Midgard - Bestiary For AGE System Vol. 1

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(Order #24455928)

Written by
Josh Jarman

(Order #24455928)
AUTHOR: Joshua Jarman
ADDITIONAL DESIGN: Jesse Butler, Marc Hertogh
EDITOR: Michael Kenway
COVER ARTIST: Aaron Miller
INTERIOR ARTISTS: Jesse Butler, Darren Calvert, Rick Hershey, James Keegan,
Pat Loboyko, Chris McFann, Jeff McFarland, Mark Smylie, Hugo Solis, Allison
Theus and Cory Trego-Erdner
LAYOUT: Anne Trent
PLAYTESTERS: Chris Allison, Enrique Bertran, Hugo Boivin, Chris Cane, Kara Dunn,
Jarrod Farquhar-Nicol, Edwin Garcia, Lorna Hertogh, Marc Hertogh, Josh Jarman,
Mitchell Maynard, Kerry Mould, Blaine Pauling, Daniel Perez, Dru Reed, Suzanne
Richardson, Aaron Smith, Sara Smith, Richard Spitz, and Brian Webb.
BASED ON MONSTER DESIGNS BY Wolfgang Baur, Jesse Butler, Tim Connors, Adam
Daigle, Michael Furlanetto, Scott Gable, Brandon Hodge, and Ben McFarland.
PUBLISHER: Wolfgang Baur
Midgard Bestiary © 2011 Open Design LLC
Produced under license from Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.
All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of this book in any manner without express permission from
the publisher is prohibited.
P.O. Box 2811
Kirkland, WA 98083
Open Design, Midgard, Zobeck, and the Open Design and Midgard logos are trademarks of Open
Design LLC.
The AGE System logo is a trademark of Green Ronin and is used by permission.

(Order #24455928)
table of Contents
Introduction ........................................iv Gilded Devil ....................................... 25
How to Use this Book ......................... 1 Goblin Shark ...................................... 26
Gypsosphinx ...................................... 27
the bestiary Harem Assassin ................................. 28
Ala ......................................................... 2 Imperial Ghast ................................... 29
Alseid Hunter ...................................... 3 Iron Ghoul .......................................... 30
Arbonesse Exile ................................... 4 Kobold Slyblade ................................ 31
Bemmean Wizard ................................ 5 Kyprion Deckclearer ......................... 32
Bone Collective .................................... 6 Lich Hound ........................................ 33
Bone Crab ............................................ 7 Lorelei ................................................. 34
Bonepowder Ghoul ............................ 8 Merrow ............................................... 35
Carrion Beetle ..................................... 9 Mharoti Emissary .............................. 36
Cave Dragon, Young ........................ 10 Mindrot Thrall ................................... 37
Cavelight Moss .................................. 11 Mycolid ............................................... 38
Clockwork Hound ........................... 12 Necrophagus Ghoul.......................... 39
Clockwork Myrmidon ..................... 13 Niemheim Enchanter........................ 40
Crag Drake ......................................... 14 Putrid Haunt ...................................... 41
Death Butterfly Swarm ..................... 15 Rhoetian Roughneck......................... 42
Derro Fetal Savant............................. 16 Roachling ............................................ 43
Dogmole ............................................. 17 Sap Demon ......................................... 44
Dust Goblin Scavenger .................... 18 Septime Sellsword............................. 45
Eel Hound .......................................... 19 Shadow Fey Courtier ........................ 46
Eye Golem ......................................... 20 Spark .................................................. 47
Fellforged .......................................... 21 Steam Golem ...................................... 48
Firegeist ............................................. 22 Weaving Spider ................................ 49
Free Canton Siegebreaker ................ 23 Wharfling Swarm .............................. 50
Ghost Knight of Morgau ................. 24 Zobeck Legionnaire .......................... 51

(Order #24455928)

Fantasy roleplaying—as RPG Design 101 would tell but in its unique variations of muscle and flesh.
you—is about doing this:
If you have any sense at all—which I must assume you
1. Kicking down doors. do given your wise purchase of a work containing adver-
2. Killing the monsters. saries statted for the fine AGE system set in the equally
3. Taking their stuff.* fine Midgard world published by the incomparably fine
Forty years of mechanical and narrative innovation in Open Design—it’s your intention to pillage this manual
tabletop RPG design haven’t done a lot to improve that for awesome ideas to drop onto your tabletop into the
basic feedback loop of adventure gaming, although conceptual box labeled “#2: Killing the Monsters.”
many games have made the individual steps more com- Whether you intend to incorporate these designs whole-
plicated, or added a greater or lesser varnish of fluff to sale, modify them to your taste, or use them mainly as
one or more of the steps. Some games have profoundly inspiration for your own creations, you are Doing It
involved sub-systems for critical hits (Rolemaster) or Right by looking for entertaining variations on the basic
painstakingly detailed conceptual doors to kick down proposition of adventure gaming. Because that’s where
(Shadowrun), but the basic loop hasn’t changed any the fun lies.
more than the three acts that Aristotle laid down in Poet-
ics have been invalided by some whippersnapper’s idea Read this book, then, with an eye toward deploying the
that a story consists not of a beginning, a middle, and tools it provides in service of the fun that comes from
end but rather—I don’t know—a shelf of lemons or a new twists on a venerable and profoundly awesome
quadratic equation. structure. Deploy its contents in that same spirit. Leave
the structural experimentation to the guys doing inter-
If we’re still following the same steps Arneson and pretive dance (“I am the concept of space-time!”) and
Gygax laid down back in the day, why haven’t we gotten designing board games without winners. While they’re
bored with all this door-kicking, monster-slaying, and weeping into their berets and having long, dark tea-
stuff-claiming? I’ll tell you why. Because of the interest- times of the soul, you’ll be standing on your chair howl-
ing, awesome, scary, massive, and 1,000 other adjectives’ ing while the dice skitter across the table, holding your
worth of variations on the theme that have flowed from whole party’s life or death in the balance.
books like this one and the imaginations of game masters
around the world wherever gamers gather to play. The groove’s in the changes, man—and here they are.

In the same way that 100,000 rock bands have written

a few million songs based on the same three chords,
100,000 game masters have written millions of adven-
Jeff Tidball
tures that are all interesting and fun in their own way be- AGE System Lead Developer, Green Ronin
cause the soul of an adventure is found not in its skeleton
Minneapolis, May 2011
* Many designers suggest that “(4) Level up” is also part of the recipe. They
are not wrong.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

the bestiary
how to use this book Many of the creatures in this book have exciting new
stunts and powers that spice up combat while offering
clever game masters plenty of new tricks to add to their
The following collection of monsters has been drawn adventures regardless of setting. Some of these powers
from five years of Open Design projects, available for the allow creatures to inhabit the body or control the will of
first time for use with the Adventure Game Engine from others. Game masters should not be afraid to use these
Green Ronin. There are monsters here to challenge your abilities on NPCs as well as player characters, as many
players through many levels of play, including several good roleplaying moments can arise from player interac-
opponents fit only for characters above 10th level. tion with allies whose will is not their own. In addition
to providing new challenges and rewards for your char-
The monsters are presented here in their “base” form, acters, the monster descriptions offer game masters and
and are scaleable by the game master using the AGE- players alike a glimpse into the world of Midgard; a land
System rules for modifying adversaries. In many cases, of dust goblins, bonepowder ghouls, and fierce dragons
the monsters here present only one type of a creature, who hunt dark realms without the need of eyes.
giving game masters a starting point when creating simi-
lar foes. The Rhoetian Roughneck, for example, is only Enjoy your stay in Midgard, and happy hunting!
one of the many types of centaurs that inhabit Midgard.
Its unique powers and favored stunts, however, are eas-
ily adaptable to other centaur tribes such as those that
hunt the eastern steppes.
Josh Jarman
(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

ala ALA
With an outrageously wide mouth of razor-sharp teeth and
smoky black rags for clothes, the crazed crone leaps into the Abilities (Focuses)
air in a black whirlwind of claws and lightning. 0 communicAtion
Ala are born from galls that grow on the trunks of tre- 1 constitution
ants. While in this parasitic pocket, an ala sickens the 2 cunning
treant and devours its life force. When the treant dies, 6 Dexterity (bite, initiAtive)
the ala takes the treant’s soul as its own. Ala appear as 5 mAgic (PrimAl)
wild hags with windblown hair and clothes of smoky
2 PercePtion (HeAring, seeing, seArcHing)
black rags, but their true form is that of a whirlwind.
Arriving in new areas on the cusp of hail or lightning 4 strengtH (WHirling clAWs)
storms, ala take up residence in the hollows of trees 2 WillPoWer
that were struck by lightning, and are most active combAt rAtings
when thunder rocks the forest.
sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
These huge-mouthed creatures have voracious appe- 15 (Fly 12) 60 16 0
tites, and though their prey typically consists of rabid AttAcks
owls, wolves, and badgers, they favor the taste of in-
WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
nocents above all else. Some unsavory tribes beg an
ala’s favor with gifts of captives. In battle, ala twist bite +8 1D6+4
into black whirlwinds that sweep foes from their feet, ligHtning +7 2D6+5 PenetrAting
battering them with claw and electricity. When not in WHirling clAWs +6 2D6+4
whirlwind form, ala tear at their foes with claws and
a poisonous bite, or throw wicked lightning bolts at
fAvored stunts: Knock Prone (1SP), and Perun’s Kiss.
their enemies from a distance.
CAll lightning: The ala can blast its foes with bolts of lightning as
a ranged attack with a short range of 12 yards and a long range of 24
yards. Targets who pass a TN 15 Constitution (Stamina) test take only
1d6+5 penetrating damage.
Perun’s kiss: As a special stunt costing 5 SP, the ala can make a
Lightning attack against all opponents within 24 yards.
Poisonous Bite: Any creature bitten by the ala must pass a TN13
Constitution (Stamina) test or be affected as per the Paralyze spell. The
ala can follow any successful attack with a bite attack against an adjacent
enemy as a special stunt costing 2 SP.
stormCloud: The ala can transform into its true form as a minor
action, taking the shape of a whirlwind of dark smoke and lightning.
While in whirlwind form, the ala cannot make bite attacks and becomes
insubstantial, making it immune to terrain effects and non-magical
damage. An opponent attacking an ala can perform a special stunt called
Disrupt the Storm for 3 SP. The attack does the minimum weapon
damage plus the character’s Magic score and forces the ala to take its
physical form until the end of the opponent’s next turn. While in its
physical form, the ala can be affected by nonmagical weapons normally.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

alseid hunter ALSEID HUNTER

This creature has the slender upper body of an elf and the
lower body of a deer. Abilities (Focuses)
0 communicAtion
Alseid are the graceful woodland cousins of centaurs.
1 constitution (running)
Because they are rarely seen far from the wooded
glades they call home, they are sometimes called 1 cunning (nAturAl lore)
“grove nymphs,” despite being more closely related 3 Dexterity (boWs, steAltH)
to elves than nymphs. 2 mAgic (PrimAl)
Alseid see the forest as an individual and a friend. 3 PercePtion (HeAring, trAcking)
They are suspicious of outsiders who do not share this 1 strengtH (sPeArs)
view. Lost travelers who demonstrate deep respect for 2 WillPoWer
the forest may spot a distant alseid’s white tail and combAt rAtings
chase after it as it bounces toward a road that leads
sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
out of the forest. Disrespectful strangers may follow
the same tail to their doom. 17 21 13 3
Male alseid grow antlers from their foreheads. Their
WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
antlers grow very slowly, branching every 10 years
for the first century of their lives. Further points only longsPeAr +3 2D6+1
develop with the blessings of the forest. No 14-point sHort boW +5 1D6+4
imperial alseid are known to exist, but many tribes PoWers
are governed by princes with 13 points. Because ant-
fAvored stunts: Pierce Armor, Rapid Reload, and Skirmish.
lers signify status, alseid never use them in combat.
tAlents: ArChery Style (Novice), Armor Training (Novice), and
Removing an alseid’s antlers is one of the direst pun- Scouting (Novice)
ishments an alseid can receive. Elf rangers have re-
ported a lone alseid exile, wandering the Margreve, its equiPment
antlers sawn off near the scalp. leAtHer Armor, longsPeAr, AnD sHort boW.

Alseid have a deep connection with the Old World

magic of the Margreve.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

arbonesse exile ARBONESSE EXILE

The approaching figure’s features are hidden within a deep
cowl, but his fey blade and aura of crackling energy mark Abilities (Focuses)
his elven heritage. 2 communicAtion (DecePtion)
1 constitution
Rarely seen outside their ancestral homeland in the
foreboding Arbonesse forest, the elves of the old 3 cunning
Valeran Empire still train in the martial and magi- 4 Dexterity (boWs)
cal traditions that once made them rulers of most the 2 mAgic (ArcAne lAnce, PrimAl)
known world. Arbonesse exiles travel the roads of 2 PercePtion (HeAring, seeing)
Midgard either because they were forced out of the
River Court for some slight, or because they’re on se- 3 strengtH (HeAvy blADes)
cret missions for their lords – typically to recover a 2 WillPoWer (morAle)
lost artifact of the ancient empire that has fallen into combAt rAtings
mortal hands. sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
Knowing well the mistrust and hatred for their people 14 54 14 7
still held among many members of the empire’s for- AttAcks
mer servitor races, traveling Arbonesse often guard WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
their appearance with heavy cloaks and deep cowls.
ArcAne lAnce +4 1D6+2
They are unmistakable in battle, however, wielding
fey blades and arcane magic in equal measure to de- long boW +6 1D6+5
stroy their opponents. long sWorD +6 2D6+3
sHort sWorD +5 1D6+5
sPellPoWer: 14
mAnA: 52
fAvored stunts: Lightning Attack (2SP), Seize the Initiative, and
fey WeAPons: Arbonesse Exiles can channel spells through their blades.
sPells: Arcane Lance, Frost Weapons, Heal, Lightning Bolt, Shock,
Stone Fist, and Winter’s Grasp.
tAlents: Armor Training (Novice) and Dual Weapon Style
HeAvy elven cHAin, long boW, long sWorD, AnD sHort sWorD.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

bemmean wizard BEMMEAN WIZARD

The sinister, hooded figure sitting across from you emits an
aura of equal parts power and arrogance. Abilities (Focuses)
3 communicAtion (investigAtion, PersuAsion)
The wizards of Bemmea and Allain are successors to
the rulers of the human empire of Caelmarath, which 2 constitution (stAminA)
called eldritch horrors to this world in an escalating 5 cunning (ArcAne lore, Herb lore, HistoricAl lore)
mage war that destroyed the magocracies and led to 4 Dexterity (initiAtive, stAves)
the creation of the Western Wastes. 8 mAgic (ArcAne lAnce, entroPy, sPirit)
Little is known about the strange and twisted arcan- 2 PercePtion (seArcHing, seeing, HeAring)
ists who are now known as the wizards of Bemmea. 1 strengtH
Their humanity is suspect, but their great power is 5 WillPoWer (selF DisciPline)
without question. Arrogant and cruel, the wizards
combAt rAtings
care little for the lives of the last magocracy’s citizens
beyond how they can be used in experiments or dark sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
machinations. 14 106 18 8*
* ArcAne sHielD AnD rock Armor in eFFect
The wizards often seek the foolhardy and adventur-
ous for “tasks” in the wastes, but whether it is the AttAcks
retrieval of some lost artifact or the gathering of in- WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
formation on the blasphemous horrors they helped ArcAne lAnce +10 2D6+8
bring forth, few who accept a wizard’s contract return
quArterstAFF +9 1D6+5
to collect payment. Despite the almost certain fatality
associated with the wizards requests, none are known PoWers
to have refused these offers. sPellPoWer: 20
mAnA: 122
Perhaps it is dark magic that causes their hirelings to fAvored stunts: Fast Casting (2SP), Imposing Spell, and Mighty Spell
follow the wizards instruction. More likely it is the (1 SP).
sliver of hope that they’ll live through the assignment, BlACk geAs: With a flick of the wrist, a Bemmean wizard can embed
as opposed to the certain doom that would come from a magical tattoo in the skin of a nearby creature that acts as a physical
refusing the job. representation of the wizard’s contract. Targets who act against the
terms of the agreement find themselves inflicted as per the Wrack spell
by a burning pain emanating from the tattoo. The spell has an unlimited
ink stAined: Many of the wizards are known masters of glyph magic,
and several carry their entire repertoir+e of spells etched in permanent
tattoos on their skin despite prohibitions against ink magic. These mystic
scrawls greatly speed the wizards’ casting, allowing them to utilize the
Fast Casting stunt for 2 SP.
never Alone: Although they often appear as solitary figures, hooded
and cloaked against the prying daylight, Bemmean wizards are never
truly alone. Most are accompanied by 1d3 invisible sand devils from
the Western Wastes that act as their guardians and thugs. Treat these
creatures as bonepowder ghouls in combat.
sPells: Arcane Bolt, Arcane Shield, Daze, Dispel Magic, Drain Life,
Dream Sending, Horror, Memory, Mind Blast, Paralyze, Rock Armor,
Spell Shield, Walking Bomb, and Weakness.
tAlents: Entropy (Master), Lore, (Journeyman), Spirit (Master)

robes oF Disguise, FArsigHt glAss, WitHertoucH quArterstAFF.

