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Inhibition of denture plaque by TiO2 coating on denture base

resins in the mouth
Tomokuni Obata, DDS, PhD,a Takayuki Ueda, DDS, PhD,b and Kaoru Sakurai, DDS, PhDc

Denture plaque may cause ABSTRACT

denture stomatitis and/or aspi- Statement of problem. Information is lacking about antiadhesion effect of titanium dioxide (TiO2)
ration pneumonia.1 Denture coating on denture base resins in the mouth.
cleaning tends to be inadequate
Purpose. The purpose of this clinical study was to investigate the antiadhesion effect of TiO2
in the elderly and people
coating on denture base resins.
requiring nursing care, result-
ing in excessive denture plaque Material and methods. Ten healthy dentate participants (mean 27 ±2 years of age) participated in
accumulation.2,3 this study. Disks and palatal appliances were made with denture base resin. They were divided into
2 groups: a TiO2-coated group and an uncoated group. A primer and a top coat containing TiO2
The high photocatalytic
were applied to the surfaces of the resin by means of an air spray. In the denture plaque staining
and superhydrophilic effects of test, resin disks were fixed to the retainer, placed in each participant’s mouth for 3 days, and stained
titanium dioxide (TiO2) have with a dental plaque-disclosing solution. The staining rate was calculated. The resin disks and
been reported, and when palatal appliances were used to measure the total number of microbes. The resin specimens
applied to dentures, they can were placed in each participant’s mouth for either 3 or 7 days and swabbed to count the total
be cleaned simply by rinsing in number of microbes. The chewing gum adherence test was performed both subjectively and
water.4-7 Two methods have objectively. Subjectively, each participant wearing a palatal appliance rated adherence using a
visual analog scale. The objective test was performed with a chewing gum adhesion test. The
been proposed for the appli-
staining rate, the total number of microbes, and the visual analog scale values were statistically
cation of TiO2 to the denture analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test, and the adhesive force was statistically analyzed
base. One method is to mix using a Student t test.
TiO2 with resin.8-10 This
Results. In the denture plaque staining test, the measurement of microbes, and the resin chewing
approach causes weakening gum adherence test results, significant differences were observed between the TiO2-coated groups
and color change (whitening) and the uncoated groups.
of the denture base. A prefer-
Conclusions. TiO2 coating of the denture base acrylic resin inhibited the adhesion of microbes,
able option is to use the TiO2
denture plaque, and highly adhesive food. (J Prosthet Dent 2017;-:---)
coating method. Here, the
photocatalytic effect may be
applied to the denture without changing the mechanical TiO2 coating. Moreover, Amano et al6 reported that
properties or color of the denture base. durability of TiO2 coating with a primer against 100 000
The spray method with primer for TiO2 coating was brushstrokes could be achieved. Mori et al7 reported that
4-7,11 4
previously used. Kado et al showed that bolus TiO2 coating increased resin gloss without causing color
adhesion can be reduced by TiO2 coating. Arai et al5 change.
observed that adhesion of Streptococcus sanguinis and Based on experiments in animals, Tsuji et al11
Candida albicans to the denture base can be inhibited by reported that the TiO2 coating of denture base acrylic

Postgraduate student, Department of Removable Prosthodontics and Gerodontology, Tokyo Dental College, Tokyo, Japan.
Associate Professor, Department of Removable Prosthodontics and Gerodontology, Tokyo Dental College, Tokyo, Japan.
Professor, Chair, Department of Removable Prosthodontics and Gerodontology, Tokyo Dental College, Tokyo, Japan.


