchell and Rapkin (©) Buchanan () Hutchinson 72, In division of zones for transportation survey; the central sector (CBD) is normally designated as : a 1 4 ®) 3 © 2 J wy 73. India is moving towards ITS, which allows a person to make a journey that involves transfers within or between different transport modes with a single ticket. What does ITS stands for? (A) Integrated Transit System (B) _ Internal Ticketing System (©) _ Intelligent Ticketing System Ee Integrated Ticketing System 74. Which one among the following project is not considered as quantifiable projects? “ Family welfare Mineral production a Power generation (D) Water supply 75. In urban transport sector, SLB means a ‘Service Level Benchmarks ‘System Level Benchmarks (©) Station Level Benchmarks (D) Standard Level Benchmarks c 16 ATP/18 {Turn over 16. In cross-sectional elements in highway design; the line representing the nearest limits of future uncontrolled building activity in relation vo a road is called as (A) Building tine A Control tine (©) Desire line () Curt line 77. _ In order to derive the travel characteristics of the whole population from the data derived from sampling; factor is used. (A) correlation factor (B) choice factor WM expansion factor (D) normalisation factor 78. A multi modal transport system, where in trucks are carried on ships over long distances are called as (A) Trailer on flat car system

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