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Assignment on Organizational Behavior

(MGMT 454)

Date: ________________ E.C.

Total Weight:- 20%


1. This is a group assignment that has 3 up to 5 members of each group (but not
allowed for less than three members).
2. Since it is a group assignment, all members should participate actively.
3. Read the instructions carefully and do accordingly.
4. Submission deadline will decide by the instructor.
5. The assignment should submit with a hard copy.
6. All students should collect the assignment at
by follow the login steps.
7. Use of pencils and red pens are not allowed.
8. For further activities or questions each student can communicate the instructor
through email or telegram and other communication media.
9. Write your answers on the space provided at the end of all questions /or on a
separate sheet of paper/.

Good Luck !!!

RYTHM: Raise yourself To Help Mankind !!!

Gage College Undergraduate Program Assignment On Organizational Behavior
Total Weight: 20 %
Part I: True or false question (1 mark each)
1. Understanding OB helps organizations to determine managers effectiveness
2. Every individual behaves in a same manner and influenced by various factors
3. Acceptable standards of behavior with in a group that shared by the group’s members is
called norms
4. Managers must understand who and what holds status when interacting with people
from another culture
5. Leading is a process that includes defining goals, establishing strategy and developing
plan to coordinate activities

Part II: Choose the best answer (1 mark each)

6. The study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on
behavior within the organization is called
a. Organizational behavior
b. Management information system
c. Business information system
d. Psychology
7. One of the following disciplines contributing to the field of OB(Organizational
a. Psychology b. social psychology c. sociology d. Anthropology
8. Individual behavior affect the following except
a. productivity b. job satisfaction c. absenteeism d. turnover E. none
9. One of the following is correct
a) Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning
b) Storming Forming Norming Performing Adjourning
c) Norming Storing Forming Adjourning Preforming
d) Adjourning Forming Preforming Storming Norming

Part III: Work out(5 mark each)

1.Discuss challenges and opportunities for organizational behavior (5 marks)

2.Defined group and discuss classification of groups (5 marks)

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