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1.1 User Levels………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
1.2 User Creation in Flora Bank CBS ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
1.3 User Approval …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
1.4 User Menu Permission……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
1.5 User Transfer…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
1.6 CBS Password Management..………..……………………………………………………………………………… 8
1.6.1 Change Password……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8


2.1 Sanction Screening………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
2.2 CIF(Customer Information File)……………………………………………………………………………….. 9
2.3 Deposit Account Open ………………………………………………………………………..…………………….... 14
2.3.1 Types of Deposit Account ………………………………………………………………………………. 14
2.3.2 Saving Deposit Account open…………………………………………………………………………. 15
2.3.4 Account opening field detail ………………………………………………………………………….. 15
2.4 TP Fill Up ( Transaction Profile ) …………………………………………………………………………………. 16
2.5 KYC Fill Up ( Know Your Customer ) …………………………………………………………………………. 17
2.6 Signature Card, Picture Management……………………………………………………………………….. 19

2.7 Cheque Book Management………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20

2.7.1 Cheque Book Issue by Lot Entry ………………………………………………………………….. 20
2.7.2 Cheque Book Issue by Inventory .................................................................... 22
2.7.3 Cheque Stop Payment …………………………………………………………………………………….. 25
2.7.4 Multiple Cheque Stop Payment ……………………………………………………………………. 26
2.7.5 Update Cheque Series …………………………………………………………………………………….. 26
2.7.6 Cheque Book Issue Register ……………………………………………………………………………30

2.8 Transaction (Cash, Transfer, Clearing)……………………………………………………………………… 30

2.8.1 Cash Transaction ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 30
2.8.2 Transfer Transaction ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 31
2.8.3 Clearing Transaction ………………………………………………………………………………………… 32

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3.0 LOAN AND ADVANCE ………………………………………………………………………………………… 35
3.1 Group
3.1.1 Group Create .......................................................................................................... 39
3.1.2 Group Limit ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39
3.1.3 Group Product ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39
3.1.4 Group Customer Limit ............................................................................................. 40
3.2 Loan Security ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 41
3.3 Customer Security ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 42
3.4 Customer Limit……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 43
3.5 Loan Account open………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 45
3.6 Loan Account Limit Line setup………………………………………………………………………………….. 50
3.7 Loan Disbursement………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50
3.8 Repayment/Recovery…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 53
3.9 Advance Repayment………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 53
3.10 Loan Reschedule ( For Term Loan-EMI Loan )……………………………………………………… 53
3.11 Loan Renewal ( For Continuous Loan )……………………………………………………………………. 53
3.12 Partial Payment ( For EMI Loan )……………………………………………………………………………….. 54
3.13 Early Settlement ( For EMI Loan )…………………………………………………………………………… 54.
3.14 Loan Classified……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 54
3.15 Loan Account Close……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 55


4.1 Pay Order …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 60
4.1.1 Pay order Lot Issue ………………………………………………………………………………………. 60
4.1.2 Pay order Inventory System …………………………………………………………………………. 61
4.1.3 Pay Order Issue………………………………………………………………………………………………… 63
4.1.4 Pay order adjustment…………………………………………………………………………..............64
4.1.5 Pay order auto voucher……………………………………………………………………………………65
4.1.6 Cancel wrong Entry……………………………………………………………………………………………65
4.1.6 Pay order Stop payment………………………………………………………………………………….65

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Starting FloraBank CBS
You require the necessary rights and privileges to start the FloraBank Software.
To start FloraBank CBS
• Run a browser named Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome or Internet Explorer.
• Type the FloraBank CBS URL in the address bar, and press enter. For example, the
address may look like
• FloraBank CBS displays the Login screen as shown in the following figure.

• Enter your identification code in the User Name field and the password assigned to you
in the Password field and click Login.
• If either the user ID or the password is incorrect, the following screen is displayed.

• Note: All the characters you type in the Password field will appear as “****” for security

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• The system displays the main application window depending upon the nature of user
logged in. The initial screen / menus displayed after login depends on the access rights
provided by the FloraBank security administrator.

Exiting FloraBank CBS

The user needs to follow the correct procedure to exit FloraBank. The user has to log out
from the application and then close the browser window.

To Exit FloraBank

1. Each screen in FloraBank has the logout link on the header

2. Click the Logout
3. The system displays the Logon screen

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1.0 Flora Bank CBS USER
1.1 User Levels
User groups shall be maintained as per Bank’s policy such as,

• Manager
• Supervisor
• Officer
• Administrator, etc.

All function of Flora Bank CBS Software done by different users, who may be classified in
different categories according to power and responsibilities allotted to them. Here we classified
them in different levels.

User Levels are :

• System User or Supper User (Level-1)

• Operational Admin or Branch Admin (Level-2)
• Operational User (Level 3 to 8)
• Global User (Level-9)

System User (User Level-1): System user responsible for the following activities:

1. Maintaining / Control System Parameter, to Create /Modify all product

(Deposit, Loan, Remittance) parameter
2. Create / Modify Chart of Accounts
3. User Creation
4. Instrument based Parameter Setup( PO, DD, TT, FDR etc)
5. Contract based instrument date input
6. Cheque Book Parameter Setup
7. New Zone, Branch Creation

Operational Admin ( User Lavel-2) : Branch In charge is user level -2. To control branch users
with following activities :

1. Approve or Non Approve branch user

2. To give menu permission to the user
3. User Permission Authorization
4. User Locking / Unlocking / Restriction

Operational User ( User Lavel-3 to 8) : Cheque book issue, A/C opening, Transfer and Clearing Entry

Global User ( User Lavel-9) : Head office will create Global user. This user is for Branch level
support and can access all branches, this user is permitted only for viewing.

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1.2 User Creation
Log in Software and go to : (Who has permission for new user creation, log in with that user )
Go to Administration  General and System Security  User management > Setup System
User  Input Data  Click Save. System generates a 4 digit user code for user and an One-
Time password. This password will be used for first time login, after first time login system will
display a screen for changing password and you have to change password for next time login.

After Save, the system displays the following screen and system generates an ‘One-Time

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Description of above Input :
User Code : Every user have user code, when required fields of above screen is filled up and after
clicking on save, a user code will be created automatically. This field is computer auto generated;
this code is needed for Software login.
Sign-on Name : This name is like as User code, we can Log in software by this name.
User Name : User’s Full Name
User level : According to user working roll , user level will be defined.
Auto Password : This password is auto generated by software, User can change the password
Employee ID : User’s office ID
Cash Entry Power : User’s cash entry power , If entry power is 1,00000.00 then the user can not
posting above 1 Lac. Transfer and Clearing Entry power same as Cash Entry Power.
Excess Over Limit Power : This power is applicable to Loan debit voucher. If customer limit is 10
Lac, then user can posting above 10 Lac.
Debit Authorization Power : This Power is applicable to Entry User and Authorize User. If Entry
user debit authorization power has been given to 30,000.00 Tk. then it will authorize
automatically and authorize user does not need to authorize.
Credit Authorize Power : This Power is applicable to Entry User and Authorize User. If Entry user
credit authorization power has been given to 30,000.00 Tk. then it will authorize automatically
and authorize user does not need to authorize.
Branch Code : Every branch has a 4 digit branch code number. Type first 3 letter of Branch Name
or type 4 digit branch code.
Operation Start Time : Everyday Software Operation starting time
Operation End Time : Everyday Software Operation ending time
Limit Authorize Power : This is for Loan Authorize User. The user will authorize the limit amount.
Operation Start Date : From which date the user will start the Software operation.
Operation end Date : User’s software operation close date, from the close date the user cannot
use the software.
User Machine IP : An IP address format is, User cannot Log in any other Machine
accept his Machine.
Sanction screening appr percent :
Rollbased : Creating roll according to Menu operation and to see Report, Example : Roll-1 has
been created by giving menu operation Deposit and Loan. If a user binned with Roll-1 then that
user can use Deposit and Loan Module.
Multiple Access : Log in at the same time from multiple Machine by one user. Multiple access
can be controlled by parameter setup. If we select ‘Y’ then multiple access is enabled.

1.3 User Approval

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After user creation user approval is needed in our system. User Lavel-2 or Central user will
approve the user.

Use the following page to define user sources for use with steps in the approval process.

Administration  General System Security  User Management  Approve/Non-

Approve/Hold User  Click Search  Type ‘User ID’ and Click Search  Select ‘Approve’
from ‘Approve/Hold ?’  Click on ‘Save’ button.

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Above screen fields description :

Field Name Field Description

User Code This field is computer auto generated, this code is needed for
Software login
User Name User’s Full Name
Approve/Hold When selected ‘Approve’ then user will active, and selected ‘Hold’
the user will be deactivated.
User Lavel According to user working roll , user level will be defined.
Entry Power Giving user power for Cash, Transfer and Clearing debit/credit
Access Over Limit Power This power is applicable to Loan debit voucher. If customer limit is
10 Lac, then user can posting above 10 Lac.
Debit Authorization Power This Power is applicable to Entry User and Authorize User. If Entry
user debit authorization power has been given to 30,000.00 Tk.
then it will authorize automatically and authorize user does not
need to authorize
Credit Authorization Power This Power is applicable to Entry User and Authorize User. If Entry
user credit authorization power has been given to 30,000.00 Tk.
then it will authorize automatically and authorize user does not
need to authorize.
Operation Start time From which date the user will start the Software operation.
Operation End time User’s software operation close date, from the close date the user
cannot use the software.
Limit Authorize Power This is for Loan Authorize User. The user will authorize the limit
Operation Start date From which date the user will start the Software operation.
Operation End date User’s software operation close date, from the close date the user
cannot use the software.

Branch Code Every Branch has a code Number

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1.4 User Menu Permission
It allows for the permission used to access any menu item on the system. It allows for
custom permissions to be created through the following interface.
This module does two things:
1. It allows for custom permissions to be created through the Roll.
2. It allows the User for giving Direct Menu Permission.
1. Role Based Permission : Step-1) User Role Define
Go to Administration > General and System Security > Role Management > User Role Define
Type Role name (Entry User) in ‘Role Description’ and click Save.

Close This screen and click on ‘User Role Define’ > Select ‘Entry User’ from List > Click on
permission > Select ‘Entry User’ from ‘User Role’ > Select Menu Module (Say: Deposit) from
dropdown list > Select ‘New Permission’ from ‘Display Type’ > Check required Item and click Save.

Step-2) User Role Assign

Go to Administration > General and System Security > Role Management > User Role Assign >
Select Branch > Select User Name > Select Role ID and click on Save.

