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Water hammer damper tank

Example from [1] Auxiliary variables

Q= 0.1964 m³/s
Pump flow reate d= 0.5 m
Q= 196.4 l/s
Pump head Area of pipe section
h= 74.3 m A= (pi()/4) * d²
Pipe material A= 0.196 m²
Material = Rocalit T-20
Pipe diameter Flow velocity
d= 500 mm v= Q/A
Celerity Q= 0.1964 m³/s
a= 1040 m/s A= 0.1963 m²
Unit pressure drop v= 1.0 m/s
J= 0.0015 m/m
Pipe length Pipe pressure drop
L= 868 m DP = J*L
Maximum rate of pressure rise J= 0.0015 m/m
Ho* = 15 (Note 1) L= 868 m
Maximum rate of pressure drop DP = 1.30 m
drop = 30 (Note 2)
Tank pipe diameter Total dynamic heasd
din = 75 mm (Note 3) TDH = Hest + DP
Tank inlet maximum velocity Hest = 74.3 m
vin = 8 m/s DP = 1.302 m
Atmospheric local pressure TDH = 75.6 m
Patm = 10.33 m (Note 4)
TDH as absolute pressure
H= TDH + Patm
Patm = 10.33 m (1)
H= 85.93 m

The number of tanks is then defined by The volume of a tank is defined by:
the values of the total flow and the "one The total required volume
tank flow" V= 1.76 m³
and the number of required tanks
N= Q / Qest N= 6
Q= 0.1964 m³/s Thus,
Qest = 0.035 m³/s Vest = V/N
N= 5.6 V= 1.76 m³
N= 6 -
The number of tanks is defined as Vest = 0.293 m³
N= 6 Vest = 293 l

Graphic 1, for the determination of the Parmakianparameter "T"

2e = 1.24
Rev. cjc. 29.07.2013

Parmakianparameter "e" H / Hmin = 1 / (1 - drop)

e= a * v /(2 *g * H) H / Hmin = 1.43
a= 1040 m/s
v= 1.0 m/s Hmin/H = (1 -drop)
H= 85.9 m Hmin/H = 0.7
e= 0.62
2e = 1.23 Tank minimum volume
V= Vo * H / Hmin
Determination of the "T" value for: Vo = 1.23 m³
Maximum pressure rise H / Hmin = 1.43
Ho* = 0.15 V= 1.76 m³
2e = 1.23 The tank inlet pipe diameter is limited
From "Gráphic 1" by the tank-maker as
T= 15 din = 75 mm
Area of pipe section
Determination of volume Vo Ain = (pi()/4) * din²
T= 2 * Vo* a /(Q * L) din = 0.075 m
Vo = T * Q * L / (2 * a) Ain = 0.004 m²
T= 15
Q= 0.1964 m³/s On other hand, the tank inlet velocity
L= 868 m is limited as
a= 1040 m/s vin = 8 m/s
Vo = 1.23 m³
Thus, the tank flow is limited to
Determination of Hmin Qest = Ain * vin
The maximum pressure drop shall be Ain = 0.004 m²
less than vin = 8 m/s
drop = 0.3 of H Qest = 0.035 m³/s
Thus, the minimum height is
Hmin = H * (1 - drop.)
Hoja 1 de 3

Selecting the next superior standard Note 1

volume, the selected size is Limiting the pressure rise
produced by water hammer
Vselecc = 310 l at a fraction "Ho *" of TDH
Note 2
Limiting the pressure drop
produced by water hammer
at a fraction "desc" of TDH
Note 3
The diameter of the entrance to the tank is
limited by manufacturer designn.
Note 4
At sea level Hoja 2 de 3

Determination of "T" value for a

Maximum over pressure
Ho* = 0.15
and for
2e = 1.24
One obtains
T= 15

Hoja 3 de 3
Water hammer damper tank
Celerity (Annex 1)
Example from [1] a= 1040 m/s

Pump flow reate Unit pressure drop (Annex 2)

