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sheath channels PR,L/2 is, applying Poise- while and necessary to carry out calculations tem.

ations tem. Of course, with suitable conversion

uille's law, on computers, taking account also of changes coefficients, results can be obtained directly
of impermeability with pressure. in psi.
32RL2 Dr. Gazzana-Priaroggia questions our We cannot agree with Mr. Morello's inter-
PR 'L/2 = -n ?JRVR (13) statements with respect to the magnitude pretation of short-circuit processes. On the
of radial-pressure drops. We consider 1- sudden application of Joule heat to the
Here n = 22 is the number of channels in psi pressure drop as small, when compared conductor for only a fraction of a second,
the sheath and d = 0.152 in. is the hydrauli- with those in cables with high-imperme- pressure in the oil of the conductor can
cally equivalent diameter of the channels of ability papers, or when compared with the increase substantially. In consequence, oil
0.25-in. diameter; R= 1.555 in., and L= pressure drop which lead to breakdown will flow axially to the tanks and radially
230 ft. When nominal load is applied, the of the Toronto cable. However, the radial- towards the sheath. The rate of flow
largest radial-pressure difference is 5.7 psi. pressure drop cannot be disregarded in the
The corresponding product -qRVR = 1.94. 10-7 1935 220-kv Paris cable, where the working Ps
poise in./sec and the axial-pressure difference pressure is 15 psi and where the radial- Rf
PR'L/2 = 0.09 psi. This is 1.6% of the radial- pressure drop could become much larger than
pressure difference and, generally, the ratio 1 psi in sections exposed to low ambient p5 being the pressure increase due to the
of the axial- and radial-pressure differences temperatures. We were interested to read short circuit and Rf the resistance to flow.
is of this order of magnitude for the sheath about the first oil-filled cable, designed and Assuming the worst case for axial flow, that
channels of the Harspranget cable. With installed by Emanueli. We do not under- all excess oil flows from the middle of the
the aid of the analogous calculations, the stand Dr. Gazzana-Priaroggia's statement cable length in two directions, by Poise-
axial-pressure differences were found to be that fluted lead sheaths were abandoned, uille's law
about 100 times smaller in the conductor since the cable discussed in this paper and
channel than in the sheath channels. 64L =
several other of the highest voltage cables Rf =a- 21,900
Mr. Morello is correct in pointing out that installed in recent years in Sweden are of the dC2
a term has to be added to equations 6 and fluted-sheath type.
7 or to the simplified equation 13, con- in cgs units, d, being the diameter of the
We were pleased that Mr. Merrell en- oil-flow channel in the conductor. On the
sidering oil flow due to thermal-volume larged on various reasons which speak in
changes of the oil in the channels themselves. other hand, the flow resistance of the insula-
favor of using fluted sheath in oil-filled tion for distributed radial flow along one half
The vclumes of oil in conductor, insulation, cables.
and sheath channels are 3.95, 48.0, and 7.0 of the cable is
Mr. Williams asked for the derivation of
in.3/ft, respectively, and the axial-pressure the relation for the impermeability m
difference is about 17/48 times the previously
Z r_ =26107
calculated value; that is, 0.105 psi. This
pressure difference is very small compared x= 11.10-.6tc v
n =1
with 5.7-psi radial-pressure difference.
Hence, neglecting the axial pressure differ- t being the Gurley-second value of the paper in cgs units. As the radial-insulation-flow
ences in this case seems justified, and the tape and c the tape in. thickness. In the resistance is more than 1,000 times larger
radius xo is practically constant along the Gurley test, Q= 100 cm3 of air passes than the axial-flow resistance, flow occurs
whole cable length. through A = 1 in.2 paper, of thickness c, practically only axially and the sheath is
There is a large literature on the calcula- in time t, owing to a pressure difference of not affected by the pressure increase.
tion of axial-pressure differences in oil- 4.9-in. water column. As Q==Avt, the Conditions are similar when a sudden heat
filled cables for cases when it was generally impermeability x, by equation 1, is pulse is applied to the sheath, but the pres-
sure increase will be smaller with fluted
permissible to neglect radial-pressure differ-
ences. Conditions in the Harspranget cable xpAt
than with smooth sheath, the former per-
are opposite and offered the opportunity to mitting rapid discharge of the excess oil.
study pressure-variations in cable insulations Replacing the values for p, A, and Q and Mr. Morello doubts the practical value of
when they are influenced by radial-flow proc- =183.10-6 poise for air at 18 C, the nu- radial-pressure-difference calculations. We
esses only. merical relation for x is obtained. Mr. Wil- hoped to show that these pressure differences
When both axial- and radial-pressure dif- liams is right in assuming that we calculated are small when fluted sheaths are used; they
ferences are significant, calculations will be pressures in dynes/cm2. This was con- can, however, become impermissibly high
very involved and, as follows from Mr. venient because viscosity is given in poise, when the sheath of the oil-filled cables is
Buller's discussion, it might become worth- in the cgs (centimeter-gram-second) sys- smooth.

