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234.Where can you find the Descemet's membrane?

a)Depresses and retracts tongue

a)Cornea b)Protrudes and depresses tongue
b)Ciliary body c)Retracts and elevates tongue
c)Deep to the sclera d)Elevates tongue
d)Posterior side of bulbar conjuctiva e)Retracts tongue.
e)Anterior part of the posterior chamber 243.Which of the following muscles of the soft palate is
235.What happens if there's lesion of the vagus nerve innervated by medial pterygoid nerve?
CNX a)Levator veli palatini m.
a)Deviates the tongue to the injured side b)Musculus uvulae m.
b)Bells palsy syndrome c)Palatoglossus m.
c)Deviates the uvula to the opposite side [x] d)Palatopharyngeus m.
d)Both A and C are correct e)Tensor veli palatini m.
e)None 244.Select the FALSE statement concerning the
236.How is the anterior 2/3 of the tongue innervated? hypoglossal nerve CN XII:
a)General sensory innervation by lingual nerve and a)This nerve only contains somatic motor fibers
taste sensation by chorda tympani b)The nerve supplies all extrinsic and intrinsic
b)General sensory and taste innervation both by the muscles of the tongue
vagus nerve CNX c)It exits the cranium through the hypoglossal canal
c)General sensory innervation by Lingual nerve and d)Damage to the nerve will cause disturbance of
taste sensation bu hypoglossal nerve CNXII articulation
d)General and taste innervation both by the e)A part of it is in the submandibular triangle
glossopharyngeal nerve CNXII 245.Which of the following is found between the
e)None palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches?
237.What structure lies inferiorly to the geniohyoid a)Choanae
muscle? b)Palatine tonsil
a)Genioglossus muscle c)Pharyngeal recess
b)Stylopharyngeus muscle d)Pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids)
c)Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle e)Torus tubarius
d)Mylohyoid muscle 246.Which muscle of the palate is not innervated by
e)Stylohyoid muscle CN X?
238.What structure is the most anterior? a)Levator veli palatini
a)Palatoglossal arch b)Musculus uvulae
b)Palatine tonsil c)Palatoglossus
c)Vallecula d)Palatopharyngeus
d)Pharyngobasilar fascia e)Tensor veli palatini
e)Uvula of soft palate 247.Which is the false combination?
239.How many premolar teeth adult person has? a)Lingual surface of maxillary gingival – innervated
a)2 by greater palatine and posterior superior alveolar
b)4 nerves
b)Lingual surface of mandibular gingival – innervated
by lingual nerves
c)Buccal surface of maxillary gingival – innervated by
e)None of the above mentioned are correct posteror, middle and anterior- superior alveolar and
240.The epiglottic region of the tounge is innervated by infraorbital nerves
: d)Buccal surface of mandibular gingival – innervated
a)Epiglottic branch of Glossopharyngeal nerve CN XII by buccal and mental nerves
b)Internal laryngeal branch of Vagus nerve CN X e)None of the combinations are false
c)Lingual nerve CN V 248.Which muscle protrudes the tongue?
d)Chorda Tympani CN VII a)Styloglossus
e)Vagus nerve CN X, via pharyngeal plexus. b)Hyoglossus
241.Musculus uvulae is innervated by cranial nerve? c)Genioglossus
a)V3 d)Palatoglossus
b)V3 and X e)C and D
c)X 249.What of the following nerves provides sensory
d)XII innervation for the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
e)None of above mentioned. a)Chorda tympani and Lingual nerve
242.Action of Palatoglossus? b)Hypoglossal nerve
c)Lingual nerve c)Mandibular incisor teeth
d)Hypoglossal nerve d)Mandibular molar teeth
e)Glossopharyngeal nerve e)A & B are correct
250.What of the following muscles are not innervated 257.What muscle of the tongue does NOT receive
by the hypoglossal nerve? motor innervation from Hypoglossal n (CN XII)?
a)Styloglossos m. a)Genioglossus m.
b)Genicaglossos m. b)Hyoglossus m.
c)Hyoglossos m. c)Palatoglossus
d)Palatoglossos m. d)Superior longitudinal m.
e)A. and D are correct. e)All m. above are innervated by Hypoglossal n.
251.What is correct statement about the hard palate? 258.What muscle is responsible for protrusion of the
a)The bones composing it are Palatine bone and tongue?