(Order #24455928)


The cloak swept away with a single motion. The tiny figures
beneath were revealed with their interlocked bones. Thirty ABILITIES (FOCUSES)
skulls turned to look, and chitter, and leap from their zombie 0 COMMUNICATION
mount with one high-pitched shriek. 4 CONSTITUTION (RUNNING)
Bone collectives are a creation of the necrophagi, the 0 CUNNING
undead mages of the Imperium. Each collective it- 8 DEXTERITY (INITIATIVE, RED FANGS)
self is a creature built of small bones—often those of 2 MAGIC
gnomes, bats, and lizards—combined into a swarm of
small, quick, 10-inch tall skeletons. These spies and
assassins of the Imperium are remarkably effective at 6 STRENGTH (SMASH, MIGHT)
finding weak points in enemies’ defenses and exploit- 5 WILLPOWER (COURAGE, MORALE)
ing them ruthlessly. Their hive mind views and re- COMBAT RATINGS
members more than a single organism. If discovered, SPEED HEALTH DEFENSE ARMOR RATING
they break and scatter so that at least one of their com-
6 (SWARM) 90 18 0
ponent parts survives.
The swarm elements rarely travel alone; instead, they ATTACKS
ride atop a ghoul, zombie, or skeleton framework un- WEAPON ATTACK ROLL DAMAGE
der heavy robes disguised as a humanoid. They work
as a collective, some specialized in vocalization, others
in sleight of hand or balance while running, still oth- SMASH (EXARCH) +8 3D6+6
ers working only to hear and see everything. Bone col- POWERS
lectives are not primarily fighters, though they swarm FAVORED STUNTS: Knock Prone (1SP), Lethal Blow, Seize the Initiative,
well enough. They use their disguise and stealth to and Skirmish.
spy and skulk. When cornered, they fight without fear GRASPING BONES: When struck by a melee weapon, the collective can
or hesitation, seeking to strip the flesh from their foes. make an opposed Strength (Might) test against the attack roll to grab the
weapon from the target. The attack damages the creature normally, but
the target can only retrieve the weapon upon the collective’s death or by
dealing damage with an unarmed attack.
HIVE MIND: All of the posthumes within 30 yards can communicate
perfectly. If one is aware of danger, they all are, and none in a particular
collective can be surprised unless all can be surprised.
SKELETAL SWARM: A collective in swarm form covers an area of about
four yards across and only suffers half damage from a direct physical
attack. Area attacks inflict their full damage on the swarm. Also, the
collective can make a Red Fangs attack against any creature that starts its
turn adjacent to the swarm.
TWO FORMS: The small 10-inch skeletons that make up the collective can
either move in a swarm or lock-together on a skeleton or zombie frame
to form the likeness of a humanoid, or exarch. When threatened, the
collective can disperse into tiny individual skeletal creatures, scattering
to avoid capture.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

bone Crab BONE CRAB

A cracked skull arises from among discarded bones and
skeletal remains, scurrying forward on the bone-white legs Abilities (Focuses)
of a large crustacean that makes the cranium its home. 0 communicAtion
2 constitution (sWimming)
Voracious scavengers, bone crabs live in seaside crags
and coves near coastal communities where they use 0 cunning
their specialized chelae to crack open the skulls of 3 Dexterity (initiAtive)
washed-up bodies and feast on the decaying brains 0 mAgic
within. Centuries of such feeding have given them a
3 PercePtion
collective intelligence.
2 strengtH (clAWs, JumPing)
Much like an enormous hermit crab, bone crabs in- 1 WillPoWer
habit the salvaged skulls of humanoids, and they hide combAt rAtings
among discarded skeletons and washed up bones
along the coast where their spiny, ivory-white legs sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
blend in perfectly with the surrounding detritus. 8 27 13 3
Because of a bone crab’s specialized diet of decayed AttAcks
humanoid flesh, it carries a dangerous disease, as WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
many an unfortunate and hungry sailor has discov-
ered. Victims typically suffer high fevers, consump- clAWs +4 1D6+2
tion, and delirium; those desperate sailors and dock- PoWers
side scavengers who manage to stomach a bone crab’s fAvored stunts: Hive Tactics, and Skirmish.
unwholesome, rotten flesh are lucky if they live to Bony shell: The crab’s hard exoskeleton and adapted skull shell grant it
regret it. an Armor Rating of 3.
hive mind: All bone crabs within 30 yards of one another can
communicate perfectly. If one is aware of danger, they all are. None in a
particular group can be surprised unless all can be surprised.
hive tACtiCs: For 2 SP, a bone crab can allow another member of the
hive adjacent to its target to make an immediate attack. This granted
attack cannot generate stunt points.
leAP: Bone crabs have incredibly powerful legs and can leap up to four
yards straight ahead or backwards as a minor action. This ability can be
used in conjunction with a charge attack.
White ghost shivers: A bone crab that scores stunt points on a
claw attack can inflict its White Ghost Shivers disease upon a victim,
who must make a Constitution (Stamina) test against a TN of (10 +
the number of stunt points). The number of stunt points merely sets
the appropriate TN, the bone crab still gets to spend the stunt points
normally. A failed test means the victim is infected. An infected victim
makes a new Constitution (Stamina) test against the same target number
each morning after the initial infection. If the victim fails three tests they
die. Any type of magical healing allows the victim to make a new test.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

bonepowder Ghoul BONEPOWDER GHOUL

Distilled to nothing but dry, whispering sand and a full
set of teeth, the bonepowder ghoul still hungers for flesh Abilities (Focuses)
and blood. Its dusty mass is perfected corruption, entirely -2 communicAtion
animated by dark energy. 0 constitution

The bonepowder ghoul is small and unassuming, a 2 cunning

pile of dust and bone fragments that resemble a de- 8 Dexterity (clAWs, steAltH)
stroyed mummy or the remnants of a vampire burned 5 mAgic
by sunlight. Unlike those undead, ghouls can achieve 3 PercePtion (HeAring, smelling)
this powdery form through long starvation. The pro-
-3 strengtH
cess takes decades, which is why so few bonepow-
der ghouls exist — few ghouls can show such self- 6 WillPoWer (courAge, selF-DisciPline)
restraint, and even among ghouls, using hunger as a combAt rAtings
form of torture is considered offensive to the ways of sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
the Imperium. 18 70 18 0
This isn’t to say that it never happens. A bonepowder AttAcks
ghoul may rise from the remnants of a starved pris- WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
oner or a ghoul trapped in a sealed-off cavern, leaving
riPPing clAWs +10 2D6+6 PenetrAting
behind most of its remnant flesh, and becoming ani-
mated purely by hunger, hatred, and the wisdom of PoWers
long centuries in which to plot fAvored stunts: Dust Lash, Jaws of Dust, Surprise Attack, and
the destruction of its enemies.
Bonepowder ghouls’ voices dust lAsh: A bonepowder ghoul can perform a special Dust Lash stunt
for 4 SP. All enemies within six yards of the ghoul are buffeted by a life
are very faint. Just to hear one draining storm of bone dust, inflicting 2d6+6 penetrating damage to
speaking normally requires a each.
TN 13 Perception (Hearing) font of deAth: A bonepowder ghoul can perform a special Font of
test. Death stunt for 5 SP. One enemy within four yards of the ghoul takes
2d6+6 penetrating damage, and the ghoul heals an amount of health
Made of dust and teeth, equal to the damage dealt.

there is little to see in a grAve dAnCe: A bonepowder ghoul can make a stealth check to hide
from sight without needing cover or concealment.
bonepowder ghoul.
In any condition inCorPoreAl: Bonepowder ghouls are incorporeal, forming temporary
bodies of bone dust and ash. They ignore the effects of terrain and non-
of daylight oth- magical damage, which passes through them harmlessly. Magical attacks
er than bright (spells and magical weapons) harm them normally.
light, they JAWs of dust: A bonepowder ghoul can perform a special Jaws of Dust
quickly fade stunt for 3 SP. The ghoul bites a creature struck by one of its other
attacks for an additional 1d6+6 penetrating damage, and causes the
from view as target to be paralyzed as per the spell. The target can make a TN 15
little more than Constitution (Stamina) test to avoid being paralyzed.
a trickle of dust. surPrise AttACk: A bonepowder ghoul can make a surprise attack by
Bonepowder ghouls vanishing and rematerializing nearby. This works like a rogue’s backstab
hate combat and power (Set 1 Player’s Guide), requiring an opposed test of the ghoul’s
Dexterity (Stealth) and the target’s Perception (Seeing). If the ghoul
avoid it, preferring wins, its next attack on the target has a +2 bonus to hit and inflicts an
stealth attacks and additional +1d6 penetrating damage.
other low-risk strat-
egies in combat.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

Carrion beetle CARRION BEETLE

The beetles wore a golden bridle and carried huge leather
sacks of stone and guano. The line of them marched without Abilities (Focuses)
stopping, dozens, even hundreds, bringing fresh earth to the -1 communicAtion
white fungus trees of the great forests. Their claws skittered 4 constitution (stAminA)
with a sound like horseshoes slipping on stone, but their six
-2 cunning
legs ensured they never fell. The air around them singed the
nostrils with the taint of acid. 3 Dexterity (bite, sPit)
-2 mAgic
Used as pack animals and even mobile weapon plat-
0 PercePtion (HeAring)
forms by the sinister Darakhul, Carrion Beetles are
massive burrowing insects known for their armor- 5 strengtH (climb)
like shells and potent digestive acid. Normally non- 2 WillPoWer (courAge)
aggressive, these natural scavengers are fierce ad- combAt rAtings
versaries when threatened, however, and under the sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
goad of their imperial handlers can be truly terrifying
12 (6 burroW) 70 13 6
WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
AciD sPit +5 3D6
mAnDible crusH +5 2D6+5
fAvored stunts: Defensive Stance, Mighty Blow, and Caustic Jet.
ACid sPit: The carrion beetle can spit a glob of corrosive acid as a ranged
attack with a short range of six yards and a long range of 12 yards. Treat
the spit as an acid flask grenade for damage and area of effect. The acid
also causes the armor of those caught in the blast to lose 1 Armor Rating
until repaired.
CAustiC Jet: For 5 SP, a Carrion Beetle can emit a blast of digestive
acid, striking all creatures within 6 yards for 3d6+4 damage. Creatures
caught in the blast who pass a TN13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) test take half
damage. It is a blast effect with the beetle at its center.
hArdened CArAPACe: A carrion beetle’s naturally hard shell grants it an
Armor Rating of 6.
vitrioliC essenCe: Creatures struck by any of the carrion beetle’s
attacks continue to take 1d6 penetrating damage from the beetle’s
digestive acid each round until they pass a TN 13 Constitution (Stamina)

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

Cave draGon, younG CAVE DRAGON, YOUNG

Its eyeless head swung from side to side in the narrow
corridor, apparently unable to sense our magical light. With Abilities (Focuses)
a quick whuffle of breath, darkness crept from its strange 0 communicAtion
eel-like hide, spreading like ink in water and snuffing out 7 constitution (running, burroWing)
even our strongest magical lights. Then we heard it move,
1 cunning
quiet for so large a creature, as it charged down the tunnel.
There was nowhere to hide. 7 Dexterity (bite, initiAtive, steAltH)
1 mAgic
Cave dragons are eyeless creatures with long feeler- 5 PercePtion (smelling, HeAring, trAcking)
like spikes that help them navigate through tunnels.
Their vestigial wings serve as an additional set of legs, 8 strengtH (clAWs, tAil)
and their narrow snout can poke into narrow passages 3 WillPoWer (courAge)
that their tongue scours free of bats and edible ver- combAt rAtings
min. They are entirely creatures of hunger, though sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
they are nonetheless quite intelligent. A cave dragon
16 70 17 8
can be bribed with food as easily as with gold. They
claim entire cavern systems as their own. Cave drag- AttAcks
ons are especially fond of bones and items with strong WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
tastes or smells. They devour undead, plant creatures, bite +9 2D6+8
or anything organic. When feeding, they treat all near-
clAWs +10 2D6+8
by creatures as a threat.
tAil lAsH +10 1D6+8
A cave dragon is always hungry and ready to eat ab- PoWers
solutely anything. While they do speak Deep Speech
fAvored stunts: Cacophonous Roar, Lethal Blow, Skirmish, Swift
and a debased form of Draconic, they do so rarely, Strike, and Tail Lash.
generally when bargaining for food. They occasion- CACoPhonous roAr: For 4 SP, the dragon can perform a special
ally act as mercenaries in the eternal warfare between Cacophonous Roar stunt that strikes all creatures within eight yards
the races of the deep earth. for 2d6+3 penetrating damage and stunning them so they can only
take a minor action on their next turn. Creatures that pass a TN 13
Constitution (Stamina) test only take 1d6+3 penetrating damage and
can act normally on their turn. Blast effect with Dragon at center. It’s
a sonic attack, so it emanates from the dragons mouth, but travels in all
inky dArkness: As a major action, the dragon can emit a zone of
darkness that extends for four yards in every direction, enveloping the
dragon until the end of its next turn. The zone blocks line of sight, snuffs
out natural and magical light, and any creature within the darkness
is blinded. If the dragon leaves the zone, it dissipates. The dragon can
sustain the zone as a minor action; the zone grows by two yards every
round it is sustained. Opponents making ranged attacks in or into the
cloud suffer a -4 to attack rolls and magical spell tests targeting the
dragon, and those engaged in melee combat inside the darkness suffer
a -2 to attack rolls and defense while battling the dragon within the
enveloping darkness.
Poisonous Bite: Creatures bitten by a cave dragon must pass a TN 13
Constitution (Stamina) test or take an additional 1d6 penetrating poison
sWift strike: A cave dragon can follow up a successful claw attack with
a second claw or bite attack as a special stunt costing 2 SP. This second
attack must be against the same target as the original attack. Rolling
doubles on the second attack does not generate additional stunt points.
sCAly hide: The iron-hard scales of a cave dragon give it an Armor
Rating of 8.
tAil lAsh: A cave dragon can perform the Knock Prone and Mighty
Blow stunts simultaneously for 3 SP by striking a lashing blow with its

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

CaveliGht moss
A patch of tangled, lacey moss clings to the ceiling above,
slowly pulsing with an eerie glow. Among the soft, feathery
mass, stems gently writhe, periodically dusting the ground
below with a twinkling of phosphorescent spores.

Appearing as a large patch of bio-luminescent flora,

adventurers and subterranean inhabitants frequently
mistake cavelight moss for a benign organism. This
creature savors the taste of living flesh and renders
its meal immobile before starting the long process of
digestion. A cavelight moss glows a pale, yet warm,
yellow light. When agitated, the light emitted changes
to a cold blue hue. The slow-moving mosses are rarely
encountered alone, however, as clever subterranean
creatures spread the moss in their hunting grounds,
ambushing those ensnared by the beasts. Some races
even transplant young mosslings, placing them near
their home caverns where the plants are used as crude


Abilities (Focuses)
-2 communicAtion
4 constitution
-2 cunning
0 Dexterity (grAPPling)
-1 mAgic
1 PercePtion (HeAring)
6 strengtH (climb, mossy tenDril)
2 WillPoWer (courAge)
combAt rAtings
sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
4 45 10 5
WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
mossy tenDril +8 2D6+6
fAvored stunts: Disarm, Grab, and Knock Prone.
grAB: For 2 SP, the moss can grab a target struck by its mossy tendril
attack. The moss gets a +2 to hit grabbed creatures. Opponents can make
an opposed Strength (Might) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) test against the
moss’s Strength (Might) to break free.
drAin life: For 4 SP, the moss can make a Drain Life attack against a
creature it has grabbed as per the spell.
mossy Physiology: The moss’s writhing, ropey stalks present a fleeting
target for weapon attacks, granting it an Armor Rating of 5 due to the
difficulty of landing a telling blow against the creature. Its tentacles allow
the creature to use it mossy tendril attack against targets up to four yards
away, and it can choose to attack opponents other than those it has held.
tAlents: Unarmed Style (Journeyman)

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1


This clockwork creature resembles a great war hound, its
eyes beacons of despair as they shine into the night behind Abilities (Focuses)
you. 0 communicAtion
3 constitution (running, stAminA)
Once the province of the corrupt aristocracy, clock-
work hounds were used in hunting expeditions to -2 cunning
track and run down escaped slaves or prisoners. 2 Dexterity (bite)
Those days are gone, but the clockwork hounds still 0 mAgic 0
tick and hunt. The praetors of Zobeck seized them
2 PercePtion(seArcHing, trAcking)
during the revolt that established the Free City, and
now, they operate only on the command of the secret 3 strengtH
police, hunting down persons of interest wanted for 0 WillPoWer
more aggressive questioning. combAt rAtings
Hounds sometimes operate alone, but usually, they sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
are sent into the streets seeking their quarry as a party 12 25 12 3
of three hounds. Because they are unsleeping and tire- AttAcks
less, few can hide from them for long without magical WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
assistance. Clockwork hounds are painted matte black
with mithral trim, occasionally outfitted with armor bite +4 1D6+3
or barding for added intimidation. Common folk de- PoWers
test them; all but their keepers and commanders shun fAvored stunts: Disarm, Knock Prone, and Skirmish.
them. They represent a link back to Zobeck’s dark iron hide: The clockwork hound’s metal body grants it an Armor
past and remind all of how it came to its present state. Rating of 3.
WhiP tongue: A clockwork hound has an additional +2 to the opposed
attack roll to disarm.