2 Volume - Issue -

of left and right maxillary premolars and molars on the

Clinical Implications retainer. Two disks in each group (4 disks in total) were
TiO2 coating of the denture base acrylic resin placed on each retainer, using an autopolymerizing resin
(Unifast III; GC Corp) (Fig. 1A, B). The disks were divided
applied by spray inhibited the adhesion of
into 2 groups: TiO2-coated group and uncoated group.
microbes, denture plaque, and adhesive food.
The disks on the retainer were placed in the mouth of
Coating a denture may improve ease of denture
each participant for 3 days. Participants were instructed
cleaning. This is importance for older people
to remove the retainer and immerse it in water when
and those requiring nursing care.
eating, brushing, and sleeping. After 3 days, the disks
were stained with a dental plaque-disclosing solution
(GUM Red-Cote #802; Sunstar Americas Inc) and pho-
resin did not irritate the oral mucosa or cause skin
tographed using a digital camera (D3100; Nikon Corp).
sensitization. These inhibitory effects against the adhe-
From the images obtained, the percentage of the stained
sion of the bolus, S sanguinis, and C albicans are in vitro
area relative to the disk area (staining area rate) was
results. Before the clinical application of TiO2 coating, the
calculated by using image analysis software (Image J;
adhesion inhibitory effect against nonspecific microbes
National Institutes of Health). In a preliminary experi-
and denture plaque must be confirmed by placing resin
ment, disks before and after placement in the mouth
in the mouth. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to
were stained with the dental plaque-disclosing solution,
evaluate the antiadhesion effects of TiO2 coating on
allowing the threshold of analyzing staining to be
denture base acrylic resin in the mouth. The null hy-
pothesis was that no significant difference would be
For the total microbial measurement, 2 types of resin
found between TiO2-coated resin specimens and un-
specimens were prepared: disk and palatal appliances.
coated resin specimens concerning microbial adhesion.
These resin specimens were made with an acrylic resin
(Acron No. 3; GC Corp). The disks were divided into 2
groups: a TiO2-coated group and an uncoated group.
To evaluate the antiadhesion effects of TiO2 coating on Disks were attached to the retainer in the same location
denture base acrylic resin in the mouth, 3 tests were as in the denture plaque staining test. Palatal resin ap-
performed: a denture plaque-staining test, a total mi- pliances were fabricated by waxing the participant’s
crobial measurement test, and a chewing gum adherence maxillary cast, investing, and polymerizing. Single-arm
test. The participants were 10 healthy dentulous adults clasps made of 0.9-mm cobalt-chrome alloy (Fine co-
without dental caries or periodontal disease. This study balt clasp wire; Yamahachi Dental Mfg Co) were applied
was approved by the Ethics Committee of Tokyo Dental to left and right of maxillary last molars. The mucosal
College (no. 471). Acrylic resin (Procast DSP A2 and surfaces of the palatal resin appliances were divided into
Acron No. 3; GC Corp) specimens for the experiment 2 sides of the median line (broken line), and the 2 sides
were polished using a series of abrasive paper (up to were randomly allocated to the TiO2-coated and un-
#1000 grit). In the uncoated group, the surface of the coated groups by block randomization method (Fig. 1C).
resin specimens was polished until buffing. In the TiO2- Either the disk or palatal resin appliance was placed in
coated group, the resin specimens were coated with TiO2 the participant’s mouth. The participants were instructed
by using the following method. A primer (Paltitan to remove the resin specimen and immerse it in water
PTI5603S; Nihon Parkerizing Co Ltd) was sprayed for 2 while eating, brushing, and sleeping. This test was per-
seconds, using an air brush (Super Airbrush Advance; formed 4 times in each participant for the 2 types of resin
WAVE), and was allowed to dry at 70 C for 10 minutes. specimens (disk and palatal appliance) and for 2 dura-
Then, a top coat containing a TiO2 coating material tions (3 and 7 days). The types and durations were
(Paltitan PTI5603S; Nihon Parkerizing) was sprayed for 2 selected at random by block randomization method, and
seconds and was allowed to dry at 70 C for an additional the interval between each test was at least 2 weeks. After
10 minutes. The TiO2 crystals of the Paltitan used in this the placement period, microbes were sampled by rubbing
experiment were anatase type and 5 to 10 nm in 1 cm length in the center of the specimen using a ster-
diameter. ilized swab with 3 back-and-forth strokes under a 0.196-
A retainer for the denture plaque staining test N load. The used swab was then inserted into the
was prepared by pressing 1-mm-thick polyethylene- disposable cup with pure water. The total number of oral
terephthalate (Splint Square; Yamahachi Dental Mfg microbes in the cup was counted on the surface of the
Co) to the participant’s maxillary cast. The white denture resin specimen by using a bacterial counter (DU-
base resin disks, 5 mm in radius and 1 mm in thickness, AA01NP-H; Panasonic Healthcare). The device was
were prepared using a denture base acrylic resin (Procast developed by applying the dielectrophoretic impedance
DSP A2; GC Corp). These were placed at the buccal areas measurement method, consisting of dielectrophoresis


- 2017 3

Figure 1. Experimental resin specimens and retainer. A, B, Retainer prepared by pressing 1-mm-thick polyethylene terephthalate to participant’s
maxillary cast. C, Palatal resin appliance.

