Kirstenschoonovermwa2 2020

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Kirsten Schoonover

Orator: Hillary Clinton

Topic: The issues of discrimination against women

Today is the day that I decide to talk about an issue that has been drifting

around like it is a piece of wood in the water. An issue that has always been there but

some people choose not to solve. That issue is women discrimination. Over the past few

decades, women have been put down, dragged through the mud and treated like dirt.

Back in the 1900s is when women gained their rights to vote. That was a big leap for

women. Why was it so hard to hand over the rights to vote? Was the country scared of a

woman’s opinion? What was it? As I try to wrap my head around this, I begin to think: as

a woman, we go through a lot.

We are told to dress a certain way, to look a certain way, to do our jobs a certain

way. Oh you don’t like how I walk, how I talk, how I dress? The way I speak or sit is not

lady like? The way I present myself bothers you? Well who gave you the right to put

your two sense in? Some people think controlling a woman or telling her what they do

not like about her is the way to go. It is simply not and I can not exaggerate this enough.

No woman should be told to dress a certain way or to speak a certain way just because

society says that is what’s appropriate for a woman.

Kirsten Schoonover
Who is to say that a woman can’t join the military, become a professional

athlete, or become the boss of a company? Are people scared that they might be better at

it. You tell me that this is a man’s field. I beg to differ. I believe that a women is fully

capable of doing anything a man can do. It should be a field where women and men

should unite together. Within the past year, a woman who goes by the name Fraser-Pryce,

was recently announced as the fastest woman in the world. A woman in the US Air Force

receiving an award for being the highest ranking woman in US military history. This goes

to show that woman can play the field just as well as men can.

I am not trying to bash men in. I am not trying to say that all men are terrible.

That is not what I am here for. I want society to know that women should be just as equal

as men. No more “men are better at this” or “that’s a man’s job”. No more “women

should be in the kitchen and cleaning the house”. Men are certainly capable of doing

those duties as well. Women go to work and proceed in their careers. They can work just

as hard and just as fast as men can.

For the longest time, women have always been payed less. I have never

understood that. In the United States, a woman earns about $0.80 for every dollar that a

man earns1. You see that there is a wage gap. This wage gap is still continuing on today.

Which is wrong. I think that pay should be based on how well a person does with that

Hodge, Gordon. “Sexuality and Gender Lecture”, Psychology lecture, 2020.
Kirsten Schoonover
subject or how much time and effort a person put into it, not based on the gender of a


The world today is so backwards and so wrong. Putting a person down based on

their gender just does not sit right with me. Gender is not something we as humans get to

choose when we are birthed. The one thing we can choose is to be nice and respectful. As

humans, we do not have a lot of time in the world. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. So

why not be kind to others instead of throwing them to the ground and treating them like

trash. Men and women should come together and make a better society. Men should put

themselves into women’s shoes before they go and put them down. The same goes for

women because not all women are angels.

As long as this issue continues, the longer the world will remain unbalanced…

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