(Order #24455928)
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This humanoid-shaped construct looks like an animate suit
of full plate armor, but behind the joints are brass and iron Abilities (Focuses)
pipes. The face of its squat head is made in such a way as 0 communicAtion
to give it an intimidating expression. It moves with a grace 4 constitution (stAminA)
unusual to most clockwork creations.
0 cunning
Clockwork myrmidons are upgraded clockwork 3 Dexterity (FlAme Jets, initiAtive)
watchmen, with steel parts instead of iron. Many are 1 mAgic
heavily armored at their joints and most vital parts.
3 PercePtion (HeAring, seArcHing, seeing)
They do not ordinarily engage in patrols or menial la-
bor, and are only brought out in particularly danger- 5 strengtH (HeAvy Pick, migHt)
ous situations that even clockwork watchmen cannot 3 WillPoWer
handle. combAt rAtings
A clockwork myrmidon defends itself from attack sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
but does not initiate combat unless so directed by its 10 45 13 8
master. When it does enter battle, a clockwork myr- AttAcks
midon is unrelenting and single-minded, attacking
WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
one particular target until that foe surrenders, flees,
or is defeated. Unless given instructions otherwise, a FlAme Jets +5 2D6+3
clockwork myrmidon attacks whatever enemy is clos- HeAvy Pick +7 2D6+5
est to it. PoWers
fAvored stunts: Dual Strike, Flame Jets, and Mighty Blow.
flAme Jets: A myrmidon can shoot a blast of flame from a special
apparatus in its chest, as a ranged attack, with a short range of six yards
and a long range of 12 yards. For 2 SP, the myrmidon can spread its
flames to cover an area eight yards across. Secondary targets can make a
Dexterity (Acrobatics) test against the myrmidon’s Dexterity (Fire Jets)
to take only half damage. The reservoir used by the device holds enough
fuel for three bursts.
greAse sliCk: The myrmidon can shoot a jet of grease from an apparatus
in its chest, as a major action, that covers an area of up to eight yards
within ten yards of the myrmidon. Treat as per the Grease spell,
substituting the myrmidon’s Constitution for Magic. A myrmidon can
only use this ability once before the grease canister must be reloaded.
iron Will: As creatures of iron and steel, clockwork myrmidons do not
feel pain or know fear. They automatically succeed on any Willpower
(Courage) or Willpower (Morale) tests.
self destruCt: A myrmidon reduced to 0 health detonates the Flame
Jets fuel reservoir in its chest, blasting all creatures within four yards for
2d6 damage per remaining charge. Myrmidons who have expended all
their Flame Jets charges cannot make this attack.
steel skin: The myrmidon’s armored body grants it an Armor Rating
of 8.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1


A predatory beast made of rock and stone, this creature’s
thick limbs end in jagged metallic claws and chipped Abilities (Focuses)
obsidian teeth fill its powerful jaws. Rocky protrusions 0 communicAtion
mark its durable hide and a serpentine tail lashes wickedly 6 constitution (running)
behind it.
1 cunning
A crag drake is the bane of a successful mining opera- 6 Dexterity (bite, corrosive breAtH, initiAtive,
tion. The creature stalks underground denizens and steAltH)
feeds on them and their precious minerals. Known to 1 mAgic
lie in wait for prospective miners and underground 4 PercePtion (smelling, trAcking)
wanderers, the crag drake relies on its corrosive
7 strengtH (clAWs, tAil)
breath, vicious teeth and claws, and elusive tactics to
wreak havoc on its victims. Since crag drakes rarely 3 WillPoWer (courAge)
venture far from rich veins of metal or minerals, some combAt rAtings
prospectors consider them good luck—if not difficult sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
obstacles to overcome. A crag drake’s coloration and
16 54 16 6
stealthy nature lend to its ability to skulk through
darkened mine shafts and natural caverns. This hulk- AttAcks
ing beast stands between 5 and 6 feet tall at the shoul- WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
der and nearly 15 feet long from flickering tongue to bite +8 2D6+7
whipping tail. Powerful muscles and a dense, rocky
clAWs +9 2D6+7
hide cause this creature to weigh in at roughly 1,200
pounds. A crag drake lives only to hunt. Hunting both corrosive breAtH +8 3D6+3
rich veins of minerals and precious metals as well as tAil lAsH +9 1D6+7
dwarves and other subterranean creatures, a crag PoWers
drake makes its home at the top of the food chain. A fAvored stunts: Pierce Armor, Swift Rake, and Tail Lash.
crag drake prefers warm, living flesh, but it delights
Corrosive BreAth: A crag drake can spit a gout of acid, as a ranged
in the rare delicacy of ore and mineral veins. These attack, with a short range of six yards and a long range of 12 yards. For
meals take much longer to consume, however, so a 2 SP, a drake can spread its acid to cover an area eight yards across.
crag drake works to thin its competition to give it free- Secondary targets can make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test against the
drake’s Dexterity (Corrosive Breath) to take only half damage. Creatures
dom to digest at its leisure. struck by the attack continue to take 1d6 penetrating damage per round
until they pass a TN13 Constitution (Stamina) test.
meld With stone: When a crag drake is reduced to 15 health or less, it
will merge with the surrounding stone to protect and heal itself. Every
round it’s encased in stone the crag drake regains 1d6 lost health and
it is immune to non-magical damage. A character attacking a melded
crag drake can perform a special stunt called Stone Shatter for 3 SP. The
character then inflicts half-normal weapon damage, and disrupts the crag
drake’s healing for the round of the attack.
sWift rAke: A crag drake can follow up a successful claw attack with
a second claw attack as a special stunt costing 2 SP. This second claw
attack must be against the same target as the original attack. Rolling
doubles on the rake attack does not generate additional stunt points.
stone hide: The rocky scales of a drake give it an Armor Rating of 6.
tAil lAsh: A drake can perform the Disarm and Knock Prone stunts
simultaneously for 3 SP by striking a crushing blow with its tail.

(Order #24455928)
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death butterfly swarm DEATH BUTTERFLY SWARM

The cloud of butterflies swirled in the dappled sunlight of
the grove, the setting sun flashing on their black and white Abilities (Focuses)
wings. As the shadows lengthened, the cloud slowly moved -2 communicAtion
deeper into the woods, leaving behind the desiccated corpses 1 constitution
of the half-dozen woodsman who had been setting up camp
0 cunning
minutes earlier.
4 Dexterity (initiAtive, sWArm)
Death butterflies are sinister fey creatures that at first 3 mAgic
glance resemble harmless woodland insects. On closer
2 PercePtion
inspection, the butterfly’s dark wings give off a faint
ghostly aura of necrotic energy. These spectral ten- -2 strengtH
drils sap the life from creatures close to the swarm, 2 WillPoWer (courAge, morAle)
feeding the butterflies with the target’s energy. Their combAt rAtings
deadly traits are well known among the fey, and some sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
of the more malevolent among the feyborn lead lost
12 (Fly) 21 13 0
travelers into areas where they know such swarms
gather. Elven arcanists are rumored to have devel- AttAcks
oped methods of mesmerizing the creatures, populat- WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
ing the gardens around their forest strongholds with sWArm oF +6 2D6+3
butterfly swarms that serve as inconspicuous guard- souleAters PenetrAting
ians against intruders.
fAvored stunts: Knock Prone, and Weight of Wings.
on dArk Wings: A butterfly swarm occupies a space about four yards
across. It can make a Souleater attack against all adjacent creatures as
a major action. The swarm only takes 1 point of damage from direct
physical attacks, while mighty blow inflicts 2 damage and lethal blow
3 damage. The swarm takes full damage from area attacks, and magical
spells such as Flame Blast and Shock. Characters armed with lit torches
or other flaming weapons can make improvised attacks against the
swarm, inflicting 1d6 damage on a successful strike.
Weight of Wings: For 3 SP the swarm can create a zone that extends
two yards in each direction. Creatures caught in the zone must pass a TN
15 Constitution (Stamina) test to stand up from being prone and take 3
penetrating damage at the start of their turn. The swarm can maintain
the zone by spending a minor action.

(Order #24455928)
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derro fetal savant DERRO FETAL SAVANT

This creature appears to be a blue-skinned infant no older
than a year. Its limbs flail and its head lolls with obvious Abilities (Focuses)
lack of coordination, and it screams incessantly. -1 communicAtion
-1 constitution
The bastard offspring of dwarf and human, the derro
are a malevolent race of dwarf-like creatures that were 0 cunning
forced deep underground by the surface races centu- 1 Dexterity
ries ago. The derro found a dark home, and equally 5 mAgic (bAbble)
dark gods to worship, in the subterranean realms be-
3 PercePtion (seeing, smelling)
neath the Ironcrags, where they nursed their hatreds
and perfected the use of magics only whispered of in -2 strengtH
the sunlight. 3 WillPoWer
combAt rAtings
Of the madness that resonates so strongly in derro so-
ciety, perhaps nothing is so twisted as fetal savants. sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
These tiny premature infants are born insane and des- 1 9 11 0
tined to lead their people further into madness. Only AttAcks
the rarest of derro are born with the rapidly fading WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
ability to exchange souls with other creatures, and
when discovered the babbling infants are treated with bAbble +7 1D6+5 PenetrAting
bizarre and grotesque reverence. Placed in small, in- PoWers
tricately wrought pillowed cages and borne aloft on fAvored stunts: Soul Exchange.
hooked golden staves, the wild-eyed newborns are BABBle: The sight of potential host bodies so excites the fetal savant
carried standard-like behind battle lines to sow mad- that it begins to babble and giggle madly and childishly. All creatures
within 20 yards must pass a Willpower (Self Discipline) test against the
ness and confusion among enemy ranks. savant’s attack role or suffer penetrating psychic damage. As a special
stunt costing 3 SP, the savant can affect an opponent as per the Horror
Fetal savants use their babble spell. The targets must pass a TN 15 Willpower (Self Discipline) test to
ability randomly, selecting an resist the effects.
appropriate host body among enChAnted CAge: The specially designed cage that houses the savant
combatants at a whim. While grants it a 16 Defense against ranged attacks, and an Armor Rating of 4.
It also grants the savant the Magic Resistance (Journeyman) talent.
possessing a host body, the
savant attacks opponents mAdness: A fetal savant is completely insane. It automatically passes
any Willpower (Courage) or Willpower (Morale) tests.
wildly, relishing the physical
soul exChAnge: For 5 SP, a savant can attempt to possess one
power of its host creature’s creature that is the subject of its babble attack. The creature must make
form. Helpless without aid, a a Willpower (Self Discipline) test against a TN 15 or the savant trades
fetal savant greedily attempts bodies with its victim. While its soul is in the victim’s body it can
completely control its opponent’s actions. Creatures can make another
to remain in a host body as
test to force the savant out of its body at the start of each turn.
long as viable. Its fate is other-
wise in the hands of its bearer.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

This mole-like creature is the size of a large dog, but its
thick, barrel-shaped body looks as heavy as a full-grown Abilities (Focuses)
dwarf. A ring of tentacles sprouts above a mouth dominated -2 communicAtion
by spade-like incisors. It has no visible ears and possesses 3 constitution (burroWing)
only tiny, cataract-filled eyes, but it seems to sense its
-1 cunning
environment nonetheless.
4 Dexterity (bite)
The Ironcrag dwarves have domesticated many sub- -1 mAgic
terranean creatures, among them a breed of giant
2 PercePtion (smelling)
talpidae commonly called dogmoles. Energetic and
obedient, dogmoles pull ore-trolleys through mines, 3 strengtH (clAWs)
sniff out toxic gases and polluted waters, and help dig 0 WillPoWer (morAle)
out trapped miners. Dogmoles are renowned for their combAt rAtings
ability to detect imminent cave-ins and burrowing sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
monsters, making them welcome companions in the
14 (4 burroW) 24 14 0
depths. Outside the mines, dogmoles serve as pack
animals, guardbeasts, and bloodhounds. Derro also AttAcks
utilize dogmoles, but such creatures are scarred and WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
brutalized savages, barely controllable even by their bite +6 1D6+3
clAW +5 1D6+3
Not normally aggressive, dogmoles warn off most en- PoWers
emies with a rumbling growl, though they often attack fAvored stunts: Knock Prone, and Lightning Attack.
large invertebrates on sight. Dogmoles begin combat dogmole JuggernAut: What the derro have done with certain breeds of
with a charge, raking with their claws and long in- dogmole almost defies description. Brutalized from birth and hardened by
cisors. They typically retreat if seriously injured, but scarification, foul drugs, and warping magics, the dogmole juggernaut
is barely recognizable as a relative of its smaller kin. A furless mass of
fight to the death to protect their pack, their young, or muscle, scar tissue, and barbed piercings clad in haphazard barding, a
their dwarven masters. When in the grip of a worm- dogmole juggernaut stands seven feet high at the shoulder and stretches
killer rage they fight until slain. nine to 12 feet long. Its incisors are the length of shortswords. A game
master can create a juggernaut by adding the epic template to the
Dogmoles cannot burrow into solid rock, but they can common dogmole.

move through softer material like soil or loose rubble, Wormkiller rAge: Drawing blood on an opponent can drive these
normally cautious creatures into a killing frenzy. For 3 SP the dogmole
leaving a usable tunnel 5 feet in diameter. can enter a rage. It gains a +2 bonus on Willpower (Courage) and
Willpower (Morale) tests and a +1 bonus on damage rolls in melee
combat. However, it suffers a -2 penalty to Defense and a -1 penalty
to Perception tests. The rage lasts as many rounds as the dogmole’s
Constitution score, and it cannot leave the rage voluntarily while its
opponent still lives.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1


The orange-skinned goblinoid is covered with items of
power worn as decoration. Abilities (Focuses)
1 communicAtion (bArgAining)
With all the horrors it contains, only the mad or fool-
3 constitution (stAminA)
hardy would dare make the blasted expanse of the
Western Wastes their home. Dust goblins just happen 2 cunning
to be both. Existing in loosely based tribes and clans, 4 Dexterity (boWs, ligHt blADes, steAltH)
these tenacious scavengers scratch out a living among 1 mAgic
the stark wasteland. They continually hunt for lost
3 PercePtion (seeing)
technology and artifacts among the ruins of vanished
empires while venerating as gods the twisted mon- 3 strengtH (Axes)
strosities that walk the Wastes. 2 WillPoWer
combAt rAtings
Dust goblins survive and even thrive in the Wastes
because they understand its dangers like few others. sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
Their roving bands live in the shadows of the great old 10 44 14 5
ones who sleepwalk across the sand, and they trade AttAcks
lost technology to outsiders at exorbitant prices. Dust WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
goblin society is greatly fractured, and different tribes
vary widely in their customs and rituals depending bAttle Axe +5 2D6+3
on which otherworldly horror they worship. crossboW +6 2D6+4
sHort sWorD +6 1D6+5
Varying greatly in appearance, dust goblins stand
anywhere from three to five feet in height, and their PoWers
skin tones range from grey and black to the tans and fAvored stunts: Lightning Attack (2SP), Pierce Armor, and Skirmish.
burnt oranges of their wasteland home. Unequaled BACkstAB: Dust goblins can backstab as per the rogue ability.
treasurer hunters, dust goblins fearlessly explore the dune hunter: Though often covered in a hodgepodge of assorted
shattered tombs and lost palaces of the empires bur- trinkets and artifacts, dust goblins know how to move with stealth when
necessary. They gain a +2 to Dexterity (Stealth) tests in their desert
lost teCh: The chieftains, war captains and shaman among the goblin
tribes sometimes earn that position by discovering an ancient artifact of
great power. Dust goblin leaders have a 1 in 6 (a roll of 6 on a six-sided
die) chance of carrying powerful enchanted weapons and armor such as a
sword that cuts through stone, a shield that belches fire or even enchanted
goggles that allow the wearer to see the invisible.
WAste Born: Dust goblins are naturally attuned to the strange
emanations and ley energies of the waste. They are naturally adept at
discovering lost artifacts and determining their use.
tAlents: Dual Weapon Style (Journeyman), Thievery (Novice),
Scouting (Novice).
ligHt mAil Armor, bAttle Axe, crossboW, sHort sWorD.

