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This book is dedicated to the Fathers, Sons, Daughters, Mothers, Warriors, Heroes, and Patriotic citizens
of Egbudu- Akah.














Egbudu-Akah is a community in Aniocha South Local Government Area of Delta State. Located in the
boundaries of Aniocha Local Government and Ika local Government Areas of Delta State. Egbudu-Akah
shares boundaries with Ekuku-Agbor, Ute-Okpu, Ejeme, and Ashama. The language of Egbudu-Akah
community is Egbudu dialect (Ibo language).

Egbudu-Akah is said to have originated from ‘Idu’ (Benin-city), by one of the two brothers of the sons of
the Oba of Benin in about 15th century.

According to history, the Oba of Benin in the olden days, performed ritual sacrifices that scares most of
his sons, making them to stay away from their province in order to save their lives. As a result of such
sacrifices, being carried out by the Oba of ‘Idu’ ( Benin), his two sons of the same mother known as Akah
and Agbor were given earthen pot each by their mother, who instructed them that; as they leave the
palace in search of a settlement place to save their lives, they should firmly carry their pots as they
wonder in the forest with their followers and never settle anywhere until the pots which they must hold
firmly in their hands falls down unintentionally, and that; wherever the pot of any of them (Akah and
Agbor) falls, that place; such a person must settle. Their mother gave them her blessings and allowed
them to leave, each with his own followers.

As they embarked on the journey in the forest, they got to a certain spot and the pot of Agbor fell down.
Agbor and Akah his brother realizing that, the falling of the pot from him was a sign of him, Agbor,
ending his journey , to settle at that place, embraced themselves and cried for some moment, for
separating from being together from that moment in their lives. Agbor happened to be the elder brother
of Akah. Agbor encouraged Akah to continue the journey alone with his followers as he was settling with
his own followers, as his earthen pot had fallen down at that particular place. The place that Agbor’s
earthen pot fell down, that he settled is ‘Agbor Ukwu’ ( Agbor Boji-Boji) as it is known and called till

Akah summoned courage, carrying his own pot still, very firm, and continued the journey alone with his
own followers. Several miles afterwards, Akah’s earthen pot fell down, and it was dawn on Akah that, he
had reached his own place of settlement like Agbor his brother, and ended his journey, and settled at
the place with his followers. The place that Akah’s pot fell down, that he settled is Egbudu-Akah as it is
known and called till today.
After Akah and Agbors’s settlement, with their respective followers, the two brothers remained in their
brotherly relationship. Agbor being the elder brother to Akah, passed instructions to Akah as regards the
way and manner of governing his people. Akah, on the other hand, took all instructions from Agbor and
worked through with them.

Akah’s occupation was hunting and farming. He paid homage to his elder brother, Agbor, at ‘Agbor
Ukwu’ (Agbor Boji-Boji ). Akah’s house was located at around the back of today’s known Mr. Okonta’s

Akah successfully gave birth to a son, and was very glad having a male child, and he named the son, ‘
Egbudu’. (Egbudu-Uga) and said; . “I am Ugah, my son is Egbudu. Therefore, he is Egbudu Uga.”


After the death of Akah, Egbudu his son became in charge of his father ‘Akah’s’ possessions and
territory. He took his father’s steps, haunting, farming, paying homage to Agbor Ukwu (Agbor Boji-Boji).

Egbudu gave birth to Ogbida, who took over the father’s government after the death of his father,

Ogbida gave birth to Agbalume who left the seat of throne to Atukpua, whom after his death, the son
Nwaokoloegbe took over. After Nwaokoloegbe, Odagweze his son, popularly called ‘Odagwe’ short
name from his name. Odagwe gave birth to Idene, the only son of his mother from Ogwashi-Uku.


After the death of Odaweze (Odagwe), his only son Idene was supposed to take over the throne, but
other members of the family, never wanted him to be the next king in their presence as the only son
from his mother’s side.