Vernier Motor and Its Design rotor will rotate slowly, and at a definite
fraction of the speed of the rotating field.
This rotating field can be produced either
by feeding polyphase current to the stator
C. H. LEE winding or by exciting the stator coil
groups in sequence. As the rotor speed

Summary: A vernier motor is an unexcited A VERNIER MOTOR is an unexcited Paper 63-13, recommended by the AIEE Rotating
Machinery Committee and approved bv the AIEE
inductor synchronous motor in which a
small displacement of the rotor produces
*4&* (or reluctance-type) inductor syn- Technical Operations Department for presentation
at the IEEE Winter General Meeting, New York,
a large displacement of the axes of per- chronous motor. It is so named because N. Y., January 27-February 1, 1963. Manuscript
it operates on the principle of a vernier. submitted August 30, 1962; made available for
ineance. It runs at a slow speed as if it printing October 20, 1962.
were geared down from the speed of the The peculiar feature of this kind of motor C. H. LEE resides at Monroeville, Pa.
rotating field set up by the stator. To is that a small displacement of the rotor The author wishes to thank the Reliance Electric
design a vernier motor is equivalent to produces a large displacement of the axes & Engineering Company for perniission to publish
designing a polyphase reluctance motor the design and tested data of the sample vernier
with an odd-shaped rotor so that the air- of maximum and minimum permeance. motor. The motor was designed by the author
When a rotating magnetic field is intro- while he was associated with the Reliance Electric
gap permeance distribution is a displaced & Engineering Company in 1956. The detailed
triangular wave. duced in the air gap of the machine, the design method was developed recently.

JUNE 1963 Lee- Vernier Motor and Its Design 343

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other in the horizontal axis. The axis of curve as shown in Fig. 2(B) can be repre-
maximum permeance is now horizontal sented easily by mathematical function,
and the axis of minimum permeance is and will be used in the design. The axes
now vertical. Thus, a rotor movement of at which maximum and minimum perme-
one-half rotor slot pitch results in a 90- ances occur are the direct and quadrature
degree displacement of the permeance axes respectively of the vernier motor.
axes. The technique of replacing a permeance
Suppose that a magnetic field is rotating curve of Fig. 2(A) by an equivalent perme-
in the machine. Whenever the rotating ance curve of Fig. 2(B) is an accepted
field rotates 90 degrees, the rotor will practice in electric machine design. For
rotate one-half of its slot pitch. When example, in the magnetic circuit calcula-
the rotating field completes one revolu- tion of electric machines, a slotted sur-
tion, the rotor will rotate through an face is usually replaced by a smooth sur-
angle corresponding to two rotor slot face by applying correction factor to
pitches. For the given example, the the length of air gap.
rotor speed is one-fifth of the speed of To compensate for the fringing perme-
Fig. 1. Vernier motor the rotating field. ance from the edges of teeth, the widths
of teeth are increased by the Carter fring-
ing factor:
steps down from the speed of the rotating Air-Gap Permeance Distribution
Wtoe = equivalent width of tooth surface
field, the motor torque steps up. A The first step in the design is to study
vernier motor, therefore, works as an x
the permeance distribution along the air =- inch (1)
electric gearing. This kind of motor is at- gap. In the initial consideration, the flux
tractive in applications which require low fringing from the edges of the teeth will where X is the tooth pitch in inches, and C
speed and high torque, and where mechan- be neglected. In other words, the fluxes is the Carter's coefficient. The curves or
ical gearing is undesirable. in the air gap are assumed all in the radial formulas for calculating Carter's coeffi-
Since the vernier motor is a synchron- direction. The permeance of air space cient can be found in most electric ma-
ous machine, useful torque is developed
between stator and rotor at any location chine design books.
only when it operates at synchronous is inversely proportional to the radial The average air permeance per ulnit
speed. To be capable of self-starting length of air space at that location. Since area under one stator slot pitch is given
without any auxiliary means, the rotor the stator and rotor slot depths are much by:
must be pulled into synchronism within
larger in comparison with the air-gap 3.19 Width of teeth surface overlap
the time of one-half cycle. The vernier length, the permeance of air space can be P= X
motor, therefore, must be designed to run g
at a low speed [approximately 200 rpm,
considered as zero, except where stator
tooth surface is facing rotor tooth surface. lines per square inch per ampere turn (2)
(revolutions per minute) or less] and to The permeance distribution along the cir-
have a high torque-to-inertia ratio. The maximum and minimum permeances
cumference of air gap, for the case of Fig. per-unit area of the air gap are then given
This paper explains the design method 1, is shown in Fig. 2(A). The widths of
of vernier motors operated on regular by:
rectangular blocks in Fig. 2(A) are the
polyphase source. widths of overlap between the stator and (Pmax. = (Wtoel or Wtoe2, whichever
rotor- teeth. These widths of overlap gXl is smaller) (3)
Principle of Operation vary linearly from a maximum to a mini-
mum and back to a maximum as shown in lines per square inch per ampere turn
The stator of a vernier motor has slots Fig. 2(A). The area of overlap is maxi-
and a distributed winding just like the mum for the top and bottomn stator teeth
stator of an ordinary polyphase induc- in Fig. 1 where the rotor teeth are directly
tion motor. The rotor is a slotted iron opposite. The area of overlap is reduced
core without winding. To understand a constant amount for each successive W