100 * Table 1. Mean ±SD rate of staining area, number of total microbes, VAS
n=10 values, and adhesive force for uncoated and TiO2-coated dentures
90 *P<.05
Uncoated TiO2-coated
Staining Area Rate (%)

80 Parameter Mean ±SD Mean ±SD P

70 Rate of staining area (%) 81.5 0.1 17.1 10.9 <.001
60 Total microbes (log10[CFU/mL])
50 Surface of buccal disks 3-day placement 5.8 0.1 5.3 0.1 .005
Surface of buccal disks 7-day placement 6.5 0.1 5.7 0.3 .005
Mucosal surface of palatal plate 3-day 6.6 0.2 5.5 0.3 .005
30 placement
20 Mucosal surface of palatal plate 7-day 7.3 0.3 6.5 0.4 .005
VAS value (mm) 17.8 30.8 79.8 32.9 .008
0 Adhesive force (N)
Uncoated TiO2-coated
Dry 18.8 8.7 5.1 4.9 .005
Glycerin 17.2 7.1 3.7 2.9 .005
Figure 2. Comparison of rates of staining areas between uncoated Water 14.3 4.9 3.8 2.3 .005
group and TiO2-coated group. *Indicates significant differences
VAS, visual analog scale.
(Wilcoxon signed rank test).

then evaluated the feeling of adhesion of the gum to the

and impedance measurement.12 Measurements of the palatal appliance, using a 100-mm VAS. “Very much so”
bacterial counter ranged from 1.00×105 to 1.00×108 as the worst condition was set at the left and “not at all” as
colony-forming units (CFU)/mL. the best condition was set at the right. The participant was
The surfaces of the resin disks were observed using instructed to mark their subjective evaluation on each
scanning electron microscopy (SU6600; Hitachi). In total, scale. The distance between the left end and the mark was
6 types of disks were observed: polished using abrasive measured, and the distance measured was set as the VAS
paper (before primer coating), coated with the primer value.
(before TiO2 coating; without placing in the mouth), Objective evaluation was performed by the chewing
TiO2-coated before placing in the mouth, TiO2-coated gum adhesion test.14 Resin specimens (2×2×2 cm) were
after placing in the mouth for 3 days, uncoated (polished prepared using acrylic resin (Acron No. 3; GC Corp). The
until buffing) before placing in the mouth, and uncoated resin specimens were divided into 2 groups: the TiO2-
after placing in the mouth for 3 days. coated group and the uncoated group. A pair of resin
The chewing gum adherence test results were evalu- specimens was attached to the upper and lower parts of
ated subjectively and objectively. Subjective evaluation a pulling device (MV-100; Imada Co Ltd) with a digital
was performed using the visual analog scale (VAS).13 The force gauge (DSN2-50N; Imada Co Ltd). After a volun-
palatal appliance was prepared using the same method as teer had chewed 3 g of chewing gum (Lotte Xylitol gum
described for the total microbial measurement. The palatal Lime Mint; Lotte Co, Ltd) for 5 minutes, saliva on the
appliance was divided into 2 groups: TiO2-coated and chewing gum was removed with a wipe (Kimwipe;
uncoated groups. After the experimenter had inserted the Kimberly Clark Corp). The gum was then placed be-
palatal appliance, the participant was instructed to chew tween the upper and lower resin specimens and com-
3 g of chewing gum (Lotte Xylitol gum Lime Mint; Lotte pressed until the distance between the resin specimens
Co Ltd) for 5 minutes and to answer the question: “Did the had narrowed to 1 mm. The upper resin specimen was
gum adhere to the palatal appliance?” The participant then pulled at a crosshead speed of 100 mm/minute, and


4 Volume - Issue -

n=10 n=10
Total Microbes [log10(CFU/mL)]

Total Microbes [log10(CFU/mL)]

8 8
*P<.05 *P<.05

7 * 7 *

6 6

5 5

4 4
Uncoated TiO2-coated Uncoated TiO2-coated
Group Group

n=10 n=10
Total Microbes [log10(CFU/mL)]

Total Microbes [log10(CFU/mL)]

8 8
*P<.05 * *P<.05

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 4
Uncoated TiO2-coated Uncoated TiO2-coated
Group Group
Figure 3. Comparison of total number of microbes between uncoated group and TiO2-coated group. A, Buccal disks after 3 days. B, Buccal disks after 7
days. C, Total number of microbes on mucosal surface of palatal appliance after 3 days. D, Total number of microbes on mucosal surface of palatal
appliance after 7 days. *Indicates significant differences (Wilcoxon signed rank test).  Outlier. Horizontal line that forms top of box is 75th percentile.
Horizontal line that forms bottom of box is 25th percentile. Horizontal line that intersects box is median. Horizontal lines above and below box, called
whiskers, represent maximum and minimum values.