Odagweze, knowing full well that Idene was an only son from his mother’s side, and next to be king after
him, fore-saw the battle in the future what would happen between Idene and other family members as
the only son when the time to crown Idene king after his death would come, created the vacuum for
Idene to go into acquiring occultic, mystical, and general spiritual knowledge, and powers, which Idene
actually acquired. Having acquired such spiritual powers, Idene was regular in ‘Mbia’ (Tour) (Travels to
heal, deliver, and generally rendering spiritual services to people in various communities). It was in one
of such journeys that Idene embarked on when his father, Odagweze (Odagwe) died.
Immediately Odagweze died, while Idene the first son to become the next king was on tour, coupled
with the fact that his family members who had been jealous and envious of him becoming the next king
hasted up every plans to install another son of Odagweze as king before Idene returnd.

Ogboi, who was a son of one of the daughters of Odagweze married to Abedei town, was crowned the
king after his elder brother whom was contacted in Abedei town to take the offer, refused. Ogboi was
living with Odagweze family in Egbudu-Akah till Odagweze died.

When Ogboi was brought to the king of Agbor Ukwu, who crowns Egbudu- Akah kings then, the king
lamented not being sure that Ogboi who was presented to him to be crowned as king was Idene, having
been aware that the name of Odagweze’s son to become the next king was called Idene. But after much
convincement from the people that brought Ogboi to be crowned as the next king, the king of Agbor
Ukwu crowned Ogboi as a king.

Idene came back from ‘Mbia’ (tour) immediately after Ogboi was crowned king, with the news that his
father Odagweze was dead, and went to the Agbor Ukwu king to be crowned the king of Egbudu-Akah,
but received the information that Ogboi had been crowned king already.

Agbor Ukwu king was so saddened realizing that he had been deceived to crown the wrong person and
ordered that Ogboi should be brought to him to be condemned by cutting for having offended the gods,
and had committed sacrilege. Idene pleaded to the king of Agbor Ukwu not to condemn Ogboi by
cutting, for having offended the gods, and having committed sacrilege, adding that; he (Idene) shall
never pay any sort of homage to Ogboi, never respect him, never give him any of his rights, honour, and
whatever that he deserves as a king, crowning it all with, that; he would never give the ‘Otulueka’
bequeathed to him by his father, Odagweze, as the next king after him to Ogboi.

During the the throne of (Isi) Omole, after the death of Ogboi, the activities of traitors and betrayers
became the utmost in every nook and corners of Egbudu-Akah.

Much attack was always targeted and inflicted on the members of the Idene family. Most members of
idene predecessors where betrayed by that government. Once a negative judgement was passed on the
victims, the king of Agbor Ukwu would direct that such person be condemn by cutting.

The ugly situation continued till the throne of Osadebe, after the death of (Isi) Omole. It was in
Osadebe’s tenure that Azubuike, a family member of Idene was betrayed and condemned by cutting , by
the council of the king of Agbor Ukwu.

Azubuike was accused of a certain offense, which he knew nothing about by the betrayers, with the
intention of passing negative judgement on him to condemn him as the other members of the Idene
family. Azubuike, before he was cut and condemned, brought out from his pocket ‘Ikpai’ (object said to
have magical power against an enemy), and said; “ I have done nothing to you, Osadebe, and your
group, yet, you betrayed me. You have taken away the throne from my family side, yet you have
betrayed me. May he that betrayed me suffer and die as I am dying.” Then, he laid himself down to be
cut, and he was immediately being cut by the Agbor Ukwu king’s Army. About two persons from idene
family were betrayed and killed apart from Azubuike by Osadebe’s government also.

Shortly after the death of Azubuike, and others being betrayed, Osadebe the king was betrayed by Illoh,
the son of one of the daughters of Odagweze (Odagwe), the king before the throne of Ogboi.

With the death of Osadebe, having been betrayed by Illoh, it was assumed and concluded that
Azubuike’s curse killed Osadebe.

Illoh, at that time was seriously fighting for justice on the side of the Idene’s family who had lost the
kingship on their side, and that gave rise to a lot of troubles in the community, as the community was in
serious confusion; Illoh fighting for idene’s family to take over their kingship of the community.

The community remained with no king, only being led by the eldest of the town. The family members of
‘Ajeeh’ were said to be the most beneficiaries of the leadership by eldest person in the community of
Egbudu-Akah at the time as the family members lived very long among every other family. After the
leadership of Ojeifo, Illoh the son, took over the throne.