the principle of operation of a vernier stator tooth until a minimum (or zero) is W

motor, refer to Fig. 1. Fig. 1 shows a reached. After that, the area of overlap a.
2-pole machine with 12 stator slots is increased successively back to the maxi- Tr Tr 3W 2TT
and 10 rotor slots. Small numbers of mum and the cycle repeats. 2 2
slots are purposely chosen as an example A permeance distribution curve shown (A)
to facilitate the explanation. At the in Fig. 2(A) is not convenient to use be-
position shown in Fig. 1, the stator and cause it cannot be represented by a simple
rotor teeth are facing each other in the mathematical function. The equivalent C.)
vertical axis. The stator teeth are facing permeance distribution curve of Fig. 2(B)
rotor slots in the horizontal axis. At this is, therefore, introduced. Fig. 2(B) repre- W
position, therefore, the maximum perme- sents the periodic linear variation of 0 1T UT 3T 211
ance is along the vertical axis, and the permeance per-unit area from a maximum 2
minimum permeance is along the hori- to a minimum and back to a maximum. (B)
zontal axis. When the rotor is rotated When the rotor rotates, this permeance
one-half of its slot pitch, the rotor slots wave rotates at a much faster speed Fig. 2. (A) Air-gap permeance distribution
will face stator teeth in the vertical axis. (five times the rotor speed for the machine of motor in Fig. 1. (B) equivalent permeance
The rotor and stator teeth will face each of Fig. 1). The permeance-distribution distribution
344 Lee Vernier Motor and Its Design JUNE 1963

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Rotor speed Rotor slot pitch P bution is obtained by multiplying the
6'min. = - ( Wtoel + Wtoe2- X2) Rotating field speed mmf pole pitch N2 sinusoidal mmf wave and the triangular
permeance wave of Fig. 2(B). To calculate
if ( Wtoel + Wtoe2X-2)> 0 (4A) (7) Xad, consider the case when the mmf
wave and the permleance wave are in phase.
lines per square inch per ampere turn or In this condition, the arniature current and
flux are along the direct axis. There is no
or quadrature component of armature current
Rotor speed= - rpm (8) or flux. The resultant flux wave can be
(Pmin. = 0 if ( Wtoei + Wtoe2X- 2) < 0 (4B) resolved into a fundamental and a series
of harmonics. Since the wave form of the
where Wtoe is given by equation 1. The and resultant flux wave remains the same as it
subscripts 1 and 2 refer to quantities rotates, it indicates that the harmonics
pertinent to the stator and rotor, respec- Electric gear ratio= N (9) are rotating at the same speed as the funda-
tively. mental, and induce multiple frequency har-
monic voltages in the stator winding. The
The perneance function of Fig. 2(B) It can be seen from equation 8 that the fundamental flux wave must induce a volt-
can then be expressed as: age in the stator winding equal to the ap-
rotor speed is independent of the number
plied voltage less the stator impedance
of poles of the machine. When the speed drop. Let B, denote the amplitude of the
6' = (Pmax. - ( 6max. - 6)mia. )X of the rotating field is reduced by increas- fundamental flux wave. Then
ing the number of poles of the machine,
it cannot be expected that the speed of 2.25X 107PE
(5A) B, = DLf CK lines per square inch ( 11)
the rotor be reduced proportionately
because when P is increased, the differ-
(P 6'min. +(6'max. -6)i.
7r ence between N2 and NT, should also be where
increased, and the electric gear ratio is E = ( V-stator impedance drop) in volts. V
= 2 )minD-.-Wmvx. +2( (max-. (Imin-)x
reduced in the inversed proportion. is the applied voltage per phase.
Thus, the rotor speed is not affected by Lacking better information, E can be
72 taken as 0.96 V
< x,<,r (5B) the number of poles but depends on the D =motor air-gap diameter, inches
number of rotor slots. L =motor core length, inches
where x is the angular position along the From the analysis of air-gap permeance C = stator winding conductors in series per
distribution in a vernier motor, it follows phase
air-gap periphery. All (Ps are in lines Kw= stator winding factor
per square inch per ampere turn.
that the design of a vernier motor is equiv-
alent to the design of an ordinary poly- The amplitude of the fundamental flux
phase reluctance motor with an odd- produced by a sinusoidal mmf wave and
Design of Vernier Motor shaped rotor so that the air-gap permeance a permeance wave of Fig. 2(B) when they
distribution is a displaced triangular wave are in phase is given in the Appendix as:
In a polyphase reluctance motor, the as that shown in Fig. 2(B). The main
rotor (or the air-gap permeance wave) has step in design is to calculate the direct- Bld = Mgd mx.+ min-)±
the same number of poles as the stator and quadrature-axes reactances Xd and 2
mmf (magnetomotive force) wave. Xa* - (6',nax.-PiD.)]
Similarly, in a vernier motor, the air-gap 7r
Xd = Xl+Xad (1OA) lines per square inch (12)
permeance wave should have the same
number of poles as the stator mmf wave. Xq=Xl+Xaq (lOB) Equating the values of B, in equations
Therefore, the numbers of stator and rotor 11 and 12, the air-gap mmf required to
slots should have the following rela- where xl is the stator leakage reactance; produce enough fundamental flux to
tion: and xad and xaq are the direct- and quadra- counterbalance the applied voltage when
ture-axes reactances of armature reaction. the mmf wave is in phase with the
N,= N2P Xad is the ratio of the fundamental com- permeance wave is given by:

