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Guidelines for Take Home Examinations:

1- Take home exams are usually associated with a time span that ranges from
12 hours to 48 hours. Deviation from this is done by agreement between
instructor and students.

2- Exams are usually sent via email individually to students and posted on

3- To avoid differences on the start time between students, faculty post the
exam on Moodle and keep it hidden till the starting hour.

4- Date and hour of submitting the exam is written on the exam sheet itself
(students usually submit via Moodle and they can also send by email).

5- Take Home Exams are “individual exam” and not group activity. This is
written in the front of exam as well.

6- Any collective work or group work is treated as violation of the exam policy
and is considered “academic misconduct” and subject to disciplinary action
per university rules. 

7- Take Home Exams are usually “open Book”.

8- The nature of the questions relies more on the students’ understanding of the
materials and his/her the ability to analyze, reason, infer, deduce, and apply. 

9- Take Home Exams might not confined itself to a certain type of questions, it
is usually a mixed bag of MCQ, T & F , short answers, problem solving, and
essay type, among others. 

10- Instructors usually provide students with reviews question before the exam
and model answers after the exam.

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