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Kedves Diákok!

A szintfelmér megírására 60 perc áll rendelkezésetekre. A feladatokat FIGYELMESEN

olvassátok el! A válaszokat egyértelm)en TOLLAL jelöljétek a válaszlapon! A


Mit üzennek ezek a táblák a tábla elolvasójának? A helyesnek tartott bet,jelet írd a

1. 3.


a. The plane will be late.
a. I shouldn’t speak to the driver. b. The plane will arrive earlier.
b. I shouldn’t stand near the driver c. The plane is landing now.
c. I shouldn’t buy a ticket from the driver.


ELDERLY OR DISABLED a. I should stop by car here.
PERSONS REQUIRE THEM. b. I should keep this place tidy.
c. I should not stop by car here.
a. I mustn’t sit down.
b. I should give my seat to an old lady.
c. I should give my seat to anyone who is 5.
near me.


a. I am in an office and I should be careful

because the floor is slippery.
b. I am in the forest and I should not speak
c. I am in the forest and I should be careful
because something can fall on my head.
Az A, B, C és D lehet6ségek közül válaszd ki a helyes mondatot vagy az üres helyre ill6
mondatrészt. A válaszlapra írd a megoldásodat!
6. Jack is Mrs Smith's son. 14. When ____ his homework?
Melyik mondat igaz? a. Tom usually does
a. She is his daughter b. does Tom usually
b. He is her son. c. usually does Tom
c. She is her son. d. does Tom usually do
d. He is his son.

15. How many times have you been here?

7. Válaszd ki az egyetlen helyes mondatot! a. One times.
a. A old woman lives near me. b. Twice.
b. A young woman live near my house. c. Two months.
c. An old women lives near my house. d. Quite much.
d. The old woman lives near me.

16. A dog ran in front of my mother's car

8. Listen to ____ sister! and she ____ stop very quickly.
a. she and she's a. ought to
b. her and her b. had to
c. her and she c. must
d. she and her d. had better

9. Válaszd ki a helyes mondatot! 17. My mother usually has ____ bed.

a. Paul can to have Jims' hat. a. the breakfast in
b. Paul can to have Jim's hat. b. breakfast in
c. Paul can have Jims' hat. c. the breakfast in the
d. Paul can have Jim's hat. d. breakfast in the

10. ____ the kitchen! 18. If I had closed the window, the thief
a. Don't going to ____ .
b. Don't go into a. would not get in
c. Not to go in b. had not got in
d. Not go into c. has not got in
d. would not have got in

11. Paul and Jane are ____ her. 19. She cut the cloth with ____ scissors.
a. as clever as a. a pair of
b. clever that b. a couple of
c. clever than c. two
d. so clever as d. a

12. 'Are the books in your room?' 'Yes, my 20. Good ____ ! I hope you will win the
mother ____ yesterday.' race.
a. put them there a. luck
b. puts them there b. sort
c. put it there c. wish
d. puts it there d. chance

13. Last year ____ to England. 21. It often snows ____ January.
a. went Mary a. in
b. did Mary go b. for
c. Mary was c. at
d. Mary went d. on
25. You'd better do it. I'm not good
22. She's been very kind, ____ ? ….drawing.
a. doesn't she a. in
b. hasn't she b. at
c. wasn't she c. on
d. isn't she d. with

26. I put the ____ on the cooker.

23. ____ they argued, the more difficult it a. mug
became. b. kettle
a. The most c. flask
b. For how much d. vase
c. How much
d. The more 27. I ____ in bed yesterday because I was
a. lied
24. Would you mind ____ the door? b. lay
a. opening c. laid
b. doing d. lie
c. to open
d. open

Olvasd el az alábbi szöveget figyelmesen, majd válaszd ki a helyes válaszokat, melyeket
jelölj a válaszlapon!