Illoh’s fighting for justice was eminent in the kingdom. There was trouble all the time from the side of
Illoh who was fighting for a just course, until it happened that Illoh became in charge of the leadership of
the kingdom.

Illoh, a warrior, and brave man, was supported by everyone in the community. Idene family supported
the leadership of Illoh, and began to pay homage to him, gave him all his right as a leader, respect and
entitlement due to him as a leader deserved, which they stopped giving to the past leaders during the
thrones of; Ogboi, Isi, and Osadebe.


It was during the throne of Illoh that war broke out between Egbudu-Akah and Agbor-Ukwu in about
1885 A.D, next after the one between Egbudu-Akah and Nsukwa during the tenure of the past leaders
before Illoh.

From time immemorial, when there was a cause for an Agbor indigene to run to Egbudu-Akah to take
refuge, it must be granted, and such person must be under the custody of Egbudu-Akah king. And when
an Egbudu person go to Agbor for same reason, it must also be granted and the victim under the
custody of Agbor king. But it happened that an Agbor indigene ran to Egbudu- Akah to take refuse,
after having committed a certain offence, and was under the custody of Illoh, the Egbudu-Akah king, as
the tradition of the two communities demanded, the Agbor king sent his messengers to Egbudu-Akah
requesting king Illoh to release and hand over the victim to them, contrary to their custom. king Illoh
refused to release the man to the messengers of the King of Agbor, but rather, sent a message to the
Agbor king through them; that he should be cautious of the offence he was trying to commit by
breaching the understanding, custom, and tradition of the two communities in regard to such

Agbor king on receiving the message from his messengers, came personally to king Illoh in Egbudu-Akah,
demanding for the release of the victim. King Illoh, standing on the protocol, refused to release the
victim to the king of Agbor. And Obi Agbor (king of Agbor) was so angered, and challenged Obi Illoh
(king Illoh) to a fight, brought out his gun and shot at Obi Illoh. The bullets could not penetrate into Obi
Illoh. It was then dawn on Obi Illoh that the situation had taken a different dimension, and without
hesitation, took his own gun and shot at the obi Agbor, and the entire bullets pierced into his body and
he fell flat and died.

With the death of the obi Agbor, fight ensued between the people of Agbor and Egbudu-Akah, and
escalated into a great war, and the people of Agbor were mercilessly ,and shamefully beaten and
defeated by the Egbudu-Akah people.

That war between Egbudu-Akah and Agbor Ukwu gave rise to the community known today as Ekuku-

During the years Egbudu-Akah was in peace and unity with Agbor Ukwu, paying homage to the Obi
Agbor before the war between them; Agbor and Egbudu-Akah, there was a very large parcel of land
reserved by the communities of Egbudu-Akah, Ejeme, Ute-erumu, and Abavo, which these mentioned
communities called ‘EKWU-UKU’ which means ‘Big forest’.

It was recalled that the communities of Egbudu-Akah, Ejeme, Ute-Erumu, and Abavo, after each of the
communities had cultivated to their satisfaction portions of land for farming each year, they would
reserve the large circular piece of land, (EKWU-UKU ) as reserved. It was the war between Egbudu-Akah
and Agbor Ukwu that gave rise to people living in the reserved forest (EKWU-UKU).


The severity and intensity of the war between Egbudu-Akah and Agbor people, coupled with the fact
that the war was seriously cheating on the Agbor people, as the Egbudu-Akah people were over
powering the Agbor people, most of the Agbor –Ukwu participants in the war, who did not die, and
those that were formerly inhabiting in Egbudu-Akah while Egbudu was in good relationship with Agbor,
before the war; for the fact that Egbudu-Akah was fighting anything Agbor; weather living in Agbor-
Ukwu, or inhabiting in Egbudu –Akah, all were being fought by the Egbudu people. So, those Agbor
people that were alive ran into the’ EKWU-UKU’ (Big forest) to hide, and save their lives.
When the war ended, after Egbudu-Akah defeated Agbor, the Agbor people that hid and saved their
lives in the’ EKWU-UKU’ (Big forest), reserved by Egbudu-Akah, Ejeme, Ute-Erumu, and Abavo, began to
live in the EKWU-UKU, and finally formed a community known as ‘Agbor-Ekwu’. As the inhabitants of
Agbor-Ekwu developed, they changed their name from Agbor-Ekwu to Ekuku-Agbor, a name the
community is known till today.