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2. Direct Menu Permission :

Go to Administration > General and System Security > User Permission > User Permission >
Select module (Say: Deposit > Deposit) as like following screen.

1.5 User Transfer

When any user is transferred to another branch, the user id will remain same and existing role
will be deleted and new role will be created for new branch.
Go to Administration > System Security > User Transfer Branch to Branch > Select Transferred
Branch Code > Click on Search > >Type User code and click on Search > Click on Save

1.6 CBS Password Management

A password manager is a software application that helps a user store and organizes
passwords. Password managers usually store passwords encrypted, requiring the user to
create a master password: a single, ideally very strong password which grants
the user access to their entire software.

Password must be minimum 6 characters in length and must comprise of at least 1

Uppercase, 1 lowercase character a to z, 1 digit 0 to 9, and 1 special character except
space, dot, hyphen, and comma.

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1.6.1 How to Change Password of a User
For changing password click on top left corner of the screen, then the system displays the
following screen.

Type Old Password, New Password and Confirm Password  Click on Save button

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CIF ( Customer Information File)
CIF is the Customer Information File Management of Flora bank. CIF is integrated with all others
Module like Deposit, Loan and Advance, Bills and Remittance, Foreign Exchange and Swift
Module. Customers are identified by unique code which is auto generated by this system. This
customer code is used in the whole function of the customers where is necessary. The followings
are covered in the CIF function.

• Customers Group Maintenance

• Basic Customers Information
• CIB information
• Money Laundering parameter of customers
• KYC information
• Customers limit and Group limit to reduce the credit risk
• Capture of Signature and Photo graph

Sanction Screening
As the rise in terrorist activity and the number of sophisticated criminals increases, so
does the complexity in protecting your business against them. Financial Institutions must
now accommodate a growing number of sanctions lists, as well as regulatory
OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) database is used for criminals list. OFAC is a
department of the U.S. Treasury that enforces economic and trade sanction against
countries and groups of individuals involved terrorism, narcotics and other disreputable
activities. Each financial institution is required to establish OFAC compliance programs
and auditing policies that will support the goals of OFAC sanctions programs. Banks are
required to block transactions involving prohibited countries.
Flora bank CBS integrated the above requirement. After CIF creation, authorize the CIF
by ‘Anti Money Laundering Mgt’ menu > ‘Sanction Customer Detail Authorize’. First we
have to import OFAC data in Flora bank CBS database collected from Bangladesh bank
website, After CIF authorize from Anti Money laundering Mgt, software will generate
required information.

Maker and Checker Function

Maker-checker (or Maker and Checker, or 4-Eyes) is one of the central principles of
authorization in the information systems of financial organizations. The principle
of maker and checker means that for each transaction, there must be at least two
individuals necessary for its completion.

Flora bank is designed, based on Maker and Checker option. Input user cannot authorize
the transaction. Authorizer can authorize the transaction up to authorizer limit. System
also supports dual authorizer in a single transaction. Maker and Checker are integrated
with all others Module like Deposit, Loan and Advance, Bills and Remittance.

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CIF Create
• It is a digital file containing all the important banking details of the account holder.
• The CIF number is a 10 digit number representing the file. It is unique for every customer.
• All the accounts of a particular customer are linked to the one CIF number given to the
customer. So even if you have more than one account, you will have only one CIF number.
• If the customer tries to open another CIF with the same NID reference in the same bank,
the system would give an alert that the profile of the customer already exists in the bank

To complete a CIF follow the 3 Steps :

Step-1) CIF Create : Two types of Customer 1) Individual (Person) 2) Entity (Organization)

CIF Create for Individual (Person) :

1. Go to ‘Customer Information File’  ‘Customer Information File’  ‘Individual Customer

Info’. The system displays the following screen. According the screen fill up all relevant
field. This screen is for customers personal information.

Select Customer Type ‘INDIVIDUAL’ from drop-down list. Type customer ‘First Name’ : Farzana, ‘Middle
Name’ : Islam, ‘Last Name’: Zerin. Select Date of Birth from calendar, Select Country of Birth from drop-
down list and select ‘Place of birth district’ from drop-down list – these fields are mandatory.
2. Click on Relational Tab. Type Father’s name, Mother’s name and Spouse name of the
customer. If there is any CIF of customer’s family you can give that CIF id in

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‘Family/Associate CIF’ field. (No sign or special character should input in
Customer/Father/Mother name (i.e. Full Stop, Comma, @ etc.))

3. Click on Present Address Tab. The system displays the following screen. Select Customer’s
country name from drop-down list, Type address in Address field, Select Division from
drop-down list and then under the division system will show all districts and select the
district of customer, under the district system will show all Thana and select customer
thana from list, similarly select Union and Village of customer, type postal code, Mobile

4. Click on Permanent Address Tab. The system displays the following screen. Select
Customer’s country name from drop-down list, Type address in Address field, Select
Division from drop-down list and then under the division system will show all districts and
select the district of customer, under the district system will show all Thana and select
customer thana from list, similarly select Union and Village of customer, type postal code,
Mobile number. (If the customer’s Present & permanent Address is same, then tick (√) on
same as Present Address.)

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5. Click on Professional Address Tab. Type company name of customer in ‘Employer
Information’ Field. Select Customer’s country name from drop-down list, Type address
of company in Address field, Select Division from drop-down list and then under the
division system will show all districts and select the district of customer, under the district
system will show all Thana and select customer thana from list, similarly select Union and
Village of customer, type postal code, Mobile number.

6. Click on Other Info Tab. The system displays the following screen.

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Field Description of this tab screen:
Source of Fund : According to Customer profession type this field, If customer doing job then Source of
fund will be ‘Salary’ and if customer is a businessman than Source of fund will be ‘Business’.
Sector Type : Bangladesh Bank has classified the whole Customer into two types for getting customer SBS
(Scheduled Bank Statistics ) report. Sector Type (Public or Private), for a person this should always
be private.
CIB Sector code : Credit Information Bureau (CIB) is a credit record of an individual, which contains the
repayment history of liability. The CIB is generated from central bank of a country. In the previous
time, the CIB was generated manually but now a days it is generated through online from the
server of Central Bank. Select ‘CIB Sector code’ from drop-down list.
SBS Sector code : SBS Stands for Schedule Bank Statistics. SBS-1 is a statistical report required by
Bangladesh Bank from each bank. Select SBS sector code from drop-down list.
BB Occupation category : Select customer occupation here from drop-down list. If customer is doing
service then select occupation category ‘Service (Salary Only)’.
Occupation Details : If the customer doing job then , describe here about his/her job. A service holder
may be an Accountant or Software programmer or an administrative person.
Designation : Type his/her designation in this field; say for example ‘System Analyst’.
Customer Nature : All the customers are in a different group such as Govt. Deposit, Public Sector,
Corporate, Medium Enterprise, Small Enterprise, and Consumer. Select Corporate from drop-
down list, if the person is employee of ‘Flora Systems Ltd’.
Monthly Income/Annual Turnover : Type the customer’s monthly income (Salary + others).
Net Worth : Customer’s total property value.
Relationship Manager ID : Relationship Manager means who is responsible for maintaining relation with
Customer, improving customer relation. Every Relationship Manager has a unique ID. This ID
known as (Rm Code : 11) Type ‘all’ and select Relationship Manager ID from drop-down list.
Communication Address : Which address Bank will use to communicate with customer. Select your
preferred communication address from drop-down list.
Other Bank Info : If customer’s has bank account in other bank then select ‘Yes’ or if not select ‘No’.

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Walk-in Customer : Walk-in Customer means, the customer has a CIF but not maintaining account, CIF is created
for this type of customer. For DD Transaction customer is treated walk-in customer.

7. Click on Emergency Contact Tab. The Systems displays the following screen. This tab
field’s information is not mandatory. According to screen complete the field’s

8. Click on ID Info Tab. ID means "Identity", refer to: Identity document, any document used
to verify a person's identity. Type any one of identity, say: National ID, Passport, Driving
License, and Birth Certificate. If customer has E-TIN then Type the number and select the
‘ID Issuing Country’.

9. Click on Save button.

After Save, System generates 10 digit Customer ID (4001054779, 4001 Branch code) and 16 digits
Screening Reference ID (3210084001000008). Customers are identified by unique code
(Customer ID) which is auto generated by this system. This customer code is used in the whole
function of the customer’s where is necessary and Screening Reference ID is used for customer
Anti money laundering activity. After save system displays the following screen.

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In other info tab, if we select ‘Other Bank Info’=Yes, then a new tab named ‘Other Bank Info’ will
be shown just right side of ‘ID Info’ tab.


10. To Add Other Bank Information :

If customer’s has bank account in other bank then give all banks information.
After Save, Go to ‘Customer Information File’ > ‘Customer Information File’ > ‘Individual Customer Info’ >
Click on Search button > Click ‘Other Bank Info Tab’ > Type ‘Bank & Branch
Name’ : ‘Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd, Motijheel Branch’ > Select ‘Account Type in Other Bank’: ‘Deposit’ > Click
on ‘Add Other Bank Info’

After Add Other bank Info, the Screen looks as below. You can delete this Bank information, to
delete first click Select and then click on Delete

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Step-2) Sanction Customer Details Authorize :
Go to ‘Anti Money Laundering Mgt’ Sanction Customer Details Authorize  The System
displays the following screen :

Click on Select  Click on Authorize button. To see Sanction screening report details click

Step-3) CIF Authorization :

Go to ‘Customer Information File’ ‘Customer Information File’  ‘Customer Authorization’ 
Select Customer ID and Click Authorize button.

Individual CIF Creation Process Completed.

By completion of these three Steps, now the CIF creation for Individual (Person) has been
completed; now you can use CIF id for Account Opening. If any bank don’t use Sanction Screening
option ( OFAC database ) then follow Steps-1 and Steps-3.

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Entity Customer
To complete a business CIF follow the 3 Steps :

Step-1) CIF create for Entity (Business)

1. Go to ‘Customer Information File’  ‘Customer Information File’  ‘Entity Customer

Info’. The system displays the following screen. According the screen fill up all relevant
field. This screen is for customer Basic Business information.

2. Click on Business/Office Address Tab. Select country from drop-down list and fill up other

3. Click on Registered Address Tab. If business addresses and registered addresses is same
then check . After doing this, business address data
will set automatically in respective field, no need to type same information again.

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4. Click on Factory/Industry Address Tab. If Factory/Industry address and business address
is same then check . . After doing this, business address
data will be set automatically, no need to type same information again.