ponent of reactive armature voltage, pro-

where duced by the mutual flux due to the fun- B,
damental direct-axis component of arma-
Mgd0.5( 6'max. + min. ) + 0.2( (Pmax.-(Pmin.)
N, =number of stator slots ampere turns (13)
N2 =number of rotor slots ture current, to this component under
P = number of poles of the rotating magnetic steady-state conditions and at rated fre- To calculate the ampere-turns drop in
field quency. Similarly, Xaq is the ratio of the the iron parts of the magnetic circuit,
fundamental component of reactive arma- harmonic fluxes are neglected for sim-
As was explained before, when the ture voltage, produced by the mutual flux
rotor rotates through an angle correspond- due to the fundamental quadrature-axis plicity. Let Mi be the total ampere-
ing to one rotor slot pitch, the permeance turns drop across the stator teeth, stator
component of armature current, to this
wave rotates through an angle corre- core, rotor teeth, and rotor core. The
component of current under steady-state calculation of Mi in a vernier motor is the
sponding to one pole pitch. The pole conditions and at rated frequency.
pitch of the permeance wave is the same as same as in an ordinary induction motor.
Xad can be calculated by the following The magnetizing ampere turns per pole
the pole pitch of the stator mmf wave, procedures:
because they have the same number of with applied voltage V and when the
poles. Also, in a reluctance machine, the Assume that the mmf drop along the mmf is along the direct axis is then
air gap is sinusoidal. This is approximately
speed of the permeance wave is the same correct for most cases with the exception of Md = Mgd+M amnpere turns per pole (14)
as the speed of rotating mmf. There- some machines in which the iron cores are
fore: highly saturated. The air-gap flux distri- The fundamental-frequency direct-axis
JUNE 1963 Lee- Vernier Motor and Its Design 345

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reactance of armature reaction can then tween mmf and permeance axes would
be calculated: contain appreciable harmonics. Actual
tests showed that was not the case. The
0.45mCKwE harmonics are neglected in torque calcula- 1.100 .39
ohms per phase (15)
tions in this paper. .531 - 0

The net pullout torque is equal to the

where m = number of phases of stator developed pullout torque minus the
.070 .101

winding. mechanical torque due to friction, wind- $0430 -{

The quadrature-axis reactance of arma- age, and high-frequency electrical losses. STATOR ROTOR

ture reaction can be calculated in a similar In a vernier motor, there is large relative
manner. When a sinusoidal mmf is 90 speed between the rotor and the rotating Fig. 3. Slot details
degrees out of phase with the permeance field. There will be added rotor core
wave of Fig. 2(B), the amplitude of the losses and stray load losses. The rotor
fundamental flux wave is given in the core losses are at a frequency of f(N2- The average accelerating torque is
Appendix as: P)/N2 cycles per second. 2
The wattless component of armature T p. .- Tp.o. (26)
Biq = GA[g( (Pmax. + (Pmin - current can be calculated as:

