Narra Tive Repor T: (Ce Project With Fieldtrip and Seminar)

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Educational Tour
(CE Project with Feld Trip and Seminar)

Education is the greatest weapon we can use to attain success. Education doesn’t end in

schools. For this reason, the Colegio De La Purisma Concepcion College of Engineering and

Technology incorporate field trip/ seminars in the curriculum. By conducting educational tour, it

will help us to gain more ideas and to be familiar with the things that are related to our course. It

will give us opportunities to visit places that may help us visualize things that are related to what

we learn in school. Moreover, we can acquire more knowledge through actual exposure to the

different sites we have visited.

On March 2, 2020 the day wherein, our educational tour our going to happen. The day we

reached Manila and after that we check in to DJM dormitory. Although we have jetlag by riding

the plane this doesn’t stop us by doing our first activity and that is to visit LRTA Line 2. By 1:30

pm we have reached our first destination. During our visit in the LRTA Line 2 they required us

to wear our PPE’s, in there we have seen the trains that people used every day, the rails where

this train passes. They explained to us how things like this actually work. We have our little

discussion where they showed us the history of transportation and how they end up having trains

which starts many years ago. Although the temperature is hot but its worth it because it is a new

experience for us and we learned a lot of things. I am very much thankful that they accommodate

us really well during our visit in the site. After our plant visit we got home at DJM dormitory to

have our dinner and after that we have our good rest.

March 3, 2020, the second day of our educational tour. We wake up early to prepare

ourselves and have breakfast after that we went to our next destination which is the FreyFil

Corporation. This corporation build prestressed and post tensioned materials that can be used in

building a certain structure. In their site we have seen the different design or project they are

doing as of now like the materials to be used in building the skyway, tunnel and some materials

used in a structure like girders and beams. We toured the whole site that showed us a lot to learn

that we can used in our course. We have seen the process of how they make such materials. After

our visit in the Freyfil Corporation we have lunch and then proceeded to Moldex Product,
Incorporation. This company is popular in making pvc pipes and other types of pipes that we

used in our homes, schools and other industry. These pipes can be used for drinking water,

sewages, electrical wires and other uses. As we reach the plant we have a little discussion on

how Moldex have started and how it grows as time passed by. They discussed what are their

products and where to used that product. During our discussion we have some games to play as

an ice breaker and we did some question and answer portion. After the discussion we were

divided into two groups to avoid becoming too crowded and then we proceed to our next activity

and that is to visit the site. During our tour in their site we have seen different pipes like green,

black, yellow, blue and etc. They also showed us their very 1 st machine that is still working very

fine up until now. We have seen how they make their product carefully and perfectly. We

continued touring and we have seen how they cut and put some logo/names in the pipes, it is

very much high technology because they used computers, and I will never forget their slogan

“Basta Tubo Mo, I-Moldex Mo”. After our tour were very much thankful because we have

learned a lot of things that can be useful in our chosen field someday specially in building

structures, then we went home, eat dinner and rest.

On March 4, 2020 our first destination was Pacific Paint (Boysen) Philippines

Incorporation. When we arrived there, we have some discussion about their history, products and

other business Boysen has. We did some question and answer where they have given some

umbrellas and colored paper that can be used in choosing a paint. After the discussion they again

divided us into two groups and start the tour. I actually like the idea in terms of their

manufacturing in which they organized every process in the right way like starting everything at

the top floor then going downward until the finish product. We have learned that paint is

composed of a pigment, binder, solvent and an additive to create a certain product. As they

toured us around the site we have seen how they turned raw materials into a canned paint.

Boysen company is very strict when it comes to quality of their product because they avoided

thigs like mixing another color of paint to another that is why in the branch we have visited they

only creates white paint. They also showed us on how to do some testing to know whether the

product passed its requirements in order to be released in the market. Boyen secure the quality of

their product. After the tour, the company prepared us lunch to eat, they welcomed us warmly.
Then we proceed to our next destination the Union Galvasteel Corporation that produced high

quality materials in terms of galvanized steel. Like other plants we did some discussions about

their history and their product. Then after the discussions we proceed to tour around their site. In

there we have seen how they colored those stainless materials, different design of roof and other

products that are available to them. We have seen how their machines turned a flat steel into a

roof sheet that has a design on it. We have also seen how they create a c purlin that is used in

structures. With this tour we can actually foresee the things that might happened in the future and

we can be able to apply these things in our course.

The 4th day of our educational tour, March 5, 2020 in the morning we proceeded to

Maynilad Sewerage Treatment Plant. We did some discussion on how they processed a sewage

water to be turned into effluent water that can be returned in the bodies of water that we have.

After some discussion we toured the site, there we have seen how they separated solid materials

from liquid and then passed another processed like putting some good bacteria to clean up the

water that has bad bacteria/materials. Although the smell is not that good but its okay because it

will help us to be aware that field have a lot of struggles and it won’t be easy as what we think.

Our next destination is in Pasig, the MMDA- Manggahan Floodway Control. We also did some

discussions, they showed us on how this Floodway control have started and how they developed

as time goes by. At first the started with having just a few equipment to be used but later on add

more to have more efficient function. After the discussion they tour us in the area. They showed

us their control room where they record things like the rain intensity and water level. They also

showed us how their radio works and how they controlled it to open the gates if it is needed.

5th day we leave early by 1:00 am then we proceed to Baguio wherein we visited certain

structures like the bell church. Chinese structure is actually fascinating to see because they have

very eccentric design and details in terms of building a structure. We also visited The Mansion

where we see the beautiful design it has. We also visited places like Strawberry Farm, the Mines

View park and the Burnham park where we see the beautiful landscape it has and how they

created certain structures in places like that. It’s fascinating actually on how they adopt their

structures into natures specially when Baguio is composed mostly of mountains. We also visited

the SM Baguio to see its structures and how it was built.

6th day is our free time so we went around the area and I have seen how their structures

where built in those places. We toured and toured while buying some things for ourselves and

our families. Then we go back to our hotel and pack our things because we are going back to

Manila. We arrived at the dorm by 7 pm, we eat dinner then after that we prepared our things

because it will be our last night of stay in Manila.

7th day, March 8, 2020 we leaved the dormitory early to avoid the traffic and proceed to

Manila International Airport. By 10:45 we boarded the plane and by 11:30 the plane takes off

after 45 minutes we reach our destination. We are finally home.

Educational tour will help us to be prepared for our future because we visit the sites that

in the future may help us to what path we have chosen. This educational tour introduced new

things to us that we can be used in the future and in our course. This tour helps us to be

knowledgeable about things that are related to us, but to end everything our educational tour is a

fun learning experienced.






DAY 5 & 6

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