5. Click on Business Related Info Tab.

Field Description of this tab :

Source of Fund : Here the customer is a company, source of fund in this field is Business.
Sector Type : Bangladesh Bank has classified the whole Customer into two types for getting customer
SBS (Scheduled Bank Statistics) report. Sector Type (Public or Private), for a Private Business this value is
CIB Sector Code : Select sector code from drop-down list according to company business nature, as
Flora Systems is a IT based company, so CIB sector code select like business field.
SBS Sector Code :SBS stands for schedule bank statistics. Select SBS sector code from drop-down list.

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Customer Nature : All the customers are in a different group such as Govt. Deposit, Public Sector,
Corporate, Medium Enterprise, Small Enterprise, and Consumer. Select Corporate from drop-down list.
SME Code : The SME Code currently distinguishes between two categories of SME (small and medium
enterprises, and smaller enterprises) with smaller enterprises receiving an additional layer of protection.
The SME Regulations also distinguish between two categories - micro and small enterprises and medium-
sized enterprises. Central bank made a slave for SME categories and according the slave companies SME
code will be selected. Select SME code from drop-down list.

Annual Turnover : Annual turnover is Yearly total Sales or Income. Type companies annual turnover in
this field.
Net Asset of the Entity : Net assets are defined as total assets minus total liabilities. Type net asset of
the company in this field.
Relationship Manager : Relationship Manager means who is responsible for maintaining relation with
Customer, improving customer relation. Every Relationship Manager has a unique ID. This ID known as
(Rm Code : 11) Type ‘all’ and select Relationship Manager ID from drop-down list.
Communication Address : Which address Bank will use to communicate with customer. Select your
preferred communication address from drop-down list.
Walk-in Customer : Walk-in Customer means, the customer has a CIF but not maintaining account, CIF
is created for this type of customer. For DD Transaction customer is treated walk-in customer. Here Walk-
in customer is ‘No’.
Resident (Yes/No) : This value is ‘Yes’
Rural/Urban : Here this field value is ‘Urban’.
Other Bank Info : If customer’s has bank account in other bank then select ‘Yes’ or select ‘No’.
Business Type : Select ‘Business Type’ from drop-down list.
Nature of Products/Goods or Service : ‘Flora Systems Ltd’ is a Software products selling and
services oriented company. Flora sales software product and giving service after sale.
Total Manpower : Type Company’s total manpower in this field.

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6. Click on Registration Details Tab. Complete mandatory fields (red star), if company has
other information besides mandatory field then fill up.

7. Click on Emergency Contact Tab. This tab screen information is not mandatory, but it
would be better if information is given.

8. Click on Save button and then system displays the following screen:

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After Click Save button, close the screen and Go to ‘Customer Information File’ > Customer
Information File’ > ‘Entity Customer Info’ > Click on Search button > Type customer id and press
enter. Now you will see a new tab- named ‘Shareholder’. As the company is limited then this tab
appeared. To complete this tab - at first, if shareholder’s CIF does not exist then you have to
create an Individual (Person) CIF for shareholder and then add shareholder information.

9. Add ‘Shareholder’ information :

Type Shareholder’s Customer ID and press Enter, Select Role for this shareholder and then the
system displays the following screen :

Click on ‘Add Shareholder’ button then the system displays the following screen and displays the
message “Save Successfully”. In this way another shareholder’s information can be added. You
can delete the shareholder’s information by clicking Remove.

10. Add Other’s Bank Information :

In Business related Info tab, if you select ‘Other Bank Info’=Yes, then you will be shown a new tab named
‘Other’s Bank Info’. After Saving CIF, complete Other’s Bank Info tab.
Go to ‘Customer Information File’ > Customer Information File’ > ‘Entity Customer Info’ > Click on Search
button > Type customer id and press enter. Now you will see a new tab- named ‘Other’s Bank Info’. Type
‘Bank & Branch Name’ and select ‘Account Type in Other Bank’ then click on ‘Add Other Bank Info’

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After clicking ‘Add Other Bank Info’ the system displays the following screen and displays the
message ….’’Save Successfully”.

If you want to delete other’s bank information, at first click on Select and then click Delete.

Step-2) Sanction Customer Details Authorize :

Go to ‘Anti Money Laundering Mgt’ Sanction Customer Details Authorize  The System
displays the ‘Sanction customer details’ authorize screen :

Click on Select  Click on Authorize button. To see Sanction screening report details click

After authorize the system displays the following screen :

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Step-3) Entity CIF Authorization :
1. Go to ‘Customer Information File’ ‘Customer Information File’  ‘Customer
Authorization’  you will see the following screen :

2. Now Select Customer ID (4001054780) and system will show the screen :

3. Click on Authorize button.

Entity CIF Creation Process complete :

By completion of these three Steps, now the CIF creation for Individual (Person) has been
completed; now you can use CIF id for Account Opening.

Note :

If any bank don’t use Sanction screening option ( OFAC ), then follow Steps-1 and Steps-3.

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Deposit Accounts
The Flora Bank Deposit System is a full multi-currency retail deposit system, which provides for
a wide range of account types and service facilities. Deposit Products are:
• Saving Deposit Account /SB
• Current Deposit /CD
• Sort Term Deposit Account /STD
• Term deposit / FDR
• Recurring deposit / DPS
Types of Deposit Account :
1. Continuous Deposit : This account open for Customer personal transaction. Example
: Saving Deposit (SB), Current Deposit (CD), Short Term Deposit (STD)
The term Short Term Deposit refers to an amount of money placed in a bank or
financial institution for a term. A short term deposit will usually earn a fixed rate of
2. Recurring Deposit : The definition of recurring is happening time and again, or
returning. If you are charged the same payment for a gym membership every month,
this is an example of a recurring payment. Recurring Deposit is a product to provide a
person with an opportunity to build up saving through regular monthly deposits of
fixed sum over a period of time. Example : DPS (Deposit Pension Scheme) , MSS (
Monthly Saving Scheme )
3. Term Deposit : Term deposit accounts are one option available to investors who want
to get more out of their savings. Term deposits are a fixed term investment which
means that your money is ‘locked away’ until the end of the term when it reaches
maturity. Example : FDR, Monthly benefit, Double benefit.
1. Continuous Deposit
1.1 Saving Deposit Account :
A Savings Account is an interest-bearing deposit account held at a bank or another financial
institution that provides a modest interest rate. Any Bangladeshi individual aged 18 years &
above can open saving account in individual or joint name.
Saving account open : Deposit  Deposit Account Opening : Step-1  'General Info' Tab
Select Account Type =  An Account Number (4121-0310926612)
will be generated automatically  If the account is single then Select ‘MOD of Operation:’=Singly,
If the account is joint then Select ‘MOD of Operation:’=Jointly  Click on ‘Customer ’ field and Press
S  Type Code and Click on Search  Click on Code Number

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Step-2  Click on 'Charge/Other Info' Tab  Type ‘SBS1 Table A Sector:’=12390 or Type ‘all’ in this field
and select from dropdown list  Type ‘all’ in RM Code field and select from drop-down list  Type ‘all’
in ‘Monitoring RM Code’ field and select from drop-down list

Step-3  Click on 'Delivery Challen' Tab  Fill up relevant field

Step-4  Click on 'Introducer Information' Tab  Type ‘Introducer Account/PA no’

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Click on Save button Then in ‘Charge/other info’ tab ‘Nominee (Y/N)’ will be activated and
select ‘Y’ if Nominee information is needed, Now complete ‘Nominee information’ tab and
‘Relation with customer’ tab and Click Save.

Authorize Account
Software Location : Deposit Deposit Opening AuthClick on Select then click on authorize

Edit Saving Account : Before or after authorize the account is editable. For account edit go to
Deposit  Deposit account opening  click on Search button  Type account number
in ‘Account no’ field and press enter.

In this account first time we did not add nominee information, now we will complete the
nominee information, click ‘Nominee Information’ tab

Click on ‘Add New Record’ button  If Nominee has a CIF in any branch of this bank then type
CIF id number, if nominee is not a customer of this bank then ‘Nominee Customer id’ field
remain blank, complete other field information. Finally click on button. Nominee
information can be deleted by clicking Delete.

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Saving Account Opening field details :

Field Name Field Description

General Info Tab
Account Type Which type of account will be open, Say: Saving Deposit or Current Deposit or
Short Term Deposit. Select Account type from dropdown List. This field is
Mode of operation If Account is Single then select ‘Single’ and for Joint account select ‘Jointly’.
Customer After creating CIF a customer code (‘0024006069’) will be generated
automatically. Type customer code in this field or press ‘s’ from Search
customer. Type Customer Name or Code number and then click ‘Search’ > Click
on CIF information Row then Customer code and Name will be shown. This field
is mandatory.
Account Title Generally when we select customer then customer name will be set in this field
automatically, but in case of Joint Account we can change this field by another
Name, this name is called ‘Account Title’. In some cases if the Customer Name
and Account Name different then we change Account Title. This field is
Account No An Account Number will generate automatically, Account Number Format is
(0024-0310-98944-9), First 4 digit Branch code, Next 4 digit Product code, Next
5 digit Account number and last 1 digit check digit. This field is mandatory.
A/C Open Date Date of Account opening. Computer will set the date from System. This field is
Interest Rate By default interest rate fixed, Interest rate fixed by parameter setup.
Initial/Principal Which amount deposited at the account opening time, that is initial amount.
Minimum Balance Minimum amount customer can not withdraw.
Purpose In which purpose customer applying for loan.
Charge/Other Info Tab
SBS1 Table A Sector Type ‘all’ in this field and Select relevant sector from dropdown list. This field is
RM Code Type ‘all’ in this field and select RM from dropdown list. RM means Regional
Manager. This field is not mandatory.
SPL Instruction SPL means Special, If any special instruction needs to keep of customer then
type that instruction in this field. This field is not mandatory.
Source Of Fund If customer doing job then type ‘Salary’ in this field, and if customer is a
businessman then type Business. This field is mandatory.
Delivery Channel
Ckeque Book YN By default this field value is ‘Yes’, if customer want to open an account then
he/she must need cheque book.
ATM Card YN If customer want to use ATM card then select ‘Yes’ from dropdown list.
RTGS YN RTGS means ‘Real Time Gross Settlement’, This is a transaction process within
very short time, but this process is not allowed below one Lac. If we select ‘Yes’
then customer can do transaction by RTGS System.
Email Statement YN Customer need account statement by hard copy or by e-mail, If select ‘Yes’ then
customer will get bank statement by his/her e-mail.
Internet Banking YN By using internet banking customer can transfer fund to another account, can
see the balance and account statement.
Name on card Customer can use his/her name on Debit card according to his/her choice.
Example : ‘Account name’ is Saiful Islam, ‘Name on card’ is Saiful Islam Munna
Debit Card No The 16 digit number which is printed on debit card.

