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The University wishes me to emphasize the following.

Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in

academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures
applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations.  Details may be
found at . 
With each assignment, students will be required to submit a signed
declaration that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines
and procedures.  For group projects, all students of the same group
should be asked to sign on the declaration.
For assignments in the form of a computer-generated document that is
principally text-based and submitted via the plagiarism detection engine
VeriGuide, the statement, in the form of a receipt, will be issued by the
system upon students’ uploading of the soft copy of the assignment. 
Assignments without the receipt will not be graded by teachers.  Only the
final version of the assignment should be submitted via VeriGuide.
Page 2

Academic honesty

Every assignment handed in should be accompanied by a signed declaration as below.

Use either Chinese OR English version.

I declare that the assignment here submitted is original except for source material
explicitly acknowledged, and that the same or related material has not been
previously submitted for another course. I also acknowledge that I am aware of
University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and of the
disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and
regulations, as contained in the website.
htt p: //www.cuhk.e michonesty/

____________________________ ________________________
Signature Date

____________________________ ________________________
Name Student ID

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Course code Course title

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科目 編號 科目名 稱
Page 3

ARCH 3424 a 2019-20, 2nd Term BUILDING TECHNOLOGY III (Environmental Technology)
Professor Edward Ng Thurs 9:00-12:00 AIT G01


Class Quizzes (short answer tests) 25%

Assignment 1 (basic principles and climatic analysis) (essays) * 15%

Assignment 2 (case study) (essays) * 20%

Assignment 3 (design and application) (essays) * 40%

* to be externally assessed.

All submission: A3 horizontal format. Soft copy in high resolution .pdf files.

For Assignment 1, write your names proudly and clearly on the front page of your submission (in
alphabetical order). One .pdf submission per group. Name your .pdf file <name of group – hot/cold>-
assignment-x (for example, Macau-Tropical-assignment-1; group leader to submit to year
representative; year representative to submit to me on a USB BEFORE the CLASS starts.

For Assignment 2, the frontispiece should contain names of all team members of the group. Also
write your names proudly and clearly on ALL pages of your own submission <no name, no grade>.
Group leader is to arrange your submissions in alphabetical order of your surnames, and submit 1 .pdf
per group, name it, for example, Macau-Tropical-assignment-2; group leader to submit to year
representative; year representative to submit to me on a USB BEFORE the CLASS starts.

For Assignment 3, the frontispiece should contain names of all team members of the group. Also
write your names proudly and clearly on ALL pages of your own submission <no name, no grade>.
Group leader is to arrange your submissions in alphabetical order of your surnames, and submit 1 .pdf
per group, name it, for example, Macau-Tropical-assignment-3; group leader to submit to year
representative; year representative to submit to me on a USB BEFORE the CLASS starts.
Page 4

Assignment 1 – A design guide of designing in the designated climate

Read: Kenneth Frampton, Modern architecture – a critical history. Pay particular attention to his last
chapter on Regionalism. What is he trying to say? Do you agree with Kenneth?

You are required to work in groups to put together an easy to use design manual / guidelines / code of
practice for architects. The submission should allow architects and designers a quick reference for
them to design their buildings in a certain climatic zone.

Divide yourself into 8 groups. When in class, seat together.

Find out a lot about the climate. What is “climate for design”?

Find out a bit about other things like landscape, resources, custom and habitat of the locality. Focus
your discussion on climate related issues.

Assemble good design strategies that an architect must pay attention when designing in the locality.

Compose all your findings and studies into say 6-8 A3 sheets. Remember to cite all references used.

Write your names proudly and clearly on the frontispiece of your assignment 1 submission.

Assignment 2 – Case studies

Based on the design manual of assignment 1, the group is required to append to the booklet case
studies with examples that demonstrate how design works.

Members of the group should individually select, investigate and present a case each. Coordinate
with the other group working on the same climate zone. Do not duplicate. Discuss the cases in your
group but work on them individually.

The case you select must come from places of similar climatic zone. For example, if your climate
zone is COLD and DRY, then anywhere in B of Koppen Climate Map is OK. If your climate zone is
HOT and HUMID, then anywhere in A of Koppen Climate Map is OK.

The case you select must be a good piece of architecture (you shall exercise your own aesthetic
judgment here). Ideally it must be a good example climatically. But no design is perfect, so in your
study, you should highlight its merits and discuss improvements needed for its deficiencies. The case
must not be too large or too complicated. Don't do hospital, large hotel or big shopping mall. Most of
them are quite bad environmentally anyway. Small community centre, schools, neighbourhood
cluster, hostel are normally better. DO NOT choose a family residential home.

Before you do your case study, sit down and strategically layout how you may analyse it. Think
carefully what information you need, what experiment you need to do, and so on.

Compose all your findings and studies into say 3 A3 sheets / student. Remember to cite all
references used.

Write your names proudly and clearly on every sheet of your own assignment 2.
Page 5

Assignment 3 – Design

Based on the design manual and the case example above, you are required to design individually: a
simple village community library with 1 reading room with book shelves (150m2), 2 small quiet reading
rooms (25m2 each), toilets and facilities, and an administration office (40m2) on an open site. The
library should also have a small open courtyard and external siting areas for outdoor activities.

The following programme gives a guide: no. of user = 30; no. of staff = 4; time of use: 8am to 8pm;
use happens throughout the year including the summer months. Make assumptions of other
programmatic requirements.

Watch out for the appropriate design features you should use; consider the orientation; building
disposition; micro-climate and landscaping; building mass, walls and roof; openings and windows, and
so on. If you wish, you may suggest and incorporate some special features like cool pipe, Trombe
wall and so on, but they should not replace your generic passive design. Consider chiefly thermal,
ventilation, sun and daylighting.

At the end I am looking for good architecture. Yes, your design may be good “environmentally”, but is
it good “architecturally”. I wish to see buildings that behave well in the climatic zone, good to use, and
nice to look at. If you can do this, then you have understood everything I am trying to teach you.
Remember, making a building works environmentally is quite easy. Making it poetic and architectural
requires additional design input.

Compose your design into 3 to 4 A3 sheets / student.

Write your names proudly and clearly every sheet of your own assignment 3.
Page 6

Assignments – FINAL (to include all assignments)

All submission: A3 horizontal format. Soft copy in high resolution .pdf files.

Write your names proudly and clearly on the front page of your assignment 1. And your individual
name on every sheet of your own assignment 2 and 3.

Group leader please name your .pdf file <name of tutor group-hot/cold>- all (for example, Macau-

One group, 1 .pdf

Order of the .pdf:

Front page with the name of the climate zone, and student names in alphabetical order

Assignment 1 submission

Assignment 2 and 3 submissions, and honesty declaration of student 1

(order by surname in alphabetical order)
Students must put their name on every sheets of their own submission.

Assignment 2 and 3 submissions, and honesty declaration of student 2

(order by surname in alphabetical order)
Students must put their name on every sheets of their own submission.

Assignment 2 and 3 submissions, and honesty declaration of student 3

(order by surname in alphabetical order)
Students must put their name on every sheets of their own submission.

And so on …

Year representative collects all .pdf and submit to me on an USB, ON TIME.

In addition, group leaders should let year representative know of any late / no submission(s). Year
representative is to collate their names, and give the names list to me.

[note: Late submission [up to 4 days late] directly to my office will carry a 1 grade
(e.g. B to C) penalty. Submission after that will be deemed no submission.]

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