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At first, the man feels that he ____.

needs more fishing practice

Is a natural fisherman
doesn't have the right equipment

Last month, the man didn't catch any fish because ____.
he always went the wrong time of day
the weather wasn't very good
he was too busy at work to go

While the man is fishing, the woman is ______.

watching him fish
texting her friends
Reading a book

The man had been fishing for _____ without success.

An hour
20 minutes
a couple of hours

When the woman catches a fish, the man _____.

encourages her to catch more
starts taking pictures of the fish
says she was just lucky
"fish story" = a big lie
"He didn't graduate from Harvard University. That's just a big fish story."

"fish out of water" = to be out of place in an uncomfortable situation

"My brother doesn't dance at all, so he felt like a fish out of water at last
night's party."

Man: Well, I couldn't have picked out a better spot to fish. What do you

Woman: Uh . . .

Man: I mean, the water is so clear here. Listen to the birds and the
sounds of nature.

Woman: Well . . . .

Man: I mean, I'm not bragging or anything, but I have a real sense for
fishing. I mean, I was born to fish, you know, my dad used to say.

Woman: Really?

Man: Yeah.

Woman: When was the last time you caught a fish? Didn't you tell me that
you went fishing six or seven times last month and didn't catch anything?

Man: Well, Well, I'm not making excuses or anything, but the weather was
bad a couple of times, and, and . . . and a fish dragged my pole into the
water while I wasn't looking another time [ No way! Serious? ] , and . . .
and I wasn't wearing my fishing hat another day.

Woman: You have to have a fishing hat to catch fish?

Man: Well, today is different. Listen.

Woman: What's different about it? We've been here about an hour, and
you still haven't caught anything.

Man: Well, do you think you can do any better, or are you just going to sit
there and continue reading that book?

Woman: Okay, let me show you. Let me show you. Give me that pole. I'll
show you. I'm just to cast the bait out right over . . . . there . . . perfect.
Man: Ah, right. You'll probably catch a tree branch or get your
line snagged in a tree.

Woman: Yeah, you're going to see. Just wait.

Man: Some big shoe or something like that.

Woman: You just wait. You have to be patient. [ Yeah. ] Yeah . . . Oh, Oh,
Oh, Oh! I got a bite. Oh, man, man, man. Look at that! That fish is huge.

Man: Wow, wait, wait, wait, wait. Can't . . . . that . . no, no, no.

Woman: Yes, it is, it is. Help me! Come on. Help me! Come on. Help me.
I'm trying to reel it in. Help me!

Man: I . . . I got to go back to the car.

Woman: No, no. Look! Look at thing jump! Go get the net! Get the net!

Man: Well, nah . . .

Woman: Come on. You gotta help me catch it!

Man: That's beginner's luck.

Woman: No. Come on. Wow! I got it Look at that. What are you going to
say now? Huh? Huh? What are you going to say?

Man: Nothing!

Woman: So look who's teaching who. I'm going to remember this day

Man: Forget it.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

• brag (verb): to talk about yourself or others in a way that shows too much
- My brother always brags about his soccer skills, but he really isn't that
good of a player.
• drag (verb): to pull something heavy or difficult to move
- A huge fish tried to drag me into the water
- I took us a few minutes to drag the boat out of the water.
• pole (noun): a long slender piece of bamboo, fiberglass, or other material
that is used to catch fish
- My fishing pole broke when I tried to bring in the giant cat fish.
• cast (verb): to throw something like food into the water by hand or with a
fishing pole
- My son couldn't cast his fishing line very far, so I helped him most of the
time yesterday.
• bait (noun): food or other material used to attract fish or animals
- What kind of bait did you use to catch that fish?
• snag (verb): to catch or get caught on something
- I tore my shirt when it got snagged on a tree branch.
• huge (adjective): very large
- My brother owns a huge fishing boat that he uses to catch tuna and
swordfish off the coast.

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