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1.2 Current Deposit Account open
Current bank account is opened by businessmen who have a higher number of regular
transactions with the bank. Current bank accounts are operated to run a business. It is a non-
interest bearing bank account.
Software Location : Deposit  Deposit Account opening  Select Account Type ‘Current Deposit
Account’ . If the account is single then Select ‘MOD of Operation:’=Singly, If the account is joint
then Select ‘MOD of Operation:’=Jointly  Type Customer ID in ‘Customer’ field, press tab

Click on 'Charges/Other Info’ Tab  Type all in ‘SBS1 Table A Sector’ and select from drop down list.

Note : In ‘Charge/Other’ tab ‘Nominee (Y/N)’ is inactive, it will be activated after Save.

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Click on ‘Delivery Channel’ and complete the form as follows :

Click on ‘Introducer Information’ > Type ‘Introducer Account/PA no.:’

Finally Click on ‘Save’ , after then two tabs will be shown and named as ‘Relation with customer’,
‘Nominee Info’. If in ‘General Info’ tab ‘Mod of Operation’ is jointly then complete the tab option.
If ‘Nominee (Y/N):’ =Y then complete Nominee Info Tab.

Authorize Account

Click on ‘Select’, then following page will appear :

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Click on Authorize button.

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1.3 Short Term Deposit (STD/SND)

This is a special type of Current Account, which carry interest at certain rate, if balance in the
account remains at a certain level prescribed by the bank. All regulations for Current account
shall be applicable for this type of account too.
Software Location for SND account opening: Go to deposit menu then click on Deposit account
General Info tab : Select Account Type : ‘0320 – Special Notice Deposit’ > Select ‘Mod of
Operation’ : Singly > Type ‘Customer’ id > an Account No will be generated automatically> Type
Initial/principal amount > Type minimum Balance then click on Save.

Charge/Other Info tab : Type ‘all’ in ‘Select SBS1 Table A Sector’ then a list of SBS1 will be shown
and Select respective SBS1 from the list > Type ‘all’ in RM code and select RM Code from the list
> Type ‘Source of Fund’ : Business > If customer is New then Select ‘Client Type’ = ‘New’, finally
click on Save.

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Delivery Channel tab :

Description of above fields :

Cheque Book & ATM card - Here is some deliverables like Cheque book and ATM card for
customer, select ‘Yes’ for this two item,
RTGS – RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) is faster transaction facility now a days, so if customer
interested for this option then select ‘Yes’.
Email Statement - Bank generates monthly statement for customer or on-demand basis, then
two ways to send statement 1. By Hard copy (Paper) or 2. By Email, if customer prefer by mail
then select ‘Yes’ for this option.
Internet Banking – The types of financial transactions which a customer may transact through
online banking are determined by the financial institution, but usually includes obtaining account
balances, a list of the recent transactions, electronic bill payments and funds transfers between
a customer’s or another’s accounts.
Name on Card – It’s the exact name as it appears on the front of your Debit card.
Debit Card -

Introducer Information Tab : Type ‘Introducer Account/PA no’ and Press Tab or Enter

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Authorize the Account : Log in The Software by Authorize user and go to Deposit menu then
click on ‘Deposit opening Auth’ > Click on Select > Click on authorize button

2. Recurring Deposit
2.1 Monthly Saving Scheme (MSS)
Monthly Saving Scheme is a special saving plan which allows deposits on equated monthly
installment (EMI) basis and receives a handsome amount (principal+interest) at maturity.
Features and Benefits :
➢ Any Bangladeshi individual aged 18 years and above can open MSS
➢ MSS will be opened in single name only
➢ No initial deposit required
➢ Clients have the option of depositing any amount in multiples of BDT 500.00 subject to
maximum of BDT 10000.00
➢ MSS can be opened for periods of 3, 5 ,10 years
➢ Easy mode of monthly deposits – through standing instruction from an existing account
or through direct cash deposit.
Software Location for MSS account opening : Go to Deposit menu and click on Term/Recurr
deposit account opening. Complete General Info tab as shown in the following screen.

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Above screen field details :

Field Name Field Description

General Info Tab
Account Type Which type of account will be open, Say: Saving Deposit or Current
Deposit or Short Term Deposit. Select Account type from dropdown List.
This field is mandatory.
Mode of operation If Account is Single then select ‘Single’ and for Joint account select
Customer After creating CIF a customer code (‘0024006069’) will be generated
automatically. Type customer code in this field or press ‘s’ from Search
customer. Type Customer Name or Code number and then click ‘Search’
> Click on CIF information Row then Customer code and Name will be
shown. This field is mandatory.
Account Title Generally when we select customer then customer name will be set in
this field automatically, but in case of Joint Account we can change this
field by another Name, this name is called ‘Account Title’. In some cases
if the Customer Name and Account Name different then we change
Account Title. This field is mandatory.
Account No An Account Number will generate automatically, Account Number
Format is (0024-0310-98944-9), First 4 digit Branch code, Next 4 digit
Product code, Next 5 digit Account number and last 1 digit check digit.
This field is mandatory.
A/C Opening Value Date of Account opening. Computer will set the date from System. This
Date field is mandatory.
Duration (Month) For Deposit account (Saving, CD & SND) duration is not required but for
Term deposit and Recurring deposit based on duration. Select Duration
from dropdown list box.
Due Date For Deposit account (Saving, CD & STD) ‘Due Date’ is not required but for
Recurring deposit due date will be inputted by system. For Recurring
Deposit (DPS) due date is installment payment date. If ‘A/C Opening
Value Date’ is ‘12-Dec-2017’ then due date will be after one month ‘12-
Maturity Date Maturity date is DPS closing date. If a customer open a DPS account on
‘A/C Opening Value Date’ 12-Dec-2017 for 5 years then Maturity date
will be on
Interest Rate By default interest rate fixed for DPS account, Interest rate fixed by
parameter setup.
Introducer Existing account holders Account Number.
Account/PA no
Introducer What is the relation of customer with introducer; it may be Sister, brother
Relation spouse, friend, colleague.
Purpose In which purpose customer applied for deposit.
Interest/Profit In DPS interest rate is fixed, so select Fixed(F).
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Term/Recurring Info Tab : As customer has to deposit money in every month, then mode of
monthly deposits are – through standing instruction from an existing account or through direct
cash deposit.

• Existing account - If you type an account in ‘Installment Transfer from account’ field
then system will automatically link this account with MSS account and every installment
will be transferred from saving account to MSS account according to due date.
• Direct cash - If mode of monthly deposit is direct cash then this field will remain blank.

Charge/Other Info tab : Type ‘all’ in ‘SBS1 Table A Sector’ and then select from drop-down list.
Type ‘all’ in ‘RM Code’ and ‘Monitoring RM Code’ and select from drop-down list if necessary.
Type ‘Source of Fund’ field relevant with customer.

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Recurring Deposit Encashment
GO to Software menu : Deposit > Additional Service > Long Term Deposit Premature
Type account number and press enter

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3. Term Deposit
3.1 Fixed Deposit Receipt ( FDR )
Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) Account offers the customers the opportunity to invest a fixed
amount for a fixed period at a fixed rate of interest. The customers have the option to re - invest
their funds both principal amount and interest amount on maturity or principal amount and the
interest amount being paid into their SB or CD accounts.
Features and Benefits:
• Money can grow with attractive interest rate with flexible tenure.
• Automatic renewal facility at maturity.
• Loan (SOD Loan) facility against FDR Account to meet urgent financial needs.
• Premature closure facility available at prevailing savings rate.
FDR Account opening Steps : 1) FDR Lot Issue and authorize 2) FDR Account Open 3) Account
1) FDR Lot Issue : Lot Issue before FDR account opening :
Go to Deposit menu and click on ‘Term Deposit Instrument Lot Issue’

FDR Lot Issue Authorize : Go to Deposit menu and click on ‘Term Deposit Instrument Lot Issue Auth’
Click on authorize button.

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2. FDR Account Opening :
Go to Deposit menu and click on ‘Term/Recurr deposit account opening’. In General Info tab, Select
‘Account type’ : Fixed Deposit Account > Select ‘MOD of Operation’: Single > Type Customer ID and press
enter > Select ‘Duration’ : 1 Year > When selected Duration, then Due Date(For ‘Term deposit’ If FDR
open for 1 year and opening date is 20/06/2017 then due date will be 20/06/2018), Maturity Date(due
date and maturity date is same) and Interest Rate will set automatically (Interest Rate is predefined by
Parameter Setup)

Go to Term/Recurring Info tab : This tab has two part – 1st part is for Recurring Deposit and 2nd part is
for Term Deposit . Type account holder saving account in ‘Principal Debit Account’ field > Type ‘Principal
Amount’ (200000.00) > Type ‘Face/Book Value’ (200000.00). After 1 year at maturity if customer continue
the FDR and agree for Same Term Renew with interest then principal amount will be changed by (Principal
+ Interest ) and Face/Book Value will remain same (200000.00) > Type ‘FDR No/Reciept No’ (Example :
FDR5611501, This number from FDR lot issue)
Note : If Principal amount debit from CASA (CASA- CA for Current Account, SA for Saving Account) account then
CASA account balance must be greater than principal amount.

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Go to Charge/Other Info : Type ‘all’ in ‘SBS1 Table A Sector’ and select from drop-down list >
Type Salary in ‘Source of Fund’ field. Finally click on Save.

After Save, the screen looks like as follows and FDR account number and Batch No will be shown
on the screen. After save a transfer transaction completed automatically.

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FDR Auto Voucher :

After Save, a transfer transaction occurred between Saving account and FDR account, and a
transfer voucher has been generated.

To see the voucher: Go to Report > Daily Activities > Before Day End > Print Voucher > Select
Transfer > Type Batch No and Click on T Format

3. Authorize the Account : For authorize FDR account (4001-0330191271), Go to

Deposit > Deposit opening Auth > Click on Select > Click on authorize button > A
message will be shown ‘Authorize Successfully’

Now the opening process of FDR account has been completed.

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TP Fill up (Transaction Profile)
Transaction Profile provides a Transaction Description of customer account.
Go to Customer Information File > Customer Information File > Customer Transaction Profile >
Type Customer Account Number and Press Tab key. After Save authorize it.

TP Authorize : Go to Customer Information File > Customer Information File >Customer

Transaction Profile Auth > Click on Account Number and click on authorize button.

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After authorize to see the TP Status :

Go to Customer Information File > Customer Information File > Customer Transaction Profile >
Type Customer Account Number and Press Tab key. The system displays the following screen.

