Introduction To Sharī'Ah and Mu Āmalāt: Chapter A1

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1. Islām is regarded as “ad-dīn”, which means

A. the way to the holy land

B. the way of life
C. the way to obedience
D. the way to peace

2. Islām comprises of the following

A. Aqīdah (a set of beliefs),

B. Sharī’ah (a set of laws)
C. Akhlāq (a code of moralities)
D. Fiqh ( a code encompassing all thought)

3. ‘Aqīdah generally refers to a firm belief in the fundamentals of Islām which are centered on

A. Imān
B. Akhlāq
C. Jināyat
D. none of the above is true.

4. Select ONE of the following statements which is NOT TRUE.

A. Fiqh ‘Ibādat deals with the relationship between man and Allāh SWT.
B. Fiqh Munākahāt deals with the rulings related to family law.
C. ‘Aqīdah deals with behaviour and morality
D. Fiqh Jināyat deals with rulings related to criminal law.

5. Maqāṣid is the Arabic word for goals or purposes and it covers all of the following EXCEPT

A. Faith
B. Lineage
C. Wisdom
D. Wealth

6. The four (4) sources of Sharī’ah are

A. Qur’ān, Sunnah, Ijmā’, Qiyās

A. Qur’ān, Sunnah, Ijmā’, ‘Aqīdah
A. Qur’ān, Sunnah, Ijmā’, ‘Ibādat
A. Qur’ān, Sunnah, Ijmā’, Munākahāt

7. The term “mu‘āmalāt ” refers to

A. matters relating morality

B. matters relating to trade and commerce
C. matters relating to personal behaviour
D. matters relating to conflicts
8. Mu‘āmalāt is

A. a social relationship comprising of economic and non-economic activities

B. a relationship between personal ambition and religious commitment
C. a practice of legal principles governing personal beliefs
D. a rule to guide the social behaviour of Muslims in all aspects of Life

9. Some of the basic Principles of Mu‘āmalāt are listed below. Select the ONE COMBINATION THAT IS

A. Justice and Fair Dealing, Freedom of Contract, Contract by Mutual Consent

D. Justice and Fair Dealing, Freedom of Contract, Permissibility as a General Rule
C. Permissibility as a General Rule, Transparency in Commercial Dealing, Custom is of Force
D. None of the above answers are TRUE.

10. The elements prohibited by Sharī’ah in Mu‘āmalāt are ____. ONE of the FOLLOWING options is

A. Usury (Ribā)
B. Gharār (Uncertainty)
C. Fiqh (Commercial controls)
D. Maysir (Gambling)

11. Ribā Buyū’ refers to

A. trading and exchange transactions in which unequal exchange of Ribāwi items of same kind and
same basis.
B. unjustified increment in money lent whether in kind or cash over and above the principal amount.
C. an additional benefit imposed on the borrower attributed to borrower default in repaying the sum
borrowed with the stipulated time.
D. any benefit imposed upfront by virtue of lending money regardless whether the borrower will
default in the future or not.

12. If in a transaction, payment and delivery are not made at the same time but the weights,
measurements or numbers of the materials exchanged are equal, then _______ occurs.

A. Ribā Fadhl
B. Ribā Jāhiliyyah
C. Ribā Nasī’ah
D. Ribā Duyūn

13. An additional benefit imposed on the borrower attributed to borrower default in repaying the
sum borrowed with the stipulated time falls under

A. Ribā Fadhl
B. Ribā Jāhiliyyah
C. Ribā Nasī’ah
D. Ribā Duyūn
14. Any benefit imposed upfront by virtue of lending money regardless whether the borrower will
default in the future or not falls under.

A. Ribā Duyūn
B. Ribā Jāhiliyyah
C. Ribā Nasī’ah
D. Ribā Qard

15. All of the following are Ribā elements in insurance EXCEPT

A. Ribā Fadhl
B. Ribā Nasī’ah
C. Ribā Duyūn
D. Ribā Duyūn

16. A contract is presumed to suffer from gharār when ____. Select the ONE option below which is

A. The parties are unaware whether such an event will take place or not.
B. The subject matter is not within the knowledge of the parties.
C. There is certainty over the existence of the subject matter.
D. Its quantum is unknown.

17. The following are elements in Insurance which are not in accordance with Gharār. Select the ONE
option below which is FALSE.

A. There is equity in insurance

B. Neither the insurer nor the insured knows the outcome of the contract.
C. The insurer does not know when the peril will occur.
D. The result of the exchange is uncertain.

18. A statement of contract comprises of _____.

A. Ijāb and Sīghah

B. Qabūl and Sīghah
C. Ijāb and Qabūl
D. None of the above is TRUE.

19. The subject matter in a contract is referred to as

A. ‘Aqidan
B. Ma’aqūd ‘Alaih
C. Nasī’ah
D. . Qabil Ijāb

20. The term “‘aqad” can be literally translated as _____.

A. subject matter
B. contract
C. capacity
D. consideration.

1 B 2 D 3 D 4 C 5 C 6 A 7 B 8 A 9 D 10 C
11 A 12 C 13 B 14 D 15 C 16 C 17 A 18 C 19 B 20 B

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