The Promise of Tomorrow

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the promise of life

The general consensus is Tomorrow is not promised. I have gotten in trouble with people because of my thoughts
concerning this subject but hey, que sera sera. I know this may rub some people the wrong way primarily a lot of
religious folks including pastors no disrespect meant please. But for 23 years I was under the teaching of a great man of
God who taught me to understand life and death is in the power of the tongue. Life and death is not determined by fate
and circumstance chance and luck of the whatsoevers. Proverbs 18: 21 says "The tongue has the power of life and
death and those who love it will eat its fruit." or another version says "Death and life are in the POWER (Hebrew
translation: custody, dominion, ministry) of the tongue"

In one conversation I mentioned the scripture Deuteronomy 18:19-20 and I quote

19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you
life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and
thy seed may live:

20 That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice,
and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, and the length of thy
days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the LORD sware unto thy
fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them

I specifically highlighted some words so that you could recognize my focus. Life and death is according to your
confession. I told a well meaning Christian young lady about this scripture and she all but impaled me on the modern-
day cross for my blasphemic mentality. She came at me with what I expected to hear "God means spiritual life...choose
Christianity to walk with God" hogwash! the word of God says choose life that both you and your seed may live. My God
so do you mean Lord if I choose life my seed shall also live?

Wow. Breaking this down in my mind reasoning it out I see this to mean that when we take on a philosophy of truth, or
false as the case may be, our children and their children take on the same. I know this because the same beliefs I have, I
have spoken and lived before my children. And today they carry the same beliefs. For example. Just three days ago we
had a snow storm. The following morning before going out to shovel, we had a family bible study. I always declared that
my desire is to personally baptize my sons. I kept thinking that I should do this at some river, lake, church pool,
wherever but the thought never occurred to me my bath tub. As we were praying over the boys the Holy Spirit spoke to
me and showed me them being baptized in the bath tub kneeling and then dipped in the full tub. I kept quite about it
because I thought it a bit silly, that it was my own imagination; Moreover, these boys would think I am crazy and my
wife would probably agree. This thing took on a nagging life of its own and wouldn't release me until I spoke it. My
words were, "I have always wanted to be the one to baptize you boys. When would you like to be baptized?" Peter said
today (What faith) David said As soon as possible. David is more practical Peter just says it as it comes. I then explained

my vision and the word of the Lord to them. After uttering the words my sons eyes sparkled. When I thought they
would be chuckling, they couldn't be more enthused to get it done however it comes. When they testified pre-baptism
they both confessed that it was my testimonies of the miracles after my baptism that they covet. They wanted what I
had and believed it would come to pass after the baptism and so it shall.

Back to my text Life and death death and life God gives us a choice. One more story and I am done. A man who today
still lives long and strong over 100 years young gave a testimony of a meeting he was in as a young child. An evangelist
was in the church and he was a mature man. He declared that people can live to be 100 and over if they choose, believe
and confess it. In fact he told them "Anyone who wants to live to be 100 or more jump up and shout thank you Jesus
right now." This little boy with his foolish faith jumped up with a few other people. The other children laughed at him
and chuckled to say how silly these people are. Nobody lives to be a hundred. Laughingly the man continuing his
testimony said, "all those kids are dead now and none of them lived to be close to 100." but this man was now passed
100 and still going strong doing the work of God. Hallelujah. This, some die-hards may contest, is only coincidental. For
those guys there is not much more I can say.

Why have I chosen to speak on this now? I know it seems out of place but the contrary is the case. I have chosen to
speak this to you now because some of you may even be sick and some even dying. Some of you may not be sick at all
but the common thing among you may be that you don't know that you have a choice and you have signed your death
sentence or even said well the words "God willing I will make it to 2011 but tomorrow is not promised." let it be
recorded as of this day that Osmond Collins spoke these truths to you. You can live if you choose to. God would not
leave you out there like that. It is the one thing that God has not taken away from us CHOICE! In fact the choices we
make either give God power or take it away from him and that is another message all together.

Forgive me, I have one more story. I wrote a song for a young lady. The song is called "Just To Know You" I sung it for
her funeral. This girl was young and full of life. A mother a wife a budding Opthomologist in her late 20's early 30s'. I
recall hearing her declare countless times, "If it's the last thing I do I will become an Opthomologist!" I used to admire
her for that statement because she meant it. Sandra was pregnant with her third child and combing the hair of her little
niece when she fell backward off the stool and bumped her head. They rushed her to the hospital for observation and
they kept her overnight to be safe. When everyone left her she was fine up and talking laughing no problem only to get
an emergency call that she could not be awakened and had passed during the night. Sandra's death came on the eve of
her receiving her Degree after passing all her exams and officially earning her status as an Opthomologist. She did it. It
was in fact the last thing she did. Her mother and father attended her graduation, but sadly, Sandra, the valedictorian,
didn't. But her last act was to become an opthomologist. Life and death is where? I was for years angry with God for
that death asking him why why why? Finally one day I was on 40 days of fasting when God brought me back to Sandra's
words. The Lord said to me...I was powerless to help because of her words.

Bless you

With all my love and prayers

Osmond Collins

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