Q= 196.4 l/s J= 0.0015 m/m
Static head
Hest = 74.3 m Auxiliary variables
Temperature Q= 0.1964 m³/s
t= 10 °C d= 0.50 m
Material = Rocalit T-20 Area of pipe section
dn = 20 in A= (pi()/4) * d²
Sch = 10 - A= 0.196 m²
Rabs = 0.1 mm
Interior diameter (Annex 2) Flow velocity
d= 500 mm v= Q/A
Pipe length Q= 0.1964 m³/s
L= 868 m A= 0.1963 m²
Maximum rate of pressure rise v= 1.0 m/s
Ho* = 15% (Note 1)
Maximum rate of pressure drop Pipe pressure drop
drop = 30% (Note 2) DP = J*L
Tank pipe diameter J= 0.0015 m/m
din = 75 mm (Note 3) L= 868 m
Tank inlet maximum velocity DP = 1.30 m
vin = 8 m/s
Atmospheric local pressure Total dynamic head
Patm = 10.33 m (Note 4) TDH = Hest + DP
Hest = 74.3 m
DP = 1.302 m
TDH = 75.6 m

The number of tanks is then defined by The volume of a tank is defined by:
the values of the total flow and the "one The total required volume
tank flow" V = Vmin = 1.76 m³
and the number of required tanks
N= Q / Qest N= 6
Q= 0.1964 m³/s Thus,
Qest = 0.035 m³/s Vest = V/N
N= 5.6 V= 1.76 m³
N= 6 -
The number of tanks is defined as Vest = 0.293 m³
N= 6 Vest = 293 l

Graphic 1, for the determination of the Parmakianparameter "T"

2e = 1.24

Annex 1. Celerity

Speed of sound in water Celerity

c: speed of sound (m/s) a : celerity (wave velocity) (m/s)

K: water bulk modulus (Pa) c: speed of sound (m/s)
r: water density (kg/m³) K: water bulk modulus (bar)
c (K / r )^0.5 Et : pipe material elasticity modulus (1)
K= 2.1E+09 Pa d: inside pipe diameter (mm)
r= 1000 kg/m³ s: minimum wall thickness (mm)
c= 1438.2 m/s
a= c / (1 + (K/Et) * (d/s) )^(0.5)
c= 1438.2 m/s
K= 2.1E+09 Pa
Et = 1.4E+11 Pa (1)
d= 500 mm
s= 8.18 mm
a= 1040.0 m/s

(1) Material Rocalit T-20

Annex 2 (This calculation does not correspond to Rocalit. Carbon steel pipe has been used)

Unit pressure loss of water

Kinematic viscosity and desnsity
Q= 196.4 L/s n= #VALUE! m/s²
Q= 0.1964 m³/s r= #VALUE! kg/m³

Mat : CS Reynolds
t= 10 °C Re = v*d/n
dn = 20 in v= #VALUE! m/s
Sch = 10 d= #VALUE! m
Rabs = 0.1 mm n= #VALUE! m/s²
Re = #VALUE!
di = Pipe_Imp_CS_Dint_dn_sch
di = #VALUE! mm Relative rugosity
di = #VALUE! m Rabs = 0.1 mm
di = #VALUE! mm
s= Pipe_Imp_CS_Thickness_dn_sch Rrel = #VALUE! -
s= #VALUE! mm
Friction factor
A= (pi()/4) * d^2 f= f(Rrel, Re)
d= #VALUE! m Rrel = #VALUE! -
A= #VALUE! m² Re = #VALUE! -
f= #VALUE! -
v= Q/A
Q= 0.1964 m3/s
A= #VALUE! m²
v= #VALUE! m/s

Annex 3

In nomal operating condition, the For an ideal gas

Hydropack has a volume "Vo" and a Pmin * Vmin = Po * Vo
pressure equal to the line pressure and
That is, "Po = H". Vmin = Vo * (Po / Pmin)
Vmin = Vo * ( H / Hmin)
The mínimum volume is defined by the
maximum volume requirement, which Where Vmin is the minimum possible
occurs when the tank has the minimum volume of the tank.
accepted pressure
The minimum pressure value has been
When the pressure decreases to a been defined as
value "Pmin = Hmin", the tank increases drop = (H - Hmin)/H
its volume to "Vmin"
Rev. cjc. 31.01.2014