Since the average rotor speed during

2 1 2V acceleration is one-half the synchronous
-( (§)max-W9M iD.) 1.=-~ anaperes (21)
Xd+Xq speed, and the maximum relative angular
lines per square inch (16) displacement between the rotor and the
The power component of current is rotating field is 90 degrees, the time for
The required air-gap mmf in this case is acceleration for this marginal case is l/2f
746 X horsepower output +
losses in watts second.
0.5( (Pmax- + (Pmin.) 0.2( (Pmax.
I= 3V amperes The maximum moment of inertia of the
- - (Pmin.)
ampere turns per pole (17) (22) rotor and load that can be pulled into
synchronism can then be determined by:
The magnetizing ampere turns per pole The armature current per phase is 2-
with applied voltage V and when the I Im2 lp2 amperes (23) 7r
mmf is along the quadrature axis is X-= 27rXsynchronous speed,
(i 2f
Mq Mgqq+Mi amnpere
= turns per pole (18) k32.2 revolutions per second (27)
Power factor =IX100% (24) or
The fundamental-frequency quadrature-
axis reactance of armature reaction X0q is J= 2Tp.o pound-feet2
The power factor of a vernier motor is (28)
then given by: 1.22f2
usually very low, in the order of 20-40%.
In the actual case, when the motor is
ohms per phase (19) energized, the rotating field is under a
transient oscillation. It is shown in
Pull-In Criterion reference 4 that the maximum value of
The formulas for calculating leakage
reactance xl can be found in most elec- the transient rotating field is larger than
The developed torque of a vernier motor the steady-state rotating field. In refer-
tric machine design texts and will not be is approximately a sinusoidal function of
repeated here. ence 5, it is also shown that the transient
the angle between the axis of the rotating starting torque- of an induction motor. is,
Then the developed pullout torque field and the corresponding axis of the
neglecting harmonics can be calculated: much larger than the steady-state starting
permeance wave. torque. The maximum inertia indicated = 0.287 V- XdXq T= sin 20 (25) by equation 28, which is based on steady-
f XdXq state pullout torque, is therefore a pessi-
This relation was verified experimentally. mistic value. A complete analysis of the
-[1 _rl(xd X2)1pound-foot (20) Direct currents were fed into the three transient phenomena in starting a vernier
phases of a vernier motor to simulate a motor is beyond the scope of this paper.
where r, is the stator resistance in ohms certain instant of the polyphase alter- However, various tests seem to indicate
per phase. Equation 20 is the same nating current. Torque values for differ- that multiplying the result of expression
formula used to calculate pullout torque ent rotor positions were measured. It 28 by an empirical factor of 1.8 will give
of ordinary polyphase reluctance motors. was concluded that, for practical pur- satisfactory results. The maximum per-
The analysis of harmonics and their con- poses, the torque can be assumed to vary missible rotor and load inertia for a vernier
tributions to the pullout torque in a sinusoidally with the rotor position as motor is then given by:
vernier motor is beyond the scope of this shown by equation 25.
paper. Since the permeance harmonics If the motor is self-started, its rotor Jmax.= pound-foot2 (29)
have different numbers of poles from that must be pulled into synchronism within f2
of the stator mmf, the reluctance torque the positive half of the sinusoidal torque
produced by these harmonics are small. described by equation 25. Consider the Sample Design and Tests
If the harmonics should contribute marginal case that the half sinusoidal
appreciable torque, it would be expected torque is just enough to accelerate the The vernier motor given here as an
that the curve of torque versus angle be- rotor from zero to synchronous speed. example utilized an existing stator and is
346 Lee- Vernier Motor and Its Design JUNE 1.963

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not an ideal design. It is not self- The net pullout torque is then 2 (5)ma .-\mn x2 x sin 2x cos 2x7r
M2(max. (Pmamin.) -+ +
started at 60 cycles, 440 volts (it is self- 7r 4 4 84
started at 30 cycles, 220 volts). A motor Tp o. = 16.6-1.1 = 15.5 pound-feet 2

of this size would be self-started with a The tested pullout torque is about 16
pound-feet. At an output torque of 2-M[ - (mrin.±j(-6max6)XMinO)+
60-cycle supply if the number of stator
and rotor slots are increased to 36 and 10.0 pound-feet: 1
38, respectively, and the magnetic load- Output = 460 watts
- ( (IPMaX. 6NnMi D.
ing is also increased 25%. The design Losses (from test)=226 watts
data of this sample motor are as follows Power current = 686/3 X254 = 0.9 ampere = Mj (G'max[ (.min.)+
(all linear dimensions are in inches): Wattless current =2 X254/(91.1+ 50.0) =
3.60 amperes
Stator outside diameter=10.145 1= /3.602+0.902=3.71 amperes 7 2 4
Core length = 3.25 Power factor =0.90/3.71=24.3 %
Air gap =0.012 2. The mmf is along the quadrature axis.
Number of stator slots = 24 The tested current is 3.65 amperes.
Stator bore = 5.625 In this case, the permeance and mmf are
Rotor inside diameter= 1.94 (magnetic shaft)
Slot details as shown in Fig. 3
Number of rotor slots = 22
Appendix. Fundamental 2 tl
~ ~ ~ ~ 0<,X&<
Stator winding = 20 turns per coil, 2/3 pitch Component of Flux Wave 2