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KYC Fill Up ( Know Your Customer )

As per the Prevention of Money Laundering Act and the rules mentioned therein, every banking
company, financial institution , as the case may be, are required to, at the time of
commencement of an account-based relationship and/or carrying out a financial transaction as
specified under regulations, identify its clients, verify their identity and obtain information on the
purpose and intended nature of the business relationship.
Accordingly, Bangladesh Bank has advised banks to follow the (KYC) 'Know Your Customer
guidelines', wherein certain personal information of the account-opening prospect or the
customer is obtained. Objective of doing so is to enable the Bank to have positive identification
of its customers.

1. KYC Profile information for Individual :

Go to Customer Information File > Customer Information File > KYC Profile for Individual > Type
Account Number and press enter or tab. Select customer code from drop-down list,

Complete KYC 1 Tab :

Complete KYC 2 Tab :

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Complete KYC 3 Tab :

Authorize Individual KYC :

Go to Customer Information File > Customer Information File > KYC Profile Auth > Click on Query
button (you will shown un-authorize list) > Select account number (you will shown un-
authorize list) > Click on authorize button

After click authorize the system will show the following message : Click on Ok button. Similarly
we will complete Entity KYC authorization.

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2. KYC Profile information for Entity :
Go to Customer Information File > Customer Information File > KYC Profile for Entity > Type Account
Number and press enter or tab. Select customer code from drop-down list, Complete KYC 1 Tab :

Complete KYC 2 Tab :

Complete KYC 3 Tab :

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Signature Card, Picture Management
Add Signature card
Signature/Picture Management  Add Signature/Picture Card  Type ‘Account
Number’ (0310089282) and Press Enter  Click on Browse  Select a .jpg file and Click
on Save button

Authorize Signature / Picture Card

Signature/Picture Management  Authorization Signature/Picture Card  Type
‘Account No’ (0310089282) and Press Enter  Click on  Click on Authorize button

Update/Delete Signature/Picture Card

Signature/Picture Management  Update/Delete Signature/Picture Card 
Type ‘Account Number’ (0310089282) and Press Enter  Click on button

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Cheque Book And Security Management
Cheque book issue by 1) Cheque Lot Entry and 2) Cheque Inventory

Cheque Lot Entry

Cheque Book Management  Cheque Lot Entry

Select ‘Product Code’= SB 10 Pages  Type ‘Received Issue Des’=689  Cheque Series=SB

Cheque Book Issue

Cheque Book Management Cheque Book Issue  Type ‘Account No.’ and Press Enter
Select ‘Series Type’ = ‘SB 10 Pages’ 

Cheque Book Authorization

Cheque Book ManagementCheque Book Authorization>Type ‘Account No.’ (0310089282) and press
Enter Click on Search button Click on Check box  Finally click on Authorize

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2) Cheque book issue by Inventory
Branch Activity
Cheque Inventory : (Cheque Book Request to Head office)
Cheque Book and Security Mgt  Cheque Inventory Mgt > Cheque Book Request > Type
Account Number and press enter > Select ‘Page Number’= 25 Page  Select Cheque
Series > Select Charge=Y

Cheque Book Request Authorize

Cheque Book and Security Mgt  Cheque Inventory Mgt > Cheque Book Request
Authorize > Type Account No or Select Date > Click on Search > Check on ‘Authorize YN’
> Click on Authorize button

Head Office Activity

Step-1 > Cheque Book Request Data Dump ( Head office will collect all ‘cheque book
requested data’ from branch )
Cheque Book and Security Mgt  Cheque Inventory Mgt > Cheque Book Request Data
dump > Click Search for all requested data or check Account for Single data > Click on
Authorize button then Click on download ( Authorize User will download, an Excel file
will be generated )

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Authorize Screen >

Download Screen>

Step-2 > Cheque Receive from Vendor

Cheque Book and Security Mgt  Cheque Inventory Mgt > Cheque receive from vendor >
select branch and click search > Click on authorize button

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Branch Activity
Step-1> Now Branch will receive cheque from head office
Cheque Book and Security Mgt  Cheque Inventory Mgt > Cheque receive in branch >
Select date and click on search > check AuthoriseYN then click authorize

Step-2 > Cheque Book Issue

Cheque Book and Security Mgt  Cheque Inventory Mgt > Cheque Book issue > Type
Account number and click search > Click on Save

Step-3 > Cheque Book Issue Authorize

Cheque Book and Security Mgt  Cheque Inventory Mgt > Cheque Book Auhorization > Type
Account Number and press enter > Click search > Check AuthorizeYN

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Previous Cheque Series :
Cheque Book Management 
Previous Cheque Series 
Type ‘Account No.’ (0310089282) and Press Enter
 Select ‘Cheque Series’ = SB and Press Enter.

2.7.2 Cheque Stop Payment :

A stop payment is a request made to a financial institution to cancel a check or
payment that has not been processed yet. A stop payment order is issued by the account
holder, and can only be enacted if the check or payment has not already been processed
by the recipient.
Cheque Book Management  Cheque Stop Payment  Type ‘Find Cheque No.’ (SB134684)
and Press Enter  Select Stop = Yes  Type ‘Stop Amount’ (5000.00)

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2.7.3 Multiple Cheque Stop Payment :
This option is used for Cancel a range of check or whole Cheque book.
Cheque Book Management  Multiple Cheque Stop Payment  Type ‘Account No’ and
Press Enter  Type ‘Cheque No From’ (SB134685)  Type ‘Cheque No To’ (SB134686)
and Press Enter  Finally Click on Save button.

2.7.4 Update Cheque Series :

Two Types of mistake may happened, after issuing a Cheque Book

1. Cheque Number wrong entry

Step-1 : We will delete wrong Check Series from Account Number] Cheque Book
Management  Update Cheque Series  Type ‘Account No’ (0310089317) and press
Enter  Type ‘Cheque Series From’ (SB654321) and Press Enter Click on Search
button  Click on  Finally Click on Save button

Step-2 : Now we will issue Check Book again for this Account.

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1. Account Number wrong entry [We will find out the Account Number where Check
Book issued] Cheque Book Management  Specific Cheque Leaf Enquery  Type
‘Cheque No’ (SA7654771) and Click Search

Step-1 : We will delete Check Series from Account Number (0310089282)

Cheque Book Management Update Cheque Series  Type ‘Account No’ (0310089282
) and Press Enter  Type ‘Cheque Series From’ (SA7654771) and Click on Search  Click
on  Finally Click on Save button

Step-2 : Now we will issue Check Book again for Account Number (0310089317)

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Cheque Lot Un-authorization :
Cheque Book ManagementCheque Lot Un-authorizationClick on Search button  Click on
 Click on Un-Authorize button

Cheque Lot Register :

Cheque Book Management > Cheque Lot Register > Select ‘Check Pages’ =SB 10 Pages > Click Query

2.7.5 Cheque Book Issue Register

Cheque Book Management  Cheque Book Issue Register  Click Query

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Account Wise Cheque Register :
Cheque Book Management Account Wise Cheque Register  Select ‘Account No’
(0310089282) and Press Enter  Click on Query

Stop Cheque Register :

Cheque Book Management Stop Cheque Register  Click on Account wise
Type ‘Account No’ (0310089282) and Press Enter  Click on Query

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Unused Cheque Register :
Cheque Book Management  Unused Cheque Register  Click ‘Account No’ (0310089282) and
press Enter  Click on Query

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1.0 Transaction ( Cash, Transfer, Clearing, Online and GL )

1.1 Cash Transaction ( Credit )

Transaction > Cash Transaction> Type account number > Select DR/CR = CR > Type
Amount (LCY) > Click Save

Authorize above Transaction : Transaction > Transaction Authorization > Cash

Authorization, you will see the following screen, click on Trace Number then click on
authorize button.

After click on authorize button the system displays a message “ Ok, Authorize Successfully “

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1.1 Cash Transaction ( Debit )

Transaction > Cash Transaction> Type account number > Select DR/CR = DR > Type
Amount (LCY) > Click Save

If you uncheck then complete Non-Customer Information

Fill up Non-Customer Information :

Authorize above Transaction : Transaction > Transaction Authorization > Cash

Authorization, you will see the following screen, click on Trace Number then click on
authorize button.

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1.2 Transfer Transaction ( Debit )
Transaction  Transfer Transaction  Select ‘Transaction Type:’ = TRANSFER  Click on
New button for starting a new batch  Type ‘Acc. Number:’ (0310888922) and Press
Enter  Select ‘DR/CR ‘=DR Type Cheque number and select cheque date. Type
‘Amount (LCY) ‘=5000.00. Finally click on Save button.

After Save the system displays the following screen. Here you will see a transaction no, on the
top- left side of the screen and bottom of the screen transaction information.

Authorize above transaction : Transaction > Transaction Authorization > Transfer Authorization

2.8.2 Transfer Transaction ( Credit )

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1.2 Transfer Transaction ( Credit )
Transaction  Transfer Transaction  Select ‘Transaction Type:’ = TRANSFER  Type ‘Acc.
Number:’ (0310888922) and Press Enter  Select ‘DR/CR ‘=CR Type ‘Amount (LCY)
‘=5000.00. Finally click on Save button.

After Save the system displays the following screen. Here you will see a transaction no, on the
top- left side of the screen and bottom of the screen transaction information.

Click on Commit Batch , Click on ok.

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1.3 Clearing Transaction
These systems have to deal with two main processes, Outward Clearing and Inward Clearing. In
outward clearing, the deposited items are scanned and the operator performs amount entry,
account entry, item verification, balancing and bundling of the items at the branch level. The
items are then sent to a service branch. The inward clearing process decreases the deposits of
the bank
First let me explain what is a clearing cheque:
If you have an account with (BKB) and your friend has an account with (NCC), your friend gives
(NCC) cheque to you. After receiving the cheque your deposit with (BKB). (BKB) sends the
cheque* to (NCC) for collection of the fund. (NCC) gives fund to (BKB) deducting from your
friend’s account. (BKB) in turn deposit the money to your account. This episode is termed as
cheque clearing.
(BKB) does the outward clearing job by sending the cheque out of its system for clearing. So this
cheque is outward clearing cheque for (BKB). (NCC) accepts the cheque and does inward of
cheque hence the same cheque becomes inward clearing cheque for (NCC).

There are two types of clearings that undertake in a bank.