Tank volume
The minimum value of the tank volume
TDH as absolute pressure is, from Annex 3
H= TDH + Patm Vmin = Vo * ( H / Hmin)
Patm = 10.33 m and
H= 85.93 m H / Hmin = 1 / (1 - drop)
drop = 30%
Parmakian parameter "e" H / Hmin = 1.43
e= a * v /(2 *g * H) Vmin = Vo * ( H / Hmin)
a= 1040 m/s Vo = 1.23 m³
v= 1.0 m/s H / Hmin = 1.43
H= 85.9 m Vmin = 1.76 m³
e= 0.62
2e = 1.23 The tank inlet pipe diameter is limited
by the tank-maker as
Determination of the "T" value for: din = 75 mm
Maximum pressure rise Area of pipe section
Ho* = 15% Ain = (pi()/4) * din²
Parmakian parameter din = 0.075 m
2e = 1.23 Ain = 0.004 m²
From "Gráphic 1"
T= 15 On other hand, the tank inlet velocity
is limited (also by the tank-maker) as
Determination of volume Vo vin = 8 m/s
The definition of the Parmakian param. is
T= 2 * Vo* a /(Q * L) thus Thus, the tank flow is limited to
Vo = T * Q * L / (2 * a) Qest = Ain * vin
T= 15 Ain = 0.004 m²
Q= 0.1964 m³/s vin = 8 m/s
L= 868 m Qest = 0.035 m³/s
a= 1040 m/s
Vo = 1.23 m³

Sheet 1 de 3

Selecting the next superior standard Note 1

volume, the selected size is Limit of the pressure rise
produced by water hammer
Vselecc = 310 L at a fraction "Ho *" of TDH
Note 2
Limit of the pressure drop
produced by water hammer
at a fraction "drop" of TDH
Note 3
The diameter of the entrance to the tank is
limited by manufacturer designn.
Note 4
At sea level Sheet 2 de 3

Determination of "T" value for a

Maximum over pressure
Ho* = 0.15
and for
2e = 1.24
One obtains
T= 15

Sheet 3 de 3
has been used)

Kinematic pressure
hv = v^2 / (2 * g)
v= #VALUE! m/s
hv = #VALUE! m

Unit pressure los

J= f * (1/d) * hv
f= #VALUE! -
d= #VALUE! m
hv = #VALUE!
J= #VALUE! m/ m

The value of the example will be used.

J= 0.0015 m/ m

Using values of example instead of

those of CS pipe.
di = 500 mm
s= 8.18 mm

Thus the minimum height is

Hmin = H * (1 - drop.)
H / Hmin = 1 / (1 - drop)
drop = 30%
H / Hmin = 1.43
The minimum volume is
Vmin = Vo * ( H / Hmin)
Vo = 1.23 m³
H / Hmin = 1.43
Vmin = 1.76 m³
g= 9.80665 m/s²
En el gráfico Nº28 se muestra larelación entre
los parámetros señalados y la sobre presión.

El volumne mínimo del estanque es

V= Vo * H / Hmin

V: volumne minimo del estanque

Hmin: mínima presión adyacente a la bomba

Q: caudal
h: altura de elevación

Q= 196.4 l/s
h= 74.3 m Para Rocalit T-20 de
d= 500 mm d= 500 mm
J= 0.0015 m/m la celeridad es
L= 868 m a= 1040 m/s

Q= 0.1964 m³/s Prámetros de Panmakian

d= 0.5 m
e= a * v /(2 *g * H)
A= (pi()/4) * T² a= 1040 m/s
A= 0.19635 m² v= 1.0 m/s
H= 85.9 m
v= Q/A e= 0.62
Q= 0.1964 m³/s 2e = 1.23
A= 0.19635 m²
v= 1.0 m/s

DP = J*L
J= 0.0015 m/m
L= 868 m
DP = 1.302 m

TDH = Hest + DP
Hest = 74.3 m
DP = 1.302 m
TDH = 75.6 m

H= TDH + 10.33
H= 85.93 m

Determinación del valor de "T" par

El número de estanque está limitado Máxima sobre presión
por una limitación de fabricación, que Ho* = 0.15
implica que le diámetro de entrada al y valor
estanque no debe ser mayor que 2e = 1.24
din = 75 mm Se obtiene
El área de la cañería sera T= 15
Ain = (pi()/4) * din²
din = 0.075 m Determinación de Vo
Ain = 0.004 m² T= 2 * Vo* a /(Q * L)
Vo = T * Q * L / (2 * a)
Por otro lado, la velocidad a la entrada T= 15
del estanque debe estar a limitada a Q= 0.1964
vin = 8 m/s L= 868
a= 1040
Por lo tanto, el flujo por estanque estará Vo = 1.23
limitado a
Qest = Ain * vin Determinación de Hmin
Ain = 0.004 m² Se requiere que el el descenso sea
vin = 8 m/s menor que
Qest = 0.035 m³/s desc. = 0.3
Luego, la altura mínima es
El número de estanques queda entonces Hmin = H * (1 - desc.)
definido por el flujo total requerido y el Hmin/H = (1 - desc.)
flujo permitido por estanque. Hmin/H = 0.7
N= Q / Qest
Q= 0.1964 m³/s El volumne mínimo del estanque e
Qest = 0.035 m³/s V= Vo * H / Hmin
N= 5.6 V= Vo * (H/H) / (Hmin/H)
Vo = 1.23
Se define entonces un número de H/H = 1
estanques Hmin/H = 0.7
N= 6 V= 1.76