BENIN MONARCHIlloh was popularly called the ‘Rioting Illoh’ by the white colonial masters in about
1897-1900. The news of Illoh’s troublesomeness and terrorizing of the neighbouring towns of Egbudu-
Akah, like; Ubulu-Uku, Ogwashi-Uku, Igbuzor, Asaba, Nsukwa, etc, as he parades his Illoh empire, had
reached the Oba of Benin and his kingdom, where the colonial masters were at that time.

One of the occasions of Illoh’s inciting ferment brought him to the Oba’s palace to be condemned by the
Oba and his cabinet. Since Illoh had been reported as one terrorizing the neighbouring communities to
the Oba, the Oba had no choice than to condemn him.

At the occasion of the condemnation, Obayagbor and Ekaeze from Egbudu-Akah, who were living and
serving in the Oba’s palace, children of Illoh, that carries (‘Ada ne ebeni’) for the Oba, recognizing Illoh
in the palace as the one to be condemned, spoke to the Oba; “Edo egbe Edo”, meaning; (Benin don’t kill

On that note, the Oba called for the release of Illoh, and gave to him the (‘Ada ne ebeni’), crowned him
and pronounced him king of Egbudu-Akah, and ordered him to be in charge of the leadership (kingship)
of Egbudu-Akah kingdom.

Illoh was said to have married many wives, and had many children, to the extent that some of the
numerous wives succeeded in giving birth to only one child as their contribution to several children in
the large family of Illoh.

The first son of Illoh was Nwagbogwu. Onyema, and Nko were his immediate younger brothers from the
same mother.

The diagram below shows the descendants of Illoh up to the third generation (THE ROYAL FAMILY OF
King Illoh died in about 1911. After his death, his first son Nwagbogwu took over the throne, as the king
of Egbudu-Akah is hereditary

When Nwagbogwu died, his first son Enemokwu, took over the throne,


Western civilization began to kick Egbudu-Akah on the face from the tenure of Obi Enemokwu. It was
during the tenure of Obi Enemokwu who took over from Nwagbogwu his father, after his death, that
western civilization was introduced into Egbudu-Akah. But such was not effectively functional before his

Obi Alfred Okolie 1, (The longest reigned monarch in the world) was installed on the 12 th of February,
1946, as the next king after the death of his father, Obi Enemokwu.

It was during the throne of Obi Okolie 1, that unprecedented civilization and development were
observed in Egbudu-Akah.

The Christian religion and the missionary primary school which were introduced by the colonial masters
in about 1935-1939, by Rev. Father, Boah, ( an Irish Father), and his missionary colleagues, during the
reign of Obi Enemokwu, eventually was fully established.

Ekpeti, son of Ikwesi, solely dedicated his effort, and attached great interest to the establishment, and
development of the missionary church, which birthed the primary school. In one of the occasions when
Ekpeti had made every effort to the completion of the missionary building, awaiting for the day of the
official opening by the Rev. Father, ‘Osisi Efume’ (‘Efume’ tree) fell, and smashed the completed

Ekpeti, never gave up the fight. He continued the struggle, organizing and encouraging his followers, and
they eventually rebuilt the missionary church building, which was named ‘St Theresa’s Catholic church’,
and the primary school was housed in the same building as St Theresa’s Primary school. (‘Theresa’, was
also the name that Ekpeti gave to his daughter, with the native name ‘Onyemulu’). The name of the St.
Theresa’s primary school was later changed to ‘Illoh Primary School’, founded in 1945, which it is known,
and recognized with till today.

Another area of development in the community was the connection of Egbudu-Akah community and
other communities link roads; link roads to neighbouring communities of; Ekuku-Agbor, Ejeme, Nsukwa,
Otolokpo/Umunede, Ashama/Ogwashi-Uku, was created, through the effort of the Egbudu-Akah
The major connecting roads to Egbudu-Akah now, are the two roads that connects Aniocha South Local
Government Area communities and the Ika South Local Government Area communities, as Egbudu-Akah
is a town in the boundary of the two local Government Areas.