3-phase single-circuit Y 1. The mmf is along the direct axis. mmf = M Cos x
Synchronous speed = 120 X60/22 =327 rpm
Stator Carter's coefficient=2.05 The permeance wave is given by equation 5 and
Rotor Carter's coefficient= 1.73 in the paper. The mmf wave in this case
Wtioe=equivalence width of stator tooth is giveni by B(x) = M Cos X[6m. Gma.Gmn)X]
surface = 0.360
Wt2oe = equivalence width of rotor tooth mmf= M cos x
surface = 0.462
CKw = 266 The flux density at any location x can be 2
V=254 expressed as:
Because of symmetry, the Fourier series of
r = 0.97
E =244 (trial value) B(X) M cos x [6max. (- (max. (Pmin.)X] B(X) has cosine terms only.The amplitude
= - -
of the fundamental comiponent is
3.19 2rr
0.012 X 0.736 x 0.360 130
O(% BIJB(x2
Bs- B(x) COS xdx
3.19 B(X) = M cos
0.012 XO.736
(0.360+0.462-0.800) = 8 X[2(Pmin.-(Pmax. +-( 6max*- 6'min*)X] rr

7r ~ x7
= 6'mn,i. J'Cos2xdx +
The required fundamental flux is, from
equation 11, 2 2 C2
-( (a.1 (PImin.) xcos2 Xd
Because of symmetry, the function B(X) has
- X

B, = 37,800 lines per square inch

cosine terms only. The amplitude of the
From equations 13 and 17: fundamental component is determined as
follows: 4 2M; x(in 2 xsxi
Mgd = 393 ampere turns 4 4 o
Bl=- §(B(X) cos xdx 2
Mg = 829 ampere turns 7r
2_±in OXX
The ampere turns for the iron portion on
the magnetic circuit is (Pmax. J cos2 xdx -
Mi= 104 ampere turns =4X(Pmir x.+s'in.2|>
x1 2 x sin 2xMcos 2x O C

From equations 15 and 19: 2M r2~~~~~~ S -S7r -(bmink
4 +-A7r Tmax-u TGMin )x M
Xad = 88.1 ohms 7r
{7r2 13
Xaqq=47.0 ohms \16 4)
It.5 - i) S xYX+
The stator leakage reactance is 3.0 ohms. 7r~~~~
= M [2((Pmax. +(Pmin.)-
Xd=91.1 ohms 2 ( (Pmax. -(qmin.)]
2M2 ( mx 2
.-Pmin2 8X2Cs d
xq = 50.0 ohins
From equation 20: 2M x isin
2x± 16.6 pound-feet (6max.'mi.)++ References
The friction, windage, and high-fre- 2Pa Pi ~4x2 +x
sin 2x Cos 2x 2 +
SYSTEMS (book), A. Tustin. The MacMillan
quency mechanical losses are estimated Company, New York, N. V., 1952.
to be 50 watts. Therefore, (2(Pmin. - max.) -x2 + MI4 si
Tmech. = 7.04 X 50/327 = 1.1 pound-feet 2 MOTfORS WILTHOUT FIEELD ]EXCITATION), M. E.

JUNE 1963 Lee- Vernier Motor and Its Design 347

Authorized licensed use limited to: Polytechnic University of Bucharest. Downloaded on March 05,2020 at 16:44:49 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Talaat. AIEE Transactions, vol. 70, pt. II, 1951, i= 1, 2, 3. .. P/2 = number of repeatable sections of
pp. 1963-70. stator
3. THE THEORY AND DESIGN OF A VERY SLOW j=l1, A2... s = rotor slip as conventionally defined for
SPEED RELUCTANCE MOTOR, C. H. Lee. Ibid., fundamental field
pt. III (Power Apparatus and Systems), vol. 78, It is sufficient to inspect only fundamental
1959 (Feb. 1960 section), pp. 1683-88. terms of slot waves. Thus, i=1, j=-1.
x = reactance
4. TRANSIENTS IN A-C MOTORS AND GENERATORS? Radial flux-density field harmonics result- O=stator co-ordinate
G. S. Smith. Ibid., vol. 65, 1946, pp. 61-69. ing from interaction of the fundamental co =line frequency, radians per second
5. TRANSIENT STARTING TORQUES IN INDUCTION component of the stator current density s,r = superscripts for "stator" and "rotor"
MOTORS, A. M. Wahl, L. A. Kilgore. Ibid., vol. 59, wave with P/2 repeatable sections are
1940, pp. 603-07.
given by REFERENCE
bij(0, t) Bij cos [2 +(iNs +jNr)}
German), H. Frohne. Dissertation, Technische
Hochschule, Hannover, Germany, 1959.
1+_ ,] Wt+Vij :
O-S) (33)