El volumen de los estanques queda

definido por:
El volumen total requerido
V= 1.76 m³
y el número de estanque requeridos.
N= 6
Vest = V/N
V= 1.76 m³
N= 6 -
Vest = 0.293 m³
Vest = 293 l

Eligiendo el modelo estándar

inmediatemente superior, se selecciona:
Vselecc = 310 l

Hmax = Hest - J*L + a* v /g

Hmax = Hest + J*L + a* v /g

Si la presión mínima llega a ser negativa,

puede producir que se corte la columna de agua.
Esto último puede producir serias consecuncias
en la tubería por las presiones excesivas que se
producen al ajustarse nuevamwente en forma
violenta a la columna de agua.

Dimensionamiento de acuerdo a
"Waterhammer Analysis", Dover publications Onc.,
Nueva York, 1963.
John Panmakian. [4]

El fenómeno de compresión y expansión es

considerado como un término medio entre un
proceso adiabático (k = 1.4) y un proceso
isitérmico ( k = 1)
Es decir, en cualquier instante se cumple
p * v^1.2 = constante
Hi * Vi^1.2 = Constante
Hi: Presión absoluta en el instante "i"
Vi: Volumen de aore en la cámara en el instante "i"

Panmakian dedtermina queel golpe de ariete en

una impulsión con cámara de aire depende de dos

2*e = a * V / (2 * g * H)

T= 2 * V * a / ( Q * L)
a: celeridad
v: velocidad de escurrimiento
g: aceleración de gravedad
H: presión absoluta de bombeo
V: volumen de aire en la cámara
Q: caudal
L: longitud de la impulsión

ción del valor de "T" para:

obre presión

2 * Vo* a /(Q * L)
T * Q * L / (2 * a)


ción de Hmin
e que el el descenso sea

ltura mínima es
H * (1 - desc.)

e mínimo del estanque es

Vo * H / Hmin
Vo * (H/H) / (Hmin/H)


En el gráfico Nº28 se muestra larelación entre
los parámetros señalados y la sobre presión.

El volumne mínimo del estanque es

V= Vo * H / Hmin

V: volumne minimo del estanque

Hmin: mínima presión adyacente a la bomba
16 2.2 1
20 1.9 2.8 2
25 2.3 3.5 3
32 1.8 2.9 4.4 4
40 1.8 2.3 3.7 5.5 5
50 1.8 2.0 2.9 4.6 6.9 6
63 1.8 2.0 2.5 3.6 5.8 8.6 7
75 1.9 2.3 2.9 4.3 6.8 10.3 8
90 2.2 2.8 3.5 5.1 8.2 12.3 9
110 2.7 3.4 4.2 6.3 10.0 15.1 10
125 3.1 3.9 4.8 7.1 11.4 17.1 11
140 3.5 4.3 5.4 8.0 12.7 19.2 12
160 4.0 4.9 6.2 9.1 14.6 21.9 13
180 4.4 5.5 6.9 10.2 16.4 24.6 14
200 4.9 6.2 7.7 11.4 18.2 27.4 15
225 5.5 6.9 8.6 12.8 20.5 30.8 16
250 6.2 7.7 9.6 14.2 22.7 34.2 17
280 6.9 8.6 10.7 15.9 25.4 38.3 18
315 7.7 9.7 12.1 17.9 28.6 43.1 19
355 8.7 10.9 13.6 20.1 32.2 48.5 20
400 9.8 12.3 15.3 22.7 36.3 54.7 21
450 11.0 13.8 17.2 25.5 40.9 61.5 22
500 12.3 15.3 19.1 28.4 45.4 68.3 23
560 13.7 17.2 21.4 31.7 50.8 24
630 15.4 19.3 24.1 35.7 57.2 25
710 17.4 21.8 27.2 40.2 64.5 26
800 19.6 24.5 30.6 45.3 27
900 22.0 27.6 34.4 51.0 28
1000 24.5 30.6 38.2 56.7 29
1100 26.9 33.7 42.0 62.4 30
1200 29.4 36.7 45.9 68.0 31
1400 34.4 42.9 53.5 32
1600 39.2 49.0 61.2 33
Dn [mm] 2 1/2 3.2 4 6 10 16
Presiones nominales PN [bar]
HDPE PE80 DIN 8074 / ISO 4427
Espesor [mm]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