Sphenoid bone a)Superior longitudinal m.
b)It is innervated by linual nerve b)Inferior longitudinal m.
c)It is innervated by nasopalatine nerve c)Transverse m.
d)It is innervated by the lesser palatine nerve d)Vertical m
e)It compose 3/5 of the palate e)C and D are correct
252.What is the correct statement about sublingual 259.Which of these muscles performes elevation of the
salivary gland? soft palate?
a)It is the salivary gland that is secreting the most a)Musculus uvulae
amount of saliva b)Palatoglossus muscle
b)It is directly innervated by lingual nerve c)Tensor veli palatini muscle
c)It is innervated by postganglionic fibers from chorda d)Palatopharyngeus muscle
d)It is lying inferior to submandibular salivary gland
260.Which arteries supply the soft palate?
e)It is seperated from the submandibular salivary
a)Greater palatine artery
gland by the palate
253.What muscle of the soft pallet are NOT innervated b)Lesser palatine artery
by pharyngeal plexus of nerves? c)Ascending palatine artery
a)Tensor veli palatini m. d)Palatine branch of ascending pharyngeal artery
b)Palatoglossus m. e)All are correct
c)Palatopharyngeus m. 261.The soft palate is
d)Levator veli palatini m. a)a fibromuscular fold and makes up 1/5 of the palate
e)None b)a fibromuscular fold and makes up 1/6 of the palate
254.What muscle of the tounge is innervated by Vagus c)a fibrocartilage fold and makes up 1/5 of the palate
nerve(CN X)? d)a fibrocartilage fold and makes up 1/6 of the palate
a)Styloglossus m. e)none of the above answers is correct
b)Hyoglossus m. 262.Lingual artery gives rise to
c)Genioglossus m. a)dorsal lingual and sublingual arteries and terminates
d)Palatoglossus m. as the deep lingual artery
e)A and D are correct b)sublingual artery and terminates as the deep lingual
255.Choose a FALSE statement artery
a)Musculus uvulae shortens uvula and pulls it c)sublingual artery and suprahyoid artery and
superiorly terminates as the deep lingual artery
b)Levator veli palatini muscle is attached to the d)dorsal lingual, suprahyoid and sublingual arteries
palatine aponeurosis and terminates as the deep lingual artery
c)Tensor veli palatini muscle is innervated by e)none of the above answers is correct
pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve (CN X) via 263.Nerve(s) supplying tongue with taste sensation:
pharyngeal plexus a)Lingual nerve
d)Palatoglossus muscle elevates posterior part of the b)Chorda tympani
tongue and draws soft palate onto tongue c)Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
e)Palatopharyngeus muscle is attached to the hard d)All are correct
e)Answers B & C are correct
256.Which teeth are innervated by anterior superior
alveolar nerve? 264.The tongue is not attached to which of the
following structures:
a)Maxillary incisor teeth
a)Hyoid bone
b)Maxillary canine and premolar teeth
c)Pharynx d)elevates uvula
d)Styloid process e)elevates pharynx
e)All are correct 273.The anterior two third of the tongue is innervated
265.Lingual surface of mandibular gingiva by
is innervated by a)general sensory ( lingual n ) taste sensation ( chorda
a)Greater palatine nerve tympani )
b)Nasopalatine nerve b)general sensory ( chorda tympani ) taste sensation (
lingual n )
c)Mental nerve
c)general sensory ( glossopharyngeal n ) taste
d)Buccal nerve
sensation ( chorda tympani )
e)Lingual nerve d)general sensory ( chorda tympani ) taste sensation
266.Palatoglossus muscle is innervated by ( vagus nerve )
a)Hypoglossal nerve e)general sensory + taste sensation by lingual n
b)Chorda tympani nerve 274.Which part of the tongue is innervated by branches
c)Vagus nerve from Vagus nerve CN X
d)Glossopharyngeal nerve a)Anterior two thirds
e)Lingual nerve b)Anterior two thirds and Posterior one third
267.Which muscle forms a canal for the posterior belly c)Posterior one third
of the digastric muscle? d)Epiglottic part
a)Stylopharyngeus muscle e)None
b)Styloglossus muscle 275.Which nerve should be anesthetize if the dentist
c)Stylohyoid muscle wants to work on the mandibular molar teeth?
d)Hyoglossus muscle a)Inferior alveolar nerve
e)It dosen't pass through a muscle, only through the b)Mental nerve
fibrous loop for intermediate digastric tendon. c)Lingual nerve
268.Which muscle "hooks" around the hamulus of d)Facial nerve
medial pterygoid palate? e)Nasopalatine nerves
a)Levator veli palatini 276.In what parts can one fine the openings of the
b)Tensor veli palatini audiotory tube?