One of the connecting roads is the one connecting Ekuku-Agbor, Egbudu-Akah, Ashama, Ubulu-Unor,
and Ogwashi-Uku, the Aniocha Local government Headquarter.

The second road is the one connecting Ejeme, Nsukwa, Egbudu-Akah, Otolokpo,and Umunede to Agbor
Boji-Boji, the Ika Local Government Area Headquarter.

Egbudu-Akah is very large in land area, with three large villages known as; Idumuezegbudu, Olene, and
Ogbekwu. Several satellite villages exists in Egbudu-Akah, which includes; Ani-Efume, Ani-Egbune, Obi-
Okonkwo, Obi-Enukegwu, Obi-Umutu, Obi-Governor, Obi-Ozuem, Ani-Ogwu, Obi-Olise, Ani-
Menudo,Obi-Ozili,, and Ani-Kikemkwu.

Egbudu-Akah has a river called ‘Akihie’, which terminated its course at Ejeme river, known as ‘Adofi’.
Mama Osanmo Osahor, was the Priestess of the River Akihie. She was also the ‘Omu’ of Egbudu-Akah,
until 1974, when she died.

There is in Egbudu-Akah, a very large Rubber Plantation covering over about 950,000 Hectares being
managed by the Bendel Rubber Development Agency (BRDA) processing the rubber from the natural
rubber into high quality rubber materials; smoked sheets, crepe, etc, for exportation and national use
for plastic, leather, and general rubber produce manufacturing purposes. The Rubber plantation was
later, under the Delta State Government, due to the creation of Delta State, which Egbudu-Akah falls

Oil has been discovered also in Egbudu-Akah. But the traditional occupation of Egbudu-Akah people is
farming. Thus every type of agricultural produce is found in its greatest quantity and quality in Egbudu-

Today, there are primary schools in Egbudu-Akah; Illoh primary school, Obi-Egbudu Primary School,
situated in Ani-Efume, one of Egbudu-Akah’s satellite villages, and another Illoh Primary School
extension in Ani-Egbune, and one Secondary School, ‘Egbudu (Mixed) secondary School’.

There is a government owned Maternity and Health Centre, Rural Electrification, and a Market. The
government gave and constructed the Egbudu-Akah market during the time Mama Mgboji Iyieh was the
‘Omu’ of Egbudu-Akah, before her death in 1991.

As Egbudu-Akah recorded some tremendous development as civilization kicked Egbudu-Akah on the

face during the reign of Obi Alfred okolie 1, compared to the reign of his predecessors, some Egbudu-
Akah indigenes also, achieved great success in the area of politics and recognition in the Nigerian
Chief J .O. Obah (The Obasogie of Egbudu-Akah, was the Chairman of the U.P.N. (Unity Party Of
Nigeria), during the Second Republic, that brought in Prof. Ambrose Folorunso Ali, as the Executive
Governor of Bendel State.

After the Party’s victory, Prof. Ambrose Ali, appointed Chief J.O.Obah, as the Chairman of Adonte District
Authority, of Aniocha Local Government Area of the then Bendel State, from 1979 to 1983.

Also, Chief Godwin A. Osahor (The Odoziani of Egbudu-Akah) contested as G.N.P.P. (Great Nigeria
Peoples Party)’s candidate for Bendel State House of Assembly.

Chief Augustine Modeme (aka Governor) (The Obaseki of Egbudu-Akah), later became the first Egbudu-
Akah Councilor in the then Aniocha Local government Area.

Chief Anthony Egbune, was also, a former councilor in Aniocha South Local Government Area, next after
Chief A. Modeme, among others.

Furthermore, Late Mr. Emmanuel Mordi, popularly called ‘Young Emmanuel Mordi’ was the Chief
Magistrate of Nsukwa Magistrate Court, in Aniocha Local Government Area of the then Bendel State.
Emmanuel Mordi also introduced the CMS Church into Egbudu-Akah. His house was used for his
congregations and church services for several years, until the church building was erected. Though his
children worship in Roman Catholic church.