ied in the sand. They carry the trinkets and strange

objects they find there on them at all times, each ar-
tifact a testament to their skill and status as explor-
ers. While they instantly recognize the value of magi-
cal weapons and armor, which they guard jealously
and even war over among the tribes, more mundane
items serve only as honor badges to be worn with
pride. Fragments of priceless stone tablets that could
decipher dead languages might be worn as a crude
amulets, and a goblet of elven silver might be looped
with knotted rope as a belt buckle or beaten flat into a
simple blade.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

eel hound EEL HOUND

Fear the eel hounds, slithering from the reeds, for they are
pure hunters, as cruel as their elven masters. They hunt Abilities (Focuses)
and track for the Lords and Ladies of the Summer Lands, 3 communicAtion
and their prey is human or dwarf more often than it is boar 1 constitution (sWimming)
or deer.
-2 cunning
Eel hounds are fey river hounds that attack in mas- 4 Dexterity (bite, initiAtive)
sive packs of wriggling, darting forms. They move 1 mAgic
quickly both on land and in water. They prefer to
1 PercePtion
bring aquatic prey up onto dry land and vice versa,
to kill by suffocation when they can. Eel hounds like 3 strengtH
marshes, rivers, and beds of seagrass and reeds. They 1 WillPoWer
mate in spring, a time when the female protect a litter combAt rAtings
of small, almost legless young. sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
The leaders of a group of eel hounds can use their 14 (12 sWim) 23 14 0
spit to create a slick area and push foes into the water. AttAcks
They are vulnerable to cold iron, and their baying can WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
generate a killing frenzy among the fey. Their stealth
and ambush attacks are often in the service of a pow- bite +6 1D6+3
erful river troll, lorelei, or eladrin. PoWers
fAvored stunts: Dual Attack, Lightning Attack, and Skirmish.
Eel hounds burst from the water in a
PACk AttACk: An Eel Hound may use Skirmish to move other Eel
pack, charging their prey and each Hounds within four yards.
using their Slithering Bite to at- slithering Bite: For 4 SP, an Eel Hound may allow another Eel Hound
tack and then wriggle along to bite the same target. This attack can generate stunt points as normal.
the flanks.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

eye Golem EYE GOLEM

A muscular giant, well proportioned and with smooth
marble-white skin, stands alert, its skin covered with eye- Abilities (Focuses)
like sigils. One of the eyes opens for a moment, and a beam 0 communicAtion
as bright as the sun shines forth, piercing the night. 8 constitution (stAminA)
The smooth white skin of these giant humanoid 0 cunning
abominations is covered from head to toe in eyes and 3 Dexterity
tattooed arcane sigils that resemble eyes. The aberrant 5 mAgic (eye beAm)
constructs consume the eyes of living creatures, ab-
6 PercePtion (seeing)
sorbing some of the victim’s soul energy in the pro-
cess. The consumed eyes later appear in the place of 9 strengtH (intimiDAtion, migHt)
the creatures tattoos, shining forth with an unholy 3 WillPoWer (courAge, morAle)
light. combAt rAtings
The golem gains strength from every eye it collects, sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
fusing a part of the victim’s life force with its own. 15 110 13 7
The eyes that cover its body are more than sensory AttAcks
organs, they can project beams of that stolen energy to WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
blast and sear its foes. Created by the arcanists of the
Shadow Court, eye golems are often used as a form crusHing Fist +9 3D6+9
of punishment for those who displease court nobles. eye beAm +7 2D6+5 PenetrAting
These hapless individuals are cast into a maze where PoWers
the golem is kept, and spend the rest of their lives fAvored stunts: Dual Strike, Gaze of Ancient Light, Knock Prone
(1SP), and Lethal Blow (4SP).
gAze of AnCient light: For 5 SP, the golem can emit a blast of searing
light from eyes all over its body, bathing an area with a blinding glare.
Opponents within six yards of the golem take 3d6 penetrating damage,
are knocked prone and are dazed as per the spell. Those that pass a TN15
Constitution (Stamina) test take only 2d6 damage and remain standing.
mAny eyes: With eyes covering every part of its body, the golem cannot
be surprised and automatically passes any Perception (Seeing) attempts
against sneak attacks such as a rogue’s backstab ability.
PierCing sight: The golem can shoot a beam of concentrated light from
its central eye as a ranged attack with a short range of 12 yards and a
long range of 24 yards. For 2 SP, the golem can sweep its gaze, covering
an area eight yards across. Secondary opponents who pass a TN15
Dexterity (Acrobatics) test take half damage.
sun god’s skin: The magically hardened flesh of the golem grants it an
Armor Rating of 7.

wondering sightless through its shadows. The large

eye in the center of the creature’s head is typically
taken from a titan or primordial, and is a necessary
component in the golem’s creation.

When slain, an eye golem does not simply fall down

dead. All its eyes open at once, releasing a scream
heard for miles and a burst of light that blots out
everything around. When the light and noise stop,
hundreds of perfectly preserved eyeballs roll on the
ground where the monster stood. The eyes are still
warm and fresh, without scars or damage that one
might expect. A careful examination of the eyes may
reveal that many of them seem to have a thin beam of
arcane energy connecting them to their owners. They
can be returned and healing magic can allow their
owners to see again.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

These brass automatons resemble common gearforged, but
their facial features carry a vaguely disturbing angularity, Abilities (Focuses)
and their eyes glow with a dark intelligence that gives them -2 communicAtion
an infernal cast. 4 constitution (stAminA)
Castoffs from Zobeck’s clockwork watchmen produc- 0 cunning
tion line, fellforged are given foul sentience when the 2 Dexterity
bodies—specially constructed to house the spirits of 3 mAgic
the dead—come into contact with curious wraiths
1 PercePtion
yearning to feel the corporeal world. The clockwork
bodies trap the wraiths, which while dulling many of 3 strengtH (intimiDAtion, strike)
their supernatural abilities gives their terrible anger a 4 WillPoWer (courAge)
physical form. The wraiths, in turn, twist the bodies to combAt rAtings
their own use, even going so far as to destroy the body sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
in their attempts to harm the living.
10 36 12 5
WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
DrAining strike +5 1D6+3 PenetrAting
fAvored stunts: Knock Prone, Lightning Attack, and Violent
BrAss Body: Their hardened, metal plating gives fellforged an Armor
Rating of 5.
drAining strike: Although housed in a mechanical body, fellforged still
posses the undead spirit’s unquenchable thirst for life energy. Creatures
struck by a fellfogred in combat suffer 1d6+3 penetrating damage.
violent esCAPement: With little regard for the clockwork bodies they
inhabit, fellforged wraiths can stress and strain their mechanisms in
such a violent manner that flywheels unwind, gears shatter, and springs
snap. For 5 SP, the fellforged can perform a violent escapement attack
that sends shrapnel flying against all creatures within 4 yards for 2d6+3
damage. Targets of the attack can make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test
against a TN 13 to take half damage.
Each violent escapement attack a fellforged makes damages its internal
systems. The fellforged takes a cumulative -1 to attack and damage
roles, and defense and armor ratings and -2 to speed after each violent
escapement attack. If reduced to 0 speed this way, the fellforged becomes
immobilized and is helpless unless repaired.
unnAturAl AurA: All animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense
the unnatural presence of fellforged at a distance of ten yards. They do
not willingly approach nearer than that, panic if forced to do so, and
remain panicked as long as they are within that range.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

Fiery smoke coalesces into a vaguely humanoid shape. Deep
within the smoke burns a reddish, pulsing light. Abilities (Focuses)
-2 communicAtion
Firegeists are small creatures native to the Elemental
0 constitution (stAminA)
Plane of Fire that sometimes cross over into the mate-
rial world. They resemble the smoke from open flame 0 cunning
and can easily hide near or within nonmagical fire. 4 Dexterity (Fire lAsH, steAltH)
The creatures delight in destruction, and seek to set 2 mAgic
fire to combustible material so they can feed on the
3 PercePtion (HeAring, seeing
flame and ash produced by their arson.
-2 strengtH
Noted cowards, firegeists always look to strike from 3 WillPoWer
ambush and use their natural abilities to hide wherev- combAt rAtings
er there is firelight available. Firegeists will flee from
any conflict where they don’t have the upper hand or sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
if reduced to less than half their health. 14 15 14 0
WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
Fire lAsH +6 1D6+4
fAvored stunts: Combustion, Lightning Attack, and Mighty Blow.
ComBustion: For 3 SP, a firegeist can cause the garments and equipment
of a creature struck by its fire lash to burst into flames. The creature takes
an additional 1d6 penetrating damage each round until it passes a TN 13
Dexterity (Acrobatics) test to douse the flames as a major action.
fiery nAture: As creatures of smoke and fire, firegeists are immune
to most non-magical attacks. They also suffer no damage from fire-
based attacks such as the spell Flame Blast or weapons imbued with the
Flaming Weapons spell. However, this fiery form makes the firegeist
vulnerable to cold and water based attacks. They suffer an additional 1d6
penetrating damage from spells such as Winter’s Grasp and weapons
imbued with the Frost Weapons spell. Characters without access
to magical cold can still harm the firegeist with water, causing 1d6
penetrating damage per gallon dumped directly on the creature.
smoky shAdoWs: Firegeists gain an additional +2 bonus to their
Dexterity (Stealth) tests if they are within ten yards of open flame.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

free Canton sieGebreaker FREE CANTON SIEGEBREAKER

They came forth banging their hammers on their shields and
chanting songs of death and doom, and we believed them. Abilities (Focuses)
1 communicAtion (bArgAining)
Not all the dwarves of the cantons have traded away
4 constitution (Drinking, stAminA)
their martial heritage for the life of a tradesman or
crafter. Many of these dour folk still sing the old songs 1 cunning
and call upon Perun and Volund to strengthen their 2 Dexterity (crossboWs)
weapon arm in battle. Outside of the cantons, many 0 mAgic
of these warlike dwarves can be found in the armies
2 PercePtion
of the Seven Cities and beyond as fiercely sought af-
ter mercenaries. Clad in gleaming steel, dwarven sol- 5 strengtH (Axes, migHt)
diers often form the vanguard of any infantry force, 3 WillPoWer (morAle)
unleashing death from their heavy crossbows before combAt rAtings
charging with shields leading and axes held high. sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
6 41 14 10
WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
bAttle Axe +7 2D6+5
crossboW +4 2D6+3
fAvored stunts: Defensive Stance, Knock Prone, and Mighty Blow.
iron stAnCe: A canton warrior can perform Stand Firm as a free action.
tAlents: Armor Training (Journeyman) and Weapon and Shield Style

ligHt mAil Armor, bAttle Axe, crossboW, sHort sWorD.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

Ghost kniGht of morGau GHOST KNIGHT OF MORGAU

The rider stands in the saddle of a dappled horse, his armor
black but his shield emblazoned with a red serpent, his Abilities (Focuses)
armor decorated with a dozen red skulls. The wind around 1 communicAtion
him grows still, and the horse seems to shimmer and fade 4 constitution (stAminA)
from sight.
2 cunning
In the fear-shrouded Principalities of Morgau and 3 Dexterity (riDing)
Doresh, death is no escape from servitude. In fact, 1 mAgic
some seek death as a means to climb the ranks of
3 PercePtion (seeing)
the principality’s powerful army. Second only to the
Darakhul mercenaries who serve as the army’s van- 5 strengtH (HeAvy blADes, migHt, sPeArs)
guard, the Order of the Knights Incorporeal repre- 3 WillPoWer (selF DisciPline)
sent a core of the principality’s forces and offer a rare combAt rAtings
chance for the mortal residents of the realm to serve sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
their dark masters in war instead of as cattle.
10 47 15 (13 WitHout sHielD) 7
More commonly called The Ghost Knights of Morgau, AttAcks
the knights begin as living men and women bound to WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
the service of a vampire, necrophagus, or priestess of
Marena. If they provide good service for five to ten crossboW +3 2D6+4
years, they may be “raised up” into the ranks of the long sWorD +5 2D6+5
undead as a footsoldier in the Ghost Knights, roughly tWo-HAnDeD +7 2D6+5
equivalent to a squire elsewhere. If they continue to sPeAr
perform admirably, and make the transition through PoWers
fAvored stunts: Dual Strike, and Mighty Blow.
BAttle WrAith form: Once per day, a ghost knight can call upon the
power of the order to take the form of a wraith, becoming incorporeal
along with its mount for a number of rounds equal its Constitution.
While incorporeal, the knight ignores terrain effects and cannot be
harmed by non-magical weapons.
BlAdes of mArenA: Weapons wielded by a ghost knight are imbued with
the chill of the grave, gaining the properties of weapons enchanted by the
Frost Weapons spell at all times when held by the knight.
grAve Born: Having given their lives to their masters, knights no
longer fear mortal weapons and wounds. They automatically pass any
Willpower (Courage) or Willpower (Morale) tests.
reAring AssAult: For 2 SP, the knight can command its mount to make
a Rearing Assault attack against an adjacent opponent, dealing 2d6+4
damage and knocking the opponent prone.
HeAvy cHAin Armor, crossboW, long sWorD, meDium sHielD, tAbArD
oF tHe orDer, tWo-HAnDeD sPeAr.

ghoul fever or vampiric bite without undue madness

or blood frenzy, they are slowly advanced through
the grades of the Order of the Red Shield.

Ghost Knights typically ride dappled grey or white

warhorses into battle, and are equally skilled with
lance, mace and long sword. They often carry a red
banner or wear a tabard displaying the insignia of the
order (a skull on a red background). Footsoldiers train
under the more senior knights, and it’s not unusual
for several to serve directly under a higher ranking
Initiate Sister or Honest Brother of the order.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

Gilded devil GILDED DEVIL

This tall, bronze-complexioned man is abnormally long-
limbed and clad in armor of stained and battered coins. His Abilities (Focuses)
wiry frame is festooned with mismatched bracelets, rings, 4 communicAtion (DecePtion, PersuAsion)
and necklaces, each gaudier than the last. The easy smile on 3 constitution (stAminA)
his face is cold with envy.
2 cunning (evAluAtion)
Rarely seen in their natural form outside of Hell, 4 Dexterity (initiAtive, stAves)
gilded devils are the servitors of Mammon, archdevil 2 mAgic
of wealth. They tempt and corrupt with promises of
3 PercePtion (seArcHing)
wealth, power, and fame, twisting mortal greed into
unforgivable damnation. Gilded devils prefer unas- 5 strengtH
suming appearances, molding their flesh and gaudy 3 WillPoWer (morAle, selF DisciPline)
trappings to make themselves look the parts of wise combAt rAtings
advisors, canny merchants, or sly confidants. sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
Gilded devils prefer to leave battle to manipulated 14 60 15 7
mortals or dominated thralls. If forced into combat, AttAcks
they use dominate on weakminded foes and make WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
liberal use of their betrayal of riches power, favoring
necklaces and periapts. Gilded devils consume their morningstAr +8 1D6+8
jewels to heal themselves if reduced below 25 health PoWers
and flee if reduced to 10 health or less. fAvored stunts: Knock Prone, and Lightning Attack.
BetrAyAl of riChes: A gilded devil can turn rings, necklaces, and other
jewelry against their wearer as a major action. The devil can affect any
visible item of jewelry within 30 yards, twisting and constricting it
into cruel barbs and spikes. The wearer suffers 1d6+6 piercing and 1d6
ongoing damage. Those that pass a TN13 Constitution (Stamina) test
take only 1d6 piercing and no ongoing. The jewelry returns to normal if
the devil dies or the target moves more than 30 yards away.
dominAte the WeAk: As a major action, the devil can try to dominate
the will of an opponent within 30 yards. The target must pass an opposed
Willpower (Self Discipline) test or act as the devil commands. The devil
can maintain the domination as a minor action, and the target can make a
new test at the start of its turn.
liAr’s lArgess: Creatures in possession of a gift bestowed by the devil
suffer a -2 penalty to tests to resist the devil’s Dominate the Weak power.
The devil also gains +2 to its Perception (Searching) to find the gift and
its possessor.
liAr’s shAPe: The devil can assume the form of any humanoid creature,
even specific individuals. Acquaintances of a copied person can make
a Perception (Empathy) test against the devil’s Communication
(Deception) to discover the ruse.
vorACious greed: The Devil can consume precious gems and metals as
a minor action to regain 5 health for every 200 gold pieces worth of value
ingested, up to 1,000 gold pieces.
sCorn BAse metAls: The attacks of the devil ignore metal armor,
gaining the penetrating property against armor made of bronze,
iron, steel or similar metals. Armor made of valuable metals such as
adamantine, mithral, and gold work as normal.
sCourge of AvAriCe: As a free action, the devil can transform any piece
of jewelry it possesses into a morningstar with a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
The weapon reverts to its original form if the devil dies or is disarmed.
tAlents: Magic Resistance (Novice), Single Weapon Style (Novice).

bAttereD coin Armor, 1,000 golD Pieces WortH oF JeWelry AnD 300
golD Pieces WortH oF coins.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

