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College of Southern Nevada

May 10, 2020

Sbeady Hernandez

Position Paper
Technology has made huge advances in the last few decades. What seem relevant
a few years ago is slowing being out dated. People remember floppy disc and DVD’s, but
now a day those are a thing of the past. Even seen one of them may feel like looking at an
ancient historic artifact. Instead of floppy disc people can save items into much smaller
hard drives and even save the items right onto the Internet. Instead of DVDs people now
have streaming services and with a few clicks can watch things on their TV and even
their own phone. All of these changes have happened in just a few decades. Computers
and the Internet use to be considered a privilege with only those with money being able to
afford it. Now a day it is more common for a computer or Internet to be able in a
common home. The use of it is becoming more common and necessary.
Having technology skills is becoming the new standard for leading universities,
high skilled, and high paying jobs. (Immerse Education, 2019, pg1) Teaching our
children at a young age will only help them be more prepare for their future whether it
would be going into formal education and or right into the working field. It seems like we
are moving at a faster pace as new technology emerges. Basic skills like creating
presentations and word documents are no longer enough. The new movement has made it
so that children are now leaving high school knowing much more than that, such as web-
design, app creation, coding, and video editing. (Immerse Education, 2019, Pg.1)
Abandoning the use of technology will only harm the education of the children at
ABC Community School. With our society embracing the fast pace of technology we
have the responsibility to equip our children with the skills they need to be successful in

McLaren, K. (2019, October 17). Why are Technology Skills So Important to Today's
Students? Retrieved from

National and State Standard

Looking at the National standards and the State standards we can see how they are

both linked together. The National standards are boarder points by which each state must

make their own specifications according to grade levels in education.

The National Standard cover seven basic generic points about technology and

what students should take away from them. However the points are too board and can

tend to arise the question of; “what does that mean?” With the state standards, the state

takes charge of breaking down the objective and shaping the to fit each grade level. As

students get older they are able to take on more challenging task regarding technology. A

second grader may learn how to type a short story, while a high school student may type

an essay but they both fall under the objective of the student creating an artifact.

In my lesson I will address standards 2 and 3 of the National standard. They will

exercise being a digital citizen by conducting research, verifying validity of source, and

giving credit to the owner to sources. They will also construct an artifact using all tools

available to them to give a final presentation given their findings. This project will also

address three standards of the State standards regarding the use of technology. In these

three standard the National standards are also address but at a much boarder concept.

Name of lesson: Around the world

• Grade Level Appropriateness: 7-8 Grade
• Technology Content Standard Addressed: 
5.A.8.1Model legal and ethical behaviors when using information and technology
including properly selecting, acquiring, and citing resources.
4.B.8.1 Select and use appropriate digital planning tools to complete a project.
3.B.8.1 Use advanced search techniques to locate, access, synthesize, and evaluate
information in multiple sources to create an original product.
• Objective: Students will research countries and report finding to the class using video
and audio. This will improve their geography skills by having a better understanding of
the placement of each country and the world around them.
• Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: computer with Internet access, video editing
software, camera, and multiple days of access to computer lab
• Suggested group size: 3-4 students
• Procedures:
-Students will divide into groups and be assign a country to research
-Day1- students will meet and talk about how they will plan on executing their
presentation and divide responsibilities and present a plan to the teacher
-Day2&3- will be dedicated to allow students to research and create a script for their
video presentation
-Day 4- Allow the students to start working on recording and piecing together their
presentation using editing software
Day5- this class period will be dedicated to students finalizing their product and letting
the teacher know of any issues. They will test the functionality of their project to present.
-Day6- This class will be dedicated for each group to presents.

• Assessment: Students will write down a paragraph regarding what they found

interesting about each country each group of student presents.

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