The Real Boy Band

Not a long time ago Ben, Patrick and CJ were simply English schoolboys with an
unusual hobby. Instead of playing football they began to sing in choirs of cathedrals when
they were 6 years old. But now they are stars in Britain. Why? Because they were selected
from more than five hundred choir boys to form a trio and make a CD.
It was Dickon Stainer, the general manager of Universal Classics and Jazz – the music
giant behind the opera superstar Pavarotti – who found the boys. Stainer visited the choirs of
churches and cathedrals of England and listened to hundreds of boys. He was not interested
in how the boys looked like, what their marks were at school; he only listened to their voices.
Stainer hopes that these boys will make classical music popular among the young, just like
Harry Potter has made glasses fashionable.
The three boys’ lives have changed a lot in the last few months. Last summer the boys
made a CD which has been sold in more than 100,000 copies in the U.K.
The boys have been travelling a lot since last summer. They have concerts in towns and cities
and they are never alone because their mothers always go with them. Ben’s mother, Sarah,
had to give up her job as a university lecturer to be with Ben. She thinks that she must do
everything for her son.
The boys say that it is their mission to make classical music and singing in choirs
popular again. Unfortunately there are many young people who laugh at their suits and don’t
like classical music. Ben, Patrick and CJ hope that the opinion of these people will change.
The boys say that they are enjoying their new lifestyle but they know that it is only for
a short time. Their voices will soon change as they become teenager. They have different
ideas about the future. While Ben would like to go to the Royal College of Music, CJ would
like to work on his father’s farm. But now they are getting closer and closer to being famous
just like Carreras, Pavarotti or Domingo. And hopefully, more and more young boys will go
to sing in the choirs of churches and cathedrals.
28. Ben, Patrick and CJ …..
a. love playing football
b. have very fashionable hobbies
c. have a hobby that has changed their lives.

29. Stainer….
a. wants to change teenagers’ opinion about classical music.
b. wants to make the three boys fashionable.
c. is a man who made Harry Potter popular among teenagers.

30. Since last summer….

a. the boys have made a lot of CDs.
b. Ben’s mother has left her job.
c. Ben has chosen another job.

31. In the future…

a. all the boys would like to study music.
b. the boys’ voices will be different.
c. they may have different careers.

32. At the present….

a. there aren’t enough young people who would like to be the members of choirs.
b. classical music is as fashionable as pop music in Britain.
c. the three boys are just as famous as Pavarotti, Carreras and Domingo.

Az alábbi két feladat közül VÁLASZD KI AZ EGYIKET, és azt készítsd el!
A. Az alábbi levelet olvasod egy angol diák magazinban:

Dear Magazine,
I am a 13-year old student and I would like to get some advice. I and my family have just moved to a
new house. I am very happy about it because now I have my own room. It is quite big but I don’t have
any idea how to decorate it. I would like to have a room that always makes me happy. I would like to
feel comfortable in this room. I have my bed, chair, table and wardrobe but it’s not enough. Can you
help me how to make my room cool and friendly? I hope you can give me some advice. D.A.

Írj egy levelet ANGOLUL D.A-nak kb. 80-90 szóban!

Az alábbi szempontok MINDEGYIKÉT foglald a levélbe:
- Miért jó ha valakinek saját szobája van.
- Hogyan néz ki a te szobád (elrendezés, mi van benne, mitHl barátságos),
- Mi teheti D.A. szobáját barátságossá (ötletek).
- Mi az, amit ne tegyen a szobájába, mi teheti barátságtalanná a szobáját.

B. Az alábbi felhívást olvasod egy angol diák magazinban:

Are you a good story writer? If yes, show us what you can do. We are organizing a competition among
teenagers. Your task is to write a story which BEGINS with the following two sentences:

It started as a normal day. Jack woke up and got out of his bed. He didn’t think that this Monday would
change his life.

Írd meg a történetet a pályázatra kb. 80-90 szóban. Ne feledd, hogy a történet elsH két mondata a fent
leírt két mondat. EbbHl indulj ki!

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