Goblin shark GOBLIN SHARK

A 4-ft.-tall goblin emerges from the waves and crawls along
the shore, shedding its shark-like form and grinning with Abilities (Focuses)
an impossibly wide mouth filled with rows of sharp teeth. 0 communicAtion
2 constitution (sWimming)
Incredibly ugly and unnerving, these gilled goblins
are somewhat larger and leaner than their terrestrial 1 cunning
cousins and possess a protruding shelf of a nose over- 2 Dexterity (bite)
hanging an incredibly wide mouth filled with multi- 1 mAgic
ple rows of sharp, triangular teeth. Their large noses
2 PercePtion (smelling)
are a hard, thick protuberance that grants them a keen
sense of smell. Able to take the shape of equally ugly 3 strengtH (HeAvy blADes)
shark-like creatures, packs of goblin sharks patrol 2 WillPoWer
shallow coral reefs in search of food while terrorizing combAt rAtings
fishermen and merchant ships. sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
Entire tribes dwell in caves carved from dead reefs or 10 (10 sWim) 27 12 3
within the sunken ruins of forgotten empires, and ar- AttAcks
eas that host such a tribe are typically filthy and pol- WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
luted. Like their land-bound cousins, goblin sharks
are quite superstitious, and make use of all manner sAWFisH +5 2D6+3
of flotsam to create primitive weapons, clothes, and
tools. Less scrupulous men in dockside communities vorAcious bite +4 1D6+3
often form partnerships with rogue packs of young PoWers
goblin sharks, taking advantage of their ability to fAvored stunts: Mighty Blow, Seize the Initiative, and Skirmish.
consume and regurgitate small items to bypass port lunging Bite: As a special stunt costing 2 SP, a goblin shark can make a
fees and taxes on items they do not wish to declare to Voracious Bite attack against an adjacent opponent as a free action.
authorities. shArkskin: The shark goblin’s naturally tough hide grant it an Armor
Rating of 3.
smuggler’s PouCh: Goblin sharks raise their young in specially evolved
incubation pouches. Wily goblin sharks can distend their massive jaws to
swallow and hide small objects within this pouch as a major action.
Wounding: For 3 SP, a goblin shark can cause any living creature
damaged by its voracious bite in either shark or goblin form to continue
to bleed, taking 1 point of penetrating damage per round. Multiple
wounds do not result in cumulative bleeding. The bleeding can be stopped
by magical healing or succeeding on a TN 11 Cunning (Healing) test.
sAWFisH bonesWorD.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

This great lion bodied creature gazes at you with eyes full of
intelligence and malice, with the head of a vulture. Abilities (Focuses)
2 communicAtion (DecePtion)
With black wings and a body as pale as alabaster, the
5 constitution (Flying, stAminA)
vulture-beaked gypsosphinx is easy to identify. Their
riddles and obsessions all hinge on death and carrion, 1 cunning
and they are powerful servants of the gods of death 7 Dexterity (bite, gAze, initiAtive)
and the desert. Their eyes can spot prey miles away, 2 mAgic
and the distance they climb into the sky hides their
5 PercePtion (seeing, smelling, trAcking)
enormous size.
9 strengtH (clAWs, migHt)
Huge lion-bodied, vulture-headed creatures, the pale 3 WillPoWer (courAge, morAle)
alabaster fur of the gypsosphinx makes it almost shine combAt rAtings
in the desert sun, and is equally visible in under-
ground tombs and caverns. They are found anywhere sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
bodies are buried or left to rot, and they frequently 12 110 17 7
clean up battlefields or sites of massacres among war- AttAcks
ring desert tribes. Gypsosphinxes prefer their prey to WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
be carrion, but they are quick to help a wounded or
bite +9 2D6+10
ailing animal over the threshold.
clAWs +11 3D6+10
Gypsosphinxes speak often with intelligent undead, mystic gAze +9 2D6+2 PenetrAting
priests of Anu-Akma, and other sphinxes, but rarely
gather among their own kind. They guard their ter- PoWers
ritories jealously, each holding an entire necropolis as fAvored stunts: Dual Strike, Knock Prone(1SP), Seize the Initiative,
and Skirmish.
its territory or each guarding a section of a particu-
AlABAster hide: The naturally tough flesh of the gypsosphinx grants it
larly large necropolis. They are rarely aggressive, pre- an Armor Rating of 7.
ferring to simply wait for followers of Anu-Akma to
CArrion stenCh: The fetid reek of this carrion eater sickens opponents.
bring them meals and ask them for information. Creatures within six yards of the gypsosphinx must pass a TN15
Constitution (Stamina) test or suffer a -1 penalty to their attack rolls,
defense and ability tests.
CryPtiC evAsion: The gypsosphinx gains a +2 on ability tests to resist
the effects of spells or other magical attacks.
mystiC gAze: The gypsosphinx can make a mystic gaze attack against
opponents within 16 yards. Creatures struck by the baleful gaze of the
gypsosphinx are afflicted as per the Daze spell unless they pass a TN15
Willpower (Courage) test. Those who succeed still take damage normally.
rAking AssAult: The gypsosphinx can move its full flying speed on a
charge, and make a second attack against an opponent within four yards
of the first within its range of movement.

The sphinx must offer its riddle to opponents
outside of combat, which can consist of a simple
riddle or involve a short roleplaying or investi-
gation encounter. If the party proves successful,
the sphinx cannot use its Mystic Sight ability on
party members for 24 hours, and the party mem-
bers gain +2 bonus to attack rolls against it. If the
sphinx proves successful or the party refuses to
participate, the sphinx can use Mystic Sight nor-
mally and gains +2 to all attack rolls

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

harem assassin HAREM ASSASSIN

This seemingly harmless courtesan surges towards you,
poisoned blade held high. Abilities (Focuses)
3 communicAtion (DecePtion, PerFormAnce,
While courtesans exist in every society in Midgard, seDuction)
few inspire such paranoid terror as the subtle ha-
1 constitution
rem assassins of the Mharoti Empire. A harem of un-
matched size, the golden seraglio has been a part of 1 cunning (musicAl lore)
the Sultan’s palace for as long as the empire has exist- 4 Dexterity (brAWling, ligHt blADes, steAltH)
ed. Now that a sultana sits upon the Dragon Throne, 1 mAgic
this golden tower has taken on new meaning as the 3 PercePtion (HeAring)
heart of the empire’s spy network, and the veiled en-
2 strengtH
chantresses it produces have begun to make their way
beyond the empire’s borders on the arms of diplomats 1 WillPoWer
and traders. combAt rAtings
sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
Men and women recruited into the harem network
are always exceptional, though beauty is not the only 14 27 14 0
criteria. Talented entertainers as well as gifted writers AttAcks
and artists, the courtesans of the Mharoti are expected WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
to exude culture and sophistication while disguising
Fist +6 1D6+2
their deadly intentions. Recruits endure long hours of
torturous training and instruction, which transforms gArrote +6 1D6+3 PenetrAting
their lithe bodies into weapons only slightly less HAirPin +6 1D3+1 PenetrAting
deadly than their calculating minds. stiletto +6 1D6+2 PenetrAting
Tools of the empire’s control, harem assassins are of- PoWers
ten sent as gifts to troublesome nobles or rival kings, fAvored stunts: Lightning Attack, Seize the Initiative, and Skirmish.
none of whom live to see the dawn. Within the em- BACkstAB: A harem assassin can backstab as per the Rogue ability.
pire, the gift of an imperial courtesan is cause for gArrote strike: A harem assassin who makes a successful backstab
cold panic, for to refuse is to invite the open enmity attack can choose to do so with a necklace garotte, strangling the victim.
The assassin can continue to strangle the victim for penetrating damage
each round as a major action. Opponents who pass an opposed Strength

COURTESAN WEAPONS (Might) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) test against the assassin’s Dexterity
(Brawling) can break the hold, ending the attack.
Poison: Harem assassins are adept at using all manner of poisons, often
gArotte: A thin cord used for strangling, a slipped into a victim’s food or used to coat their weapons. On a successful
brawling attack can be used to cut off the target’s attack, typical poisons require the target to pass a TN15 Constitution
(Stamina) test or be affected as per the Paralyze spell. A more deadly
air supply. venom may require a similar test to avoid taking 1d6 penetrating damage
each round until the test is successful.
hAirPin: This light, discrete weapon is used to ad- tAlents: Unarmed Style (Novice), Music (Novice)
minister poison. An assassin gains a +2 bonus to
its Dexterity (Stealth) check when trying to per- equiPment
form a backstab with this weapon. silken robe AnD veil, HAirPin, necklAce gArrote, stiletto.

stiletto: This thin blade has a wicked point, but

no cutting edge. It is often coated with a deadly of the sultana, while accepting often means death.
poison that wears off after five attacks. Occasionally the sultana bequeaths her favored gener-
als a non-fatal visit from one of the harem’s most tal-
ented operatives, though the recipient does not know
COURTESAN WEAPONS this until they wake up alive the next morning. With
WeAPon DAmAge min. str cost shifting loyalties at the heart of all imperial politics,
BrAWling grouP the sultana understands the value in keeping even the
gArrote 1d6+1 -1 3sP loyal on their toes.
light BlAdes grouP
hAirPin 1 d3 - 1sP
stiletto 1d6 - 12sP

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

imperial Ghast IMPERIAL GHAST

The creature wore fine-linked and black-lacquered plate
armor and twirled the spear that had paralyzed us all. It Abilities (Focuses)
spoke with the soft tones of the Magdar plains: ”What, you 1 communicAtion
think that all those who gain their strength from eating 2 constitution (stAminA)
flesh are as the least among us? Oh, you poor deluded fools.
0 cunning
Those beggar-ghouls are nothing. And you, good sirs, are
my next meal.” 4 Dexterity (bite, initiAtive)
2 mAgic
Not all ghouls are powerful masters of the under-
3 PercePtion (smelling)
world. Many are condemned from the date of their
creation to scrabble after scraps. What makes the dif- 5 strengtH (clAWs, migHt)
ference is the highly variable course of the disease that 3 WillPoWer
creates ghouls, best known as ghoul fever to the sur- combAt rAtings
face world. Among ghouls, it is called “the curtain” sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
or “the strengthening.” The worst-off are those who
10 52 14 7
become ordinary ghouls or ghasts, and remember es-
sentially nothing of their former lives. Their minds are AttAcks
reduced to a lower state of hunger, rage, and more WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
hunger. bite +6 1D6+6
Somewhat more fortunate are those who become clAWs +7 2D6+5
imperial ghouls and ghasts, retaining some of their tWo-HAnDeD +5 2D6+5
memories and skills. Imperial ghouls and ghasts are a sPeAr
large middle class, and serve as the Imperium’s shock PoWers
troops. They charge into battle on beetle-back, and un- fAvored stunts: Lightning Attack, Mighty Blow, and Skirmish.
derstand status and strat-
Blood frenzy: The smell of fresh blood can drive a ghast into a blood
egy. They work to en- frenzy. Whenever it reduces an opponent to half its health or less in
hance themselves, combat, it goes into a rage until that creature is killed. While raging the
though they re- ghast gains a +2 to attack rolls and an additional 1d6 to damage rolls, but
suffers -2 to defense and -1 to perception while the rage lasts.
sent the higher
grAve Bite: For 2 SP, an imperial ghast can follow up any attack with
class of the
a bite attack against the same opponent. The target must make a TN15
darakhul. Constitution (Stamina) test or be affected as per the Paralyze spell. The
bite attack roll cannot generate stunt points.
grAve Born: Creatures driven purely by rage and hunger, ghasts no
longer fear mortal weapons and wounds. They automatically pass any
Willpower (Courage) or Willpower (Morale) tests.
grAve stenCh: Creatures within four yards of the ghast are assailed by
the revolting stench of the creature’s rotting flesh. Opponents who fail a
TN15 Constitution (Stamina) test suffer a -1 to attack rolls, defense and
ability tests as long as they’re near the ghast.
riPPing ClAWs: An imperial ghast that successfully strikes an opponent
can make a second claw attack against the same opponent as a special
stunt costing 2 SP. The second attack cannot generate stunt points.
HeAvy mAil Armor, tWo-HAnDeD sPeAr.

Many believe that the hunger cults or the necrophagi

know some secret of transforming imperial ghouls and
ghasts into darakhul. This rumor gives them hope of
advancement. Their power over the lesser ghouls and
slaves gives them a taste of tyranny. They are hungry
for more power, always striving and ambitious. Many
are eager to prove themselves as hunters, as warriors,
or as spies. While many ghouls of the Imperium are
sent into battle with great axes and long spears, many
quickly resort to their claws and teeth once battle is
joined due to their insatiable hunger and blood lust.
(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

iron Ghoul IRON GHOUL

The ghoul advancing towards you, in heavy plate and with
greatsword drawn, fills you with dread. Abilities (Focuses)
2 communicAtion (commAnD)
The darakhul are a race of intelligent ghouls who
4 constitution
speak their own language and balance rationality with
their eternal hunger to feed on the flesh of sentient 1 cunning (militAry lore)
creatures. Calling themselves “The People,” darakhul 3 Dexterity (bite, initiAtive)
consider all other races either food or slaves and visit 0 mAgic
the surface only when raiding. They retain their mem-
3 PercePtion (seeing)
ories and skills after death, but become ghoulish in
appearance. 6 strengtH (HeAvy blADes, migHt)
2 WillPoWer
Darakhul are born when a particularly strong-willed combAt rAtings
creature is infected with ghoul fever and its anima
refuses to shed its memories and reason along with sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
its soul. Most survive the experience with their per- 8 76 16 10
sonality largely intact. The elite shock troops of the AttAcks
Imperium, iron ghouls serve as bodyguards to the WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
darakhul nobles and the cruel necrophagi. Rightly
bite +5 1D6+6
feared by the surface races and even lesser ghouls, the
martial prowess of iron ghouls is second only to their crossboW +3 2D6+4
insatiable appetite. long sWorD +9 2D6+8
tWo-HAnDeD +9 3D6+8
fAvored stunts: Defensive Stance, Knock Prone (1SP), Mighty Blow
(1SP), and Savage Assault.
grAve Bite: For 2 SP, an iron ghoul can follow up any attack with a
bite attack against the same opponent. The target must make a TN15
Constitution (Stamina) test or be affected as per the Paralyze spell. The
bite attack cannot generate stunt points.
grAve Born: Having suffered through the agonizing undeath of Ghoul
Fever, iron ghouls no longer fear mortal weapons and wounds. They
automatically pass any Willpower (Courage) or Willpower (Morale)
sAvAge AssAult: After a successful attack on an adjacent opponent, an
iron ghoul can make a special Savage Assault attack as a stunt costing 3
SP. The ghoul makes a charge attack with a +2 bonus to speed against a
second opponent. The second attack roll cannot generate stunt points.
tAlents: Armor Training (Journeyman), Two Handed Weapon Style
(Journeyman), Weapon and Shield Style (Novice).
HeAvy PlAte Armor, crossboW, mAsterWork long sWorD, HeAvy
sHielD, mAsterWork tWo-HAnDeD sWorD.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

kobold slyblade KOBOLD SLYBLADE

Advancing out of the shadows of the alley are three small,
reptilian figures with crossbows drawn. Abilities (Focuses)
0 communicAtion
The kobolds of Zobeck are hardworking and indus-
1 constitution
trious creatures. Many spend their lives toiling in ore
mines, or as members of the geargrinders and clock- 1 cunning (evAluAtion)
workers guilds, building and repairing the mechani- 4 Dexterity (boWs, ligHt blADes, steAltH)
cal constructs for which the city is famed. Others are 1 mAgic
less scrupulous however, and make a living as part of
3 PercePtion (HeAring, seeing)
the thriving smuggling rings and thieves guilds that
operate from the city’s underbelly. 2 strengtH
1 WillPoWer
Whether as smugglers, thieves or hired thugs, ko- combAt rAtings
bold slyblades can be found far beyond the streets of
Zobeck, wherever there’s money to be made through sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
robbery, extortion and even murder. With their quick 11 21 14 3
wits and fast tongues, many pass themselves off as AttAcks
simple merchants and traders. But that’s just another WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
con to keep suckers guessing long enough for the sly-
crossboW +6 2D6+4
blade to make his exit through a nearby, trap-laden
escape route. DAgger +6 1D6+3
sHort sWorD +6 1D6+4
Slyblades prefer ambush tactics and sneak attacks to
open combat, especially against larger, well-armed PoWers
opponents. They use their numbers and small size to fAvored stunts: Lightning Attack, Pierce Armor, and Skirmish.
their advantage, often planning strikes where they BACkstAB: Can use the backstab ability as per a 1st level Rogue.
can make use of the cramped quarters of a ghetto or tAlents: Contacts (Novice), Thievery (Novice).
back alley to limit their targets’ mobility. equiPment
ligHt leAtHer Armor, crossboW, DAgger, sHort sWorD, tHieves

(Order #24455928)