the maximum force (N) during pulling was measured as Figure 3 shows the results of the total microbial
the adhesive force. The measurement was performed 7 measurement test. All data under all conditions were
times in each group under 3 different conditions: when within the measurement range of the bacterial counter.
the surfaces of the resin specimens were dry, wetted with Significant differences were observed between the TiO2-
artificial saliva (40 mL of 60% glycerin solution in water), coated and the uncoated groups after 3 days and 7 days
and wetted with distilled water (40 mL). of placement in disk type and palatal type resin speci-
The staining rates, the total number of microbes, and mens (P=.005) (Table 1).
the VAS values were compared between the TiO2-coated Figure 4 shows scanning electron microscopy images
and uncoated groups, using the Wilcoxon signed rank of 6 disk surfaces. The disk polished with waterproof
test, and the adhesive forces of the TiO2-coated and abrasive paper (up to #1000 grit) had grooves caused by
uncoated groups were compared using a Student t test abrasion (Fig. 4A). On the primer-coated disk (Fig. 4B)
(a=.05). All analyses were performed using statistical and the TiO2-coated disk (Fig. 4C), grooves caused by
software (IBM SPSS Statistics v22.0; IBM Corp). abrasion were not observed. On the TiO2-coated disk
after placement in the mouth for 3 days, adhesion of
microbes on the surface was less notable, and biofilm
formation was inhibited (Fig. 4D). The disk polished
Figure 2 shows the results of the rate of staining. Sig- until buffing (uncoated disk) before placement in the
nificant differences were observed between the TiO2- mouth (Fig. 4E) had shallow grooves compared with the
coated group and the uncoated group (P<.001) (Table 1). disk polished with waterproof abrasive paper (up to


- 2017 5

Figure 4. Surface observations of specimens by scanning electron microscopy (original magnification ×6000). A, Surface before primer coating.
Polished using water-proof abrasive paper (up to #1000). Arrows point to grooves caused by abrasion. B, Surface after primer coating. C, Surface after
TiO2 coating. D, Surface of TiO2-coated group after placement in mouth for 3 days. E, Surface of uncoated group polished until buffing. Arrows point to
grooves caused by abrasion. F, Surface of uncoated group after placement in mouth for 3 days. Arrows point to microbes.

#1000 grit). In uncoated disks after placement in the the adhesion of hydrophobic microbes such as S sangui-
mouth for 3 days, microbes and biofilm were observed nis. S sanguinis is an early colonizer in denture plaque
(Fig. 4F). formation,15 thus, suppressing the subsequent adhesion
Figure 5 shows the results of the chewing gum of other microbes and reducing the total number of mi-
adherence tests. On the subjective and objective tests crobes adhering to denture base resin.
results, significant differences were observed between Mixed infections of endogenous anaerobic bacteria
the TiO2-coated and the uncoated groups under all in the oral cavity are the main cause of aspiration
conditions (P=.008 on the subjective test, P=.005 on the pneumonia,16 inadequate cleaning of the denture in-
objective test under all conditions) (Table 1). creases the number of microorganisms in saliva,17
and denture plaque is a factor in microbial proliferation
in the pharynx.18 The microbial measurement test
showed that the total number of microbes adhering to
According to results of this study, the null hypothesis was the denture base resin can be reduced by TiO2 coating,
rejected. Kado et al4 reported that TiO2 coating makes which may contribute to the prevention of aspiration
the resin surface rougher and more hydrophilic, a ten- pneumonia.
dency similar to that found in the wettability of the The 3 conditions used in the objective chewing gum
present study. Kado et al4 reported that the water contact adherence test for resin simulated xerostomia, healthy
angle was 68.1 ±3.4 degrees in resin surfaces. However, state, and water intake. The results of the subjective test
TiO2 coating makes the resin surface more hydrophilic, also suggested that TiO2 coating inhibited the adhesion
with a water contact angle of 7.2 ±0.4 degrees. According of gum to resin in the mouth. TiO2 coating of dentures
to the results of this study, the total number of microbes inhibits the adhesion not only of plaque but also adhesive
decreased despite the increased surface roughness of foods. This would benefit not only people requiring
resin specimens in the TiO2-coated group. Arai et al5 nursing care but all denture wearers.
reported that TiO2 coating applied to denture base The participants in this study were younger than the
acrylic resin inhibited the adhesion of S sanguinis and C population of denture wearers. According to the study by
albicans organisms. These findings were also supported Toida et al,19 the prevalence of reduced stimulated sali-
by the results obtained in this study. TiO2 coating vary flow rate is higher in the elderly than in younger
improved the hydrophilicity of the surface of denture individuals. Therefore, the younger participants tested
base acrylic resin and increased hydrophilicity inhibited will affect the number of microbes on the surface of resin


6 Volume - Issue -

* microbes, denture plaque, and adhesive food in the
Visual Analog Scale (mm)

2. Further study is indicated to develop a TiO2 coating

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Corresponding author:
CONCLUSIONS Dr Takayuki Ueda
Department of Removable Prosthodontics and Gerodontology
Within the limitations of this clinical study, the following Tokyo Dental College
2-9-18 Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0061
conclusions were drawn: JAPAN
1. TiO2 coating of denture base acrylic resin applied by
the spray method inhibited the adhesion of Copyright © 2017 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.


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