Outward Clearing : In this type of clearing cheques of other banks are presented by our
customers in our branch. We take those cheques with different bank slips to clearing house for
clearing of cheques. In outward clearing cheques belong to other bank, but the customer belongs
to our banks. For e.g. A customer of Bangladesh Krishi bank (BKB) comes to the bank with cheque
of (NCC) bank with him. He will give banks 2 things, 1: credit voucher advising the cheque the
customer needs to present in clearing 2: Cheque
The voucher and cheque collectively carry the same amount. If the voucher is of Tk 1000 then
the cheque/cheques will also be of Tk 1000.
Once cheques are cleared in clearing, (BKB) will give credit to the customer in his/her account
defined in the voucher.
Inward clearing : These are the cheques which we bring from clearing house. All these cheques
belong to our bank, say (BKB). If the accounts to whom cheques belong have balance, the cheque
is passed, else vice versa. In Inward clearing we only have the cheque with us. No voucher is
present in inward clearing.

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Inward Clearing (Debit Transaction)

Step-1 ) Complete Inward Transaction :

Go to Software Menu Location : Transaction  Clearing Transaction  Select ‘Transaction Type:’=
CLG-Inward  Type ‘Acc. Number:’ (0310203518) and Press Enter  Type ‘Amount (LCY)’ =
13,000.00  Type ‘Cheque No’ (Say: SBB5111120)  Select ‘Cheque Date’ (Say: 25/12/2017) 
Press Save button.

Step-2 ) Authorize Above Transaction :

Go to Software Menu Location : Transaction > Transaction Authorization > Inward and Outward
Clearing Auth > Click Search button > Select ‘Trace Number’ > Click Authorize button.
The system displays the message, .....’Authorize Successfully’.

By following Step-1 and Step-2, the Inward transaction has been completed.

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Outward Clearing (Credit Transaction)

Step-1 ) Outward Credit Transaction

Go to Software menu Location : Transaction > Clearing Transaction > Select Transaction
Type=’CLG’ > Type Account Number > Type Amount > If Bangladesh Bank Charge applicable then
select ‘BB Charge Apply’=Y, If not then select ‘N’ > Select ‘High/Regular’ Value. Finally, click on
Save button.

After Save the system displays the following screen, a transaction number will be generated

After completing of above transaction, first we need to Authorize above transaction and then we
have to complete ‘Clearing Confirmation’ option. To complete these two option follow Step-2
and Step-3.

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Step-2 ) Authorize above Transaction
Go to Transaction > Transaction Authorization > Inward and Outward clearing Auth > Click on
search button > Select ‘Trace Number’ (Say: 3212284001000046) > Click on Authorize button.

Step-3) Clearing Confirmation

Go to Admin Operation > Same Day CLG/RTRN Confirmation > Click on Search button >
After click ‘Search’ the system displays the following screen :

To see Outward Credit Transaction in Report (Deposit Account Statement) :

Go to Report and click on Daily Activity > Before Day End > Transfer/Clearing/Cash Register >
Select ‘Clearing Register’ and click on Query.

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Report of Clearing Register : Go to Report and click on Daily Activity > Before Day End >
Transfer/Clearing/Cash Register > Select ‘Clearing Register’ and click on Query

Voucher Print : Go to Report and click on Daily Activity > Before Day End > Print Voucher > Click on
Transfer and type batch no (Say: CLG02), finally click on ‘Single Format’ or ‘T-Format’

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1.3 Edit for Deposit Transaction

Transaction > Loan Deposit and GL Edit before authorize

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About Loan and Advance
What is a loan?

When you have something and you give it to someone else to use for a time, you are 'loaning' it
to them. Thus 'a loan' is the term used to describe an amount of money lent to you by a bank. You
will be expected to pay this money back together with a little more money (called interest) over
a fixed period that you will agree with the bank. When money is given to you with the expectation
of repayment with interest on it.

What is a Advance?

Primary difference between loan and Advance

Categories of Loans

All loans and advances will be grouped into four(4) categories for the purpose of classification,
namely (a) Continuous Loan (b) Demand Loan (c) Fixed Term Loan & (d) Short-term Agricultural
& Micro Credit.

(a) Continuous Loan: - The loan Accounts in which transactions may be made within certain
limit and have an expiry date for full adjustment will be treated as Continuous Loans. Examples
are: CC (Cash Credit), SOD (Security Over Draft) etc.
Cash credit is a type of short term loan provided to companies to fulfill their working capital
requirement. Overdraft is a facility given by the bank to companies, to withdraw money "more"
than the balance available in their respective accounts. Security. Pledge or hypothecation of
Pledge is used when the lender (pledgee) takes actual possession of assets (i.e. certificates, goods
). Such securities or goods are movable securities. Some examples of pledge are Gold /Jewellery
Loans, Advance against goods,/stock, Advances against National Saving Certificates etc.
Remains with lender (pledgee)
Hypothecation is used for creating charge against the security of movable assets, The best
example of this type of arrangement are Car Loans. Remains with Borrower

(b) Demand Loan: The loans that become repayable on demand by the bank will be treated as
Demand Loans. If any contingent or any other liabilities are turned to forced loans (i.e. without
any prior approval as regular loan) those too will be treated as Demand Loans. Such as: Forced
LIM (Loan against Import Merchandiser), PAD (Payment Against Draft), FBP (Foreign Document
Bill for Purchase), and IBP (Inland/Local document Bill for Purchase) etc.

(c) Fixed Term Loan: The loans, which are repayable within a specific time period under a
specific repayment schedule will be treated as Fixed Term Loans. Examples are: Staff House
building, Personal, Consumer etc.

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(d) Short-term Agricultural & Micro Credit:
Short-term Agricultural Credit will include the short-term credits as listed under the Annual
Credit Programme issued by the Agricultural Credit and Special Programmes Department
(ACSPD) of Bangladesh Bank. Credits in the agricultural sector repayable within 12(twelve)
months will also be included herein. Short-term Micro-Credit will include any micro-credits not
exceeding Tk.25,000/= (twenty five thousand) and repayable within 12(twelve) months, be those
termed in any names such as Non-agricultural credit, Self-reliant Credit, Weaver's Credit or Bank's
individual project credit.

e) Schedule based Loan

About Loan Security

What is security

Security is obtained as a line of last defense to fall back upon. It is meant to be an insurance
against emergency. By taking security, bank acquires a claim upon the assets of the
borrower if repayment is not made as planned.

Security taken by banks may be classified into two broad categories: Primary Security and
collateral Security.

Primary security : Primary Security is one which is deposited by the borrower himself and thus
provides the main cover for the advance made. Primary security may be either personal Security
or Impersonal security or both.

Personal Security: When personal advance is made the borrower is personally liable to
repay the advance for which he executes promissory note, accepts or endorses a bill of
exchange and makes personal covenants in mortgage deed or loan agreements.

Banker has the right of action to proceed against the borrower personally in the event of
default or non-fulfillment of conditions as per agreements.

Impersonal Security: Impersonal security is given when a charge is created by way of

hypothecation/pledge/mortgage over the borrower’s tangible assets-such as, goods and
commodities, fixed assets, book debts and bills receivables etc.

Collateral Security: Collateral is a property or other asset that a borrower offers as a way for a lender
to secure the loan. If the borrower stops making the promised loan payments, the lender can seize the
collateral to recoup its losses. Since collateral offers some security to the lender should the borrower fail
to pay back the loan, loans that are secured by collateral typically have lower interest rates than
unsecured loans.

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Process Flow for ‘Term Loan’

Cash Withdraw Customer 1. CIF Creation

2. Setup Customer security
Setup Customer Limit

Account Open
1. Account Open
Fund Transfer 2. Account Limit Setup

SB Ac Loan Disbursement

Generate Repayment Schedule

(Principal + Interest)

Partial Installment
Installment Failed

If 3 or More Installment failed

Overdue Classified
Loan Classified

Overdue/Penal Interest Charge

Overdue Interest Realization

Classified Loans :

Any bank loan that is in danger of default. Classified loans have unpaid interest and principal
outstanding, and it is unclear whether the bank will be able to recoup the loan proceeds from
the borrower. Banks usually categorize such loans as adversely classified assets on their books.
Classification module classifies the loan account based on repayment schedule. Duration of
classification status and rules is defined in parameter modules. Interest on classified loan will be
charged on suspense account and generate customer wise suspense account register. System will
generate CL report as per Bank policies guided by central Bank rules.

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Loan Classification Status is as follows:

• UC (unclassified): regular payment status

• SMA (Special Mentioned Account): 2 to 6
• SS (Sub-Standard): 6 to 9 month
• DF (doubtful): 9 to 12 month
• BL (Bad and Loss): 12month or more
• BLW (Bad and Loss Written-off): Totally unpaid.

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Loan/Investment Account Opening Process Flow

Customer Request for

Account Open

Group Create

Create Individual Customer Create Corporate Customer

Authorize Customer

Setup Guarantor for Individual

Credit Risk Grading (CRG) for Corporate Customer

Setup Security for Individual and Corporate Customer

Setup Group Limit


Product Allocation for a Group

Customer Limit Setup

Loan/Investment A/C Opening

Account Authorization

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Loan Account open for Group
3.1.1 Group Creation
Customer Information File > Customer Information File > Group Information > Type Group Name (Partex
Group )> Type other information and Click Save

3.1.2 Group Limit

Loan and Investment > Limit > Group Limit > Type Group Code > Type Group Limit and Click Save

3.1.3 Group Product

Loan and Investment > Limit > Group Product

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3.1.4 Group Customer Limit

Loan and Investment > Limit > Group Customer Limit

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3.2 Loan Security

What is security

Security is obtained as a line of last defense to fall back upon. It is meant to be an insurance
against emergency. By taking security, bank acquires a claim upon the assets of the
borrower if repayment is not made as planned.

Security taken by banks may be classified into two broad categories: Primary Security and
collateral Security.

Primary security : Primary Security is one which is deposited by the borrower himself and thus
provides the main cover for the advance made. Primary security may be either personal Security
or Impersonal security or both.

Personal Security: When personal advance is made the borrower is personally liable to
repay the advance for which he executes promissory note, accepts or endorses a bill of
exchange and makes personal covenants in mortgage deed or loan agreements.

Banker has the right of action to proceed against the borrower personally in the event of
default or non-fulfillment of conditions as per agreements.

Impersonal Security: Impersonal security is given when a charge is created by way of

hypothecation/pledge/mortgage over the borrower’s tangible assets-such as, goods and
commodities, fixed assets, book debts and bills receivables etc.

Collateral Security: Collateral is a property or other asset that a borrower offers as a way for a
lender to secure the loan. If the borrower stops making the promised loan payments, the lender
can seize the collateral to recoup its losses. Since collateral offers some security to the lender
should the borrower fail to pay back the loan, loans that are secured by collateral typically have
lower interest rates than unsecured loans.

