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The woman sees ______ on the floor of the man's apartment…

soda bottles
hamburger wrappers
pizza boxes

What is causing the bad smell?

Spoiled milk
moldy cheese
rotten eggs

The home cleaning service will take care of the man's ___.

The cleaning service will cost the man _________ an hour.


The man's sister says that he _____ because his place isn't clean..
won't get married
doesn't have friends
will have to pay more rent
"clean up your act" = improve your behavior
"Hey. You'd better clean up your act, or Mom will throw you out of the house.
You can't be rude to her like that."

"start off with a clean slate" = start things new again (children used to write on
slates that could be erased)
"You had some problems here at home in the past, but I hope you can start off
this year with clean slate. Everyone needs a new beginning from time to time."

Man: Hey. Megan. Come on in. Take a seat . . . uh, somewhere.

Woman: Whoa. This place is a disaster and the smell.

Man: It's . . . . Ah. [ Sniff, sniff ]. Ah, it's not so bad.

Woman: Yes, it is. It's terrible.

Man: Ah. Come on.

Woman: No, look. There are pizza boxes all over the floor.

Man: Do you need a piece?

Woman: Wait! I think that (pizza) company's been closed . . . like two months
ago . . . for health reasons. Stains on the carpet from who knows what. Say
good-bye to your deposit. I'm . . . I'm not even going into the bathroom. And,
what is that smell?

Man: What smell? Wait . . . what! Ah!

Woman: Uh . . . What is in your garbage? This milk is curdled. How long has it
been in there? Are you trying to develop intelligent life? I mean it looks like your
trying to build a civilization in there?

Man: It's . . . it's not so bad.

Woman: You keep saying that. Uh, do you need to hire a housecleaning

Man: A what?

Woman: Yes. A cleaning service. [ Cleaning service? ] I You know my friend. She
has . . . She has her own company. They'll come to your apartment . . . clean
everything from top to bottom. Clean your carpet . . . and it certainly needs it.
Uh, dust your furniture, sweep, mop, everything. Clean your blinds . . . not that
you'd notice, closets, and your appliances.
Man: That . . . that . . . that sounds expensive. I . . . I . . . I don't think I can afford

Woman: They . . . they usually send out teams of two people, but for you,
they're going to need a whole HazMat (hazardous materials) crew.

Man: Well, how much?

Woman: They usually charge $30 an hour.

Man: THIRTY DOLLARS!?!? Whoa!!!! That's expensive.

Woman: But it's going to be more for you, I'm sure.

Man: Whoa!!! That's expensive.

Woman: Look. You always tell me you don't have friends . . . . I can see why.
Give them a try. Look. I can get you a discount. Okay, you can't keep living like

Man: Oh, well, uh, Sis. Uh, do you have time? Maybe, you could . . .

Woman: No, no! In fact, I remember I have to be somewhere.

Man: Oh, okay, well. What's their number?

Woman: I'll . . . I'll text it to you later. Good-bye.

Man: All right. Bye.

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

• disaster (noun): something that cause a lot of suffering and loss
A fire started in one of the apartments, and we lost everything. It was a
terrible disaster for everyone.
• deposit (noun): money that you pay when you rent an apartment and you may
get back if you leave it in good condition
You usually have to pay a deposit to rent an apartment in this area.
• curdle(adjective or verb): to be thick and often spoiled
- I couldn't drink the milk because it was all curdled. (adjective)
- The pudding will curdle if leave it on the stove too long. (verb)
• civilization (noun): an organized and developed society
- You'll be apart of modern civilization if you live in such a dirty apartment and
not realize it.
• blinds (noun): something that is used to cover a window on the inside of a room
- Could you close the blinds? The light outside is bothering me.
• HazMat (noun): dangerous or hazardous materials
- You need to wear a HazMat suit to enter that building. It is too dangerous
• crew (noun): a group of people who work together on a team
- A crew of workers are in charge of cleaning all of the apartments this week.

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