3 Pipe Thickness [mm], according ASME B36.10M

6 Size dext 5 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 STD XS XXS

7 1/2 21.3 1.65 2.11 - 2.41 2.77 - 3.73 - 0 - 4.78 2.77 3.73 7.47
8 3/4 26.7 1.65 2.11 - 2.41 2.87 - 3.91 - 0 - 5.56 2.87 3.91 7.82
9 1 33.4 1.65 2.77 - 2.9 3.38 - 4.55 - 0 - 6.35 3.38 4.55 9.09
10 1 1/4 42.2 1.65 2.77 2.97 3.56 4.85 6.35 3.56 4.85 9.7
11 1 1/2 48.3 1.65 2.77 - 3.18 3.68 - 5.08 - 0 - 7.14 3.68 5.08 10.15
12 2 60.3 1.65 2.77 - 3.18 3.91 - 5.54 - 0 - 8.74 3.91 5.54 11.07
13 2 1/2 73 2.11 3.05 4.78 5.16 7.01 9.53 5.16 7.01 14.02
14 3 88.9 2.11 3.05 - 4.78 5.49 - 7.62 - 0 - 11.13 5.49 7.62 15.24
15 3 1/2 101.6 2.11 3.05 4.78 5.74 8.08 5.74 8.08
16 4 114.3 2.11 3.05 - 4.78 6.02 - 8.56 - 11.13 - 13.49 6.02 8.56 17.12
17 5 141.3 2.77 3.4 - - 6.55 - 9.53 - 12.7 - 15.88 6.55 9.53 19.05
18 6 168.3 2.77 3.4 - - 7.11 - 10.97 - 14.27 - 18.26 7.11 10.97 21.95
19 8 219.1 2.77 3.76 6.35 7.04 8.18 10.31 12.7 15.09 18.26 20.62 23.01 8.18 12.7 22.23
20 10 273 3.4 4.19 6.35 7.8 9.27 12.7 15.09 18.26 21.44 25.4 28.58 9.27 12.7 25.4
21 12 323.8 3.96 4.57 6.35 8.38 10.31 14.27 17.48 21.44 25.4 28.58 33.32 9.53 12.7 25.4
22 14 355.6 3.96 6.35 7.92 9.53 11.13 15.09 19.05 23.83 27.79 31.75 35.71 9.53 12.7 -
23 16 406.4 4.19 6.35 7.92 9.53 12.7 16.66 21.44 26.19 30.96 36.53 40.49 9.53 12.7 -
24 18 457 4.19 6.35 7.92 11.13 14.27 19.05 23.83 29.36 34.93 39.67 45.24 9.53 12.7 -
25 20 508 4.78 6.35 9.53 12.7 15.09 20.62 26.19 32.54 38.1 44.45 50.01 9.53 12.7 -
26 22 559 4.78 6.35 9.53 12.7 - 22.23 28.58 34.93 41.28 47.63 53.98 9.53 12.7 -
27 24 610 5.54 6.35 9.53 14.27 17.48 24.61 30.96 38.89 46.02 52.37 59.54 9.53 12.7 -
28 26 660 - 7.92 12.7 15.88 - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
29 28 711 - 7.92 12.7 - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
30 30 762 6.35 7.92 12.7 15.88 - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
31 32 813 - 7.92 12.7 15.88 17.48 - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
32 34 864 - 7.92 12.7 15.88 17.48 - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
33 36 914 - 7.92 12.7 15.88 19.05 - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
34 38 965 - - - - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
35 40 1016 - - - - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
36 42 1067 - - - - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
44 1118 - - - - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
46 1168 - - - - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
39 48 1219 - - - - - - - - - - - 9.53 12.7 -
[1] Hidropack como amortiguador de Golpe de Ariete

[2] Dispositivos para el control de transitorios hidráulicos Ingeniería Fluidomecánica
2do Curso de Ingeniería industrial (Mecánica) Código 910, Curso 2005/06


[4] Water Hammer Analysis

John Parmakian
Dover publications Inc. NY

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