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3.3 Customer Security
Loan and Investment > Limit > Customer Security

Customer Security Authorise :

Loan and Investment > Limit > Customer Security Auth

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3.4 Customer Limit
The credit limit is the maximum amount of loan that the seller accepts to grant to its customer
Loan and Investment > Limit > Customer Limit

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Customer Limit Form field description :
Customer Code
Type customer code in this field or press ‘s’ for Searching customer. Type Customer Name or Code
number and then click ‘Search’ > Click on CIF information Row then Customer code and Name will
be shown. This field is mandatory.
Product Limit
Select required product, say: Cash Credit (CC Hypo)
Secured Y/N (Gurantor)
Select Secured = Y, this type of loan is secured loan. If loan is secured then Guarantor setup is
mandatory before Limit setup.
Customer Limit
Sanction limit amount of customer, Say: 10 Lac Taka. Note : Customer Limit amount cannot
exceed Guarantor amount.
Limit Setup Date
Date of Limit Setup
Revolving credit is a type of credit that does not have a fixed number of payments, in contrast to
installment credit. Credit cards are an example of revolving credit. For CC loan select Revolving =
Y and for Installment basis loan select Revolving = N.
Sanction Letter No
When limit is sanctioned for a customer then .
Sanction Letter Date
Date of sanction letter .
Customer Limit Expiry Date
Within the expiry date customer can use the limit.
Reference Atype Code
Name of Product ( Cash Credit CC ) and Reference Atype Code are Same, this field

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3.5 Loan Account Open
Loan and Investment > Continuous Loan Account

Details of Above field :

Account Type
Which loan account will be open. For Term loan ‘Installment account opening’ select account type
‘Staff House Building’ or ‘Consumer’ or ‘Personal’ loan from dropdown list. For ‘Continuous Loan
account’ select account type ‘Cash Credit (CC Hypo)’ or ‘Secured Overdraft (FO)’ from dropdown
list. This is mandatory field.

After creating CIF of Customer , a customer code (‘0024006069’) will be generated automatically.
Type customer code in this field or press ‘s’ from Search customer. Type Customer Name or Code
number and then click ‘Search’ > Click on CIF information Row then Customer code and Name will
be shown. This field is mandatory. This is mandatory field.

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Account Title
Generally when we select customer then customer name will set in this field automatically, but in
case of Joint Account we can change this field by another Name, this name is called ‘Account Title’.
In some cases if the Customer Name and Account Name different then we change Account Title.
This is mandatory field.

Account No
An Account Number will generate automatically, Account Number Format is (0024-0134-00305-
1), First 4 digit Branch code, Next 4 digit Product code, Next 5 digit Account number and last 1
digit check digit. This field is mandatory. This is mandatory field.

Savings/Current A/C No
This account is needed for Loan disbursement, Cash withdraw, loan repayment and Overdue
interest realization. Type Saving or Current account number.

Interest/Profit Rate
By default interest rate fixed, Interest rate fixed by parameter setup. This is mandatory field.
Interest Rate can be changed

Panel Interest/Profit Rat

Recovery first
Installment will be calculated by (Principal + Interest), for Bank staff select ‘P’ (Principal) and
other than Bank staff select ‘I’ (Interest)

Excise duty
An Excise or Excise tax (Sometimes called a special excise duty) is an inland tax on the sale , or
production for sale, of specific goods or a tax on a good produced for sale, or sold. If excise duty
applicable then select ‘Y’ from dropdown list otherwise select ‘N’ .

Online Trn Charge

Now a days every bank has online facilities, if customer want to make online transaction then an
online charge will be charged on Customer and then select ‘Y’ from dropdown list.

Service Charge
If Service charge is applicable for any Product then Select ‘Y’ otherwise select ‘N’ from
dropdown list.
Disbursement/Opend Date

Loan disbursement date from loan account. This is mandatory field.

Sanction Date
Loan account Sanction date. This is mandatory field.

Sanction No
When loan is sanctioned for a customer then a letter will be issued, there is a sanction number on
the letter. Type here that sanction no. This is mandatory field.

Duration (Month)
Expiry Date

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Details of Above field :

Sbs3 Bills code
Nature of advance
Nature of advance are : Cash Credit Pledge, Cash credit Hypothecation , Overdraft, LIM etc.
Select from dropdown list. Select Cash Credit hypothecation.
Source of Finance
A company would choose from among various sources of finance depending on the amount
of capital required and the term for which it is needed. Without cash, the business would
not be able to survive. Sources of financing for a company can be mainly classified as: Internal–
Funds raised from within the business, External – Money raised from outside the business. Type
Source of Finance in the field.

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Economic Code
Economic codes are used to group businesses by the type of activity they perform and are
monitored and maintained by the policy and research unit. Example : Economic code 3200-
“Small Scale and cottage industries”, 9700- “Poverty Elevation Program” . Type ‘all’ in
‘Economic Code’ field and select from dropdown list or type economic code number in the
Economic field directly.
Type ‘All’ in the Security field and select from dropdown list or type security code in the security

Sub Sector Code

Subsectors are : Organization, Industrial, Agriculture, Industry and Manufacturing, Trade,
Service and others. Select Subsector from dropdown list. This field is mandatory.
Under Refinance

BB Loan Category
Bangladesh Bank has categorized loan in different categories, such as : Agriculture Loan, Credit
card, CME loan, large industry. Select loan category from dropdown list.
Client Type
Different types of client: New, Reschedule, Takeover, conversion, Restructure. Select client
types from dropdown list. This field is mandatory.
Account Category
Loan accounts are different categories such as SME, Agriculture. Select loan category from
dropdown list.
According to business nature business organization divided in different segment, such as :
Micro, Small, Medium, Retail, Corporate, Financial Institution etc. Select from dropdown list.
Credit Rating
An estimate of the ability of a person or organization to fulfill their financial commitments,
based on previous dealings. Select Credit rating ‘Y’ or ‘N’ from dropdown list.
Environmental Rating

RM Code

Monitoring RM Code

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Details of Above field :

CL Number
CL means Loan Classification, which type of loan approved for customer can be identified by this
option. Select from dropdown list , this field is mandatory.
For which purpose loan will be sanctioned type that reason in this field.
Land less
For Special loan product ‘Bhumihin Prantic Chachi’ this option will be considered and select ‘y’ if
customer is landless.
Auto Classified
Any bank loan that is in danger of default. Classified loans have unpaid interest and principal
outstanding, and it is unclear whether the bank will be able to recoup the loan proceeds from the
borrower. Banks usually categorize such loans as adversely classified assets on their books. Select
‘Y’ if loan will be classified automatically.

Special Instructions
Type any special instruction if necessary.
Nature of Transport
What type of transport will be used it should be mentioned here and select from dropdown list
Road or Water.

Sick Project
Written Off
If loan wave then select ‘Y’.

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3.6 Loan Account Limit Line Setup :
Loan and Investment > Limit > Account Limit Line Setup

3.7 Loan Amount Disbursement

Transaction > Transfer Transaction Account to Account > Select Transaction Type = Transfer > Type Dr
A/C Number > Select Operation Type = Disbursement > Type Amount (LCY) > Type Cr A/C No

See Loan Account Balance : Click on Balance

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Authorize the Above Transaction:

Transaction > Transaction Authorization > Transfer Authorization >

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To See the Report By batch :

Daily Activity > Before Day End > Transfer/ Clearing / Cash Register > Transfer Register by Batch > Type
Batch No and Click on Query

Print the Voucher :

Daily Activity > Before Day End > Print Voucher

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3.8 Repayment Loan Amount ( Payment 500000.00 )
Transaction > Cash Transaction > Type Loan Account Number (0134008074) > Select ‘DR/CR’ = CR > Type
Amount (LCY) = 500000.00 > Select ‘Operation Type’ = Repayment > Click on Save button

3.9 Advance Payment

Transaction into Loan account and Deposit account. If anyone want to make advance
payment then deposit the amount into Loan or deposit account, after month end

3.10 Loan Reschedule ( For Term Loan-EMI Loan )

Loan and Investment > Additional service > Loan Renewal & Reschedule

3.11 Loan Renewal (if Loan is not Classified ) , For Continuous Loan click Renewal , for Term
Loan click on Reschedule )
Loan and Investment > Additional Service > Loan Restructuring > Check Renewal

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3.12 Partial Payment ( For Term Loan -EMI Loan )
EMI Loan > Partial Payment > Type Account Number and press enter

3.13 Early Settlement ( For Term Loan-EMI Loan )

EMI Loan > Early Settlement > Type Account Number and press enter

3.14 Loan Classified

Every month when execute month end process and then execute Loan classification

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3.15 Close Loan Account :
Run “On Demand Int Calculation” :
Admin Operation > General Administration > On Demand calculation > On Demand Int Calculation

Run “On Demand Excise Duty and Charges” (if applicable otherwise not mandatory)
Admin Operation > General Administration > On Demand calculation > On Demand Excise Duty and
Charges > Type Account Number and Press Tab > Select any one Excise Duty or Closing Charge or
Service Charge and Click Save button.

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See the Account Balance and Credit the Balance amount (500500.00) in Customer Loan
a) To see the balance amount go to Transaction > Cash Transaction > Type Account Number and
Click on Balance

b) To Credit the amount (500500.00) Go to Transaction > Cash Transaction > Type Account Number
and Press Tab > Select DR/CR=CR > Type Amount (LCY) =500500.00 > Select Operation Type =
Repayment > Click on Save Button.
After Credit the balance amount , Now balance is Zero. Now we can close the account.

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Account Close :
Admin Operation > General Administration > Account Close Marking > Type Account Number and Press
Tab > Click on Save button

Account Close Authorize :

Admin Operation > General Administration > Account Close Authorize > Click on Query > Select Account
Number > Click on Authorize Button

To See Account Close Report :

Daily Activity > Before Day End > Account Opening List > Select Close Option > Select Account Type>
Click On Query

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After Run On Demand calculation generate the Voucher
To See the voucher go to Daily Activity > Before day End > Print Voucher > Click on Transfer > Type Batch
No > Click on ‘T Format’

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To See the Account Balance Click on ‘Balance’ from ‘Transfer Transaction’ and we will deposit the
balance amount in Customer Loan account and then account will be zero. Now the loan account is ready
for Close.

To Deposit Balance Amount : Go to Transaction > Cash Transaction > Type Loan Account Number and
Press Tab> Select DR/CR=’CR’ and Type the balance amount in Amount (LCY) field > Select Operation
Type= Repayment > Click on Save

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To See the Account Balance=0 Click on ‘Balance’ from ‘Transfer Transaction’.