Since civilization era in Egbudu-Akah, and the attempt to ensuring that Egbudu-Akah partakes in the
modern development, Egbudu-Akah established an organization known as Egbudu-Akah Central
Working Commit.tee, with Late Mr. Emmanuel Mordi as the Chairman, Late Chief J.O. Obah, the
Secretary, but relieved of that post when he became a Chief, and Late Mr. G.O. Ogor (Jesu-Mbah), as the
Treasurer. After the death of Mr. Emmanuel Mordi, in 1980, Mr. Gabriel Ogor (Jesu Mbah), became the
Chairman of the Central working Committee, but handed over before his death in 2013.The Committee
and its members makes every effort in ensuring that development from the side of the government, and
the community’s self-effort, touches the kingdom.

Similarly, in every city in the world, where Egbudu-Akah indigenes are found, they ensure that they form
their development /progressive organization called E.D.U. (Egbudu-Akah Development Union), thus such
union ,( EDU) branches are found in any city Egbudu-Akah indigenes resides all over the world, with the
idea of coming together, working together, in attempt to deliberate on developmental issues to take to
their home base, to implement in their kingdom, Egbudu-Akah.

Furthermore, Egbudu-Akah has traditional age groups social organizations called ‘Otu-Ogbo’. The first
being; Otu-Ogbo No. 1’ of Egbudu-Akah, the second; ‘Otu-Ogbo No. 2’ of Egbudu-Akah, and numerous
others with their various names. Others which are prominent, but not age group organizations also
exists, like; ‘Otu Abada’, ‘Otu Olife Dinma’ ‘Otu Egu Odiche’, and many others.

Egbudu-Akah also has several Traditional and Cultural Dance Groups like; ‘Egu Nwaezeleagbo’, ‘Egu
Oduko’, ‘Egu Aja’, ‘Egu Ekpo’, and the’ Enuani’ Traditional/Cultural Dance Groups of Egbudu-Akah
community ‘Osisi Di Nma’ Dance Group, and ‘Uzor chikwa’ Dance Group.
The first Social Club that originated in Egbudu-Akah is known as ‘Uchebulu-Ofu Social Club Of Nigeria’,
followed by ‘Mkpulu-Onyekwu Social Club Of Nigeria’, among others.

Besides some of the social-political and religious development in Egbudu-Akah kingdom, another war
situation was recorded during the tenure of Obi Alfred Okolie1, once again, for Egbudu-Akah people.
The war was between Egbudu-Akah and Ute-Okpu community, in 1984, which was generated from
land dispute, that claimed the lives of many Ute-Okpu people, and only one Egbudu-Akah person; Mr.
Mathias Agoloh, until the intervention of the then Bendel State Government Military Administrator,
Brigadier, J.T. Useni , who dowsed the war situation, and settled the boundary dispute between Egbudu-
Akah and Ute-Okpu, which made Egbudu-Akah to end the war.

Egbudu-Akah Sons and Daughters today, are found in every area of work force in the world. There are
Retired General in the Army, High Ranked serving Officers in the military, Para-military; Police, Air force,
Navy, Custom, Immigration, etc. They are Professionals in every field; Doctors, Midwives/Nurses,
Musicians, Artists, Engineers, Lawyers, Authors, Journalists, bankers, etc, including clergymen, and
politicians. Egbudu-Akah people are found in various cities and countries all over the world.

Egbudu-Akah is also known for her Traditional Festivals like; Ikenga festival, Ugbogwulu festival, Igwe
festival, Iwaji (New yam) festival, among others.

Places of Tourist Attraction in Egbudu-Akah are; The Akihie River, the Ani-Egbune hill and community,
including all the satellite villages. The Palm plantations, and the Palm Mills. The Garri processing sites,
The Rubber Plantation, The Obi’s Palace, the ‘Ihuawuwa’ shrines, The first Bole-Hole, habitation, and
shrine of ‘Mama Osanmo’, ‘Baba Ezeana shrine, ’Mama Ngboji shrine,’Mama Theresa’ Shrine. The first
Story Building in Egbudu-Akah, built by Mr. G.O. Ogor (Jesu Mbah), the Catholic Church, introduced by
the missionaries, and the Secondary School, etc.

However, much developmental effort is greatly expected from the government toward the rapid
development of Egbudu-Akah kingdom, considering its potentials, as well as on the community’s
development on its tourist attraction centres, as such would invariably generate more revenue to the
community, the state, and the federal government at large.
















OGWUAGWU SOLOMON (Incumbent King, 2016 till date).


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