with C. H. Lee: The author wishes to thank

W. K. Koch (University of California, W. H. Koch for presenting a different
Berkeley, Calif.): This appears to be a B13=i-(-1)+j(Kcs- 1)(K rT- 1)KisK rBfs viewpoint in the analysis of a vernier
particularly interesting paper, since it pro- motor.
vides useful data on an experimental design. (34) The sample motor discussed in this paper
There is, doubtlessly, much demand for Bf', the amplitude of the fundamental stator is a frame 254 U motor with no squirrel-cage
gearless motors with shaft speeds below 500 flux density wave, is limited by saturation winding, and weighs 165 pounds. If the
rpm, and many potential users may be pre- of motor yokes and teeth. PYij is the other rated torque is 50% of the pullout torque,
pared to pay 200%<o more than the ordinary key quantity, determining the realizable the sample motor will be noted as a 1/2-hp
horsepower price for it. This motor, how- torque of the vernier motor. It can be (horsepower) motor, 327 rpm. A regular
ever, has an enormous weight to power ratio, derived from equation 34 as follows. The 1/2-hp 1,730-rpm open-type 3-phase induc-
about 30 times that of 4-pole induction P-pole B f-field interacts with a 2P-pole tion motor (frame size 56B) weighs about
motors of the same power, less gears. permieance wave, equation 31, generating 23.5 pounds. Therefore, the weight of the
In order to examine whether this ratio the 3P-pole harmonic B-wave familiar from sample motor is seven times that of a 4-pole
can be substantially improved, this dis- noise analysis, equation 33. In a possible induction motor of the same power, less gear.
cusser has chosen a viewpoint different from state, the total local flux density can be The gear unit usually is larger, heavier, and
the author's, which will be presented here. found to be more expensive than the corresponding in-
The vernier motor can be understood as a duction motor. It should be pointed out
polyphase reltuctance machine, running on b==Bf'-Bi, i=l,j=-1 here that the sample motor is not an opti-
the harmonic permeance wave of mutual mum design. It utilized an existing stator,
stator and rotor slotting. This wave re- =Bf 1- x -(mn
/ existing rotor slot die, and conventional air
volves with a constant speed determined by 2 (Saverage gap and shaft for induction motor of that
the lower one of a pair of possible "beat" = B/ (1 -_____ frame size for economical reasons. A well-
slips, nanmely, designed vernier motor could have somewhat
CPO smaller weight-to-hp ratio.
INs NrX The most accurate method of designing a
s= i1+ NrJ There results vernier motor is to use the flux-plot tech-
nique, which requires a large amount of
s=1+1/11 yields -327 rpm, s=-1- work. Another approach is by method of
1/11 yields 2X3,600+327=7,527 rpm. 6p iB7j (35) harmonic analysis, as presented by Mr.
It might be checked as to whether the experi- Koch. The permeance wave, including both
mental motor would indeed lock in at 7,527 Before substituting equation 34, one has to stator and rotor slot openings as derived
rpm, in a direction opposite to that with mention that Ki and Kr depend upon the by Alger (reference 1, p. 281) is
327. With the high speed, windage and ratios of slot width (opening) to tooth pitch
other losses would probably have to be for stator and rotor. Both are 0.5 for the
supplied over the rotor shaft. machine under discussion. Pg=Pol + Pr2 {cos [(N2 -Nl)x-N2ntI+
The bases for the following concepts,
formulas, and constants are given in refer- Pij Prnax. -Pmin. cos VN2 +ND)x-Nnt]} +
ence 1, a recent dissertation compiling char- PO Pmax. +Pmia.
acteristics and vibrational effects of virtually Ps eos NIx±+p cos N2( x-nt)J (38)
all harmonic air-gap fields in induction
(Ks_ 1)(K,r_ 1)KisK (36) j
Po Po
motors. The permeance per-unit area, The Carter coefficents K,8 and K,r are taken where
partly periodic due to stator slots, can be from the paper. The result is 30% below
expressed by the more accurate value, found by the Pg = resultant air-gap permeance
author, arranged in the fornm Po= average permeance
Ps= half amplitude of pernieance variation
Xad -Xaq due to stator slot openings
o1 =X0.3 (37)
Xad +Xaq Pr =half amplitude of permeance variation
AO (31) due to rotor slot openings
Ki and Kj 1 for closed stator and
6lgKcsKcr approach
rotor slots, respectively, but so do K,8 and
x = angular position of the rotor, measured
in mechanical radians from the center
K,,, unfortunately! This fact illustrates the of a stator tooth
The permeance under consideration of both limits put on this key figure, given by equa-
stator and rotor slots, as viewed from the n=rotor speed, in mechanical radians per
tion 37, 35, or 36, and accordingly limits the second
stator, for the rotor speed designated as realizable motor torque per-unit volume in
usual by slip s, is a function of time and t=time in seconds
an electrical reluctance vernier "gear."
position 0: For the sample motor, the second term of
co co
NOMENCLATURE equation 38 represents the 2-pole permeance
wave. The third term of equation 38 repre-
(Sii(O. t) = lo + E S tij X g = air gap sents a 46-pole harmonic (23rd harmonic)
i =1 j = *1 K =,Kj=amplitude coefficients of harmonic permeance wave which would lock in with
fields the fundamental mmf wave at a rotor speed
cos [(iNs+iNT)o-jNr'( 1-s)t+2Pi7j (32) K,= Carter coefficient of 7,527 rpm, as indicated by Mr. Koch.
N= number of slots For a traveling wave represented by
348 Lee- Vernier Motor and Its Design JUNE 1963

