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Drabbles: Magic in You

Chapter 1: That Green Guy

It was sunny kind of day. The whole noon was filled with those blaring lights that made her once again
wiped the sweats that started to build up, wetting strands of her hair. As the bell rung at the end,
signaling the last session of today’s class ended, she packs the books and put them inside her bag,
quickly rushing out the class. She just wants something cold right now, she had actually thought
(throughout the last class, instead of paying attention on the teacher) about buying some ice creams or
popsicle before she went to watch her boyfriend practice. There is actually a near convenience store
around the school, and it’s not like Kei is going to pay attention whether she watched him from the start
or not today. As long as she was there after he finished the training to go back home together, she
wasn’t even sure Kei was going to spot any difference.

She walked towards the store rather freely, until she passed some tall guy with his friend on his side.
And it was anything just like normal situation when you passed someone other. Except one second after,
Aimi realized that she might recognize who the tall guy is. She looked back.

Her eyes couldn’t help but directed to meet the emerald eyes and it was like magic how the guy actually
looks back at her. Making his black-haired friend startled on the sudden stop.

It was like her breath was taken. She wants to say something but she just froze, like she was mesmerized
by the person she saw. It was him.

It was him.

“Aimi?” The green-haired tall guy spoke first. And she wasn’t sure what the feeling is that suddenly
wrapped her when she heard how his voice called out her name. It’s like their first meeting, way before
this, came suddenly in a flash. Like a jolt of electricity that sends no shiver but memories instead.

Talking about the moment she met him… it was bizarre and awkward. How she wished again and again
to replay all those events and give a better first impression of her for the guy.

The sky that day was extremely cloudy, the grey color was probably the only visible pigments that
wrapped the sky along with heavy rains. And once again Aimi forgot to bring an umbrella today.

Assuming that the rain won’t stop any soon, she thought it wouldn’t hurt that much to run through as
fast as she could and found any nearest café around the school. Which she remembers there’s actually
one café that fits the image perfectly. And she kinda has become a regular there.

“That was alright.” She murmured to herself as she managed to reach the café with not much wet
damage on her blazer uniform. The café itself was not that crowded, it seems like many people had paid
attention on today’s weather forecast, unlike her, and stayed at home instead. Glad that she brought a
novel to kill her time as she waits for the rain to get slower.

After ordered an Americano, she sat peacefully on the small table in the corner of the café and opened
her novel to be soon absorbed on those passages and stories. It was a light novel, unlike the usual ones
that she read such as Ian Rankin’s Resurrection Men and Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbols, this novel her
brother had told her about was actually kinda good. The lightness part of its story made her brains relax
and gives her a new change of pace in reading novels. Actually she would not admit it to his brother, as
at first she was judging his choice of books and told him how weird that novel must be.

She actually expected a longer peaceful time until she faced whatever next interruption maybe. But that
was not even 10 minutes until she realized a pair of eyes stared at her closely. That no way she would
not recognize that.

Looking up at the source of attention giver, she startled and almost thrown the book at the tall guy that
actually is the person who had been standing beside her and looked at her intensely. If she wasn’t wrong
at that.

“E-er… Can I help you?” Aimi tried to open the conversation though she was actually a bit annoyed
about the fact that this guy had made her startled and also why did he interrupt her peaceful reading
novel session. Not to mention that today is not the best day in her life remembering she was stuck at
this place because of rain. Though the Americano was good.

“You have an interesting taste of novel, nanodayo.” The tall guy answers, as he adjusted the glasses
casually, letting Aimi catched a glimpse of green orbs that is looking back at her. And somehow
she didn’t know whether she should be annoyed right now or just extremely confused on that
mocking tone he obviously implemented on the interesting part.

“Pardon me?” But her brain seemed to not being as corporate as it could be on giving the guy a reply.

“Today is raining hard, and I am stuck here.” The guy’s next reply is actually no way related nor matched
with the previous sentence he had absurdly put up. And she has no idea why was the guy took
the seat in front of her. And this made so many questions appeared in a flash inside her mind

Why did he say that? Do I look like a person who like to stay in café without anything to do? Why did he
comment about this novel though? Though I know what he meant as I myself can’t believe I am
actually enjoying reading this piece Chihiro gave me.

But Aimi didn’t say anything. It was whether there are so many question roamed through her brain or it
was more like she realized something she should have not bother to think about.

This green-haired guy looked really… handsome actually.

“My tomorrow’s lucky item turns out to be that very thing you’re reading. If you don’t mind, as you can
see, I can’t find myself to go to another bookstore with this drenched rain.” The guy paused a little bit,
realizing that he made the girl become speechless as ever, with her mouth hanging open,

“It would be pleasant if you agree to lend the book for me.”


The guy seemed having no intention to explain further, and it didn’t help much with Aimi who’s still
shock to his absurd story and she really couldn’t find proper words to reply. Until her body seemed to
work faster than her brain.
She closed the novel quickly and pointed it towards the guy, which made the guy widen his eyes. He
didn’t expect the girl will agree this easily.

“You’reveryhandsome!” She answered way faster that she had no idea she had put her tone a little bit
loud than before.