With bellowed challenges they came over the rails,
dispatching our archers with hand axes, and then charging ABILITIES (FOCUSES)
forward with steel-shod horns gleaming in the sun. 0 COMMUNICATION
The minotaurs of Kyprion are justly famed for their
prowess as both sailors and fighters, and many of 2 CUNNING (NAVIGATION)
these fierce islanders find it only natural to combine 3 DEXTERITY (GORE)
the two pursuits. Vassals to the seafaring nation of 0 MAGIC
Triolo, Kyprion marines are prized members of any
ship’s crew and are typically the first over the gun-
wales in a sea battle. Many sailors along the Middle 6 STRENGTH (AXES, KICK, JUMPING)
Sea find it wiser to dive overboard than to risk the 3 WILLPOWER
scything steel of a Kyprion’s axe. COMBAT RATINGS
13 45 13 3
GORE +5 1D6+6
KICK +8 1D6+6
FAVORED STUNTS: Knock Prone, Mighty Blow, and Skirmish.
SWIFT GORE: A minotaur can follow up a successful melee attack with a
Gore as a special stunt costing 2 SP. This attack must be taken against
the same target as the original attack. Rolling doubles on the gore attack
roll does not generate more stunt points.
TOUGH HIDE: The thick, furred hide of a minotaur grants it an Armor
Rating of 3. Many Kyprion marines go into battle bare chested because of
this, and to avoid the weight of armor should they be knocked overboard
in combat.
TALENTS: Thrown Weapon Style (Novice), and Two-Hander Style

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

liCh hound LICH HOUND

As the cloud of smoky shadow dissipates you see that this
vile hound is in a state of partial decomposition. It lunges Abilities (Focuses)
for you, its fellow’s howls chilling you to the bone. -1 communicAtion
2 constitution (running)
Their howls echoing from another plane, lich hounds
always arrive wreathed in mist. Half bone, half dark -2 cunning
purple fire, they are creatures of hunger and the hunt. 4 Dexterity (bite)
Nothing makes them happier than tearing down crea- 0 mAgic
tures larger than themselves or racing through the air
2 PercePtion (smelling, trAcking)
to catch a surprised bat in mid-flight. All cruelty and
fangs, lich hounds are only happy when praised by 3 strengtH
their great undead lords. 0 WillPoWer
combAt rAtings
These servants of ghoul high priests and archliches
are made of necromantic power. They are relentless sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
hunters, pursuing their prey with powerful senses 14 36 14 3
and a keen ability to find the living. Lich hound howls AttAcks
fade into and out of normal hearing, with strangely WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
shifting pitch and echoes.
bite +6 1D6+3
Lich hounds fight in groups and always use their PoWers
howl to attempt to shake the morale of their victims. fAvored stunts: Knock Prone (1SP), and Skirmish.
If that fails, they aid one another in attacking a single night hoWl: Their keening howl forces anyone able to hear it to make a
foe, trying to trip him and drag him down for a gut TN 13 Willpower (Courage) test or suffer a –1 penalty to attack rolls and
ripping attack. defense for the encounter. For 4 SP, the lich hound can amplify its howl,
causing one creature within 10 yards to be affected as per the Horror
spell. The hound can affect one additional creature per extra SP spent.
Opponents who pass a TN 13 Willpower (Courage) test avoid being
horrified, and those afflicted can make a new test at the start of each of
their turns.
feAst of entrAils: If a creature within 12 yards of a lich hound is
reduced to 0 hit points, the hound can teleport next to the creature on its
next turn and make a coup de grace attack against the target as a major
action. See page 60 of the Set 1 Player’s Guide for the rules on delivering
a coup de grace.
shAdoW form: The lich hound’s semi-corporeal state makes it hard to
damage, granting it an Armor Rating of 3.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

lorelei LORELEI
The song filled the world, every breath a hymn to the eternal
glory of heroes and their deeds. The knight took one step Abilities (Focuses)
after another as in a dream, until the riverbank crumbled 3 communicAtion (PerFormAnce, seDuction)
beneath him, and the current dragged him down to the 0 constitution
golden-haired singer.
2 cunning
Lorelei appear as beautiful maidens who often sit 5 Dexterity (bite, steAltH)
alone and sing on rock outcroppings or large stones at 4 mAgic
the edge of a river. Their alluring songs enchant river
1 PercePtion
goers and boatmen, making men careless in their ef-
forts to reach the woman. Smashed flotsam and skele- 2 strengtH (clAWs)
tal remains collect in the shallows beneath their rocky 3 WillPoWer
perch as a testament to the power of their voices. combAt rAtings
Lorelei are the restless spirits of women who’ve sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
drowned in the river, usually through their own ef- 15 (20 sWim) 33 15 0
forts be-cause of a jilted love, who are cursed to for- AttAcks
ever call out for their lovers return. Their enchanting WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
melodies waylay travelers and bring doom upon river
bite +7 1D6+2
boats whose helmsmen become enraptured by the lo-
relei’s singing. Constantly seeking the warm embrace clAWs +4 1D6+2
of the living, lorelei will descend into the water to PoWers
wrap their arms around the drowning men, feeding fAvored stunts: Disarm, Lightning Attack, and Skirmish.
on their souls as they die. Lorelei leave the water at Alluring song: A lorelei can begin her song as an activate action.
dusk, finding a place along the water where they pull All creatures that hear the song must pass an opposed Willpower (Self
golden combs through their wet tresses in the moon- Discipline) test against the lorelei’s Communication (Seduction) or be
drawn to her irresistibly. The target can only take a move action closer to
light and sing their enchanting melodies. If confront- the lorelei on its turn, but can make a new test at the start of each turn to
ed by a hostile opponent, lorelei transform into gro- break the spell. The lorelei can sustain the song as a minor action.
tesque rotting corpses with long, curving claws and droWning Word: As a major action, the lorelei can inflict her
fetid breath. At home in the river, they seek to drown Drowning Word power on a single target enthralled by her song. The
their victims. They retreat into underwater caves at victim must make a TN15 Constitution (Stamina) test or be affected as
per the Paralyze spell. If in water, the victim begins to drown, taking
the first sign that they might be overmatched. 2d6+5 penetrating damage per round until they pass the test, the lorelei
is slain, or the victim drowns.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

merrow MERROW
Resembling a troll, this creature has pebbled skin, lank,
briny hair, and webbed hands and feet. Abilities (Focuses)
0 communicAtion
Merrow are cannibalistic river trolls that haunt the
4 constitution (sWimming)
waterways and estuaries of Midgard, seeking freshly
drowned victims to feast upon. These large, human- 2 cunning
oid creatures have tough pebbled hide in shades of 3 Dexterity (net, steAltH)
dark green and blue, and webbed feet and hands. 0 mAgic
Their long black hair often carries bits of seaweed and
2 PercePtion (seeing)
river moss and they adorn themselves with the bones
of humans or other intelligent land dwellers. 6 strengtH (triDent)
3 WillPoWer (courAge)
Driven out of their ancestral homelands in the depths combAt rAtings
of the oceans by the hated merfolk, merrow resent
the living they’ve scratched out for themselves in the sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
shallow inland rivers. Encountered as either solitary 13 (15 sWim) 41 14 4
hunters or in small bands, merrow have a loose-knit AttAcks
tribal society led by a local shaman or slaughter priest. WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
They live only to feed and offer the entrails of their
clAW +6 1D6+6
victims to the forgotten aboleth gods of the sea.
triDent +8 2D6+6
Retaining vestiges of the civilization they left behind, PoWers
merrow rarely fight with tooth and claw in the manner
fAvored stunts: Knock Prone, Mighty Blow, and Net Trap.
of their land-bound cousins, preferring to battle with
AquAtiC regenerAtion: As long as a wounded merrow is at least
the trident and net of their ancestors. They recognize partially submerged in water, it regains health equal to its Constitution
that their numbers are few, however, and often seek at the start of its turn.
to strike from ambush and the cover of darkness in or- net trAP: Merrow typically use the nets they carry in their off hand to
der to assure themselves easy victories. Some merrow harry and confuse their prey, gaining a +1 talent bonus to their defense.
make their homes near the haunts of a lorelei, where For 4 SP, the merrow can launch its net at an opponent within four yards
affecting those who fail a Dexterity (Acrobatics) test against the attack
they can feed on the steady supply roll as per the Paralyze spell. The target can make a new test to wriggle
of her victims. free as a major action, and adjacent allies can cut an ensnared ally free
with a major action. Trapped targets take 1d6 penetrating damage each
round due to the barbed hooks woven into the strands of the net.
PeBBled hide: The thick, muscled hide of the merrow grants it an Armor
Rating of 4.
WAter Born: Creatures of the depths, merrow gain a +1 bonus to
Dexterity (Stealth) tests when underwater.
WAter WeAkness: Merrow suffer an additional 1d6 penetrating damage
from fire and acid based attacks. It is said that a slain merrow will slowly
regenerate back to life unless its body is burned.
tAlents: Dual Weapon Style (Novice), Scouting (Novice).

bArbeD net, triDent.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

mharoti emissary MHAROTI EMISSARY

Casting off its hood the emissary reveals its true, draconic
nature as it charges its iron staff with arcane fire. Abilities (Focuses)
2 communicAtion (PersuAsion)
The Mharoti dragonkin consider themselves the sci-
1 constitution
ons of the Dragon Empire. Though the origins of
these tall, scaled humanoids is lost to time, dragonkin 2 cunning
have long served as the lair guardians and brood ser- 4 Dexterity (initiAtive, stAves)
vants of the eastern dragons. As the empire grew, and 5 mAgic (ArcAne lAnce, PrimAl)
the dragon’s power expanded, the dragonkin found
2 PercePtion (seeing)
new roles as the empire’s shocktroops, paladins, and
sorcerers. 1 strengtH (HeAvy blADes)
2 WillPoWer (morAle, selF DisciPline)
The sultana occasionally sends her elemental priests combAt rAtings
and magic users beyond the empire’s boundaries to
serve as diplomats and trade negotiators, though “ne- sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
gotiate” is a relative concept to emissaries backed by 14 33 14 0
the might of the empire. These dragonkin are always AttAcks
sorcerers, and are said to be able to communicate with WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
their masters from anywhere on Midgard. Ever ac-
ArcAne lAnce +7 1D6+5
companied by their kilij-bearing bodyguards, Mharoti
emissaries take little notice of those they believe are iron stAve +6 1D6+2
below their station, which includes any non-noble hu- PoWers
man and all dwarves and minotaur. sPellPoWer: 17
mAnA: 54
Dragonkin are covered in small, burnished scales that
are fine and supple on their dragon-like faces, hands fAvored stunts: Fast Casting (3SP), Knock Prone, and Mighty Spell.
and chest, but larger and more rigid on their backs, drAgonBlood sorCerer: Most dragonkin mages are natural sorcerers,
who use the power of their bloodline to cast their spells. They can perform
shoulders and forearms. They vary in color as much the fast casting stunt for 3 SP.
as the dragons they claim as ancestors, and wear deep
ignite iron: Initiates in the eastern fire cults all learn simple command
crimson robes lined in gold when away from their words when they are accepted into the order that allow them to set
eastern temples. Emissaries prefer to rely on their their individual runestaff alight with magical flame, as per the Flaming
magic and bodyguards in battle, but are skilled in the Weapons spell. This requires an activate action, costs no mana, and lasts
until the emissary dismisses it with another action.
use of their iron runestaves, status symbols among the
sPells: Flame Blast, Glyph of Paralysis, Glyph of Warding, Heal,
more martial elemental cults of the east.
Lightning, Rock Armor, Shock, and Stone Fist.
tAlents: Command (Novice), Primal Magic (Novice)

gilDeD robes, iron runestAFF.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

mindrot thrall MINDROT THRALL

This heavily cloaked figure reeks of decay and spreads a
floating cloud of mote-like spores with every halting step Abilities (Focuses)
-2 communicAtion
Mindrot fungus is an intelligent parasite that survives
1 constitution (stAminA)
by consuming the bodies of mortal creatures in order
to replicate. When inhaled, mindrot spores enter the 3 cunning
bloodstream and take root in the brain. As the fungus 4 Dexterity (brAWling, sPore breAtH)
grows it secretes an acid that dissolves the body of the 0 mAgic
host, slowly replacing the creature’s flesh with its own
2 PercePtion
as it feeds and multiplies.
1 strengtH
The fungus first destroys the parts of the brain that 3 WillPoWer (courAge, morAle)
control motor functions, taking over the creature’s combAt rAtings
movement so that the victim loses control of its ac-
tions even while alive and aware of what is happen- sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
ing. Eventually the fungus burns away all of the vic- 14 45 14 0
tim’s flesh, covering the skeleton of the creature with AttAcks
its own fibrous flesh in a ghastly caricature of its host. WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
Intelligent creatures, humanoid thralls often cover Fist +6 1D6+1
themselves in heavy robes or layers of cloaks in order sPore breAtH +6 2D6+1 PenetrAting
to travel undetected. Uncovered, the thrall resembles PoWers
a gaunt version of the creature whose body was de-
fAvored stunts: Lightning Attack, Seize the Initiative, and Spore
stroyed, except its taut, waxy skin bubbles with burst- Breath.
ing spore pods. If the creature cannot infect a new fungAl AurA: Creatures that start their turn within two yards of a
thrall take 3 points of Penetrating damage and run the risk of infection
from the cloud of acidic spores that surround it. They must pass a test as
per the thrall’s Spore Infection power.
reCkless: A creature that lives only to replicate, the fungus cares little
for its current host. It automatically passes any Willpower (Courage) or
Willpower (Morale) tests.
sPore BreAth: A thrall can exhale a blast of acidic spores from its rotten
lungs as a ranged attack with a short range of three yards and a long
range of six yards. For 2 SP, a thrall can spread the spores to cover an
area 4 yards across. Creatures caught in the blast must pass a test as per
the thrall’s Spore Infection power to avoid infection.
sPore infeCtion: Creatures exposed to the thrall’s spores must pass
a Constitution (Stamina) test against a TN 15 or become infected. An
infected creature makes a new Constitution (Stamina) test against the
same target number each morning after the initial infection. An ally
performing magical healing on the target can add its Cunning (Healing)
to the target’s test score. If none of the tests have succeeded after three
days, the victim becomes a thrall under the control of the fungus.
tAlents: Unarmed Style (Novice).

victim within a few weeks of completely consuming

its current host, it will starve and eventually die. The
starved corpse of a mindrot thrall slowly dissolves
into a crusted skeleton. Mad wizards whisper that the
fungus was brought to Midgard on the back of one
of the shambling, otherworldly horrors that haunt the
Western Wastes. Its origin in that inhospitable desert
is likely the only reason this insidious creature has not
destroyed whole cities through infection, though the
fungus is ever searching for hosts that will carry it to
where it can spread the most harm.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

Standing taller than a man this creature has the head of a
giant mushroom, opaque eyes, and a bipedal body. Abilities (Focuses)
0 communicAtion
These sentient mushroom folk tend white forests of
4 constitution (stAminA)
fungi deep underground. The giant mushrooms they
keep are an important food source and can be used to 1 cunning
produce valuable lamp oil. 2 Dexterity (brAWling)
1 mAgic
Mycolid spores generate mind-altering and poison-
ous effects, though they are fairly peaceful creatures. 3 PercePtion (HeAring)
Their combat abilities tend to punish an attacker, 5 strengtH (toucH)
rather than being outright deadly. Mycolids are not 2 WillPoWer (morAle)
eager fighters but once committed to battle they are combAt rAtings
ruthless, neither giving nor expecting any quarter.
They use their poison spores to full effect against liv- sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
ing creatures, but typically flee from constructs and 10 47 12 3
the undead. AttAcks
Mycolids live in communal groups of related clones WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
called “rings.” They reproduce asexually, and an el- DebilitAting +7 1D6+5
der and its offspring are almost identical in appear- toucH PenetrAting
ance. Many sages claim that mycolids are merely the PoWers
fruiting, mobile bodies of the forests they tend, which fAvored stunts: Knock Prone, Skirmish, and Spore Attacks.
is why they fight so ferociously to defend them. fiBrous hide: A Mycolid’s surprisingly tough hide and boneless
Certainly, the mycolid do live among these mush- physiology makes it hard to damage, granting it an Armor Rating of 3.
room trees, and require little other than tools, fresh There are two main types of Mycolid, Deathcap and Psilocybe. Each uses
earth, and fertilizers. When pressed, they often poison the same base stats, but has different spore attack abilities depending on
their enemies and compost their bodies into the forest. its type.
deAthCAP myColid
ContACt Poison: Any living opponent that begins its turn within two
yards of a deathcap mycolid takes 1d6 penetrating damage. Creatures that
pass a TN13 Constitution (Stamina) test suffer only half damage.
PArAlytiC sPores: For 4 SP the deathcap mycolid can emit a burst of
spores that affect all creatures within 6 yards as per the Paralyze spell.
Resisting the spores’ effects requires a TN 13 Constitution (Stamina)
PsiloCyBe myColid
hAlluCinogeniC Poison: Any creature other than a mycolid that begins
its turn within 2 yards of a psilocybe mycolid finds its senses dulled by
the mycolid’s spores, inflicting a -1 to all perception tests and making
it easier to manipulate in battle. A psilocybe mycolid can perform the
skirmish stunt against afflicted creatures as if it had spent 1 more SP
than normal, i.e. it can shift an opponent 4 yards for 1 point, 6 yards for
2 points, etc.
hAlluCinogeniC sPores: For 4 SP, a psilocybe mycolid can emit a blast
of spores causing all creatures within ten yards to see three illusory copies
of the mycolid appear within six yards of itself. The mycolid can direct the
illusory copies each to move on the mycolid’s turn at its movement rate,
but they can do nothing else. They use the mycolid’s defenses and dissolve
to nothingness if hit. As a free action, the mycolid can instantly trade
places with an illusory copy by teleportation. On their turn, creatures
within the blast can make a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test against a TN
13 to determine which is the real mycolid.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1