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cos [(N2+ Ni )x-NV2ntl, the ratio of traveling by Mr. Koch, external power would probably Speed of 46-pole permeance wave
wave and rotor speeds is given by: have to be supplied over the rotor shaft to
maintain that rotor speed. N2+N X(-327) =-156 rpm
Speed of permeance wave N2 Equation 38 includes only fundamental

Rotor speed N2 + N1 terms of slot waves. In calculating motor and

If this harmonic permeance wave is to lock torque, two components should be included.
The main component of torque comes from Speed of 23rd mmf harmonic
in with the fundamental mmf wave at
the interaction between the 2-pole perme- -13,600
3,600 rpm, the rotor speed should be:
ance wave and the 2-pole mmf wave. The
- 36
= _156 rpm
other component of torque comes from the
Rotor speed= N X3,600
interaction between the 46-pole permeance Therefore, these two waves will react and
24 ±22 wave (the third term of equation 38) and the produce useful reluctance torque.
22 X3,600= 7,527 rpm 23rd harmonic of the mmf wave. At a rotor REFERENCE
speed of 327 rpm backward, the speed of the 1. THE NATURE OF POLYPHASE INDUCTION
It is obvious that this high operating speed 46-pole permeance wave for the sample MACHINES (book), P. L. Alger. John Wiley &
has academic interest only. As mentioned motor is Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1951.

No quantitative theory was given. It

On the Response of Interleaved was merely assumed that a large increase
in the effective series capacitance was
Transformer Windings to Surge Voltages obtained by interleaving the turns. It
was stated that interleaving of the turns
of a double section coil 5 feet in diameter
containing 24 turns increased the series
A. PEDERSEN capacitance about 30 times. Later, the
principle of interleaving was discussed in
Summary: The high series capacitance x. Maximum initial voltage gradient papers by Grimmer and Teague,3 Ferrari
theory for the response of interleaved trans- occurs at the line end of the winding and Bardile,4 Brechna,5 Price,6 Zambardino,7
former windings to surge voltages is criti- is approximately a times greater than it Gorio,8 and Jayaram.9
cized from the point of view that an increased
series capacitance as a result of interleaving would be for a uniform distribution. For
is incompatible with the concept of a pure a conventional cylindrical disk-type wind- The High Series Capacitance Theory
capacitive initial voltage distribution. A ing the value of a normally lies between Formulas for the calculation of the
new theory is proposed according to which 10 and 20. A low a value requires a low
the distributed earth capacitances are effective series capacitance of interleaved
charged up during an initial period by heavy earth capacitance or a high series capaci- windings have been proposed in references
currents flowing into the winding through tance, the latter being the only feasible 5, 8, and 9. They define the series capaci-
surge impedances formed by the coils as a possibility for a disk-type winding. The tance as the capacitance which, when
result of interleaving. Formulas are derived interleaved disk winding, which is the charged to the same voltage as the coil,
for the initial voltage distribution and for
the maximum axial voltage gradient. subject of this paper, is one attempt at stores an electrostatic energy equal to
achieving this. However, it will be shown that stored in the interturn capacitances.
that the improved surge characteristic of It is further assumed that the voltage will
ZOR A TRANSFORMER winding with this type of winding can be explained be distributed uniformly between the
Funiformly distributed earth capaci- without recourse to the hypothesis of turns of each coil. These assumptions
tance C and series capacitance K, and an increased series capacitance. lead to the following approximate formula
the neutral directly grounded, the initial
electrostatic voltage distribution set up The Interleaved Winding
instantaneously by a rectangular wave of
amplitude E is given by In the interleaved disk winding two
consecutive electrical turns are separated
9 |l~~~~8|6 |1171| 5 116 |14 115 | 3 114 | 2 113 | 1 |
sinh (ax) (1) physically by a turn which is electrically
() =E
sinh (a) much further along the winding. Fig.
where a =\ C/K and x is the ratio be- 1(A) shows a cross section of a double- A
X~ ~~~I
tween the axial distance from the neutral section interleaved coil. It is wound as
and the axial length of the winding, and a conventional double-section disk coil,
e(x) is the voltage to earth at the point but with two wires in parallel. The
wires are transposed at the inside and the
appropriate wires joined together at the
outside, thus forming a single-circuit
Paper 63-17, recommended by the AIEE Trans-
formers Committee and approved by the AIEE double-section coil. Each electrical turn IB
Technical Operations Department for presentation may consist of two or more wires in par-
at the IEEE Winter General Meeting, New York,
N. Y., January 27-February 1, 1963. Manuscript allel, as shown in Fig. 1(B). Fig. 1. Section through an interleaved double-
submitted April 30, 1962; made available for The interleaved disk-type winding was section coil
printing October 22, 1962.
A. PEDERSEN is with the Technical University of
introduced in two papers1'2 by Chadwick, A--n =24, p=1
Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark. Ferguson, Ryder, and Stearn in 1950. B--n=12, p=2
JUNE 1 963 Pedersen-Response of Transformer Windings to Surge Voltages 349

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