c)Medial Pterygoid muscle a)Tympanic cavity
d)Lateral Pterygoid muscle b)Nasopharynx
e)Digastric muscle c)Oropharynx
269.Between which structures do the Hypoglossal d)A and B are correct
nerve CN XII pass between? e)A and C are correct
a)Internal carotid artery and Internal jugular vein 277.Where is the Pharyngeal plexus located?
b)External carotid artery and Internal jugular vein a)Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
c)External carotid artery and Internal carotid artery b)Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle
d)Hyoglossal and Stylohyoid muscles c)Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
e)B and D are correct d)A and B
270.How many teeths does the permanent teeth set e)None of the above
consist of?
278.Which of the following muscles of the pharynx is
not innervated by CN X?
b)30 a)Salpingopharyngeus muscle
c)36 b)Stylopharyngeus muscle
d)32 c)Palatopharyngeus muscle
e)26 d)Superior constrictor muscle
271.which of these are studded with numerous taste e)B & D are correct
279.From what division of CN X is the right recurrent
a)fungiform papillae
laryngeal nerve?
b)filiform papillae a)Cranial division
c)vallate papillae b)Cervical division
d)foliate papillae c)Thoracic division
e)A and B are correct d)Abdominal division
272.What is the action of the Levator veli palatini e)None
a)tensor soft palate 280.Which of the ethmoidal air cells drains into the
b)elevates soft palate superior nasal meatus?
c)elevate tongue a)Anterior ethmoidal air cells
b)Middle ethmoidal air cells a)Cervical part of the vertebral artery ascends through
c)Posterior ethmoidal air cells the transverse foramina of the first six cervical
d)A and C are correct
b)Atlantic part of the vertebral artery pass through the
foramen magnum
281.Which of the paranasal sinuses lies below the
c)Vertebral artery arise from brachiocephalic trunk
pituitary gland?
d)Atlantic part of the vertebral artery is related to
a)Maxillary sinuses
vertebra C1
b)Frontal sinus
e)Intracranial parts of vertebral arteries form Basilar
c)Ethmoidal sinuses artery
d)Sphenoid sinus 289.Which of following CN do NOT lead
e)A and D are correct parasympathetic nerve fibers?
282.Give the right combination: I: incisive foramen, a)Oculomotor nerve CN3
II: greater and lesser palatine foramina A: anteriorly, b)Facial nerve CN7
B: posteriorly c)Glossopharyngeal nerve CN9
a)AI, BII d)Mandibular nerve CN5(3)
b)AII, BI e)Vagus nerve CN10
c)AI, BI 290.Which of following is true? Terminal branches of
d)There is no such thing as incisive foramen facial nerve CN7:
e)AII, BII a)Carry motor SVE fibers
283.Which of the lingual papillae is rudimentary in b)Supply all of the neck muscles
human? c)Are involved in corneal reflex
a)Vallate papillae d)Arise in the parotid gland
b)Filliform papillae e)A and E are correct
c)Foliate papillae 291.Choose correct answer: Chorda tympani is:
d)Fungiform papillae a)Branch of the facial nerve CN7
e)A, B and D are correct b)Arise in the descending part of the facial canal
284.The function of the stylopharyngeus is to elevate c)Joins the lingual nerve in the infratemporal fossa
pharynx and:
d)Communicate with the otic ganglion
a)Constrict upper pharynx
e)All answers are correct
b)Constrict lower pharynx
292.Upper division of the parotid plexus contain which
c)Elevate larynx; close nasopharynx
d)Open auditory tube a)Buccal branch of facial nerve CN7
e)Elevate larynx b)Marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve CN7
285.Which of the tonsils lie on each side of the c)Zygomatic branch of facial nerve CN7
d)Temporal branch of facial nerve CN7
a)Pharyngeal tonsil
e)C and D are correct
b)Palatine tonsil
293.Ciliary muscle is responsible for:
c)Tubal tonsil
a)Elevation of the eyeball
d)Lingual tonsil
b)Lateral rotation of the eyeball
e)B and C are correct
c)Change of the shape of the lens
286.At what ganglion do the somatic sensory fibers of
the Glossopharyngeal nerve synaps? d)Depresses adducted eye
a)Otic ganglion e)Turns center of the cornea downward
b)Pterygopalatine ganglion 294.Vestibulocochlear nerve CN8 leaves the scull
c)Superior cervical ganglion
a)Jugular foramen
d)It synapses, but not in any of the above ganglions
b)Stylomastoid foramen
e)It does not synaps
c)External acoustic meatus
287.What is not true about Waldeyers tonsillar ring?