She had been thinking about that and she had no idea she really did voice it out loud.

And the green haired guy only froze as he’s as extremely surprised as the girl herself who really cannot
believe what she just said. Probably both of them were so surprised even they didn’t recognize the
splash of pink colors on both of their face.

“G-good, I’ll take this then, nodayo.”

All what Aimi felt was she really wants to hit her own head for such stupidity and probably find the
nearest hole to bury herself and praying she would not meet this guy again. Why the hell she even think
about that, not only the fact she really was voicing it out loud. She would not come up with any excuse if
the guy thinks her as a freak. But probably, the option of not seeing him in the future would hurt a little
bit as it’s such a loss to not be able see this handsome figure. Can’t you really stop thinking about this,

Not knowing what to say, Aimi only nodded and sipped her half-glass-left Americano awkwardly. Hoping
she would not do any stupid thing related to the boy.

“What is your name?”

Aimi lifted up her face, only to get her own eyes locked to those mesmerizing emerald orbs.

“Y-you can call me Aimi.”

“I’m Midorima Shintarou.” He replied with tone showing low necessity. “It’s not like I want to know your
name, but I think we might be an acquaintance since I should pay you back one day for this very help
from you. Thank you, once again.”

Aimi did not reply for a moment as her brain once again got overworked thinking about the long
sentence he put up, with left her with many questions. Is he thanking me or is he telling me that he
doesn’t want to know me? Aimi soon realized that his personality seemed much more interesting the
more he speaks.

“Y-you’re welcome.”

There were not much talks after that, sometimes Aimi dared to look at the boy who shows no emotions
nor interest, and sometimes she caught the boy looks back at her. Only to give back the splash of
redness along both of their face.

The rain eventually stops and the boy who made himself very aware of that fact, like he was waiting for
it, bid the goodbye first.

“I-I hope I can see you again!” Aimi called, rather bravely. Which Midorima turns around and gave her a
questioning look, yet he was still keeping himself polite and nodded at the end. And the next second,
Aimi realized how embarrassing, too forward, and dumb she is for saying that. It’s like she’s hoping too
much of meeting him again. She wants to rip herself so bad, as she can imagine the boy absolutely felt
uncomfortable of what she said and probably he wished himself to not have encounter with her again.

On the other side, those all weird remarks Aimi sends, as somehow Midorima remembers the name very
clearly, and he thought it was weird in a good way. Her kindness for letting him having the book, though
he had to admit that her taste on novel is very bad. And also her bluntness was somehow very…
interesting? Midorima was sure he would remember the girl for some moments from now. He gripped
the book tighter as he forced himself to suppress the smirk his lips unconsciously formed upon his face.

Aimi followed the figure of Midorima until her eyes couldn’t catch a glimpse of it no more. He wears the
training jacket instead of blazer, though Aimi wasn’t exactly sure whether it was his school’s real
uniform or just a plain training jacket. But she was going to remember the five letters behind the back of
his jacket. Teiko.

“M-midorima… Shintarou.” She finally replied, after some seconds went waste. She was actually
confused whether she should call him Shintarou as she gave him the first name basis. But recalling all
those stupid and embarrassing moments she already put inside his mind as the first impression made
her became very careful on addressing him.

“You can call me Shintarou.” This only replied quickly sent two different things to two different person
around him. First, a shock of disbelief on Takao which now he was ready to exclaim how rare his Shin-
chan put such a gesture. And to make it more unbelievable, it was for a girl?!

And second one, was the happy feeling that she thought she would not feel even if it seems only such a
small thing. But she admitted, she was happy of the guy letting her calling his first name. As unnecessary
as it sounds.

But being the clever Midorima, he quickly added the explanation before Takao could tackle him with
such humorous and embarrassing teases which he somehow didn’t want Aimi to hear. At least for now.

“It’s only because you also told me your first name, nanodayo.”

Aimi smiled softly, and she made sure that Midorima catches that. She almost voicing out loud, but she
was better this time.

Oh how I miss those traits and those weird accents.

They eventually went into another silence, that Takao now was really dying to interrupt, but again.
Midorima speaks first.

“I haven’t return the novel yet. Do you mind if we meet again in another time?”

“W-wow, Shin-chan! What a m—“ Midorima stopped Takao’s tease in reflex as he put his hand to cover
his best friend mouth. Aimi just chuckled, she never saw this side of him. Though it’s not like they knew
each other well anyway.

“O-of course, that would be a good idea.” Both Midorima and Aimi somehow in sync put out their
cellphones like it didn’t need any further explanation nor words for the further action. Takao in other
side just smirked happily.
Chapter 2

“Where have you been?” Kei asked with that usual cynical tone as he was wiping the sweats that
drenched him down, it looks like a hell of practice. Well, inter-high is really coming soon anyway.

Aimi did finally arrived back at the Karasuno’s gymnastic a little bit later than she was expected. She
admitted it was probably because she got carried away when talking with Shintarou earlier. Not to
mention his friend called Takao was actually so fun to get a conversation with.