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Pay Order
Pay Order or Banker's Cheque The payment order is a financial instrument issued by the
bank on behalf of customer stating an order to pay a specified amount to a specified
person within the same city. In payment order is pre-printed with the word "Not
Negotiable" . There is no chance of dishonoring as the amount is prepaid. Once issued Pay
order will be valid for 3 months.

4.1.1 Pay order Lot issue

( Before Pay order issue we have to complete Lot issue or Inventory System )
Bills & Remittance → Issuance & Others → Remittance Lot Issue → Lot Issue → Select
Remittance type = PO → Type ‘Number of Books’, ‘Page Per Book’, Prefix = PO → Type
‘Starting Leaf Number’ and Press Tab → Click on ‘Save’.

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4.1.2 Pay Order Inventory System
( Before Pay order issue we have to complete Lot issue or Inventory System )

Branch Activity
(Security Book Request to Head office)
Cheque Book and Security Mgt  Cheque Inventory Mgt > Security Book Request >
Select Type=PO > Select Prefix= POB  Click on save

Security Book Request Authorize

Cheque Book and Security Mgt  Cheque Inventory Mgt > Security Book Request
Authorize > Click on Search > Check on ‘Authorize YN’ > Click on Authorize button

Head Office Activity

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Step-1 > Security Book Request Data Dump ( Head office will collect from vendor all Pay
Order book requested from branch )
Cheque Book and Security Mgt  Cheque Inventory Mgt > Security Book Data dump > Click
Search for all requested data or check Account for Single data > Click on Authorize button then

Click on download ( Authorize User will download, an Excel file will be generated )

Step-2 > Security Book Receive from Vendor by Head office

Cheque Book and Security Mgt  Cheque Inventory Mgt > Security Book receive HO > select
branch and click search > Click on authorize button

Branch Activity

Step-1> Now Branch will receive Pay Order book from head office
Cheque Book and Security Mgt  Cheque Inventory Mgt > Security book receive in branch
> click on search > check AuthoriseYN then click authorize

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Step-2 > Security Book Issue
Cheque Book and Security Mgt  Cheque Inventory Mgt > Security Book issue > Type
Account number and click search > Click on Save

4.1.3 Pay Order Issue

Step -1> Pay order information
Bills & Remittance → Issuance & Others → DD/TT/MT/PO Issue → PO/PS/SDR Issue →
Select Transaction Type = ‘Transfer’ & Remittance Type = PO, then Click on New button.
A Batch number (RI48) will be generated automatically, Write down it on Voucher. An
Instrument Number (PO0030924) will be generated automatically.
Step -2> Purchaser information
Type Purchaser = Munna, Type Payee = HSBC & Type Amount = 5000, Click on
Commission, VAT, Other charge, Total will be calculated automatically.
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Step -3> Debit account information
Type Debit Account No = 0310089282 and Press Tab key, Type Cheque No = SB1234572
and Press Tab key, Select Cheque Date = 07/07/2013, Type Remarks. Finally Click on Save

Note : Pay Order cannot be edited. After Delete, Re-issue. Pay order issue without VAT,
Commission, Other Charge [ Just Type that value=0 ]

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Pay Order Authorize
Bills & Remittance →Issuance & Others→DD/TT/MT/PO Issue→Instrument Authorization →
Click on Search button → Click on Instrument Number → Click on Authorize button

4.1.4 Pay Order Adjustment

Bills & Remittance →Issuance & Others →DD/TT/MT/PO Issue →PO/PS/SDR
Adjustment/Payment → Select Instrument type = PO, Type Instrument No = PO0030924,
then click Find button Type Adjustment(Y/N) = Y, Select ‘Trn. Type’ = TRANSFER, Type
‘Credit Account No’ (4121-0310089291), Finally click on Save button

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4.1.5 Remittance Auto Vaucher
When a pay order is issued four vouchers will be generated automatically.
Run Flora Bank Web Report → Remittance Report → Remittance Auto Voucher → Click
Preview button.

4.1.6 Cancel wrong Entry

If wrong entry when issuing a pay order then Two way to solve:
One way : (Before Authorize ) From Authorize List Dishonor the Pay Order
Bills & Remittance → Issuance & Others → DD/TT/MT/PO Issue→ Instrument
Authorization → click Search → Select Instrument Number → Click on button.
Another way : (After Authorization ) 1) Delete Auto Voucher 2) Dishonor the Pay
1) Delete Auto Voucher :
Bills & Remittance→Issuance & Others→DD/TT/MT/PO Issue→Remittance Issue Auto
Voucher Cancel → Type Instrument No, Entry User Code, Search Batch Details, then click
Find button, Finally click on

2) Dishonor the Pay order : From Authorize List Dishonor the Pay Order.

4.1.7 Pay order stop payment

A stop payment is a request made to a financial institution to cancel a pay order that has
not been processed yet. A stop payment order is issued by the account holder, and can
only be enacted if the payment has not already been processed by the recipient.

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If Pay order has been lost or want to payment delay and withdraw stop payment, then
follow the Two Steps :
Marking Stop Payment (If customer want to stop payment then follow this steps)
Bills & Remittance→Issuance & Others→DD/TT/MT/PO Issue→PO/PS/SDR Stop
Payment→Select ‘Marking Stop Payment’→Select ‘Instrument Type’ = PO, Type
‘Instrument No.’ (PO0030928) and Press Enter, Type in Remarks. Finally Click on
Update button


Withdrawal Stop Payment

(If customer wants to withdraw stop payment then follow this steps)
Bills & Remittance→Issuance & Others→DD/TT/MT/PO Issue→PO/PS/SDR Stop
Payment→Select ‘Withdrawal Stop Payment’→Select ‘Instrument Type’ = PO, Type
‘Instrument No.’(PO0030928) and Press Enter, Type in Remarks. Finally Click on
Update button.

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Demand Draft ( DD )
DD Issue

Bills & Remittance→Issuance & OthersDD/TT/MT/PO Issue>DD/TT/MT Issue→ Select Transaction

Type=Cash, Remittance Type=DD, Click on New, A batch number will be generated automatically (RI70),
An Instrument No. will be generated automatically (DD0010550) , Type Purchaser, Payee and Amount
then click on , Type ‘Drawn On’ (4101) Branch Code and Press Tab key →Click on

Control No. Type Advice No. (987654), →Test Number (369)

DD Authorize

Bills & Remittance → Issuance & Others → DD/TT/MT/PO Issue → Instrument Authorization

Click on Search → Select Instrument Number and Click on Authorize button

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Four Steps after Issuing a DD

1) Advice received first

2) After received advice, DD Payment
3) DD received but advice did not received yet
4) Advice received after DD Payment completed

1) DD Payment Transaction ( If Advice comes first )

Bills & Remittance →DD Payment Transaction

Select ‘Account Number’ = DD Payable →Click on Batch No. ( a batch number will be generated
automatically -RI494) →Type ‘Instrument No’ (DD0014307) → Finally click on Save

Authorize : Transaction → Transaction Authorization → Transfer Authorization

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2) DD Payment Adjustment ( Advice received, then DD payment to client )
Bills & Remittance → DD Payment Adjustment

Select ‘Account Number’ = DD Payable →Type ‘Instrument No’ (DD0010551) and Press Enter

Select ‘Trn. Type’ = Cash →for generating ‘Batch No.’ (RI76) click on New button → Click on Save.

Authorize : Transaction → Transaction Authorization → Transfer Authorization

3) DD Payment Transaction ( If DD comes first, Advice afterward )

At first issue a DD and Authorize, we need Instrument No and Advice Number
Bills & Remittance → DD Payment Transaction
Select ‘Account Number’=DD Paid Suspense Account → Select ‘Trn. Type’=Transfer →for getting Batch
No. click on New button →Type ‘Instrument No.’(DD0014308)

Authorize : Transaction → Transaction Authorization → Transfer Authorization

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4) DD Payment Adjustment ( Advice received, after DD payment completed )

Bills & Remittance → DD Payment Adjustment

Select ‘Account Number’=DD Paid Suspense Account →Type ‘Instrument No.’(DD0010552) and

Press Enter → for getting ‘Batch No.’ click on New button →Type ‘Advice No.’(345678) →

Click Save button

Authorize : Transaction → Transaction Authorization → Transfer Authorization → Click on ' User Code &
Batch No' (150 -> RI3) → Click on 'Authorize' button.

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Telegraphic Transfer ( TT )

Originating Branch
TT Issue

Bills & Remittance → Issuance & Others → DD/TT/MT/PO Issue → DD/TT/MT Issue → Select Transaction
Type = Cash, Remittance Type=TT, Click on New, A batch number will be generated automatically
(RI490), , Type Purchaser, Payee and Amount then click on , Type ‘Drawn On’ (4101) Branch Code
and Press Tab key →Type TT No =58972 then An Instrument No. will be generated automatically
(4001/14/58972) → Type Advice No. (25698), →Type Test Number (314589) → Click Save button

TT Authorize

Bills & Remittance → Issuance & Others → DD/TT/MT/PO Issue → Instrument Authorization

Click on Search , Select Instrument Number and Click on Authorize button

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Responding Branch
4 Transaction in a Same Batch,

119 Debit → 49 Credit, 49 Debit → Party Account Credit

Step-1 ( 119 Debit )


Transaction> Transfer Transaction > Select 'Transaction Type' = Transfer > Click New button> Select = GL
> Click on > Click on 'BRANCHES ACCOUNTS' > Click on 'BKB Central General Account(119)>
click on >

Select 'DR/CR'=DR > Type 'Amount (LCY)' = 15000.00 > Select 'OR/RS'= RS >Select Date > Type 'Trn.
Code'= 02 > Type 'Advice No' > Click Save button

Step-2 ( 49 Credit )

Click on → Click on 'OTHER LIABILITIES' → Click on 'TT Payable 49' → Click on 'TT Payable'
→ Select 'DR/CR' = CR → Type 'Amount (LCY)'= 15000.00 → Click on Save

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Step-3 ( 49 Debit )

Click on > Click on 'OTHER LIABILITIES' > Click on 'TT Payable 49' > Click on 'TT Payable' >
Select 'DR/CR' = DR > Type 'Amount (LCY)'= 15000.00 > Click on Save

Step-4 ( Party Account Credit )

Select ' Module' = DP → Type Party ' Acc. Number' (0310621254) → Select 'DR/CR' = CR → Type 'Amount
(LCY)'= 15000.00 > Click on Save

Authorize : Transaction → Transaction Authorization → Transfer Authorization

Powered by: Flora Systems Limited

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