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Name: Chabelita M.



Summary of "On the good life" (Aristotle)

Everyone has a purpose or what we called "telos" The good is the purpose for which we do things, the
point of doing them. Aristotle's aim was for everyone to lead what he called the "good life" and achieve
happiness or what we called (eudaimonia). In order to be happy you must work for it because being
happy is not naturally in people. You will achieved the good life if you are following the virtues that
Aristotle said. It is not easy to follow virtues because it requires effort and understanding. If we are
genuinely want to be good we can achieve it, if we have a dedication and effort. Happiness is the
ultimately goal of us (human being). It is only thing we seek for it's own sake. It is related to our purpose
and function as a human being and it is not pleasure, honor or wealth. All things have a telos or purpose
and to actualize "telos" is to flourish". The telos of human being is actualize in living arete by acting in
accordance to the Golden mean of moderation. We are created for a purpose. If we will fulfill our
purpose then we are good.

Summary of Natural law (Aquinas)

The Natural law that we are considering is the one developed by Aquinas which functions within
morality and christianity, God is the responsible for these law. The origins of these laws may have been
put there by God, or simply exist without reason. According to Aquinas God's laws is "imprinted upon us,
the light of natural reason, whereby we discern what is good and what is evil, is nothing else than an
imprint on us of the divine light". There are atleast some moral truths, derived from God and Grounded
in God that everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs or cultural background, must be responsible
for knowing. Distinguish this (as Romans did from "civil" or "positive" and also from "divine" or
"revealed" law. The church has custody of this). In his summa theologica. Aquinas acknowledges
universal moral truths. It will suggests that we can develop as good people by developing our virtues.

Chabelita M. Agravante

Comparison and Contrast

Based on what I have research Both Aristotle and Aquinas believed that God is the highest good. They
are also believed that people were made for happiness. But where Aristotle connected happiness with
the good life lived with a virtuous person. Aquinas added that human happiness was not fulfilled with
the good life lived on earth. Because of his beliefs in God's love for us as shown in Jesus, Aquinas held
that there is a fuller happiness called blessedness that is to be found only by accepting God's pure gift of
the resurrected Christ. Like Aristotle, Aquinas insisted that the ethical comes from the end that is
inscribed in the nature of all creatures. What something is placed in the very core of what something is.
At a person's core is a desire for the good. Aquinas, as did Aristotle, equated God with the highest good.
For Aquinas however, this God is the Trinitarian God of Christianity Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The
difference between Aquinas and Aristotle is that According to Aristotle the soul is the form or the
essence of the body while for Aquinas the soul or the essense of the body of the person is himself or

Understanding the topic

The two philosophers, Aristotle and Aquinas thought us that everything in nature has a purpose and we
will only achieve the happiness if we will work for it. In order to achieve that what we called good life,
we must follow the virtues. The purpose of us is to exercise the reason of life. God gave us freedom
therefore we're free to obey the natural law or not. Going against God also goes against everything it
means to be a human being. The divine law is God's gift to us and it revealed through his grace.

Mian Mangubat

Summary of Aristotle's " on the good life".

On the good life by aristotle is all about how a human live their lives which includes the the end,goal,
and purpose. We apply this things when we do our function as a human being which is to gain our
natural needs as a human, having a goodlife , to form a good habits and a good luck to become an
excellent individual. To achieve the following such as the end, goal and the purpose the human or an
individual has moral thoughts that support him to become a better person, with the help of that moral
thoughts an individual analyzed his function as a human being especially when it comes on his
responsibility in the society.when an individual fulfill his function in the society he reach nor do his
purpose in that scenario. Morality is habitual control of passion and desire. Because of the reasons and
why a human doing that kind of thing. Happiness and pleasure necessarily is a result of necessary
consequences. Meaning To say before a person reach that happiness and pleasure he need to achieve
the end, goal and purpose in his life because his actions in doing those things that make his self happy
has an effect on his own sake.

The summary of St.thomas Aquinas "Natural Law".

Natural law by st.thomas aquinas talks about the relationship between god and morality that is include
in the Divine Command theory which says that the morally right is about the commandeds of god while
the morally wrong is about the forbidden of god. It presents that the standard of morality is an
independent of the gods. That can lie our understanding to explain morality which end in the
philosophical ethics while the other alternative user human reason to understand the gods law. Even if a
human does not know that god exist he has the nature of being good and kind as a human being, that
lead him to his happiness because he choice to do the right thing and he avoid the bad action.

Mian Mangubat

Compare and contrast of Aristotle's " On The Good Life ".and St.Thomas Aquinas " Natural Law".


Aristotle and Aquinas believes that humans has their own functions and virtue is needed for its

A certain form of actions are naturally wrong that we can identify that this wrong actions are
intellectual fear and reason.

Things has their own natures that can determine whether it is good or bad for them. Evilness is against
to human nature


Aristotle aims that to lead everyone to the good life and to achieve happiness while on Aquinas natural
law is the eternal law is from the commandeds of god that can known by humans.

Aristotle also believes that people are not inborn happy , before people achieve this happiness they will
work for it.while for Aquinas human law is the ordinance of reason for the common good that is made
public by the ruler

Aristotle aims that if people following the virtue, their will live their lives according to the golden mean
while in Aquinas the rule is the responsible for the sake nor care of the community.


The two philosophers teach us on how we live our lives as a human being. If we combined the
philosophies of the the great philosophers we can reach our happiness and pleasure if we follow the
virtues and commandeds of god. Because god give us the happiness that we need and guide as to be a
good person to have a good life.

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