Remedial Bahasa Inggris Wajib

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On the banks of the Chao Phraya, Bangkok’s “Waterway of Kings”, lies an inn that

has effectively set new principles of neighborliness for this commended city.

Set in sublimely landscaped tropical patio nurseries, the Shangri-La Bangkok

furnishes visitors with all the appeal and warmth of the orient and, in the
meantime, unbeatable scope of offices and relaxation exercises.
There is a decision of 12 heavenly settings in which to go out on the town, a huge
freestyle swimming pool that ignores the stream, convention and getting offices
for together to 2000 individuals, and a 24-hourbusiness focus.

Furthermore, from each and every visitor room and suite, there is a stunning
perspective of all the extraordinary hurrying around of the mythical “Stream of

One may expect such an all-around prepared and situated inn to be miles far from
the downtown area at the same time, at Shangri-La Bangkok the business region
and principle shopping zones are insignificant minutes away.

From over 200 years, Bangkok’s grandeur has been reflected in the waters of the
Chao Phraya. Today, the Shangri-La Bangkok towers close to this glorious
waterway, offers its visitors the brilliant guarantee of the East.

1. The content primarily concentrates on… …..

A. Bangkok’s granduer

B. Shangri-La Bangkok

C. Bangkok’s “Stream Kings”

D. the water of the Chao Praya

E. the lofty waterway in Bangkok

Jawaban: B

2. The sort of content above is an/a… …

A. report

B. relate

C. story

D. story
E. graphic

Jawaban: E

3. For what number of individuals the getting offices are together to?

A. 6000 individuals

B. 4000 individuals

C. 2000 individuals

D. 5000 individuals

E. 1000 individuals

Jawaban: C

4. The informative reason for this content is… …

A. to portray Chao Praya

B. to retell occasions for amusement

C. to present no less than two perspectives about an issue

D. to tell the advantage of Shangri-La Bangkok

E. to advise perusers, audience members, or viewers about occasion

Jawaban: C

5. The text above is included form of………….

A. hortatory exposition

b. narrative

c. description

d. report
e. explanation

Jawaban: C


The Octopus is an ocean creature with eight effective feet which it utilizes as
hands. These are called tentacles or limbs. “Octopus” originates from two words
that have meaning “eight feet”.

The octopus, the squid and the cuttlefish fit in with the same family that has no
outside shells. Their bodies are secured totally with skin. Along these lines the
assortment of an octopus is delicate. It would appear that a huge blow up. A
completely developed octopus can be as huge as 8,5 meters from the tip of one
arms to the tip of another. It can weigh as much as 45 kilograms.

Other than utilizing its tentacles or limbs to catch little fish, ocean plants, crab and
lobsters, the octopus additionally utilizes them against its adversaries. The
octopus wraps its appendages around the exploited person and crushes it before
eating it

The octopus escapes from its adversaries by giving out a thick dull liquid to
obscure the water. It can likewise change the color of its body to match its
surroundings. It escapes its enemis by doing this.

6. Which group of sea creatures belongs to the same family with octopus?

a. turttle and crab

b. shrimp and crab

c. crab and cuttlefish

d. cuttlefish and squid

e. turtle and fish

Jawaban: D

7. How much a fully-grown octopus can weigh?

a. 25 kilograms.

b. 35 kilograms.

c.  45 kilograms.

d. 55 kilograms

e. 60 kilograms

Jawaban: C

8. How does the octopus look for food?

a. It uses magic colors.

b. It uses its teeth.

c.  It uses its hand.

d.   It uses its tentacles.

e. It uses its ear

Jawaban: D

9. Before the octopus eats its victim, the octopus ……………

a. changes the color of its body

b. realizes a thick dark fluid

c. bite it

d. crushes it

e. eat it

Jawaban: D
10. How large a fully-grown octopus can be from the tip of one tentacle to the tip
of another?

a.6,5 metres.

b. 7,5 metres.

c.  8,5 metres.

d. 9,5 metres

e. 10 meters.

Jawaban: C

11. What does the word “octopus” mean in Greek?

a.Eight feet  

b. fish

c. Dark fish

d. ghost sea

e. king fish

Jawaban: A

12. The word them in paragraph 3 refers to the octopus’s ………………….

a. teeth      c. tentacles e. body

b. enemies d. utilizes

Jawaban: C

13. What does the octopus do to run away or escape from its enemy?

 a. It stings the enemies.

 b. It gives out a thick dark fluid to darken the water.

c. It swims.

d. It runs

e. it walk

Jawaban: B

Snow White

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her
aunt and uncle because her parents were dead.

One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the
castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough
money to take Snow White.

Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do that so she decided that it
would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away into the woods.
She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw a little cottage. She knocked but no
one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. There they found
Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs.

The dwarfs said, “What is your name?”

Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.”

Then, Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story.

The dwarfs said, “If you want, you may live here with us.”

Snow White answered, “Oh, could I? Thank you.”

Finally, Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.
14. What type of the text is used by the witer?
a. narrative
b. report
c. anecdote
d. comparative
e. news item

Jawaban: A

15. To tell the plot, the writers uses…………..

a. a rhetorical question and an exclamation
b. time sequences
c. contrastive evidences
d. past tense
e. concessive conjunctions.

Jawaban: D

16. Why Snow White ran away to the woods?

a. Her parents passed away
b. Her uncle was angry with her
c. Her uncle and aunt would go to America
d. Snow White was happy to run away
e. Snow White liked playing in the woods.

Jawaban: C

17. When did Snow White run away to the woods?

a. In the afternoon
b. In the morning
c. In the evening
d. In the full moon
e. In the middle of night

Jawaban: B

18. Where did Snow White live after she ran away to the woods?
a. She lived in the cave
b. She lived in the lion nest
c. She lived everywhere in the woods
d. She lived in the dwarfs’ cottage
e. She lived on the street

Jawaban: D

19. According to the text, before she ran away into the woods, why did Snow
White live with her uncle and aunt?
a. because she loved them very much
b. as a result of forcing attitude from them
c. because her parents were dead
d. because she were afraid of the dwarfs
e. because she ran away from a monster

Jawaban: C

20. The communicative purpose of this text is…………..

a. to inform the readers about important and newsworthy events
b. to entertain readers with fairy tale
c. to share an account of an unusual event
d. to persuade readers to accept his/her opinions
e. to denote or propose something as the case

Jawaban: B

21. It …. since afternoon.

a)   Is raining
b)   Was raining
c)   Has been raining

d) Will raining

e) Had raining

Jawaban: C

22. I …. write the letter tomorrow morning.

a)   Will
b)   Will be
c)   Had

d) Going to

e) Has been

Jawaban: A

23. I ….before she knocked the door.

a)    Had finished
b)    Would finish
c)    Have finished

d) Has been finished

e) Would be finished

Jawaban: A

24. She … smart ways in his work

a)    Take
b)    Takes
c)    Was taking

d) Will take

e) Taking

Jawaban: B

25. It’s time we ….

a)    Left
b)    Had gone
c)    Will leave

d) Leave

e) Will leaving

Jawaban: A

26.  I will say to my father when I … time.

a)    Have
b)    Will have
c)    Had

d) Having

e) Has been

Jawaban: A

27. Budi told me that he … his homework.

a)    Finished
b)    Had finished
c)    Will finish

d) Has been finished

e) Finishing

Jawaban: B

28. I would rather you…. till Saturday.

a)    Stay
b)    Stayed
c)    Will stay

d) Staying

e) Has been stay

Jawaban: B

29.  I wish I …. Javaneese.

a)    Speak
b)    Spoke
c)    Had spoken

d) Speaking

e) Has been spoke

Jawaban: B

30.  The sun ….in the east.

a)    Rise
b)    Rises
c)    Rose

d) Rised

e) Rising

Jawaban: B

31. My father is so tired since he … our garden all day for planting vegetables.
a. has been preparing
b. has prepared
c. predared
d. have prepared

e. prepared

Jawaban: A

32. At this time yesterday Reny and I … our classmate.

a. played a call
b. were paying a call
c. call
d. called

e. are playing a call

Jawaban: E

33. He … the community college this night.

a. wouldn't be attending
b. won't be attending
c. won't be attend
d. be attended

e. be attending

Jawaban: B

34. We sometimes … by chance in the convenience store.

a. meet
b. meets
c. meeting
d. will meets

e. met

Jawaban: B

35. I had slept when you … last night.

a. call
b. have call
c. calling
d. called

e. has been called

Jawaban: D

36. Never … such a funny joke.

a. I had heard
b. had I heard
c. I heard
d. my heard

e. hearing

Jawaban: B

37. The class … the documentary film next monday.

a. watching
b. will have watched
c. will has watch
d. will watched

e. would have watched

Jawaban: E

38. … the scholarship application?

a. Has you complete
b. Have you complete
c. Have you completed
d. Are you completed
e. Had you completed

Jawaban: C

39. My brother … English course for six months by the end of this year.
a. will have been taking
b. will have taken
c. will have take
d. will taking

e. will has been taking

Jawaban: B

40. Who … towards the post office?

a. walks
b. is walking
c. is walk
d. walked

e. has been walked

Jawaban: B

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