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Why Marihuana Breaks People’s Identity

Jane Byeon

National Service and American Democracy

Dr. Eisen Cohen

May 12, 2020

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Jane Byeon

Professor Eisen Cohen

CPP 112

12 May 2020

Marijuana and Engagements:

In January 2012, many people paid attention to Colorado and Washington state were

legalizing recreational marijuana. Before this, many states accepted using it only for medical

purposes. The government agreed because people with diseases such as cancer needs cannabis to

reduce the pain. Since 2020, weeds had become fully legalized in more than 10 states, but it was

still illegal for personal use in many states. People’s identity started to divided because some

people disagreed, and the others appreciated in pleasant ways. There were two reasons why it

broke shared identity, and what people did against it.

The first reason why people are

divided by two sides was cannabis was

defined as a drug in many countries, and drug

permits were hard to say obtain from their

government. Based on these maps, most blue

states legalized cannabis. (Fig 1). (Fig 2).

Fig. 1. Map of the blue States and Red States
Democrats favor legalizing marijuana, but in 2016. (Toni).

recreational marijuana was hard to say that it was for a people’s liberty. Even if all those who

support the Democratic Party agreed to legalize marijuana, those who support the Republic Party
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might disagree. In 2016, Trump was elected

president, and he was a Republican. Red states

opposed the legalization of marijuana. Thus,

people’s identities might continue to remain

divided for a long time.

Fig 2. The map classified according to
marijuana law. (Elisabeth). The second reason, the states declared

law before the federal government solved the problems of marijuana. People heard many bad

stories about marijuana. According to Tara, 40 percent of high school students tried weeds in the

U.S.A. in 2011. (Tara). Legalizing of weeds might increase the rate of trying cannabis in high

school. Even though marijuana was illegal, countless high school students got it and used it, but

if marijuana became legal, more students might be able to buy it easily and the problem might

get worse. This forced many parents to oppose the legalization of marijuana. There was a social

engagement group called Citizens Against Legalizing Marijuana (C.A.L.M.). People shard an

identity and volunteer political act. (CALM). They fought because weed was not harmful. The

Golden States should not turn into green.

For many reasons, people who were against legalizing marijuana held many campaigns

to avoid it. People shared this identity and tried to ban weeds for a long time. One of the famous

campaigns was the world drugs day. The campaign was held on June 26, every year. According

to Vienna's U.N. intelligence commissioner, the camp was held in 2019 under the theme of the

definition of health. (Kalligiannakis). Marijuana, like cigarettes, was used for medical purposes,

but it also honored side effects. Cigarettes were for medical purposes in the beginning, but today,

everyone knows that cigarettes cause lung cancer. Like cigarettes, marijuana was also well

known for medical use, but its side effects were similar. According to the NIDA, smoking
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marijuana causes breathing problems and increases the chances of heart attacks by rapidly

increasing the heart rate for about three hours when smoking. (NIDA). Also, long-term use can

cause nausea or vomiting. Marijuana can also have a fatal negative impact on current cigarette

workers in the distant future.

In conclusion, people are divided into two sides against or in favor of marijuana.

However, marijuana still had many problems and side effects. It was too risky to allow for

citizens' freedom. As I grew up, it was hard just to smoke secondhand. If more states legalize

marijuana, young children should not only suffer from tobacco but also marijuana secondhand

smoke as well. No one knows what more intense drugs might be legalized in the distant future.

Some people smoke marijuana because they lost interest in cigarettes. When people lost interest

in it, they might want something more intense. I hope that young children do not smoke

secondhand smoke from weeds. I hope states that have not legalized marijuana continue to stand

on the opposing side without changing their opinions.

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Worked Cited


Garber-Paul, Elisabeth. “United States of Weed.” Rolling Stone, Rolling Stone, 19 June 2019,

Monkovic, Toni. “Red States, Blue States: 2016 Is Looking a Lot Like 2012 (and 2008).” The

New York Times, The New York Times, 8 Sept. 2016,


Nicole.Kalligiannakis. “INCB.” Message on International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit



National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Marijuana.” NIDA,

Parker-pope, Tara. “Marijuana Use in High School.” The New York Times, The New York

Times, 10 Mar. 2011,

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