This cloaked and robed ghoul reeks of necromantic power.
Abilities (Focuses)
The ghouls of the Imperium do not rule solely because 2 communicAtion (investigAtion)
of their strength in battle or terrible hunger. They also
3 constitution
embrace the dark arts of necromancy and demonol-
ogy in order to increase their power in the subterra- 4 cunning (ArcAne lore)
nean realms beneath the Principality of Morgau and 3 Dexterity (bite, stAves)
Doresh. The twisted arcanists of the Imperium are 6 mAgic (ArcAne lAnce, entroPy)
known collectively as the lore cult of the necrophagi,
2 PercePtion (seArcHing)
which though it seems superficially similar to a faith,
is based on the use of arcane and necromantic knowl- 3 strengtH (clAWs)
edge rather than religion. 5 WillPoWer (selF DisciPline)
combAt rAtings
The darakhul have had an uneasy relationship with
necromancers and the practice of necromancy from sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
the beginning. After all, they are competing for the 11 64 16* 6
same limited supply of corpses. The darakhul them- * ArcAne sHielD AnD rock Armor in eFFect
selves, however, mastered much of this magic, and AttAcks
they consider necromancers rivals worth absorbing
WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
into the empire.
ArcAne lAnce +8 2D6+6
This is easy enough given how much time necroman- bite +5 1D6+3
cers spend in cemeteries and mausoleums. As a result,
clAWs +5 2D6+3
the darakhul arcanist tradition is quite strong. The
ghoulish necrophagi of the Imperium practice nec- quArterstAFF +5 1D6+4
romancy using the materials available, primarily the PoWers
bones and bodies of non-humanoid creatures. Some sPellPoWer: 18
work on small useful undead servants (skeletons and mAnA: 76
zombies), others work on powerful war machines.
fAvored stunts: Fast Casting, Imposing Spell, Mighty Spell, and Spell
They are the technologists of the Imperium, and are Lance.
respected for that reason. Their mark is a triple skull. Blood Boon: A necrophagus ghoul that performs a coup de grace action
against a dying creature gains 2d6+3 health by devouring a vital organ.
grAve Bite: For 2 SP, an necrophagus ghoul can follow up any attack
with a bite attack against an adjacent opponent. The target must make a
TN15 Constitution (Stamina) test or be affected as per the Paralyze spell.
The bite attack roll cannot generate stunt points.
grAve Born: Masters of undeath, necrophagi automatically pass any
Willpower (Courage) or Willpower (Morale) tests.
Pull the strings: As a major action, a necrophagus can command the
actions of an opponent paralyzed by its bite attack. The creature can move
under the direction of the ghoul, and the domination lasts until the target
passes its test against paralyzation.
reAnimAte the fAllen: As a major action, a necrophagus can reanimate
the bodies of the recently slain to serve the ghoul loyally. Treat the risen
as a devouring corpse in combat.
sPelleAter: When performing a coup de grace, a necrophagus can choose
to devour the brain of a magic-using opponent instead of an organ.
Rather than gaining the benefits of its Blood Boon power, the ghoul gains
a +2 bonus to its spell tests and spellpower until the end of the combat
sPells: Affliction Hex, Arcane Bolt, Arcane Shield, Daze, Death Magic,
Drain Life, Horror, Rock Armor, Vulnerability Hex, and Weakness.
tAlents: Entropy (Master), Lore (Journeyman).

blAck robes, mAsterWork quArterstAFF.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

niemheim enChanter NIEMHEIM ENCHANTER

This charming gnome has a brooding darkness in its eyes
that startles and alarms you. Abilities (Focuses)
3 communicAtion (PerFormAnce)
Often encountered on the roads between Holmgard
1 constitution
and Courlandia, the gnomes of the Niemheim for-
est who leave the deep pinewoods of their homeland 2 cunning (ArcAne lore)
often make their living as traveling performers and 4 Dexterity (ligHt blADes, steAltH)
stage magicians; prestidigitators who offer simple 5 mAgic (ArcAne lAnce, sPirit)
tavern amusement and spin a yarn or two in exchange
3 PercePtion (HeAring, seeing)
for bread, ale, and a room for the night. Between their
card tricks and light shows, the gnomes of Niemheim 1 strengtH
regale their audiences with tales of their wondrous 2 WillPoWer (selF DisciPline)
forest and the hidden gold of the Niemheim king bur- combAt rAtings
ied in the boughs. sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
As sure as the sun rises the next morning, some bright- 12 27 14 3
eyed youth or cagey codger has disappeared from the AttAcks
village, left with a shovel and haversack in the night WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
to claim the gnomes’ gold for themselves – never to be
ArcAne lAnce +7 1D6+5
seen again.
DAgger +6 1D6+2
For all their bright-eyed smiles, and easy going man- PoWers
nerisms, the gnomes of Niemheim have a very deadly
sPellPoWer: 15
secret. Cursed to a torment of slow extinction by Baba
mAnA: 65
Yaga, the gnomes made a pact with the only creature
that could protect them from her infernal wrath, an fAvored stunts: Fast Casting, Mana Shield, Pierce Armor, and
archdevil of the Eleven Hells. True to his word, the
Burning Allies: Protected by the devil’s bargain, Niemheim gnomes
devil has guarded their forest with his barbed and have gained the ability to call on diabolic allies in times of need. As a
bearded minions, and shielded the twelve villages of special stunt costing 3 SP, a gnome can summon 1d3 firegeists to their
the gnomes from the great witch’s sight. The gnomes aid as long as there is an open flame within 24 yards.
repay this kindness with blood. CAll flAme: Despite their choice of homeland, Niemheim gnomes are
no druids. They know that a good forest fire can be just the thing to herd
If no strangers come to their tidy little towns, then anxious travelers into their villages. As a special stunt costing 3 SP, the
gnomes can cause fire to erupt from the ground in a six yard circle within
they must offer one of their ten yards. Opponents who start their turns in, or pass through, the
own in the monthly flames suffer 1d6+5 penetrating damage.
sacrifices. Visitors fey Born: At home in the forest, Gnomes can blend into the dark
have grown ex- shadows of their pinewoods at will. Niemheim gnomes gain a +1 bonus to
ceedingly rare, their Dexterity (Stealth) within any woodland setting.
however, in fey ChArm: With a kind word and strange gesture, Niemheim gnomes
put strangers at ease. A gnome can use Magic (Spirit) in place of
the well- Communication (Persuasion) in tests to influence others.
ordered vil-
sPells: Arcane Bolt, Arcane Shield, Dream Sending, Flame Blast,
lages east of Flaming Weapons, Mind Blast, Walking Bomb, and Spell Shield.
Krakova. The tAlents: Spirit Magic (Novice), Scouting (Novice)
devils’ thirst for
innocent blood equiPment
is never slaked, ligHt leAtHer Armor, DAgger, WAnD.

and these once gentle woodland creatures have gone

increasingly cold blooded in their attempts to keep
their infernal protectors satisfied. Once masters of fey
and illusion magic, the gnomes of Niemheim have
learned the secrets of brimstone and fire calling from
the archdevil’s diabolic agents, and they are not afraid
to use these powers against potential sacrifices if their
woodland charms fail.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

putrid haunt PUTRID HAUNT

As the corpse shambles closer, you notice it is covered in all
manner of twigs, branches, and other debris. Abilities (Focuses)
-2 communicAtion
Putrid haunts are walking corpses infused with moss,
3 constitution (stAminA)
mud and the detritus of the deep swamp. They are
the shambling remains of individuals who, either -2 cunning
through mishap or misdeed, died while lost within a 0 Dexterity
vast swampland. Their desperate need to escape the 1 mAgic
marshlands in life transformed into hatred of all liv-
1 PercePtion (smelling)
ing beings in death. They often gather in locations
tainted by evil deeds. 6 strengtH (Fist, migHt)
4 WillPoWer (courAge, morAle)
With no creatures to torment and kill, putrid haunts combAt rAtings
become still and sink into the water, only moving
again when new victims come near. A haunt attacks sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
by knocking away weapons and knocking victims off 10 35 10 5
their feet with its large fists. These devastating attacks AttAcks
are made more troublesome due to the terrible terrain WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
haunts inhabit.
Fist +8 1D6+6
fAvored stunts: Disarm, Knock Prone, Mighty Blow, and Vomit
deAd still: When no living victims are nearby, the haunt falls dormant.
Over time moss will grow over its skin and wildlife will inhabit its flesh.
This renders the haunt nearly undetectable. Creatures who come upon
a haunt in this condition must pass a TN15 Perception (Seeing) test to
avoid surprise.
sWAmP shAmBle: Haunts suffer no impaired movement from swampy
sWAmP skin: A haunt’s flesh is interlaced with mud, moss, and wood.
It is incredibly hard to damage, granting the creature an Armor Rating
of 5.
unstoPPABle: A haunt that is healed back to positive hit points by its
leeches after it is been slain will reanimate in one minute. If combat has
ended and the conditions are right, check for surprise.
vomit leeChes: A putrid haunt can vomit forth the contents of its
stomach onto an adjacent enemy as special stunt costing 3 SP. Along
with the bile and mud within its stomach, 1d6 undead leeches will attach
to the target. Each leech will drain 1 point of penetrating damage from its
target at the beginning of the target’s turn. The haunt will heal 1 point of
damage for each point of damage drained. Leeches will continue to drain
the target until removed. 1d3 leeches can be removed from a target with a
minor action, destroying the leeches.
tAlents: Unarmed Style (Novice).

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1


This mighty centaur warrior wields a lance in one hand and
a saber in the other as it charges. Abilities (Focuses)
0 communicAtion (etiquette)
The most feared members of the Valeran cavalry, the
5 constitution (running)
centaurs of the Rhoetian Guard form the vanguard
of the empire’s mounted forces. While many of the 1 cunning (militAry lore)
centaur legionnaires are known as loutish brutes who 4 Dexterity (boWs)
take what they want from the citizens of Valera, the 0 mAgic
Rhoetians cling to an ancient honor code of personal
2 PercePtion
service to the emperor. There are a few Rhoetians who
have abandoned the old ways, however, and found 6 strengtH (HeAvy blADes, sPeArs)
great success as mercenaries. 2 WillPoWer (morAle)
combAt rAtings
Larger than the most massive warhorse, the centaurs
of the Rhoetian Guard are more than a match for sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
the heavy cavalry of Valera’s enemies. In battle they 16 55 14 8
first fire their heavy crossbows from range, and then AttAcks
charge into the heart of the enemy with lances fixed. WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
Once in the thick of combat, Rhoetians lay about with
crossboW +6 2D6+3
heavy sabers and kick and trample their opponents
with abandon. tHroWing sPeAr +8 1D6+9
kick +6 1D6+6
lAnce +6 3D6+6
sAber +8 2D6+7
fAvored stunts: Knock Prone, Trample, and Skirmish.
steelshod strike: Rhoetians can perform a special kick attack for 3 SP
after a successful attack. The target is knocked prone and struck by the
centaur’s hooves for an additional 1d6+6 damage.
thundering ChArge: A Rhoetian centaur can push an enemy two yards
on a successful charge attack.
Full bArDing, tHroWing sPeArs, crossboW, sAber AnD lAnce.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

Skittering out of the darkness you see what appears to be the
mad mixture of a giant cockroach and a man. Abilities (Focuses)
1 communicAtion
The origins of the roachlings, or scuttlers, is one
4 constitution (stAminA)
shrouded in mystery. Some scholars believe that they
were an agrarian race that did not resemble insects un- 0 cunning
til they were uprooted by war and left to die as refu- 4 Dexterity (ligHt blADes, steAltH)
gees in the bowels of a strange land. There, they found 0 mAgic
the one creature who would answer their prayers,
3 PercePtion (smelling)
Akyishigal the Skittish One, who offered them surviv-
al in exchange for being reshaped in his image. 2 strengtH (clAWs)
2 WillPoWer
Of all the dreadful demons lurking within the Abyss, combAt rAtings
perhaps none is as vile and disgusting as Akyishigal,
the Skittish One, whose filth slicked mandibles clack sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
hungrily and ceaselessly for the flesh and souls of 14 24 14 3
mortals. Despite this, he has a surprising number of AttAcks
followers among the urban dispossessed, the slum WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
dwelling downtrodden, and those who lurk within
clAWs +4 1D6+2
the lightless depths beneath cities.
DAgger +7 1D6+3
Roachlings are roughly humanoid in shape with a sHort sWorD +7 1D6+4
blend of insectile features that include: whip-like an-
tennae protruding in place of ears, a carapace that PoWers
covers much of the back, small spines on their legs fAvored stunts: Fetid Reek, Lightning Attack, Seize the Initiative, and
BACkstAB: Roachlings can backstab as per the Rogue ability.
fetid reek: For 3 SP a roachiling can perform a special Fetid Reek attack
by emitting a blast of noxious musk. Opponents within four yards must
pass a TN13 Constitution (Stamina) test or be sickened, suffering a -1 to
their attack rolls, defense, and ability tests for a number of rounds equal
to the roachling’s Constitution.
filthy ClAW: Opponents struck by a roachlings filth-covered claws must
pass a TN13 Constitution (Stamina) test or suffer Weakness as per the
tenACious survivor: When a roachling is first reduced to 0 health, it
is instead dazed as per the spell until the end of the encounter; the next
successful attack kills it normally.
tAlents: Dual Weapon Style (Novice), Thievery (Novice).

ligHt leAtHer Armor, DAgger, sHort sWorD

and arms, and skin that appears oily, but is dry to

the touch. They have no visible nose, and they have
mandibles on either side of their mouths. Females are
slightly larger but have smaller mandibles. Some have
been seen with compound eyes, multiple arms, and
even wings. Most stand 3-5 ft. tall, reach physical ma-
turity at the age of 12, and can live as long as 80 years.

Roachlings are skittish and easily frightened, but they

are not cowards. Rather, they are practical. They un-
derstand survival often depends on their ability to
remain unseen and out of reach of those who would
kill them. As a result, most roachlings prefer to attack
only when the chance for victory sits squarely on their
(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

sap demon SAP DEMON

Oozing from an axe wound to a stout maple’s trunk, a
small figure of milky amber fluid forms on the forest floor. Abilities (Focuses)
Vaguely humanoid in appearance, this languid ooze half 1 communicAtion
walks and half flows after the axe wielder, seeking revenge. 2 constitution
Sap demons are intelligent oozes that hunt down 2 cunning (nAturAl lore)
those that inflicted the tree’s wounds from which they 0 Dexterity (brAWling, initiAtive)
bled. Though typically small in size, the larger the sap 1 mAgic
source is, the larger the resulting creature can be. Over
2 PercePtion (trAcking)
the course of a few hours, these milky amber creatures
pool into a shape that vaguely resembles their tree’s 3 strengtH (Fist)
attacker. 3 WillPoWer (selF-DisciPline)
combAt rAtings
Sap demons commonly pummel their prey with pseu-
dopod fists, but when possible, they especially enjoy sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
claiming the weapon that wounded their tree and 8 27 10 5
wielding it to deliver the final blow. To gain speed, AttAcks
maneuverability, and protection, a sap demon may WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
possess another creature by pinning it and oozing
Fist +5 1D6+3
down its throat. Once inside, the sap demon domi-
nates its host and causes it to bleed as its tree bled. PoWers
Since the sap demon takes no damage when its host fAvored stunts: Grab, Lightning Attack, and Soul Sap.
is wounded, it performs reckless acts. It upholds no Bleed: A creature possessed by the demon’s Soul Sap power bleeds out
scruples and may wander into town for fisticuffs and of its ears, taking 1 point of penetrating damage per hour until dead, or
until the demon is expelled.
mayhem, or it may bed a local woman who later gives
birth to a forest changeling. grAB: For 2 SP, a Sap Demon can lock its ropey arms around an
opponent, pinning them. Breaking free requires an opposed Strength
(Might) test as a major action. Grabbed opponents can take no other
major actions while held. A sap demon gains a +2 to attack creatures it
has grabbed, doing 2d6+3 crushing damage with a successful attack.
soul sAP: For 5 SP, the sap demon can ooze down the throat of a grabbed
victim, possessing its body. While inside, the sap demon can control
the creature’s physical functions and takes no damage caused to the
victim. If the possessed creature is killed or rendered unconscious, the
sap demon leaves its host. The victim can make an opposed Willpower
(Self-Discipline) test against the demon at the start of each turn to force
the creature out and end the domination. Special: The sap demon can
perform the Soul Sap power against a creature for 4 SP if it successfully
grabbed the creature in the same round. As a major action, a sap demon
can possess a creature that is asleep or helpless without having to spend
stunt points.
summer’s steP: Fire damage hastens a sap demon (or host). For three
rounds after being struck by a fire-based attack or power, such as the spell
Flame Blast or weapons imbued by the Flaming Weapons spell, the sap
demon’s speed doubles, it gains +2 to its Defense, and it can perform the
Lightning Attack stunt for 2 SP.
Winter’s kiss: Freezing temperatures slow a sap demon (or host). For
three rounds after being struck by a cold-based attack or power, such as
the spell Winter’s Grasp or weapons imbued by the Frost Weapons spell,
the sap demon’s speed is reduced to 4. During this time it can no longer
perform the Lightning Attack stunt and the bleed damage caused by its
Soul Sap power is reduced to 1 point per three hours.
oozing Armor: The sap demon’s semi-liquid form makes the creature
hard to damage, granting it an Armor Rating of 5.
tAlents: Unarmed Style (Novice)
WeAPon grouPs: Brawling (The demon also gains two weapon groups
known by the victim of its soul sap power).