“Buying ice cream.” Well, she didn’t really feel the need for telling him what she just met earlier, right?
It’s not like Kei wants to know anyway. At least that’s what she thought.

“Sounds good.” Kei somewhat changed his tone, a little bit softer this time, made Aimi a little bit
surprised. Kei did rare speak that way.

“You want to go there? We can pass the store while walking home.”

“No need, I already wasted too much time, waiting you.” Now Kei was back to his usual self. Aimi
realized that her boyfriend is not the kindest nor nicest person in the world, if you’re talking about his
traits. Kei was always being such… a salty person. If she needed to put into words. It’s like everything
was wrong in his eyes. But she knew, Kei was so much more than that. She also knew behind those
harsh and cynical words, he really cares about those who matters to him the most. Maybe he can’t give
you those lovey-dovey actions, nor couldn’t he give you all those sweet talks. Maybe he looked like he
was taking you for granted, but Aimi knew him well to accept whatever he is now. At least he’s being his
own self with her, she was grateful enough. Though sometimes, she also can’t lie that some of his words
and his lack of sweet gestures made her questioning his love for her.

Aimi faked a pouted after all, “Stop being so honest, Kei, I’m sorry you’re missing me already for being
late.” She teased.

“What a stupid thing to say.”

Aimi smiled bitterly, though she really understands him, but sometimes her heart just wanted what it
wants. These days, she realized, this small and unnecessary quarrels happened more often, and one can
turn into a big fight, like a week ago.

Aimi doesn’t know what is it with today that she herself was getting a little bit easy to get pissed off
about Kei’s cold gesture. It’s not even the first time, it’s not like they go out only by yesterday, but
somehow Aimi was feeling too irritated today. Is it because the heat? Is it because she was nearly on the
period? Or is it because she was just tired of it.

“Why do you never at least just answer me properly?” She said low, almost like a whisper. But Kei
definitely heard that.

“Aimi.” He called, realized that it’s quite strange for Aimi to behave this way. Though he would not
admit it how he paid attention on this things, but Kei knew Aimi never late on being in the gymnasium
watching him practice. He also knew that Aimi never went out without telling him before, like she did
today. Even though she was just going for an ice cream, which Kei had no even a little chance to make it
into an argument as of course he himself declared, he wouldn’t make such thing as a fuss like stupid
But Kei also knew that Aimi always accepts his harsh words, and he was positive that Aimi understand
the way he talks. Hearing her asking such a question was… somehow making him felt something he
never felt before.

It’s like a surprise, knowing Aimi put up such a question. And also it was like he was reminded that
maybe he had gone a little too far with his cold traits. And also, it was like he felt… hurt, as his brain
somehow work into an assumption of realization that he might hurt her for a while.

But he wasn’t sure about that, so he did see no use of being so out of character.

She didn’t answer yet, which made him think twice.

“Aimi.” Kei called again, now his steps stopped.

“Is it really that hard to reply me in a little nicer way?” Her voice gets lower, and she looked down to the
ground. Now Kei looked back, feeling confused and somehow a trace of fear did linger for some seconds
in his mind.

”Aimi, today you’re not like usual.” Kei got closer to his girlfriend, lowered his own head to try to catch a
glimpse of her face.

Suddenly a small smile replaced the frown that Kei thought he did manage to catch a glimpse of it upon
her face, and she lifted up her head.

“A-ah, sorry, I think I was just too tired today. Maybe it was the heat.”

Kei raised his eyebrow, the way Aimi avoids the topic was too obvious, but he thought he will let it go
this time. Maybe it really was the heat, or maybe Kei just wants to get off this worry feeling he started to
feel about both of himself and Aimi as he thought maybe it was best to ditch off such topic.

“Okay, let’s go home.” Kei took her hand, which he hoped it would wash away the trace of
disappointment he swears he saw it upon her face for a split of second.

The walk back home was a bit longer than usual. At least, that’s what Kei thought. Kei also realized on
how the girl beside him gets a little bit quieter than usual. It’s the same behavior of her when they just
got into an argument. Kei ruffled his blonde hair frustratedly, knowing that he might had said another
wrong thing again this time. But he was not the type that can easily comfort her back with those sweet
words and whatnot¸ he thought.

“Aimi.” He called at the end,


“Do you want to go to summer camp with the guys? You can help Kiyoko with the foods.”

Aimi answers without much thought, it’s like she was too lazy to think right now. The heat was really
getting in her mood. Or something.

Kei of course wasn’t satisfied at all with the answer, it was not the answer actually, it’s how she answers
him. Something is really not right, and it doesn’t seem like those previous fights or quarrels they had

“Are you angry with me?” In another words, I’m sorry.

Aimi sighed, realized how annoying she probably acted right now.

“No, ugh, sorry I was just getting into some other thoughts.”

Kei raised his eyebrows once again for today, “Really? What is it?”

She told him at the end, and beyond her realization, she seemed more cheerful when she talked about
this than the time she answers those questions Kei asked her some minutes ago.

“I met an old… acquaintance today! And I wondered where did he go all this time, after all we’re still in
the same Tokyo.”

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