d)Does not leave the scull
a)It has components in both the Pharynx and Oral
cavity e)None is correct
b)Its structures are associated with the immune system 295.What part of rema glottis is open while whispering?
c)The palatine tonsils form part of the ring a)Anterior part
d)The pharyngeal part of the ring is constituted by 5 b)Posterior part
structures c)Closed
e)The tubal tonsils are paired d)Completley open
288.Indicate False statement: e)Non of the above
296.What cartilages of the larynx are paired? a)overproduction of thyroid hormones
a)Cricoid cartilage b)inflammation
b)Thyroid cartilage c)iodine deficiency
c)Cuneiform cartilage d)cancer
d)Atytenoid cartilage e)a and b are correct
e)C and D are correct 305.Which of these muscles abduct the vocal cords?
297.Which of these muscles is responsible for a)Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
phonation? b)Transverse arytenoid muscle
a)posterior cricoarytenoid muscle c)Oblique arytenoid muscle
b)lateral cricoarytenoid musle d)Thyroepiglottic muscle
c)transverse arytenoid muscle e)None
d)oblique arytenoid muscle 306.Which of these structures do not pierce the
e)C and D are correct thyrohyoid membrane?
298.At which level (on vertebral column) does the a)Recurrent laryngeal nerve
trachea bifurcate? b)Internal branch of superior laryngeal nerve
a)IV disc T2/T3 c)Superior laryngeal vein
b)IV disc T3/T4 d)Superior laryngeal artery
c)IV disc T4/T5 e)Answers b) & d) are correct
d)IV disc T5/T6 307.Which ligament forms the conus elasticus?
e)IV disc T6/T7 a)cricothyroid ligament
299.What is NOT true about the thyrohyoid membrane? b)cricothyroid ligament and median cricothyroid
a)Is pierced by internal laryngeal nerve ligament
b)Is pierced by superior laryngeal vessels c)cricothyroid, median cricothyroid, vocal and
c)Has a middle part called middle thyrohyoid ligament vestibular ligaments
d)Is pierced by recurrent laryngeal nerves d)cricothyroid, median cricothyroid, vocal ligaments
e)B and D e)none of the answers above are correct
300.What is TRUE about the Recurrent Laryngeal 308.The muscle of the larynx are
nerve? a)cricothyroid, posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral
a)Innervates all intrinsic muscles of the larynx cricoarytenoid, transverse and oblique arytenoid,
aryepiglottic, thyroarytenoid, thyroepiglottic and
b)Is unpaired
vocalis muscles
c)Is a branch from Acessory nerve(CN XI)
b)cricothyroid, posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral
d)Does not innervated cricothyroid muscle cricoarytenoid, transverse and oblique arytenoid
e)Supplies sensory innervation above the vocal cords muscles
301.Which muscle is not inervated by the Recurrent c)cricothyroid, posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral
laryngeal nerve cricoarytenoid, transverse and oblique arytenoid,
a)vocalis M aryepiglottic, thyroarytenoid, thyroepiglottic and
b)thyroepiglottic M anterior scalene muscles
d)cricothyroid, posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral
c)lateral cricoarytenoid M
cricoarytenoid, transverse and oblique arytenoid,
d)cricothyroid M aryepiglottic, thyroarytenoid, and thyroepiglottic
e)posterior cricoarytenoid M muscles
302.Superior laryngeal nerve is a branch of e)cricothyroid, posterior cricoarytenoid, and lateral
a)Hypoglossal nerve XII cricoarytenoid muscles
b)Vagus nerve X 309.The thyrohyoid membrane is pierced by
c)Trigeminal nerve V a)surperior thyroid artery
d)Glossaopharyngeal nerve IX b)superior laryngeal artery
e)Facial Nerve VII c)superior thyroid vein
303.Which of these muscles is innervated by the d)external branch of laryngeal nerve
external laryngeal nerve? e)recurrent laryngeal nerve
a)posterior cricoarytenoid muscle 310.the parafollicular cells of thyroid are derived from
b)lateral cricoarytenoid muscle a)3th pharyngeal pouch
c)vocalis muscle b)3th pharyngeal arch
d)thyroarytenoid muscle c)4th pharyngeal pouch
e)cricothyroid muscle d)4th pharyngeal arch
304.Goiter -enlargement of the thyroid gland is caused e)foremen cecum
by? 311.What muscle is NOT active when whispering?

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