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

septime sellsword SEPTIME SELLSWORD

The mercenary leader sneers as he draws his sword.
Abilities (Focuses)
In the war-torn region of the Seven Cities, mercenary 0 communicAtion
is an ignoble if honest career that attracts people of all
3 constitution (Drinking, stAminA)
backgrounds and skills. From steel-plated legionaries
to lightly armed scouts, a steady supply of those who 1 cunning (militAry lore)
trade blood for coin fill the ranks of the cities spring 3 Dexterity (boWs)
campaigns, crossing blades from Triolo to Capleon. 0 mAgic
Hardened criminals and common bandits rub shoul- 2 PercePtion (seArcHing, trAcking)
ders with deposed nobles and canton exiles in merce- 4 strengtH (HeAvy blADes)
nary camps, but all of these battle-tested soldiers share 3 WillPoWer (morAle)
a love of bloodshed, loot and hard drink. As the most combAt rAtings
populous race among the Seven Cities, humans make
up the bulk of the region’s mercenaries. Typically sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
serving as cavalry officers and pike men, humans also 11 31 15 5
(13 WitHout sHeilD)
make excellent scouts and deadly archers.
While less common, some of the most sought after WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
mercenary companies are made up of dwarves from
the northern cantons. These doughty warriors are bAstArD sWorD +6 2D6+5
highly prized as heavy infantry and crossbowmen, crossboW +5 2D6+3
and smart generals place them in the vanguard of any tWo-HAnDeD +4 2D6+4
expedition. Other races who occasionally find work as sPeAr
sellswords include minotaur from Kyprion and Triolo, PoWers
centaurs from the Rothenian Plains, and kobolds from fAvored stunts: Knock Prone, Lightning Attack, and Mighty Blow.
the undercity of Zobeck.
tAlents: Armor Training (Journeyman), Weapon and Shield (Novice)

ligHt cHAin, bAstArD sWorD, crossboW, meDium sHielD, tWo-
HAnDeD sPeAr.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

shadow fey Courtier SHADOW FEY COURTIER

Though fair to the eyes of most, their cloying smiles hide
sharpened teeth and dark intent. They are rarely seen, but Abilities (Focuses)
they speak, harry, and taunt their foes from the shadows 3 communicAtion (DecePtion, Disguise)
often enough. 1 constitution
Other fey call them Scáthsidhe (pronounced 2 cunning
SCAHshee), or shadow faeries. They are counted 5 Dexterity (boWs, initiAtive, ligHt blADes,
among the Unseelie, though they resent it. They sim- steAltH)
ply call themselves the sidhe, and consider themselves 1 mAgic
an extension of the Seelie Court. To most, the shadow 2 PercePtion (seArcHing)
fey are little more than a dancing darkness among the
3 strengtH
2 WillPoWer (morAle)
A shadow fey rarely wants to be seen by its foes until combAt rAtings
it is confident of victory; it prefers to use weapons,
sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
spells, and minions to weaken its enemies. Over time,
it will steal away mounts, sabotage equipment, and 13 31 15 4
steal valuables. Shadow fey prefer talking to entice AttAcks
others into accepting service to the Goddess of Night WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
and Magic. Fighting rarely accomplishes this goal.
long boW +7 1D6+5
rAPier +7 1D6+6
fAvored stunts: Lightning Attack, Pierce Armor, and Rapid Reload.
BACkstAB: Can use the Rogue’s backstab ability.
Bloody rePrisAl: A Shadow fey can use a minor action to teleport
behind an adjacent creature, granting it an opportunity to make a
backstab attack with +2 bonus to its stealth test.
fliCker: For 3 SP, a Shadow Fey can teleport to a location within 16
yards as a minor action and make a stealth check to become hidden.
tAlents: Thievery (Journeyman)

Fey HeAvy leAtHer Armor, rAPier, long boW

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

spark SPARK
This mote of electrical energy floats menacingly forward
before suddenly erupting in a shower of sparks and tendrils Abilities (Focuses)
of electrical discharge. The creature charges headlong into -2 communicAtion
its enemies, and then disappears in an instant, leaving only 0 constitution
the whiff of ozone.
1 cunning
When a great storm rips across a world, it sometimes 5 Dexterity (initiAtive)
tears loose the fabric of reality and releases sentient 5 mAgic (ligHtning bolt, sHocking grAsP)
creatures composed entirely of elemental energy. A
2 PercePtion
spark has no capacity to understand other creatures;
it only wishes to use them as a conduit for its own -3 strengtH
unbridled energy. 4 WillPoWer (selF-DisciPline)
combAt rAtings
Fueled by its frenetic thought patterns and erratic
actions, a spark jolts through its new world to find sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
a physical body, drawn by an urge to know form. A 15 (Fly) 35 15 0
spark sizes up its foes and chooses the strongest victim AttAcks
to inhabit. Once inside a victim, it uses the new ves- WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
sel to deliver shocking grasp attacks or to cast light-
ligHtning bolt +7 2D6+5 PenetrAting
ning bolts against distant enemies. If ejected from a
creature, a spark immediately tries to inhabit another sHocking grAsP +7 1D6+5 PenetrAting
victim. Clever enough to know when the fight is lost, PoWers
a spark stays in a victim long enough to feel them per- fAvored stunts: Inhabit, Lightning Attack, and Seize the Initiative.
ish but flees combat if unable to inhabit other enemies. inhABit: For 4 SP, a Spark can attempt to possess a creature that is the
subject of its Shocking Grasp attack. The creature must make an opposed
Willpower (Self-Discipline) test or become inhabited by the elemental.
Creatures can make another test to expel the spark at the start of each
Once merged with the victim, the spark controls the victim’s actions. It
can choose to lurk just beneath the surface, or use its spell-like abilities
through the host. While inhabiting a creature, a spark takes no damage
from physical attacks and only half damage from magical effects, though
the host takes full damage from both. The speech and actions of the host
seem jerky and erratic to the victim’s peers, and associates can determine
that the host is under another creature’s control with a successful TN 13
Perception (Empathy) or Cunning (Arcane Lore) test. The spark burns
up the life force of the inhabited creature, doing damage equal to its
Shocking Grasp ability each day, that cannot be healed by normal means.
The spark leaves if the host is reduced to 0 health in this way. The victim
can begin to heal the damage normally if the spark leaves or is forced out
of its body before victim dies.
Pure energy: As beings of elemental energy, Sparks are incorporeal.
They ignore the effects of terrain and non-magical damage passes through
them harmlessly.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

steam Golem STEAM GOLEM

With wicked axeblades inset along its arms, bronze runes
inlaid on its armored torso, and a cast-iron belly glowing Abilities (Focuses)
red with fiery heat, this heavy construct looks to be a deadly -2 communicAtion
machine. 8 constitution (stAminA)
A steam golem is built around a central boiler, with –1 cunning
clockwork gearing and hydraulic presses powering 1 Dexterity
its legs and arms. The golem’s standard armament is 0 mAgic
two arm blades. It stands eight feet tall, and is four
2 PercePtion
feet wide at the shoulders. The eyes of a steam golem
typically glow orange or red from its internal fires. It 9 strengtH (intimiDAtion, migHt, Axes)
has four to six vents for releasing internal steam as 3 WillPoWer
needed. A steam golem’s whistles are usually mount- combAt rAtings
ed over the shoulders, in the “ear” location, or some- sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
times at the elbows. If kept active for many hours, its
12 90 11 8
boiler belly glows cherry red with heat.
A steam golem normally attacks by putting its arms WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
together to create a massive great axe. It can also make
greAt Axe +11 3D6+9
individual attacks with its arm blades. A steam golem
is smart enough to operate independently of its maker Arm blADe +11 2D6+9
and knows that its strength lies in melee rather than PoWers
ranged combat. It always attempts to use its supe- fAvored stunts: Lethal Blow (3SP), and Steam Vent.
rior speed to close to melee combat quickly. Once in ConstruCt CourAge: As magical and mechanical constructs, steam
combat, it uses its shrieking whistle to disrupt spell golems care little for their own welfare. They automatically pass any
casting whenever possible and vents steam if its foes Willpower (Courage) or Willpower (Morale) tests.
bunch together. metAl PlAting: Their hardened, metal plating gives steam golems an
Armor Rating of 8.
steAm PoWered: Cold and water based attacks, such as the Winter’s
Grasp spell or weapons imbued with the Frost Weapons spell, inflict an
additional 1d6 penetrating damage to a steam golem.
steAm vent: For 5 SP, the golem can blast steam from its vents in either
a four yard radius around the golem, or in a cone eight yards long and
two yards wide. Creatures caught in the blast take 3d6+6 damage, or half
damage to those who pass a successful TN13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) test.
All unprotected nonmagical fires within the blast area smaller than a
bonfire are extinguished.
Whistle: For 3 SP, the golem can emit an ear-splitting shriek from its
steam whistles that hinders spell casting. Magic-using creatures within
ten yards must make a Willpower (Self-Discipline) check against a TN
13, or add two to the Target Number of spells cast on their next two

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

weavinG spider WEAVING SPIDER

Moving forward meticulously and methodically, the
mechanical spiders began flensing their helplessly bound Abilities (Focuses)
victim. -2 communicAtion
1 constitution
This clockwork creature looks like a mechanical spi-
der with long, spindly legs, including one with a par- 0 cunning
ticularly sharp looking blade that is disproportionat 7 Dexterity (AcrobAtics, crAFting)
for the creature’s body. These small but useful devices 1 mAgic
are a boon to the Honorable Order of Weavers, both
2 PercePtion (HeAring, seeing, seArcHing)
as helpers in the production of clothing, and as spies
and defenders. The spiders’ legs include two that end 1 strengtH (climb)
in loops or crooks used to guide thread, six used for 2 WillPoWer
locomotion and positioning, one used for stitching combAt rAtings
and extremely fast needlework, and one large flensing sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
blade used to trim off excess thread or cloth (or attack
15 (15 climb) 33 17 3
Weaving spiders are built by priests of Rava and im- WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
bued with her divine energies. However, their shells
Flensing blADe +7 1D6+1 PenetrAting
and armatures are made by the Arms and Armory
Guild and the Geargrinders Guild. More than 20 mem- PoWers
ory gears and hundreds of lesser gears are required fAvored stunts: Lightning Attack (1 SP), Shuttle Shot, and
to build one, which cost 500 gold in total. Building Unmaking.
this system of balances and reciprocating gears is ex- BrAss Body: A weaving spider’s finely crafted gears are protected by a
tight brass carapace, which grants the construct an Armor Rating of 3.
tremely complex and requires three TN 15 Dexterity
(Crafting) checks. shuttle shot: For 3 SP, a Weaving Spider can shoot a poisoned needle
at an opponent within ten yards, affecting them as per the Paralyze spell.
A TN 13 Constitution (Stamina) test is required to resist the poison. The
spider can use a minor action to climb the thread attached to the needle,
closing the distance to the victim.
unmAking: For 4 SP, a Weaving Spider can use its cutting arms to
literally disassemble an opponent’s armor. Creatures struck by an
unmaking attack lose 1 point of Armor Rating until the armor can be
repaired. Subsequent attacks continue to reduce the creature’s Armor
Rating to as low as 0. Repairing armor requires a TN 11 Strength
(Smithing) test while using the proper tools. It takes one hour to repair
each point of Armor Rating with a successful test. Armor reduced to 0
Armor Rating is destroyed and cannot be repaired.
tAlents: Quick Reflexes (Journeyman), and Scouting (Novice).

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1

wharflinG swarm WHARFLING SWARM

The mass of hairless bodies writhes together as it moves
along the coast in the moonlight. Squeals mingle with the Abilities (Focuses)
screams of the occasional unfortunate fisherman caught in -2 communicAtion
its path. 3 constitution (sWimming)
Though often assumed to be some sort of hairless dire -1 cunning
rat, wharflings are more closely related to raccoons. 4 Dexterity (bite, legerDemAin)
Growing up to two feet in length, wharflings have -1 mAgic
large, webbed hands and feet and oversized mouths.
2 PercePtion (smelling)
Those who have suffered their bite rightly fear the
needle-like teeth, but most coastal communities hate 0 strengtH
the animal more for its propensity for theft. 0 WillPoWer
combAt rAtings
Adept fish catchers, wharflings typically make their
dens near the shores of oceans, lakes, and rivers. sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
Whether in burrows or hollow logs, they invariably 10 43 14 0
fill their lairs with small metal trinkets confiscated AttAcks
during their nocturnal ramblings. Periodically, wharf- WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
lings congregate in huge numbers and tear along the
sWArm +6 1D6 PenetrAting
shoreline for miles until finally dispersing back to
their dens. Whether they do this for pleasure or for PoWers
some other reason is unknown, but most locals know fAvored stunts: Knock Prone, Lightning Attack, and Skirmish.
to avoid the shores on these nights. loCking Bite: Creatures struck by a wharfling swarm in combat find
1d3 wharflings attached to them. The wharflings continue to do 1 point
of penetrating damage each round until removed by an opposed Strength
(Might) test against the wharflings’ Dexterity. It takes a minor action to
remove each creature.
Pilfer: As a minor action, the swarm can make 1d6 opposed Dexterity
(Legerdemain) tests against adjacent creatures’ Perception (Seeing). Each
success equals 1 small metallic object or 1d3 coins lifted from the target.
WhArfling moB: A warfling swarm covers an area four yards across
and can attack all creatures adjacent to it on its turn as a major action.
The swarm suffers half damage from a direct physical attack. Area attacks
inflict their full damage on the swarm.

(Order #24455928)
M i d g a rd B e s t i a ry V o lu M e 1


This humanoid warrior has a metallic, armor-like skin that
does not seem to slow its movements. Abilities (Focuses)
0 communicAtion
The gearforged were human, once. The first of them
4 constitution (stAminA)
were created during the revolt, when the Collegium
sided with the rebels and townsfolk against the nobles 0 cunning
and the priests of the Sun God. The Steamworkers 3 Dexterity (boWs, initiAtive)
and Geargrinders built the gearforged as fast as the 1 mAgic
forges allowed, and the Clockwork Mages animated
3 PercePtion (seeing, seArcHing)
more than 100 powerful clockwork knights to counter
the heavy cavalry of House Stross. The only trouble 5 strengtH (HeAvy blADes, migHt)
was finding enough animating spirits for so many 3 WillPoWer (morAle)
constructs. The spirits required came from the people combAt rAtings
of the city: elderly volunteers, angry and idealistic sPeed heAlth defense Armor rAting
young men, criminals seeking a reprieve, and a few
10 34 15 7
seeking a new life in a whole body. Their bodies died, (13 WitHout sHielD)
but their souls lived and fought on, and won.
These are the gearforged — once human, now me- WeAPon AttACk roll dAmAge
chanical, and undying. They guard against the creep- bAstArD sWorD +7 2D6+6
ing return of aristocracy and against the decay and
crossboW +5 2D6+4
corruption of diabolic cults. They remember how
things were. And they do not forgive easily what they tWo-HAnDeD +7 3D6+5
remember of the slaughter in the streets long ago. sWorD
Since that time, more souls join the First Gearforged PoWers
every year. Many are wealthy merchants at the end fAvored stunts: Dual Strike, Mighty Blow, and Skirmish.
of life, others soldiers seeking a new edge, and a few iron Body: A Legionnaire’s armored body grants it an Armor Rating
are criminals compelled to serve the city as the price of 7.
of their crimes. iron mind: As creatures of iron and steel, gearforged legionnaires do
not feel pain or know fear. They automatically succeed on any Willpower
Many of the first clockwork legionnaires (Courage) or Willpower (Morale) tests.
who stopped the Stross advance in the tAlents: Two-Handed Style (Novice), and Weapon and Shield Style
revolt still serve in that role for the (Novice)
Free City. They command and lead equiPment
the growing gearforged core of meDium sHielD, bAstArD sWorD, tWo-HAnDeD sWorD.
Zobeck’s army, which is respected
throughout the Crossroads and
the Seven Cities. Perfect sol-
diers, these metal constructs
feel no pain, and have no fear
of death.

(Order #24455928)
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